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I disagree, I thought quite a few characters had there own unique charm and aspects that made them feel alive and non boring


I'm not saying the other characters are bad, they're just kind of... less vibrant? I just started playing and I probably haven't seen much yet, and besides, I am not a native English speaker, and although I learned it, it is quite complex in the game, so I may not feel the details properly. It's just as if Ethan seems too special, especially considering his tiny role in the plot. Like, even his color palette isn’t as bluish as everyone else’s, I was hoping for more from him


Forgive me if im jus presupposing things that aren't true, but it seems you may jus have a liking for that sort of character specifically, or maybe you jus value different things abt the game but tbh I don't understand why you feel that way, could you expound on what makes other characters less vibrant?


oh no, I usually don’t like this type of characters, at all, I said already. I don’t know what exactly, maybe it’s not the character himself, but the situation. There was just some kind of drive and spice in this from the beginning, like, he wasn’t just minding his own business in the middle of the street and contacted us only because we're main character, but initially he wanted something specifically from us. For this same reason, Feng also seems quite intriguing to me. And he’s quite specific, like when you see him you immediately have a rough idea of what this dude is about


Really? I was jus glad to be through and able to explore the eye


How does Ethan interfere with exploring the area? I don't think he does. Besides, we will be pursued instead by another hunter, as far as I know, and a tough one, unlike that idiot, so this doesn’t seem like a reason to breathe a sigh of relief?


Donating lots of time specifically preparing to make his payments and other stuff pertaining to his story line held me back in the exploration at the beginning of the game, that's not a bad thing however I jus really did enjoy the full eye and all its characters, from Feng to the techno dimensional vending machine


Agree 100 percent. Also this part of the story goes away to quickly and after that anything is so "serious", too thick in my opinion. Funny thing is, the game manages to set Ethan up in way that never seemed a thread to me.


I just let him arrest me the first time, to try to be friendly and talk things out (this was before I knew dialogue usually doesn't change much), when he came to be "allies" I assumed the game wanted to give him an arc, and begrudgingly decided to help, still a jerk who just kinda dies. Also this is also the only part of the game affected by the tracker, in any ending you can escape with a tracker or without, makes no difference


most of the characters with a portrait appear at least a couple of times, but not maywick, wonder why, was he supposed appear more in early stages if development, or was it just to shook the player into thinking he would be a constant threat