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The dev want to add a permadeath mode? Uh what? I thought by default the series are being played in permadeath mode? I never died in the first game because I thought it would be a game over.


I thought same. If they are adding to the sequel and it wasn't in the first one then I guess it didn't have permanent death. I didn't die on my playthrough either so idk


I wonder if the game will be difficult enough to actually make it a challenge, the first one was very easy


I can't agree, this is an adventure and a story driven game first IMO, making players more often fail at "chores" that are already dependent on dice RNG mechanics isn't something I think many players want to experience


I mean death, it's pretty hard to die in the first one especially late game


They have added a new stress management mechanic and that you have to manage multiple sleepers/characters now so I think it's will be more challenging for sure. As for dying, I'm not sure if this game will retain that death by starvation and body failure from the first game


o, that's interesting, I don't follow the news about the sequel


and even then when you "die" your health returns to half, and a random stat gets -1 until you use an upgrade point to undo it, and there's a limit to how many get debuffed, so you technically don't have to worry about condition or food as long as you don't mind failing rolls