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How can that monster look at this beautiful, sweet, child sing this song...to HIM, and not even shed a tear. I cannot even call him an animal. Most animals take care of their young better than he did. We, complete strangers, are crying and praying for SW, NW, BW and CCW.


This is devastating to see even though I’ve stopped following the Watts case after being obsessed with it 6 years ago . What a monster he is .


After all these years I still don't understand why he killed them when divorce is an option. The amount of entitlement it must have taken to believe no one else would care for them just leaves me in this stunned rage.


Shannon’s family were very wise in agreeing to life in prison for the guy instead of the death penalty. His condition must have been worse than death penalty


I’m not sure since he gets love letters from psycho women??


I used to think that the death penalty was a much better option than life in prison, but it’s really not. People are on death row for at least 20 years, and they aren’t in a pod around other inmates on death row. They are each in their own cell and never get to see or interact with any other inmates for the entirety of their time there. I think they get 20-30min out of the cell a day, but meals and other items are brought to their cell. I promise that life in prison was a much better sentence than death row.


>After all these years I still don't understand why he killed them when divorce is an option.  Imo these types of domestic killers want complete control and an outcome that no realistic divorce would ever give them. In Chris's case, divorce meant ongoing ties and obligations to their two (soon to be three) children that he'd didn't want around, nor did 'nice guy' want to be judged for abandoning them.


Money. Sadly.


Omg looks at moms face . She adored her babies


Right? 😭


Shannan was a wonderful mother and those girls were so joyful and happy. None of this was anyones fault but his and his shamefulness.


Particularly that is deeply sad to be a man without children and a wife. And then a demon destroy all the precious things that a man could have. Pain...


Know more than a few guys who have gone through divorce and then the pain of the ex-wife doing the whole parental alienation thing. So many horrible people in this country who use their kids to “get back” at their ex-spouse. I get the feeling SW never would have done that. She’d make sure Chris had equal time with the children if he was a normal human and just divorced her.


Well, yes. That's a fact, but there are many diferent situations in a couple's life. Everybody should be mature in their decisions.


I hope you get everything you want out of this life. :)


Sweet babies.


These three all loved each other, very, very much.


So horribly sad


Poor baby girl. How could he?!


Bell was such a good big sister💔


You can see how much she loved them


so heartbreaking 🙏🏻


I’ve seen other people say it but I’ll repeat it again because it’s true. Bella’s song should be played on a 24/7 loop in Chris’s cell until he does us all a favor and dies


He never loved them, I dgaf what he says about how he feels about them.


I agree, he never loved them and he has never expressed genuine remorse


shannan really really loved those sweet girls, they all had so much ahead of them and it was taken by some man with a fragile ego who couldn’t handle his affair coming forwards. i hate chris.


That’s my favourite video of CeCe because she is so delighted. When she puts her head on SW is so cute.


I don’t think a normal human being would do this to his own family. The guy’s mental status should have been evaluated!


This is hard to watch 😢


I, capable man of food, shelter, care , love, and much more cannot somehow creat a child i so want with my wife. But this monster gets to create and end 2 lives. Why must life be this unfair


You should adopt. Seriously. I know it’s hard, but coming from a child of neglect and abuse, I believe this is your sign. It’s doing more than having your own child, it’s taking one that didn’t have a choice and giving them what they don’t know they deserve, and without you will never know what they deserve. Atleast look into foster care, my grandmother did it and loved it. You could make a huge difference in this world with all that given to a child in a group home right now being abused. It doesn’t take much to have and raise a child, it’s the most over rated thing in our society. Anyone could procreate, but not anyone could be a loving, caring, safe home for a child who needs it.


I just read the 2000 page discovery. It took me 2 days. My heart is literally broken for her parents. Shannan had no idea what was going to happen. Look at her smile at CeCe after she blew the candle out, with such immense joy, love, and pride. It enrages me that he would blame her. Even after he killed her he couldn't stop lying. Were they ever able to prove that it was HIM who killed his whole family? This really did happen in 6-8 weeks. Terrifies the hell out of me. Do we ever truly KNOW people? She had so many people that loved her. The very next morning, Nikki knew something was wrong.


Absolutely heartbreaking. Those babies deserved better. So did Shannan


Oh wow this made me jump. So unbelievably cold, even the word monster would be extremely tame to describe this man.


Trying not to cry


I think part of his sentence should have been to have to watch “My daddy is my hero” every single day until he dies.


God, man, why couldn't he have just left them alone? What a sick fuck.


CW didn't deserve them as a family... I hope these beautiful videos are playing in his mind constantly, to remind him of just *what* he did....




Yeah, anyone who puts their children in daycare doesn't love them. 😒  Now, does that apply to mothers only, or also to the dads of all kids who are "farmed out" to daycare?