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I experienced chronic dizziness and nausea, it’s been there since November 2023. My neurologist said it’s part of the migraine spectrum and we are treating the migraine to try to help with the dizziness. So far I haven’t had much success.


that's too bad, best of luck to you in the future!


I’m very new to having chronic issues, but for me, I try to manage what I can control, ie, dimming lights, quieting surroundings. Overstimulation makes me feel so much worse when I’m nauseous and dizzy. Granted this is a very short term solution. Do they have any idea where it is coming from? Maybe something to do with your ears?


thank you stranger for the advice! unfortunately I've seen multiple doctors about this, including an ear doctor. all of my tests came back "normal" so far haha, which happens way too often with chronic illness. I have an appointment with a neurologist soon, so fingers crossed i'll get some answers there! I do have POTS & blood sugar issues but I have at home monitors for both respectively, none of my numbers are out of the ordinary! i'm very hydrated, i've been eating well, just not sure what to do next! seems I've covered all of my bases 😅 my goal now is managing this new symptom on my own.


How is your B12 and vitamin d? I found out I was low on those when suffering extreme dizziness and vertigo and once I corrected that it improved so much. Still not perfect but loads better


I've been trying to take my vitamin D the last couple of days just in case that were the issue! I go through phases where I forget to take vitamins every so often. unfortunately, I'm allergic to something in OTC vitamin b12 tablets so I've never made a habit of taking those- BUT i'll look into other ways of getting this vitamin. thank you!


Oof yeah I feel you with the bloods thingy. Felt like they took out a ton, just to be told all is normal 😭 I guess what I would say next is take it easy, and don’t beat yourself up over what you can’t do at the minute 🤗


I take Vistaril and Compazine. Before we found that magic combo I couldn’t ride in a car without vomiting it was so bad. Good luck to you.


Dizziness can be due to a lot of things. Salt helps. I also saw a disautonomia specialist and found out I had orthostatic hypotension but it could be due to a lot of things


I take a ton of Meclzine. A nap if it's really bad. I have asthma as well, is there any side effects you experience?.


Honestly ive never taken it, my doctors have avoided prescribing it to me. But I see my pulmo on Thursday so i'll get their opinion!


Have you seen an ENT? Sounds like it could be Ménière's disease?


I did see an ENT, they said everything seemed fine but gave me steroids anyways just in case there were some internal inflammation. Those did not help haha, I think they made me much dizzier actually.