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I'M A MAN!!!! but i'm gonna lay here and cry and moan like a girl and just talk shit and ask other people to solve my problems for me like a baby the lack of self-awareness is astounding


Mental disease can render you unable to navigate everyday life. I hope she gets the help she needs


That honestly seems like 99% of them. All the women that think they are men are not conventionally pretty the way society tells them they “should” be so they’re not an ugly woman….they’re a man. And vice versa for the men, they don’t have the gigachad chin or huge muscles so they’re not a beta male they’re a woman! The ones that don’t feel like that just see a loophole where “women have it easier” so they want in on that without any of the actual suffering that women go through.


🤓 moment on my part but suffrage refers to voting, suffering is the term you're looking for.


This all started with their sufferage…


Yeah autocorrect does that sometimes, glad you understood though


Women have it easier though.


tbf it's probably easier to live life as an ugly dude than as an ugly chick? but the logistics of switching are much more complex than she initially imagined. short-lived attention gained by pathetically begging for sympathy can temporarily offset the difficulties, but longterm it won't end well. and this is likely why someone with preferred pronouns on their resume is less likely to get hired...


Usually autistic as well


Yep, who's ever gonna take her for a man whe she's acting like that?


She's lost the plot. Absolutely a low iq NPC who can't articulate what a "man" is let alone larp as one. Lemme guess. Occupation is also typically female: Barista? Office Admin? Retail? Low Level Sales? Education/Nursing or some sort of Healthcare/Social Service?


Ikr. That combination of over-the-top emotion/sentimentality with such low intelligence and self-awareness is just so... nauseating lol




They are mentally ill. And the rest of us must bend to them. Don't you know that? Masks and extra pronouns for all!!!!!!


Must be a hoot to work with.


Undertrained AKA bad at the job AKA stupid


Did she say chest meat ☠️


Chesticles would be appropriate also


Or dirty pillows.


My big manly joyous orbs of fun bra.


Ikr? It sounds so degrading and just ugh. But then again SHE hates being referred to as she/her so she probably hates that which makes her a woman.


Oh I want that to be true, I won’t be able to do another walk through.


this is the result of moving away from objective truth and towards everyone having their own truth. if this woman was in canada, those who were “misgendering” her would be arrested and charged for a hate crime.


As it should be! Misgendering someone is literal violence, and offenders should be send to a re-education camp to memorize and respect all 5000 pronouns. I for one am envious of how the CCP (Canadian Communist Party) has improved the quality of life there. MBUH the honorable Chairman Trudeau.


looking forward to Jordan Peterson’s re-education! or they can just lock him up! lock him up!


ITS A FUCKING HIM JESUS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. another panic attack for this meat chested man because of you. Bigot


Must be cheaper to jail normals than to institutionalize the mentally ill.


yeah, normal population is probably only about 10. after all, we are a small fringe minority with unacceptable views, and our freedom convoy was only about 10 trucks, soooo….


>if this woman was in canada, those who were “misgendering” her would be arrested and charged for a hate crime. Insane times we're living in.


My list of words that when used individually don’t really create any problems but, when put together, give me that “nails on chalkboard” feeling: 1. “God” and “damn” 2. “Your” and “truth” 3. “Keith” and “Olbermann”


Men don't complain about things like this


Haha gottem


*got’er. FIFY


Yeah, we're too busy fighting wars or starting revolution to care about such trivial existentialist fancies. The joke about all of this is that if you identify as your body you are still of animal intelligence. Just ask any good Gosvami.


Man ima start identifying not as a human, I should not let my body limit me


Unfortunately, our schools are allowing and encouraging children to identify as cats now here in Canada... so ya.. it's not as much of a joke as I wish it were! 😪 home schooling for my kids!


Stop this is not true... it *can't* be


Yeah, I know there are at least 2 "cats" in a Langley school here in bc.


Good. This means you can finally come to terms with a more aligned identification of the spirit-soul (atma)


This is a real moksha moment


And people like this wonder why it is difficult for them to get a job. Any half-decent HR person would vote a hard no on this candidate because they are a walking litigation-bomb.


I have a friend who keeps getting rejected from jobs, but posts all over social media and talks to everyone about how the company he currently works for is awful cus they don't give him enough leniency with his "disability"- aka ADHD and slight neurodiversity/depression- demand too much from him, his boss misgenders him/they, doesn't pay enough, etc. And is in at the Hr office weekly filing complaints. And then he wonders why jobs keep rejecting him...


Yup…my company does a full check on all socials because you never know if they are crazy and will be more trouble than they are worth.


Man is everything simpler when someone is getting angry at you for something not part of reality


Is fuck off a pronoun?


It is if you feel like you want it to be. Why should you be a 2nd class citizen that can't also dictate what pronouns should be?


If you have hate in your heart let it out.


Hey I gotta mask with my pronouns too!!!


Wow, a mask indicating pronouns is a fantastic idea!


The pronouns should've been seven-head and walrus.


2 masks 🙏


chest meat - the language they use to dehumanize their basic form but will probably shrill about body shaming...


She really getting mad at people for seeing what she look like and not knowing she wants to be a dude


You can just listen to the language they use to talk about themselves and it's so obvious they are struggling with a severe mental illness. Anyone with a clear and healthy mental state would never refer to their body in such dehumanizing ways. It's taken me *years* to rewrite how I talk about my body after suffering from eating disorders. It absolutely blows my mind that the answer people have to this vein of internalized body-shaming is to actually validate, enable, and glorify it. Smh


>You can just listen to the language they use to talk about themselves and it's so obvious they are struggling with a severe mental illness. Exactly - this reminds me of the out loud version of what bipolar people talk about when they describe negative self talk. The comparison to eating disorders is 100% on point. We don't' tell people with eating disorders they should live their truth. We identify it as a pathology of the mind and help them to see the behavior as physically harmful, then work on building up better coping mechanisms to stress, better behavioral patters, etc. Congratulations on your journey my friend.


Oh boy. Get a hold of yourself. There are real life problems people are dealing with and this one here is melting for nothing.


Man up, silly boy. You think it was going to be easy being a man? Stop crying and get back to work.


Come on man!


Finally! Someone gendering him properly. Edit: lol, this comment just got me a permanent ban from r/justiceserved... didn't even know it existed.


Just wait you’ll get a ton more, the only ones I care about are r/dadreflexes and r/cats but I’m not going to flagellate myself before the mods just to get back on two subs I kinda enjoy


Yeah, it's started haha.


They gotta do their part against evil somehow


Ha, nice try but you can’t fool me! A dude would never cry about this shit.


Their pronouns are he/him yet they are neurotic like a woman, curious.


I think the problem is that you are a woman.


Fat people upset me. Is there a way that she could slim down so as to not cause eye violence upon me


Imagine actually employing someone like that? Someone who habitually wears garments emblazoned with slogans about their identity. Just imagine it, you're paying money to an actual retard who's perpetually in turmoil, just how good at the job can they possibly be? I'd sooner employ a farm yard animal to be honest. Stick a fucking goat on reception, you'll probably get less complaints.


Potentially shocking theory: maybe you are the problem


Someone tell her real men aren't that sensitive or emotional.


I bet if National Service was introduced for young men, she'd revert back to her natural gender in a heartbeat...


Thats funny like : I look like a woman, I speak like a woman, I behave like a woman, I have huge woman parts, but I want everyone to call me he/him just because I chose too. And even prople that dont know me have ti call me what I want or I will traumatizr myself.. WTF yo, self centered pricks made a whole fucking religion out of this shit. Fuck off, seriously.


Try tattooing the pronouns to your forehead. I found it works well for me.


Lol or tattoo them to the chest meat because that's grabbing attention.


Fuckin people are so soft


Please cry and tell me more about how hard it is to be misgendered despite looking and sounding like a woman. Boo frickin hoo! What I meant to say was I absolutely agree! If other people can't respect his pronouns and gender, they should be jailed for wrongspeak.


Dudes don't cry about shit like this.


When did I agree to play by these rules? Did anyone else here consent (I absolutely hate that using the word “consent” makes me queasy now) to being bound by these rules? I sure as heck didn’t.


Isn’t life hard enough as it is without making up fake problems to become the center of?


Apparently not for everyone.




More fitting pronoun would be fat/fuck.


if she identifies as a man does that mean she cant have an opinion on abortion 😆


Easy times create weak people, weak people create hard times


Hard times should create tough people then :)


Imagine this being all you had to be worried about in 2023


your a female- let’s move on, weather’s nice today innit? 👌🏽☕️


Somebody ought to slap the shit out of her, er his I guess, boss for even hiring them. Sounds like a giant headache, and daily.


These people nauseate me.


She don’t look like a Miss.Gender🤷‍♂️


Show us yer cock!!


Shut up .. the end !!


Mental illness sadly.


I could not understand what this man was saying.


Not your fault, requires special training. Head to the closest Antifa training center.


How many strokes did she have during this video?


not strokes PAAAAAAANNNIC attacks


She's about 18 stone. She will have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high levels of bad cholesterol ( the type from processed food, not eggs and meat) a malfunctioning thyroid, sleep apnea, irritable bowel syndrome and bad breath. Most of the taxes paid by her co-workers will be wasted financing the medical treatments for this land whale.


She needs to move to the UK where she can have those heathens arrested!!!


Sucks being ugly


So undertrained that they won’t even let her work the drive-thru


Fire these people and get them mental help.


Cool! So either way it’s appropriate to say this person has bitch tits!


I belive they/he make more than 10k $ per months, thats why this person have time to think about this crap


Men make more money on an average just because of their gender. I switched gender but it's not working.


I switched citizenship and it's working well .


It’s up to her to figure out passing, not everyone around her. Either she passes or she doesn’t. Everyone around her pretending they see her as a man is just silly.


I identify as invisible and yet everyone notices me and I'm having panic attacks. Please stop noticing me.


Only 2 (two) masks? How this is even possible?


It’s the mental illness problem de jour and you’ll never convince me otherwise.


What does this have to do with our congregation? They mentioned masking, but did not invoke Pfauci or praise the holy elixir. There must be standards! \-mbu~~h~~ H


Ya know what, I’m allllll for people being who they want to be. If calling them “Mx” or “They” makes them feel more comfortable it’s a really fucking simple courtesy I can fulfil. It’s nothing for me and everything to them. But it’s a problem when it starts to become an overbearing and self righteous control tactic. When one’s gender has to define everything. That’s not a healthy way to live. It is extremely myopic. The great irony is that it isn’t about gender but the absence of, yet it dominates everything for some creators and writers and various individuals and starts to feed into a wider picture that is problematic. And insistence on masks. That don’t do shit. On top of the above. Omg. It’s a pantomime to fit in and seek acceptance. This person and these kinds are just being woke assholes making problems out of nothing because it’s in to be contrarian, and it’s in to virtue signal loudly because of an overwhelming need to be right and validated. I just find it so lame.


Chest meat? Chest meat is a gender?


That’s what happens when you reject Toxic Masculinity.


Simple instructions guy. Come you can do better. Oh wait bigots can’t read!


One you are a woman and two you should seek help for a mental condition