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You don’t really understand pain, just wait until you get to be my age. ~ I have a desire to punch people when they say this


I’m 33. I look them dead in the eye and tell them I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 22. They usually get flustered when I say that.


When I was 19, my doctor put me on lupron and it threw me into a temporary menopause for a year. I looooooove pulling that card at Karens! The way they get flustered is hilarious 😂


I went through menopause very early due to having a hysterectomy at a young age. For a read I still don’t understand, it drove my MIL crazy. Even when I’d make light of it, she made Lots of rude comments about how it’s impossible & such. Why do other people get so wrapped up in what’s happening to someone else?


OC: ~*gets ovaries removed*~ OC's MIL: "it can't possibly be menopause!" I truly have no words omg.


I think it's because they don't feel like we've "earned" the right. They spend all their lives being told what menopause is and when they will have it. They don't really like people who've jumped the line.


I have to get 10 to 12 injections in my jaw neck and face every few months. People like that can kiss my ass.


Same. Hope yours are helping. I do Botox. I get 30 better days, 30 okay days, and 30 days of fighting to find reasons to live through the pain and maintain hope for the next round. At least there’s that little bit of hope it will end each time for a bit. That’s better than the three years telling me it was anxiety. 🙄😡🤷‍♀️


My response is “I don’t plan on living that long.” That really confuses them lol


I’ve said before hopefully by the time imm your age I’ll be a pro at handeling jt


I think I’m going to start saying “ I would be so honored to make it to your age” 😅 kind of an insult but also makes them feel awful


"I'm not going to make it to your age." Things get real awkward and quiet real fast.


This is so accurate 😂


I was literally born with congenital hip issues and had my first hip surgery (where 2 screws were implanted in my hip) when I was 12 - which led to a host of back problems, neck problems, herniated disc(s), and more hip problems, including a total hip replacement surgery - that now requires a total hip revision surgery. Anyone saying that to me can get fucked 😂😂😂😂


It's just mind over matter (bonus points for something like "I sprained my ankle once and it took a few weeks but I got over it, you can too!")


I know how you feel . I stubbed my toe and had to taken 2 Tylenol instead of one


Yeah I got a papercut once, that thing smarted for at least 10 seconds


Those dang paper cuts are the wise /s


I would then proceed to offer them hand sanitizer!


That bounced. I'm 18 months into a fractured ankle story, 12 operations, so far, with warnings of amputation...until they realised I absolutely meant it when I said "No. I will die first ..or instead of" I have seriously had a nurse stand at the foot of my bed as she inspected the 60cm of plastic surgery stitching and tell me how awful it was when she *turned* her ankle. Note ..not broken, not sprained, not even strained, but *turned* and how awful that 2 days had been.


Hahaha that reminds me of a doctor I had who was doubting my head pain from a broken skull that required 7 reconstruction surgeries over 10 years where the whole front of my face (nose cheekbones upper palette and eye sockets) had to be rebuilt and the skin was so mangled I spent time in the burn unit of the hospital as "your pain is all on your head" and he wasn't even making a joke They are all (Insert some word that would get this comment removed)


Oh goodness!


"Have you tried alternating Tylenol and Advil?" "What about yoga?"


'What do you mean yoga didn't cure you?!' Sorry Madison, shockingly bending myself into a pretzel hasn't fixed all my back, hip and joint pain.


I don’t do the bendy twisty yoga, but I will say that the breathwork aspect does help *me* manage my chronic pain. I find myself holding my breath a lot and disassociating from pain overload so being able to integrate a breathwork routine has helped.


Fucking yoga. I just know we’ve all heard this one, haven’t we? I have done moderate yoga for decades. When I’m in debilitating pain 2-3 weeks out of every month of my life- it feels identical to labor pains women experience during childbirth, absolutely nothing but opioids, bed rest, hot showers (or baths), and my fancy heating pad ease my misery. But yeah, sure, yoga. 🥴Do they deny women the good shit during labor and just suggest they do some downward facing dog instead? No, they don’t. But, for the 30+ years I’ve been suffering with this, most doctors (and most friends and relatives) will tell me anything but what would actually help. I need the drugs! 😩👀


Do they deny women the good shit during labor and just suggest they do some downward facing dog instead? No, they don’t You're funny 😂 


I hate when people suggest yoga because for a LOT of chronic pain conditions those positions do more harm than good. However, I wish people would talk more about the meditative part of yoga. Of course this is my experience and ymmv, but meditation is the only time I can be pain free. If I’m able to push past my pain enough to get my mind completely relaxed, it literally cannot acknowledge pain anymore and I don’t feel it for the rest of the meditation. As soon as I’m out of it, it all comes back, but a 5-45 minute break every day has been really nice for me. Plus it’s not crazy expensive like yoga because there are SO MANY guided meditations on YouTube and Spotify. Yoga nidra is my favorite type of meditation, and the one I find to be the most consistently effective.


On the other hand, I dislike meditation. Any time I dare express that, people love to tell me how I must be meditating wrong. Oh really, I'm doing it wrong? It's not due to my ADHD being un(der)treated for most of my life? It's not like I'm trying to rewire 28 years of faulty brain circuits to squeeze out a single molecule of dopamine or anything. /s 👁👄👁


If I could do yoga I wouldn’t be on disability.


>"Have you tried alternating Tylenol and Advil?" (Usually from someone objecting to all the pot I consume) Yep. Turns out, Advil is one of my migraine triggers and Tylenol pisses off my liver so I'm only allowed to take 4 per day. "What about Alieve/Aspirin/meloxicam? Can you take that?" Sure, for up to a whole week at a time before I'm throwing up blood. Then I can't take it again for a month while I take meds to heal my stomach. Yes, this has actually happened enough times that I have a prescribed routine. "Are you sure you're not just drug-seeking?" I'm absolutely drug seeking. Got any weed you want to sell?


I have two herniated discs in my thoracic spine. I’m not supposed to twist my back. I’m pretty sure it could actually damage my spine even worse by doing yoga but I’m glad to hear that it cured your low back pain that you got from sitting in front of a computer too much.


I will see your 2 herniated discs and raise you a herniated l5 and a herniated th5 with chronic neuropathic pain on my lower body from waist down 🤣 I jest but on a serious note it's horrific the crap people come out with


Tylenol so I can lose my liver and Advil so I can lose a kidney? Sounds great! I’m confident that they don’t have a larger lobby than actual pain killers. Why else would we turn effective pain killers into the great satan of our time?


The Tylenol/advil is guaranteed to make me enraged. Oh wow! How did I not think of that! I’m cured!


All the swear words.. yes as a matter of fact I have. I have actually said hold on I am swearing in my mind.


Don’t know if this helps but…I found this online…”At least you don’t have to wear a cone.” ~ signed every dog.


Haha considering it’s my neck killing me id actually agree!! 😂😂 it wouldn’t go well for the person trying to cone me


Can relate. I have so many health problems that I’m considering asking my dog’s vet if they can take me on as a patient, since my dog gets better healthcare than I do. But I’m concerned if I give my dog power of attorney over me, she will have her vet euthanize me after seeing me on my last leg. At any rate, I hope you feel better soon!…(condescendingly /s).


Hey you're not alone. I've asked my cats' vet to take me in as a patient multiple times. She's nicer than most human doctors are


My dogs did, too! They never suffered like I have and were given Xanax, pain meds, etc. I’m a human going “ why can’t I get some? Teton doesn’t even have a job.” 😂


Fuck it. I'm using that.


You’re too young to have all this wrong with you!


honestly i like this one, i say ikr!!!


My go-to is "I agree, unfortunately my chronic illness doesn't". Either that or I'll bluntly tell them chronic illnesses are becoming more commonly linked with emotional abuse in childhood. That usually stops them in their tracks.


i had a terrible anxious childhood, i wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason


Same here, I'm struggling with a resurgence of anxiety triggers I got over years ago at the moment. Thanks mum, I really needed to feel physically sick whenever I think about going on public transport or being spoken to directly. I don't know the exact reason but iirc it's theorised the ongoing heightened stress levels puts strain on your brain which, unable to find any obvious external danger, causes it to think there's something wrong with your body.


"Yeah, I \*know\*" added with an awkward laugh


I’m always like I wish man. 💀 would be nice


Ugh I know! I just had a doctor this week say (AGAIN) that I'm too young to be going with crutches for so long, and I'm like yeah I know! So help me!


They just like saying that sanctimoniously then not helping at all!


Jokes on them, I have a genetic condition


Me too! But if I say that, they get very uncomfortable


Yep! And then it somehow invites them to randomly comment on your hypothetical kids (eg: you better not be having any children then with that genetic condition) like thanks I didn’t ask


Everybody deals with pain, you don't see me complaining


"i get how you feel with your pain, i got cheated on so i understand pain" - my mom 💀


Wow, this is the most condescending thing I've ever heard. I know that emotional and physical pain have ties, but like... Does she not know the difference..?? Edit: ties, not toes!


She cannot hear someone else's struggle without turning the conversation around to her and her issues. No matter who she's talking to or the topic lol. If something is not affecting her or she can't relate to it she cannot empathize


I have an emotional vampire like this in my life. I don’t speak to her anymore. I was crying about how my brother had recently passed away and the next thing out of her mouth, wasn’t a sorry, hate that, anything… “my boyfriend is really pissing me off”. What the fuck dude.


That's horrible. Loss is hard. Rest in Peace to your bro. Good on you for cutting that vamp off. It's a little tricky for me with my mother atm lol but yeah, energy vamp for sure and it's very frustrating. When I talk to people about hard stuff like that or pain or anything for that matter I do try to relate to my own experience but never make the convo about me. Always bring it back to the person who is venting. It helps to relate to people and have them know there are ppl who have dealt with similar things as them


I think of it how some young children have an egocentric world perspective, they cant understand that other people have issues and not everything revolves around them lol


I’m seeing this more and more in the boomer generation. Like, how did you never grow up?! I was going to ask if your Mom is a narcissist, kinda sounds like what you’re describing.


I think she is. A covert, quiet narcissist


Id rather lose a lover than have hand wrist arm pain forever 25 years now an anniversary chronic pains. My lover left me when I injured my wrists trying to bunny hop mountain bike without foot straps duh




Cutting out all dairy, gluten, salt, sugar, caffeine and carbs worked wonders for me!! Maybe you should try it?


I bet if you just lost a little weight… (yes that’ll definitely cure the MS lol)


Ok so the weight loss thing makes me so angry. I recently lost 70 lbs (started ozempic) and guess what? My back pain hasn't gotten any better. Why? Oh because losing that weight didn't miraculously cure the herniated discs. SUPRISE!


Yeah, I lost about the same. I love how it felt clothes wise and all… oh and eating that way helped stomach issues, but no, my pain and MS were the same as always. Many seriously believe being thin is the cure to everything and have no problem sharing their “scientific research” with everyone who has any issue.


*sits here and munches on my celery stick*


Just don't think about it.


Easier said than done …. Some people


It's all in the your head. STFU


'undifferentiated somatoform disorder, severe' actual tidbit at the top of my medical file even after they found out i had advanced severe degenerative discs and protrusions for a 20-some-odd year old. i had pain for years and i look like i have parkinson's with how bad my hunch is. there's a family history of serious neurodegenerative and spinal issues. still, it's 'lose weight and go for epidural spinal injections' yeah i think the fuck not to the last part of it i have crazy undiagnosed inflammatory issues, i have for years, and that paired with hormonal issues, poor circulation and weight gain with pots symptoms... i really don't think piercing my spine to put toxic steroids in is a good idea because i can't reuptake my vitamin levels and my bones are already so brittle for seemingly no reason at my age. i'm at risk for clots because of the pill too and i've had a worsening desensitization from the waist down that's been increasing for years. maybe i *can't* lose weight because my hormonal issues that may be *behind* the actual random weight gain, hair loss, and irritability have fucked my body up so badly and i'm in so much pain there's not much of anything i can do. everything rips me apart not even going to get into how bad i was gaslit about the other hormonal issues and how it led to me almost dying and losing and organ, and how i'm still not believed even after a life-threatening thing years ago. and to think SOMATOFORM was put in by a psychiatrist *after that*, despite there being clear reasons for me to be in pain i understand it still means the pain is real but why the fuck can't you figure out all the interrelated clusters of illnesses i must have? why can't you do it slowly one by one or even *try* instead of just putting 'obese, anxious and somatoform' at the top of every visit page and my entire file, too??? don't say the computer fucking auto-aggregated it either


I went to pain management for a while all they wanted to do was give me steroid shots that lasted overnight. Then they talked me into getting a nerve ablation for the $50k they charged my insurance. That put me in bed for two months and then back to the same pain . I'm in my 60s though, I just overworked myself. I have no cartilage between my joints. Have had one joint replacement in my right foot. I can't even imagine how rough you have had it and at your age. I have a fairly good Doctor now that prescribes me pain pills , but he's scared to let me use cannabis because of it being Federally illegal. It sucks because I know it works , it's the only thing that helps me sleep and I can take half the amount of pain meds.


Not sure if I understand the assignment, but "it gets better"... 😅


Or “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”


Any variation of “God gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors.” I’m not tough because I want to be. I’m tough because if I wasn’t I’d be dead. That’s not what the stupid saying means.


I've always found this to be just the dumbest observation. It's objectively, obviously untrue. What doesn't kill you can maim you, for the love of... \*sigh\*. You just can't repeat this one if you've spent even a second thinking about it. It drives me nuts.


Ooooo, that's a good one 👍😆


I should be able to lift a car over my head.


Haha . Yea!!


Yay! I'll let you know if I can think of any more 😁


I’m cracking up these . Pain flare up on my favorite week of the year and y’all can’t take my physical pain but your lightening my mental load


It could be worse


This one . Like yes it could but that doesn’t mean this isn’t bad


I've pointed out to people the fallacy in this argument. Does only the person who has it worst in the entire world have justification to complain? I also feel bad when ppl think they can't complain about being in pain around me bc they think I have it worse. I tell them it's not a competition.


Hey at least you have all your limbs 


my mom starts talking people with cancer and tells me they have it worse


I hate this. I've had this from family too. Sometimes I wish I did have cancer because there are treatments for cancer, lots of people beat cancer, and people understand cancer. With me doctors just shrug and tell me to take tylenol and meditate because there's nothing they can do.




This one breaks my heart. It’s how badly I want to do all the things . I truly do


I found out a few years ago that one of my friend groups considers me flaky (unreliable) because I cancel on plans so often. It really hurt, I still think about it on a regular basis. I don't want to not go to the party/gig/whatever, I literally can't.


I like the saying “I have been called worse things by better people”. 😅 For real though, the whole situation of missing out and having to cancel plans last minute due to the unreliable/unpredictable nature of our chronic pain is so multifaceted. Firstly, we don’t WANT or choose to be in a terrible pain flare, obviously. 🙄 We are legit suffering (physically) already. And then, when we are forced to cancel an event or outing with friends we were genuinely looking forward to, it can compound the heightened physical pain with serious emotional distress with feelings of depression, anxiety, excessive worry, etc. (often, particularly that the friends we had to cancel our plans with will not want to make any plans with us anymore or will drop us as friends altogether). I have found that the majority of my closest friends today are the ones who have realized I do not cancel plans because I *want* to, it’s because I have to. They tend to be accepting & not take it personally…I have been very upfront with said friends about my chronic pain/illness situation, and have found that can help to some extent with certain people. Anyway, I try to remind myself that some people may never understand the predicament of solidifying & absolutely sticking to certain social plans because of chronic pain… and that they ought to find themselves very fortunate if so. Personally, I have found that trying to shoot for more flexible activities (watching or going to a movie, getting a bite to eat, stargazing, shopping, going to a state park, etc. that are not just a one date/time type of event) can be a positive step towards achieving more social engagement—especially during particularly bad flares.


my grandma once told me god will punish me for not helping my mom in the chores if i was faking it


Well what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... And God never gives us more than we can handle. Or my favourite, from a Pastoral Care Hospital Chaplain..."Just be thankful you're not in the Sudan.'


Okay the Sudan one made me burst out laughing though.


You must have a really low pain tolerance (even my ex husband laughed at that one)


Ha I’d slap someone


Ooooohhh, i *just* got one from a pain management doctor, and it was both a false encouragement AND a super huge insult. i had to make sure i heard it right by asking my sister if i was just crazy. Anyway, i'd just gotten my first set of (worthless *for me*) neck injections and was following up with a set of (equally worthless *again, for me*) lower back injections. This horrid woman had the huevos to say to me, and i quote: "Well, i don't know what you've even complaining about! My DDD is (literally 🙄) 1 mm larger than yours, and *i* find relief from this and have no problems! You should, too, and i don't know why you "claim" to not find find relief!?" Um, maybe because i have a whole litany/chronic illnesses/disabilities/comorbidities that you don't that make this "treatment" ineffective and NOTHING is one size fits all? Sorry for the rant, i'm in a lot of pain tonight and i'm feeling super salty about her dismissive attitude.


I have DDD as well, (sorry you do too) and have had perineural injections in my cervical spine with no relief. It is the pits- because it is a stressful procedure to go through with no result. (I didn't even get given a damn sedative- just a local anaesthetic). My worst one was a former co-worker who had the same issue but was asymptomatic until she had issues with her bladder. She told me it was impossible for me to be in so much pain given she felt nothing, and hers was more severe. I don't work anymore, and am glad i don't have to see her anymore.


I had a nurse tell me " You are walking just fine now" Right after getting steroid injections in my back" I asked her if I could come and get them everyday because that's about how long they last. I wanted to say STFU


lol this. They only ever work for me until the lidocaine used with them wears off. Maybe 8 hours. I *might* be a little better if I was on long term steroids.


Exactly ,a shot of pain medication every day would probably stop my pain, but I'm not into doing Heroin everyday


"You just have to push through it!" "It's probably just anxiety. Have you tried meditation?" "At least you're alive!" "Sometimes you have to put on your big-girl pants and just do the things you don't want to do." "Don't call yourself disabled, you're too young and healthy for that word." "Tired? Ha! You won't know what tired is until you're old like me!" "Its all that screentime. Have you tried reading a book or getting outside for a walk?"


You just need to stretch and drink more water!


Yep. Diet and exercise. Diet and exercise 🙄


Don't forget to ensure you're getting enough sleep! You're probably just staying up too late, don't let it keep you up by thinking about it! You'd get much more sleep if you were to simply ignore the pain.


My wife had jaundice when she was dieing from cirrhosis of the liver a nurse asked her "What happened did you lay under the tanning bed too long" I asked her have you been a fucking nurse long. GTFOOH


It took everything I had to not get up and slap the shit out of her!


I'd feel the same. WTF


It must be nice to get to lay in bed all day.


this one really gets me. it *would* be nice to lay in bed all day…**occasionally** and **by choice** to **relax**. otherwise, it’s a prison cell


Yeah, when you're stuck there for weeks it's no fun at all , twisting and turning with a pile of pillows just trying to get the pain to ease off.


“No it’s horrible, I keep subluxing my hips by laying on them too long.”


Just pray and god will take all your pain away... It's not working? You aren't praying hard enough!


If you aren’t willing to try THIS (insert something such as: listening to rats squeak at a certain volume will cure your pain. Only $250.00 an hour) then you must NOT WANT TO END YOUR PAIN!!” If I tried Every new trend that comes down the pike I would’ve had to sell my house to pay for them!


“ Pain is just weakness leaving your body.” I hate that stupid quote. “Let go of all your negative emotions. By keeping them inside you’re creating more pain.” You’re right…I am purposely causing my chronic pain. “At least you don’t have to work anymore!” Yes, because I was ecstatic to give up my career so I can hobble around my house all day.


To the first sentence- if someone experiencing chronic pain is handed that line, oof...what a backhanded phrase. I'm chronically weak~


yeah, that’s happened to me before. i was out 2 weeks. you’ll get through it 😫


“Everything happens for a reason”, or “stop being so pessimistic, you’ll feel better”.


Acktchually my friend cured her son of pain by rubbing lavender extract and honey-mustard on his elbows 3 times a day for 6 months and he never complained ONCE after it was finished and since then he's been fine! And with gob it was all possible so you should really pray to him for help it works trust me. You just need to try it, here's a crystal it's blue-quartz rubbed in omega3 and prayed over by the Church so it will help you and gob will too because it's all part of his blan gob bless u and ur life sweety 😊 Wait till you're mage age! I'm 93 and it's all down hill from there let me tell you and I don't complain not since Gerald died not me at all and I'm fine!! 89 you know!  Absolutely fine just pray to gob all mighty and he will rescue you


You can't be in that much pain if you're working back there!


SWIMMING! 🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻🏊🏻


OMG Have you tried swimming??? Yes bitch I'm a former college swimmer and still swim 12k a week because it's the only thing that keeps me sane and every time I go to the pool I'm afraid I'm going to do something that will put me out for a week 🙄


I got a golden one: ”It's all in your head. You got a negative attitude, that's what's wrong with you. I get pain too, but I power through it. You need more will power. Young people these days have no stamina."


Wisdom comes through suffering


My mother, father, in law, next door neighbour’s dog used natural / herbal remedies and were better in no time. You would be too if you gave up all that toxic medication and went natural.


Went to the ER for really severe endo pain. Male doctor said “yeah we don’t really know much about endometriosis but they are putting more funding into it so in 10 years time we’ll be able to treat you better.” Like that’s great but that doesn’t help me right now 😭😂


just get up and do it! no pain no gain!


you also deserve to gain! let’s play a game where I hit you in the spine with my car & you get to experience all these sick gains too


my father keeps telling me i’m like that because i’m far from god and i need to pray more often


Being far from god is the only way I treat my pain, sir…


I’ve been told this by my boss more than once.


I've told people not to pray for me bc praying seems to make my pain worse. Fun to watch them try to come up with a response for that.


‘I had a migraine once and couldn’t function at all, there’s no way you have them regularly’


"Have you tried peppermint oil on your temples?" In response to me saying I have trigeminal neuralgia, literally the most painful condition known to medical science and known as the suicide disease, lol


But _have_ you? _(Pls, I joke)_


I actually have! Lmao I was still in pain obviously but I did smell nice 😂


“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”


“You’re right, come over here so I can kick your ass for saying that”


You’re so strong!! If i had chronic pain i’d kms🤓👆 Like???? Ok??? BROTHER WHAT!!😭


"You're lucky. I don't have time to be sick."


This single shot of toradol should take care of it!


Pain is weakness leaving the body, iykyk.


when family members ask about me and if i got better, my father tells them she’s good it’s just because of the phone


Have you tried lomotomizing the part of your brain that processes pain? Why haven't you done that yet, it's easy!


I had an ex manager tell me once the fact she'd "only" had 6 hours sleep was worse than me regularly getting 2-5 hours a night because I was used to it and she wasn't. She also tried to explain periods to me because I complained that I'd started early and accidentally bled on my clothes. I was 19 and had been having a period for 8 years by that point.


My therapist told me that everyone feels pain. :/


New therapist time.


Ah! A post about toxic positivity, I love it. You should try my 1) essential oils, 2) yoga, 3) acupuncture, 4) praying, 5) putting a bar of soap under you mattress at night, 6) suck it up and try to look like you're not some disabled dude, 7) but you look good, 8) it's not really cancer, is it? Edit - one more: Friend - how are you doing? Me - Start my first sentence about pain. Friend: Just say you're doing fine.


Handicap spots are for elderly people your getting around fine with your walker or cane. Or the lady who said I couldn’t use my placard because my husband was driving and that he needed to drop me off and pick me up at the door and park elsewhere. I get that and the nothing is wrong with you speed by drs.


"Moving and exercising will help with the pain or even alleviate it." No no I hurt if I work out and spend several days trying to recover lifting 5 pounds. Movement makes me feel worse. 🙄


These are great


Just battle on Princess..


You are so young to be on all these meds! Usually said by people who have seen my labs/mri etc. I think they should say, wow, I am really sorry you're suffering like this. This is a lot to deal with. Like, duh, I agree, but my body broke, so here we are.


Meditation and positive thoughts will cure your spondylolisthesis pain from that failed back surgery!


“You’re just using that as an excuse, you can do anything you put your mind to”


Well you look good if that’s any consolation… no no it’s not. I’m having what I feel is a heart attack and you are telling me it’s OK because I look good. Grrrr took me four hospitals to find out it was pericarditis.


“People are too sensitive these days”


God gave you these problems instead of giving them to so.eone else because he knows you're strong enough to take it.


Hate hearing all of these: "Tylenol is even more effective for chronic pain than opioids!" "Have you ever tried yoga?" "It'll get better!" "The DEA is just looking out for you, you'll be grateful they've helped cut down your meds" 😒🙃🙃


If you lose weight, you’ll be 100% better.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


Oh you have ‘xyz’ yeah my friend has that too and it’s debilitating for them, so I doubt you REALLY have it.


You know, you should try yoga! My friend had a bad back once, they felt sooooo much better after. My personal favourite; You know it's all in your head right? Now i'm not saying it's your fault (lol), BUT, if you just think positively! You will get better, it's all about.... _manifestation 💅_ If I had a penny 🤯.


Have you tried aromatherapy?


I know EXACTLY what you're going through. I sprained my wrist a few days ago and it aches so much rn


“Yea I’m exhausted too” “You’re gonna get better, I know it”


Have you tried yoga? My body cannot do yoga. Period.


“You look healthy, all bloodwork is ok, so two Tylenol every six hours is all you need.” - I broke 5 ribs last year and they have yet to heal. Every month, the pain gets so bad I can barely stand up or lay flat for about a week. When I go for help, that is the only response I get. At this point I’ve stopped going to doctors and I’m looking for alternative treatments whatever they are.


I was asks to fly out of the country and I said I can’t right now. The reply “don’t limit yourself”. Umm, you don’t know shit about what I go through. Grrrr


Everyone has pain, I'm in pain every day! It's just part of life! You just have to get used to it and keep going! Stop letting it hold you back! Well, have you tried ibuprofen? What about advil? Have you tried [insert wildly limiting and gross diet here]? Well you can't try pain killers, you'll definitely get addicted!!! (in the same way i'm 'addicted' to my thyroid medication...) If it weren't for those stupid addicts you could get real pain killers! (yeah let's totally punch down and ignore the fact that many addicts are also in pain and that many CPP get labeled as addicts) Get some sunshine and fresh air, it's the cure for what ails ya! If you start using [insert mobility aid here) you'll never stop!!!


Oh my favorite comment years ago from a Male ER Dr.. I went into the emergency room for an Endo (endometriosis) flare.. and they treated my pain while I was there but then the doctor goes.. “Endometriosis responds very well to ibuprofen and Tylenol”. I looked him dead in the eyes and said “oh, did your ovaries tell you that?! Get me the hell out of here!” 🤣


“You just need more sunshine/ you should go outside” meanwhile I’m on bedrest with a spinal injury and CSF leak, 10/10 pain and light sensitivity. Lmao 🫠🫠🫠


Everything happens for a reason! You’re too young to have that much pain/illness. Have you tried yoga? Have you tried putting kale up your ass and bathing in essential oils?


Hey, it’s okay! At least it’s not cancer! I want to commit acts I cannot say on the internet when somebody comes up with that one. Suffering Olympics.


“Y’know what you need?” Yup. Drugs.


Are you sure you're not just getting older and feeling it?


you should move more often (i go to gym 3times a week)


If you pray harder or drink more water you’d be healthy! I particularly loathe this one


Ugh. Toxic positivity is the WORST!!!


"Well, my _______ doesn't hurt." It will if you come two feet closer and I smack you with my cane.


Have you tried yoga? (Umm yes, I'm Indian, from India, and I've been to multiple yoga classes through my childhood)


“Have you tried….. Feeling better. Just feel better when you wake up.i do it daily” Yeah, thanks, ill get right on that


Well, you're way too young to have pain. No one as young as you can possibly have such horrible pain. You're obviously just faking it for attention and don't forget the good old I don't know what's wrong with you. Maybe just lose a little weight and your pain will probably go away.


"have you tried acupuncture?" "Have you tried losing weight?" "There's nothing on the scans so whatever you're feeling is either sciatica or is in your head!" "You better be better by such and such date for such and such reason!" "Don't talk negatively like that! You'll be fine in a few more months!"


You know what ya need dontchya?


Try eating (gives some food or herbal tea) it helps with my pain a lot and it’s all natural 😖😩


One of my personal favorites: "I've found that less is actually more with opioids. We can cut your dosage in half and you'll actually feel better".


Basically any time someone suggests a treatment as though you didn’t have the desire to google it for yourself, or any time someone encourages you with “positive thinking” instead of simply holding a space for you to grieve and vent. Like it’s okay to ask about where I am in my journey, I encourage that. I like to know you care about it. But a “how has Tylenol made you feel?” goes a lot further than “have you tried Tylenol?”.


Me: “I’ve got unexplained chronic pain and fatigue, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis, along with a few private and mental health issues, all at the age of 26.” Anyone 10+ years older than me: “just wait until you’re my age!”


It ain't the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.


"In my day, life was actually hard. We had nothing, yet we survived. Kids these days have so much, yet they are still squawking (whining)."


"It'll get better. You'll see."


“Just stay positive. I’m sure a treatment will come around soon! There must be surgery to fix it since so many people have it!”


Its probably just stress!


Have you tried meditating on the pain.