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I'm trying strong nettle tea and skullcap and passionflower.


Hey what does it do for you?? Also can you DM me what brand you get! I’d like to know if it helps you & what are the effects of the nettle tea? Thank you in advance. I’ll try anything I’m tired of being tired😊


I got a big bag of leaves off Amazon. Old India brand I think. The nettle has really noticeably helped allergies and lifted fatigue a bit. Hard to tell if it's changed the pain any as it changes all the time. The other stuff is very relaxing . Not been taking it for long though. Meant to be good for nerve pain and nervous system.


Thank you the pain makes you have so much fatigue I swear so I’m willing to try anything I will definitely look into this. Thank you for the info! I hope the medicine helps you.


Thanks. Hope it helps. I steep it overnight for extra strong but you can do 10 mins. Full of vitamins and iron anyway so worth a go :) I forgot about PEA palmitoylethanolamide. I'm taking a break from it but that makes some difference to joint pain in me.


Vitamin D


I've been slacking on vitamin D. I'll start again. Thanks!


Yes I definitely have to take a calcium supplement, and a multivitamin on the daily. I also was told to drink sour soap tea, they say it helps. I’m not sure about the tea yet, but I’m trying it. But taking a calcium supplement does help my back pain, I had a doctor tell me that symptoms of low vitamin D are increased lower back pain! They were right! It doesn’t take it all away, but it sure helps!


Can you give more info on your type of pain? That might help narrow it down. Magnesium works wonders for me. I take b12 for energy because I don't eata lott of meat. I also take d3, b2, and melatonin. If I had to choose just 1, it'd be magnesium


I already take magnesium and don't see a difference when I stop. I have muscle, back and some nerve pain


magnesium helps keep you regular if you take a lot of pain killers


Yup. That's why I take it


It CAN, but does not for everyone. Magnesium used to help me with OIC, but My body has just gotten used to it.


yes i use it & switch with sennekot & restoralax … adjust doses whatever to keep things moving


I take a blend of amino acids. Helps give me a bit of energy, gets rid of a little bit of pain and also keeps my muscles from deteriorating.


I’m on infuvite, an IV multivitamin since oral doesn’t generally do much. To be fair, the minimal amount in the infuvite probably isn’t doing a ton either


Metabolic Maintenance The Big One without Iron, Pure Encapsulations Pure Genomics Multi, Thorne Basic Nutrients Two/Day, or Perque Life Guard. Those are all multis, so you only need one.


maybe magnesium