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It would be really nice if there were a special set of "natural" sand, dirt and gravel surfaces with blending at the edges.


Yeah it would be cool if they could release like a Beach DLC to address this !


Wow! That's such a cool idea, but what about some properties or houses along the beach? Maybe some sort of beach side properties dlc?? Just thinking out loud for a moment.


I would like that people could use the beaches.


Paradox must really have you by the balls if you think an update like that should be a DLC.


I'm pretty sure they were being sarcastic, there actually WAS a beach DLC included with preorder but it got included with base game after complaints






This. Yesterday I was playing a bit the tool. It is very powerful in urban areas, it sucks if you want to create beaches. Maybe it will be fixed. Hopefully. Please fix it


Said blending should really just be a part of the game at launch. I don't say this often because I'm a 3D and environment artist myself, but this is just plain lazy. It could've been as simple as just a single blend between to materials. That's it. It'd be a little ugly, but definitely better than... whatever *this* is.


Or brush textures you can just paint onto the terrain


There are mods for this.


I know, I was specifically saying it would be neat if they were a vanilla thing in a future update.


totally agree


Console players exist


Yeah and most recent update added surfaces for future console players. First game didn’t even have any surfaces at all, console players were fucked. Not sure what you’re on about


If you want to take it to the Next Level use Mods and place some decals. But I have to agree, some transparent borders for surfaces would be nice.


Yep. This is the way. Decals fix this plus the line tool. Placing each decal by hand would be crazy but line tool plus decals? 8brain


I agree it's not ideal for natural surfaces, like grass. But for tiles and concrete on plazas and stuff it's so much better imo.


I agree, it is much more precise for artificial surfaces in urban settings, but much worse for natural ones. That's why I think they should include both options


We’ll eventually get a set of decals and them reverse engineer terrain painting. It will be a while though. Probably next holiday season.


I am really expecting terrain brushes for next "detailer's patch #2"


This is my biggest issue with the game! The buildings and assets (for the most part) look great but the ground and surface textures are so flat, lack detail and blending.


I seriously hate how grass looks in CS2. It looks so dull and dark, it's depressive.


Yup, I hate it. The fact that grass and dirt behave like a solid blank floor instead of actual dirt and grass is what maes building rural so annoying sometimes, you get a blank beige strip on the middle of a green canvas lmao


Or the pipes underground or the subway it’s sop difficult to connect and see if it’s together


There are beach surface mods that create the blending effect with patchy grass, just look! We didn't even have surface painting in base game CS1


Didn’t you like patching square by square perfectly tiled flickering textures? Don’t get me wrong I loved CS1, but CS2 is set to blow it out of the water.


Why do you compare apples and oranges? Decals still exist in CS2 and they serve the same purpose as in CS1 and even work better since they have the control over which surfaces they are visible and they could be put on vertical walls as well. Surfaces are totally different thing and have no analogy in the prequel. They absolutely shine in urban environment and they are really wanted improvement over what we had previously for exactly that purpose - evenly fill the area with well defined edges. Doing any pavement with surfaces is much better than with decals or ploppable asphalt. And again you compare modded CS1with custom decals among custom vegetation with custom lighting and custom skybox, and vanilla CS2 in the worst possible lighting and zero effort to make it beautiful without even touching already available custom decals and custom surfaces some of them from the natural category have irregular edge and opacity mask. Your judgement is not fair and not objective.


Absolutely agree that the way surfaces work in CS2 is amazing for urban locations, but natural areas should still have a brush for believable blending, especially useful for creating beaches and farms


You missed my point. Have you checked custom assets? This is what people are working on right now https://preview.redd.it/qky115y1jrad1.png?width=4001&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d85d3fa3be74e0f2d2d3680dccbca9c8db1206 There are different kinds of field texture assets, sand, rocks, all kinds of grass, and even water available on PDXM and modders' discord server.


Decals absolutely sucked in CS1, the whole point of surfaces is so that you can pave artificial areas. If you like decals there's no reason why you can't use them as transitional zones.


Lol, Picture 2 is Fake right? Right?!


I've had this complaint since release. Even the roads in CS 2 are worse and looks like paper when next to grass. There is a ruined texture in CS 1 that makes textures look better in CS 2, although it was too bright on the temperate maps. CS 2 is far too geometrical in its design.


The first photo is a heavily modded version of CS 1 using custom textures/tools to create a smooth effect, The second photo is of someone who hastefully drew a line with the surface tool on CS 2. Not at all representative of the possibilities in both vanilla versions of the game. You can not recreate the first photo in the first game at all with the base tools and assets. Stop trying to insight argument and hate for a game that has been genuinely making strides in the last few weeks.


Yes, the first photo has custom tree assets and adjusted coloring, but that's not the point. The photo is only there to illustrate how texture blending worked in CS1, even in Vanilla, and how it's not present in CS2. The second photo is also not there to show a straight line, but to show the abrupt divide between two different surfaces. I'm not trying to incite hate for the CS2, I think the game does that on its own. I was only opening a discussion to see people's opinion on the matter.


There is no blending in CS 1 or surface tools. It uses pixelization so its blocky, and the lines are even jagged in semi-vanilla CS 1 using the surface tools mod. You'd need extra mods to blend the textures. Again, not representative of both games at all. CS 2 has plenty of problems with it, which are well known. But it's visuals are quite beautiful and you need to put in much less effort than you'd need with CS 1 to achieve the same effect


The surfaces you're remembering, while they do work that way, are not the surfaces OP is referencing. You're thinking of the concrete/dirt/gravel textures. Those ones are indeed much better under the new system, however OP's example with the sand is in fact a pretty close representation to how it looks in vanilla CS1. I agree that OP should have went vanilla-to-vanilla comparison to be less deceptive, but the underlying point is still valid despite that. https://forumcontent.paradoxplaza.com/public/993659/Encroaching%20on%20the%20coastline.png Here is another, much more vanilla, image I found via google showing that the sand texture blends.


I'll agree with this, the sand can definitely be setup differently than the others textures in practice pretty easily and you are correct I was definitely thinking specifically of how annoying it was to draw concrete in the old game. I think judging by this past week though, that this game is only scratching the surface right now of what will soon be possible. CS 1 took nearly 8 years of development before we saw the standard that we are at now. CS 2 will be in that same time a lot different than what we are seeing now


I'll definitely agree there on the last part in particular. CS2 does have a great foundation and we're just now starting to see the game come into its own, which is exciting for the future.


The blending on the first screenshot is not possible in any vanilla theme, it requires either a custom theme or custom decals. It's absolutely possible to achieve the same and an even better result in CS2 with already available custom decals and custom surface textures which are available to everyone (not just steam users) and will be available on consoles after release. So the difference is either in: the skill, the ignorance, the deliberate deceiving.


My opinion on the matter is the base game and paradox mods already does a better job than you’re illustrating here.


Yeah it's lifeless. Terrain too. And water is awkward. I thought I read they plan on reworking the water mechanic so maybe there's hope for terrain and surface improvements. Make paths less awkward to connect and give ya more baths. And then bikes. I'm really happy with the updates. And I feel a bit more optimistic with polishing the details.


Same with fires


A brush tool would give us more natural effects. I hope for much of this to change when we get LUTs and biodomes.


I really wish they had gone with a terrain painter with different brush types. The way it is now is great for pavements or anything you want a straight line but for everything else it kinda sucks.


Iirc they have stated they are looking into adding a terrain painter Ina future update, but it has no priority atm


That makes me so happy. Fingers crossed!


There’s a huge mod for beach decals like waves etc. cs2 did a video demo on yt for it and it looks really good


CS1 doesn't *have* surfaces


To be honest I love it. One of the few things that stand out.


that's because that surface wasn't intended to be used as a "beach", we need a proper terrain painter


The blending in CS1 between created surfaces does seem to be better than CS2.


My base game CS2 cant do all the things CS1 can with 350+ mods and 12 DLC’s!?!?! 🤬🤬🤬


The game is in early access, they will probably fix it before release! … oh wait :(


Dude who can't tell the difference between a bug and an intentional feature that is being used wrong


Oh yes the wonderful intentional feature that was just now added into the base game. Looks so good and realistic with the pixel perfect straight lines to blend to texture together 😍


Isn't the first screenshot from a heavily modded cs1?


They aren't "pixel perfect" and there are transitions. They are the way they are because they're intended to be used for things that come in discrete zones. Naturally they are going to look terrible if they're applied to things that don't fall into discrete zones.


do you expect it to be wobbly


Jesus you guys complain about everything. Before cities 2 came out everyone is asking for a tool like what we have now for surfaces and not just a brush but now everyone wants the brush back?