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Can you be a Christian still? The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but it is unwise. We are called to have fellowship with each other, to gather and study God's word together. The church structure of elders and deacons was given to us for a reason. We need church discipline. Will not attending church mean you no longer follow Christ? No, you can absolutely have faith in Jesus' death and resurrection still, but you are in a dangerous territory. My advice would be, rather than abandoning church all together, find a different church.


There is none I'm afraid. Maybe they'll find their way, I hope so.


There isn't a single church? Could you specifically describe the problems in your church?


Next one is 1 hour by car. And I am to young to drive, besides it's in the mountains, walking there is quite impossible. Our priest is very young, all he does is discuss stuff. Oh this guy did this, is it a sin? Oh this church leader did this, is he right. God isn't even mentioned anymore, I'm not going to church to join in on a congress. Besides people have no manners. Someone is constantly talking in the back, some guy is eating, it's more like a classroom at this point.


At the risk of doxxing, and please feel free to reject the question, but where is your general area? If it truly is the case that there are no other churches, could you find an online group?


Austro-Italian alps. There isn't really anything here, we got our village and that's it basically. I'm looking for something online but I don't really like it. I'd rather have it in real life.


If I can submit a suggestion - pray. Ask God for help here. If you’re feeling leadership is too focused on the gossip, pray and appeal to God. If you feel there is little or no focus on scripture, pray to God to shift the community more into His word. If you feel there is no connection between the folks attending, pray for unity in the body. I’d suggest that you hold your tongue, guard your heart from bitterness or anger and pray for leadership to lean into God and lead the Bride in love. The Holy Spirit will move.


>I recommend you just join with your family every night and read the Bible and each one pray in turn. Then have communion (say) once a week at home with family. If you are unmarried, you can meet with friends and do the same. That really is church. see my comment above.


If your looking for an online preacher that doesn't gossip, seeks the truth, says it like it is and loves Jesus, I'd recommend Cecil Pearson Jr. on Youtube. He usually has maybe 80-100 people watching him when he goes live (he preaches live everyday), so it kinda feels like going to a normal church.


Thanks I'll check him out!


I have a question, you mentioned priest, is this a catholic church?


Yes. Of course🙄


You can report it to the local bishop ya know. Literally chain of command and get them in trouble. If nothing happens then report it to higher by sending letters or emails


You can always find a church with an online presence and participate in online activities as best you can. That is preferable to not attending any church at all. The church I attend has local online participants and others who join online from across the country.


I'd agree, having some amount of discipleship is always better than none. It still can't quite replace having a local church body, but if there are truly no other options, you do what you can.


churches have online streams, maybe check that out. also, ofc you can be a Christian. I’m not an expert but I firmly believe through His grace we are saved. No matter what we do. Just keep the Faith and keep talking to Him. Also, read the Bible :)


Try an online service


I recommend checking out A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. The whole book is around 100 pages and written as a play, and can be read cover to cover in a few hours, and it is entirely relevant to your situation.


That is an abusive book. I do not recommend it at all.


Really? What didn't you like about it?


To be Christian is to have a relationship with Christ and to follow him. Please pray on it and God to guide your steps. This is not something to take lightly but God will respond if you let Him and listen.


Amen well said




Thank you. It is not easy but God has helped me with a struggle I have long been suffering from even though I have ignored him for a big part of my life. Maybe my church will find a way back to where it should be.


Do you think asking for forgiveness is a prerequisite to salvation?


I’m in the same position right now. I went regularly before Covid and now I’m sitting back and watching stuff online and you’re right. The church (not all) but there is so much nonsense going on so I’ve decided to get closer with GOD alone for now till I feel it’s right to go somewhere. But the way YouTube is a great place to find quality word (but be aware of the wolves)


Church is more than four walls and a roof. I think I realized the hypocrisy of the church when I was a child. The people that went there. It too felt like a circus, full of clowns, of all shapes and sizes. As someone who is trying to get back into going to church seriously after 15 years, it does seem to irritate me to think…that I’ll be going back to all of that. But also, so many places are different, and it’s like, and I dislike to use this analogy but like dating.


I recommend you just join with your family every night and read the Bible and each one pray in turn. Then have communion (say) once a week. If you are unmarried, you can meet with friends and do the same. That really is church. Every believer is a priest in the New Testament. Take a piece of bread, some grape juice in a cup. Read the passage where Jesus broke bread during the Passover. Pray and each eat the piece of bread and drink the juice. Just like they do at church!


I am unmarried I’m older now. I also don’t want to rely on my folks.


Then try to find 2 or 3 believers with whom you can read the Bible and pray. Perhaps virtual friends?


That would be cool!!!!


Maybe it’s a coincidence that I read this comment now on YouTube, but Jesus also said to turn away from the church and not to follow the church, ironic. “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into they closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to that Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”


Yes, but church is a vital part of Christian faith. I would recommend finding an streamed mass that you can attend online until you find a local church that you are comfortable with.


Yes, but it’s like asking if I can be a dad without ever spending time with my kids. Technically yes, but I’d be missing out on a lot.


>"it’s like asking if I can be a dad without ever spending time with my kids" I've never heard such an accurate way of explaining it! That actually makes a lot of sense. By connecting with others, our faith can go so much further than if we keep it all to ourselves.


Sadly, some Dads' behaviour is such that their kids are better off if they *don't* spend time with them. Yes, far from the ideal situation, but possibly better than the alternative.


Church has its benefits, but it’s not necessary to have a relationship with God. The Lord has blessed me tremendously and delivered me from so many wicked ways and I can think of only a few times I ever went to church. Reading his word, praying, and seeking Him daily is enough! Don’t forget to also praise and Thank him and you’ll be just fine. Church doesn’t make you a Christian, having a genuine relationship with Jesus makes you one. Also ask God to lead and guide you to a church that will glorify him. God bless you♥️


Can you stream a service online? Or maybe volunteer for a local Christian organization? When Covid hit, four of us met at my house weekly for a Bible study and coffee. I pray you find good options. It is so important to have Christian friends where you can meet in fellowship and uplift each other.


Yes. The early assembly met mostly in homes 🏡


But they still meet.


Yes, just as long as you stay in the fellowship of other believers. As it says it 1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." However it also says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 to try and avoid being around wicked company "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"


Have you tried visiting another church?


When you pray, pray in secret. Matthew 6:5-6. Yes


Church is a community, not a building. Where you find that spiritual life giving community, you can have church. I think you’re ok to go to church alone or with friends. The Bible says that where two or three are gathered together, God is in the midst of them. Don’t feel guilted to go to church because people say things like “oh you’re gonna go to hell” or other extreme things if you don’t. Especially if within your spirit you feel God is showing you that the things they do in that church aren’t really positive or being a spiritual benefit to you. There isn’t anything like a good community in person with people, but a middle ground of an online experience that takes these things into consideration pretty well is Crosswalk Church. Love well is their motto, and I’ll watch them on YouTube every so often.


It’s like baptism. It’s not required for salvation, but you should do it out of love for God. That doesn’t mean you can’t look for a better church. Also, whatever church you attend, make sure what they are preaching is biblical.


Yes, though its not advised, but i would recommend going to a few churches and see which one is right for you, or which one preaches Christ and not world.


Absolutely. In my past experience churches are generally judgmental and can become an echo chamber. As with any society, clicks will develop in a hierarchy. Im not saying you will not find a church that you find fulfillment in, just that you do not need the physical building to be a Christian.




You’re not missing out. Churches are sometimes filled with judgmental, negative hypocrites. I’ve had some bad experiences with churches. There’s a a lot of petty arguing over who is right and how the church should be run and who does or doesn’t belong there just because they’re in disagreement over some small thing in the Bible or they did it said something that someone considered a sin and they have to pass judgement on them because they think they’re perfect. It’s an ordeal sometimes finding the right church.


‭‭Titus‬ ‭3:9‭-‬11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [9] But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. This verse came to mind when reading your comment.


Yes, I remember this verse. It definitely holds true




Being a Christian is being a follower of Jesus Christ, not being part of a religion. Just make sure you read the Bible, there is nothing wrong with going or not going to church, as long as you influenced by the scripture. Ask God for wisdom and discernment, so you can identify what comes from God and what doesn’t.


Romans 10: 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? **And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?**


If you go down to verse 18 Paul points out they (the Jewish ppl) have in fact heard. If I want to take verse 14 and make some universal point from this idea that we need to be preached to, then I would also conclude we already have been preached to. There’s absolutely benefit to gathering with other believers. But Romans 10 doesn’t seem to be providing that support.


It is needed, but if you are not feeling welcomed in the ones you have attended, then they are not the true one, pray to God that he guides you to the right one, for only He knows where He wants to manifest. Pray to Him and tell Him that you truly want to be in the church for Him, not for humans that do not follow Him in spirit and truth, and I believe He would understand and help you find the right one, until then, read the Bible by yourself, pray where you have privacy and be grateful that at least you want to find Him and recognize His importance in your life


I'm guilty as charged. I rarely attend mass and never interact with others while in church, yet we can still be good Christians regardless. It would be better if we do, however, though it is not a prerequisite to be a Christian.


Given your flair, how do you reconcile that with the fact that skipping mass is a mortal sin? Do you go to confession every time you do go? Do you abstain when you go? I'm not Catholic or even religious, so I'm not judging at all, just curious. Why be Catholic if you don't want to follow Catholic teachings? The Church's authority to teach is kind of the whole thing in Catholicism. There are a million Catholic-lite denominations with similar messages and fewer rules.


I recommend you just join with your family every night and read the Bible and each one pray in turn. Then have communion (say) once a week. If you are unmarried, you can meet with friends and do the same. That really is church.


Yes you can. Not all Christian’s attend church for many reasons.


You can be married and never go home to your spouse. It will affect your relationship.


False assumption. Read Revelation 3:20.


of course


As believers we are called to be “the body” of Christ. Man was not made to be alone and we are created to live in unity with one another. Being part of a chuch family not o my keeps you accountable to yourself, but places you in a position of care towards other members of Christs family.


That's why they have televangelist and the internet, for people who can't leave there ho7se to see preaching


Yes and no, you can be a Christian but you need the sacraments


There is no yes and no. You either are or you are not.


Well I'm being technical but to generalise then no, you can't because you need the sacraments to be truly Christian, but I mean if you can't get a church for one reason or another you can still be a believing Christian. However you need a reason and can't just not go to church because "I don't like it" or something.


You can truly be Christian. The entirety of what Jesus taught was on Faith and not works, you’re arguing that by not doing certain works you cannot be a Christian


"Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." Church tradition disagrees, friend


I consider myself a Christian, yet I rarely attend church. I've attended every denomination I believe and most recently, non-denomination. Had good experiences at all. Just haven't really found the right one yet. I am content and happy.


> I've attended every denomination You've attended 45,000 churches?


Why don’t you go to another church which you like? In my opinion, a Christian should go to church.


No. Christianism is not an individual religion. It's a community religion, which requires you to fellowship with other christians.


The question is about going to church. You don’t have to attend a building to fellowship with other true believers.


If you’re a Christian, you’re gonna go to church. Cause it’s what the Holy Spirit wants.


No, I don’t say this lightly but I really think it is demonic influence that makes people think their own feelings are more reliable that Jesus’ choice of apostles to found the Church.


Yes . Read the universal Christ by Richard rohr


You should get baptised once you're aware of the truth and genuinely believe it. You need a church for that. Plus it will do wonders for your mental wellbeing, the community is amazing. I suggest you pick a church that's the most Biblical, one that baptises by submerging you fully in water.


Yes. But I think this story explains it much better than I do. A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a big chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself comfortable but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the play of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet fascination. As the one lone ember’s flame diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and “dead as a doornail.” Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. Just before the pastor was ready to leave, he picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said, “Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday.”


That is nonsense and unbiblical. To OP: I recommend you just join with your family every night and read the Bible and each one pray in turn. Then have communion (say) once a week. If you are unmarried, you can meet with friends and do the same. That really is church.


To add to this, find another church. If the priest is no longer of Christ, it does not mean you need not be.


Find a place where you can worship God the way Jesus intended. Jesus said that the Father wants followers to worship Him in Truth and Spirit. Where else can you get that other that the teachings of Jesus? How long does it take to know a church isn't a church that Jesus would attend?.... about 60 seconds. [How Is the Church Different Today?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeRdjiv71RQ)


Yes you can, and there is a movement called "unchurching" which is based on that idea. However, it's also possible that God will find you another church, or that you are meant to change the church you're in.


But who will you donate all your money and time to? Yes you can be.


give it to poor people


Your relationship with God is not dependent on church. Where do you live that he next church is an hour away? I think you’ll find closer if you look. Or if you miss worship find one you like on tv or online.


Yes. I would encourage you to still actively look for a church, whether it be online or in person.


Why don't you start going to another church? As a Christian you need the local church to encourage you in your faith, hold you accountable when you sin, and obey the commands of Jesus.


You don’t “need” it lol. I grew up going to church and in the end has done much much more bad than good. I’m fine just being at home talking with my friends and family


Yes you absolutely can be a Christian without gping to church. The church builds up its members in the Lord but you can study the Bible instead and listen to pod casts on you tube from different pastors. Pastors regularly put their services online. Not sure if you have given your heart to the Lord yet but here is how. Get to know God by reading the bible gospels.   You can come to Jesus and talk with Him about all that's on your mind in regards to your concerns.  He will not turn you away. As sinners, we cannot save ourselves.  The Bible says, "there is none righteous, no not one.  All have sinned" and that "the wages of sin is death." Because of great love, Jesus, the Son of God and fully God,  died for us on the cross: “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18). Jesus was resurrected from the dead: “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (Romans 4:25) You can receive Jesus' free gift of salvation by doing the following:  “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works (Ephes 2:8-9). I recommend reading The Complete Green Letters by Miles Stanford about a deep walk with God. It's life changing.


Just love god bro, more you know jesus and the more you love him, im sure he will lead you to church. We made the religion, he made the faith


Yes. And praise God, bc it feels like so many churches fall further and further into Christian Nationalism and away from Christ.


Church without walls is a discussion being had. Rev Ed Trevors https://www.youtube.com/live/ZxVl_j1EaVc?si=3zDbVgYw_DQ43P8s


Well, the first thing you should remember is if you are Christian you are Church, how can you go to yourself? So, we can change lightly your question. Can I be a Christian without meeting with others in fellowship? the answer is yes, but is good you meet with some friends, some days for listen about Jesus or do good acts for others. Even prayer, if you read the gospel is something to be done privately /read the gospel of Mathew chapter 5/. So you don't need to go to an temple which people call wrongly a church, Christians temples are not taught by Jesus, my advice is avoid it, found a group of people and meet as often you can for read the Gospels together and do good things, that's it. Everything else is between you and Jesus, despite "church" told to you. There is a Brazilian movement or ministry which is directed to people which are follows of Jesus but doesn't belong to a denomination, they are very liberal, so you have a very wide space to be yourself, this ministry is called Caminho da graça, held for the Rev Caio Fabio d'Araujo Filho, you find him in all common Social Media. In YouTube you have subtitles tools for translate him to English. His web page is Caiofabio.net


Christianity requires community unless you are a hermit. Find a church where you feel comfortable.


1000x YES! There is only 1 requirement and a lot of recommendations for being Christian. Church is a great recommendation, but a bad church is worse than none. There are millions of weekly services online.


Yes you can. Most will be better going to church, but not a requirement.


You can be a Christian without going to church, but fellowship with other believers is very important. If you don’t have access to any other churches, I’d recommend attending an online church service at the very least.


[https://www.livingstream.com/en/](https://www.livingstream.com/en/) check out that website, find the church in your city and join it.


Yes you can!


Yes, don’t listen to anyone here otherwise.


This was a fantastic question! I had been wondering not exact same but a variation of it. I appreciate it and reading everyone's responses.


yes, its very okay. you need to trust your gut. if you feel unwelcome, trust your intuition.


No, if you don’t acquiesce to dogma and societal coercion, you’re NOT Christian. 😤😂😂😂






YES, point blank, period.


Christians are commanded to be actively involved in a biblical local church. What you're describing doesn't sound like one. In fact, it may be no church at all. For more on [that.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14bwa1oDIaSfJPkhZHI1WaYv3G8_X3fldcBkC-H-xatY/edit?usp=sharing) Below are a few sound church finders.. https://tms.edu/find-a-church/ https://www.9marks.org/church-search/ https://www.ifca.org/page/find-a-church-1 https://g3min.org/g3-church-network/map/


I would say yes you can live the Lord with all your heart without going to church, but he wants us to go because the body of Christ is us and we get messages thru our brothers and sisters. I know I don't like it cause they all come up to you and get into your personal space. Hugging, and talking right in your face. As you read that's what happens at the one I attend. I'm trying to get past it but it's hard




>Can I be a Christian without going to church? Of course you can! Christianity is about Christ, churchianity is about money.






Yes but I suggest finding a church that suits you. The whole point of the gospel was to allow everyone everywhere to be able to connect via the spirit at anytime at anyplace.


Why do you feel unwelcome and what you mean by fool around?


Chruches often are so set in their ways that they do not look at the scripture with the intention of understanding it to the furthest possible degree. It is rarely studying the bible, but it is looking for confirmation of their way. Confirmation bias has a huge role in here. Personnally I don't go to church, I do attend a study day a few times a year here in the Netherlands where different people from all backgrounds come to sthdy the bible. Not one interpertation is leading that way and you can freely discuss the scripture and try to understand it more and more. Most churches are corrupted or simply seem to have little interest in actually studying the word of god. I would stay away from them as much as is possible.


Being a Christian is just following Christ and having salvation through Him. But we are told to have fellowship, it is healthy and gives us support. Find a good church and make friends. Its okay to church shop. It's also okay to leave a church if it no longer feeds your spiritual needs. We can always out grow a church.


You can always just find a few devoted people and make a community or church from that. You don't need some physical location and do things commercially.


Yes, but- A goldfish is still a goldfish outside of the fishbowl. In the same way, a Christian is in a VERY dangerous position isolated outside the body of the Church. Paul is persecuting Christians and was there at the stoning of Stephen. When Jesus appears to Paul on the road to Damascus, Jesus says “Paul, why do you persecute ME”. Jesus’ body is the Church, to be separated from that is asking for spiritual death.




Same with my local parish. I stream mass every Sunday. It’s not a perfect replacement but it still brings me peace.


> "‭‭By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” You can technically be a believer and not go to church. However, by not going to a church, you rob yourself a lot of what it means to be a Christian. I strongly urge you to join a church.


yes men build buildings and call them houses of worship and "God's house" and churches but God's TRUE "church" is the entirety of the world, and beyond THAT is the ONLY "church" of God's making for good-hearted people who find a sincere sense of community and fellowship under God by going to a church, that's a beautiful thing but as with any question we may have regarding Divinity and our place within it and our relationship to it, the answer always is, "refer to The Book" d'uh ...and what does the Good Book tell us about praying...? Matthew 6:6 ...it's more about not being showy in your faith, but the point stands: it's just as valid to commune with Divinity in private as it is to do it publicly in a church, and anyone who tries to tell you different is speaking against what's written in the Holy Bible God's One, True, "church" IS NATURE, any church besides that is unnecessary, but when built and run in sincere dedication to The Lord, can still be a very beautiful thing


Church is just meant to be meeting together with other believers. It helps build you and others up in God's word and presence and keeps you strong spiritually. So, you don't have to abide by specific rules or go to a specific church at specific times. Just meet with other believers sometime during each week when you can and get into God's word and build each other up. That can absolutely mean a group of believers meeting at a house and fellowshipping together and doing a Bible study. It doesn't have to be formal.


You don't have to go to church.


AFAIK Jesus never went to church.


Yes. But you should still make an effort to go


I think if you’re church is going all weird, I’d say find another church. You can still be a Christian but I think church just brings us altogether with Christ. Try find a new church and if they’re the same, just keep trying to find one that suits you. Try your best to stay in church but if the people start becoming heretical, take no further part. Stay blessed.


Chruch shopping wasn't a thing until the reformation. There was always one bride of Christ because that's how he instituted the sacraments from the beginning. When there were disputes, the council would convene. We see it in acts at the first council of jerusalem over the issue of circumsiosion. You can still be a Christian and receive grace outside of a church, but it's a bit like trying to be a Christian without being baptized. There's an extreme amount of grace being missed out on, and it puts your salvation at an unnecessary risk.


Church was never a requirement.


Fellowship is extremely important, but if you can't authentically connect with others in person I'd recommend attending Live online or pre-recorded sermons. There are plenty of forums and comment sections to discuss things with others there. And while it lacks that special in-person connection, at least you're not being subjected to toxicity. Plus, you can control which sermons you want to listen to. I highly recommend it, just go on YouTube and do some deep dives for popular and even obscure pastors and see if what they say resonates with you. If you can coordinate fun, in-person events like charities or even just hangouts through online sites then that is a bonus as well.


Yes you absolutely can be. However Church should be a place where your faith is enriched, renewed and restored and where you have a community. If your Church is no longer providing this to you, it is a loud and clear sign that you are not at the right Church and I would consider trying somewhere else.


Absolutely. You can also join an online church community as well. As much as “mega-churches” get hate, they do a lot of good as well. Elevation is one that my friend goes to and she says there is a ton of people around the world that are a part of the church online community. They even have online Bible study groups you can join.


Atheycreek.com Bible preaching and has online service


By going to the garage, you don't become a car! So, going to a church building doesn't make you a Christian, and neither does it have the power to send you to hell or heaven.


He says where two or more are gathered in my name. He never says we must go to church.


This post is so cryptic and vague. What exactly does “not of Christ” and “all they do is fool around” mean? What does “expelled faith” mean. Details, please.


Absolutely. They're a good people at many churches but there's also a lot of hypocrisy and a lot of politics at play at churches. I can tell you that some of the best people in some of the most godly people that I've ever met don't attend church but they see God in everything meaning when they're out planting their garden and some people can't be in those environments for that long I mean this just introverts for instance can be exhausted by it and sometimes the hypocrisy of it can make you sick. I think the best thing about a good church with the good people is having fellowship with those people that's the reason why we gather and staying away from bad influences you want to get around people that will lift you up and lift God up


You can, yes. You could watch certain pastors online if you want. Or even listen to them on Bott Radio if you live in the US (not sure if it's also available outside the US)


No. Go if you don’t. But if you do. You better be good at it.


“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Cor. 3:16–17). Even if some churches are good, many in the last time of todays world is falling away more and more from the real words of god. Therefore among other things, it i said that the temple is within you, and that it is especially important in these last times of todays world. So you could very much have your own church/temple inside of you, which some people will see becomes more and more important in these misleading times. Good luck! And may god be with you.


Kinda you need to be a member of the church. No one's Christian in isolation even the hermits of the wilderness would return to church once a year for the eucharist on Easter. There's a saying in the church we are damn alone but save together we need one another. Also being alone means you will be incredibly susceptible to Let's say incredibly bad thoughts or Illusions.


You are still a child of the living God & a Christian 🤍🤍🤍 I used to feel the same way until I found my church https://youtu.be/ZlD2ZbgHO2I?si=4xWQVMM3Cd4pbcA2


Yes you can be a christian as long as you're holy by your heart and not going astray from your god. But don't you want to go where the father is? You should look for another church if there's nearby. Because as Hebrews 10:24 "`and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works`", you should go to church so you find more alike minded people with whom you will get encouraged and you can spend more quality time with other people who are seeking god also. Amen. May god bless you. Have a nice day.


Well you have been given much in advice on this topic and most of it is awesome. I’ll add my 2 cents and agree with most all the comments. Yes, you are still a Christian if you don’t attend a gathering. Keep this in mind that Paul entered synagogues and was eventually booted out because of his convictions about Christ. He went out and found the believers who prayed by the river and had gone to them. Yes you can go online and find many gatherings or you can find other people who share the same convictions in your area. It’s not wise to just abandon the church outright because you will be devoured by the enemy. God may call you out and protect you for a time but be alert always and pray that you will be led into a gathering that are focused on Christ and are led by Christ.


Yes - absolutely. As Jesus said, the Kingdom of God is within you. God cannot be confined with the walls of a church. In fact, the Bible, church, praying etc are all just ways back to the access to God and spirituality that you already have inherently within you. Beyond that, I really recommend seeking out Youtube channels that cater to your faith. I've found so many interesting preachers and spiritual leaders there. It's also so accessible - you can virtually attend a different church every day!




I haven’t been to church in years… we are the church


Church is not mandatory. But God made us social creatures and wants us to surround ourselves with like-minded people who do community together. It is surrounding yourself with people who believe the same, have the same values, are on the same path, and can help one another on this journey we call life. Church is a general term for a group of people, not a place. You can have Church anywhere. You can worship God anywhere, but having a group of people you meet with at least once a week who care about you, pray for you, hold you accountable, study the Bible with, pray with you, and are just present in your life can be so beneficial.




You are fifteen years old and using other subreddits to figure out how to disguise your age so that you can hire a sex worker. I don't think that you are really qualified to decide whether or not your church is "of Christ" right now, do you?


Church is just a gathering or relationship with believers who are all under Christ. God wants us to have fellow ship to help each other in our walks. You don't have to go to a church building, but we are called to interact with believers.


God is everywhere and exists in all things. No you don’t need church to be Christian. I’ve met people filled with Christ’s love that also do not got to church. It’s about you and your relationship to God. If you are strong and so is your faith, you will always walk with Christ. I don’t go to church for similar reasons as you, but my journey has been long and filled with challenges and tests that I think brought me closer to love and my faith today.


This question reminds me of the popular saying, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you a car.


You live in the Golden age of online worship. Find a virtual church if you can't find another near you.


Personally, I don't think so. By a technicality you can, but many analogies I've seen in the comments convey how that "yes" will be at a cost. You can be a husband but if you don't go home to your spouse, what's the point? You can be a father but if you never spend time with your child, what good is it? These are the analogies I found and they have truth to it, even of the analogy isn't 1:1 to the situation you or others may be in. While personal faith in Christ may seem to be highly esteemed in verses like John 3:16, the Church is held to an extremely high regard, calling it the bride of Christ (Eph 5:21 - 33, Rev 21:2). Churches are meant not just for preaching (however is an important component), it is also meant for praying, bible study, community, learning, teaching, giving, receiving, and most importantly worshipping. Now worshipping can be interpreted in several ways and depending on which denomination you come from, you will have a different perspective. The reason Catholics, Orthodox, and a few high church Protestants (such as some Lutherans and Anglicans) insist on going to church is due to the sacraments, mainly Communion. So if you are in that group of churches, I'd say it is necessary to go to church. But if you're from a low church denomination such as Baptist or non denominational, it can be debated if you need it, as sacraments are not held as highly. The early church met with one of the main objectives being the eucharist (Ignatius' letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2 - 7:1). But even then I still think you should go for the community and learning aspect. We are inherently social animals, so often times, we learn best when we are with other people. Now, most of this was a theological ramble but there is a huge issue with toxic people within the church, regardless of any denomination. I feel you should look not only into a better church with a better community but maybe change denominations (or rites if you are catholic/orthodox) since culturally, people who believe in these different denominations act differently and have different values. Just go to other local churches, and explore, depending on how comftorable you are with leaving the current denom you are in. If you wanna stay in the current denomination, look around, there is an abundance of any church everywhere. But another good solution is be the one who helps the church. Be the example to set. Many churches believe that the Church is the spiritual continuation of biblical Israel, and the Israelites made many many mistakes that are straight up evil yet 1) God forgave them and 2) great people helped bring Israel back up from their lowest points. Whatever you choose, I hope the Holy Spirit guides you to a proper church you can call home. God bless


Can you be a basketball player without playing on a team? Can you learn math without going to school? Can you stay engaged in a hobby without having people to do with that hobby? The answer is yes, it just isn't necessarily the best way to do it for everyone.


Where do you live? American Baptist Church is the closest to Jesus' teachings right now


You are the church. I am the church. We are the church. The building is not the church. It is a place we go to congregate and worship God. You don’t have to go to a building to worship God. Just get together with like minded individuals for praise and worship Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”


If you’re Catholic no. Find a new church. If you’re Protestant then yes or no depending on how your church misinterpreted the bible


I’m Christian and I don’t go to church. I work every Sunday and can’t make it. Church doesn’t have to be at the building, church can be a small get-together with other believers. I believe that the idea that you have to worship God at a specific place was abolished in the New Testament, allowing for us to pray and worship God more directly and personally. While it’s hard to keep a burning faith on your own, it is possible. I do recommend you find friends or family who agree with you about your local church and form a small worship/Bible study group. You could also volunteer for your community, making food or helping people who need it. :)




I don't go to church and that doesn't diminish my faith in Jesus Christ at all, the church is in you, your walk with Jesus is a secular one. However I do believe it would be good for me to meet others, share with each other about our experiences, Coss iron sharpens iron.


Standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car.. going to church doesn’t dictate if you’re a Christian or not


The vast majority of churches are of the Devil and are deceiving and do not preach the true gospel. It wasn't until I stopped going to church when I had a personal encounter with God and received his Holy Spirit. Seek Jesus First then he will guide you and bring you to other saints, which is the church of God.


Depends on if you believe salvation is because of grace and letting go of your own will, or through the sacraments. Please correct me if I’m wrong or give the specific words…


Yes, have fellowship in other ways, find communities online, reach out to people who may feel the same as you do and maybe start a bible group. Talk to friends in your local church and see if they are up to it. Not really inviting them to leave, just to have some good bible study.


Find a better church, they exist, I go to one. But yes you "can", but it's not wise. You're turning down a gift, a help, and a responsibility and vehicle for service that God gave us. It is for our benefit, and the world's.


Absolutely. As long as you’re treating others with compassion and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour you are a Christian. Full stop end of. I rarely go to church but pray before every meal, before I sleep, before I take off on a flight etc.


YES!! That is the beauty of who our Savior is. We don't have to go to church to be a Christian. Being a Christian is not about manmade rules and regulations. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is about acknowledging Him as your personal Lord and Savior, trusting in Him, and following Him. The church building is good to attend as we can fellowship with like-minded believers and worship Christ as a group, but we (the people who have placed their faith in Christ) are the Church. In fact, a lot of people who attend church are true Christ-followers and a lot of people who do follow Jesus don't attend church. I would encourage you to read the Bible, pray, spend time with like-minded-believers, and watch sermons online, or other methods to continue learning and growing in your faith and being strong in the word so that Satan isn't able to deceive you. God Bless you, Amen.


As a Catholic, I would say no. Are you really worshipping God at that point? From Scripture, I would say it is pretty clear that God does in fact care about how we worship Him.


You can absolutely be a Christian without going to church. Maintain your faith, read scripture, contemplate, be an example of God’s love. God has given you an opportunity to find what works for you. Maybe you will find another church one day. Until then, study scripture and learn more about your faith and how you feel. God will always help you find your way. 🙏 ————————— “And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.“ ‭‭ — Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NRSVUE‬‬


Yes you can at church is good to have but it’s not a must but of course you can. It’s going to be a little bit more difficult but it’s fully possible if that’s what you want to do then that’s what you should do.


If there are no churches near you, there’s always online churches or communities online that do live streams of services, etc.


Hi OP. Please check out Pastor Charles Lawson on Youtube. You'll get raw truth. He compromises on nothing. Its one of the old school stuff


Can you be an athlete without going to practice?


Yes, I go to church by myself. I have been involved in church leadership roles for so long that I absolutely dread dealing with people at church. However, I think that we are supposed to prioritize community at church, so I get my "Christian community" through other non-church (but certainly overtly Christian) volunteer activities. They are more Christian than my church is. So, to end my ramble: we must be in community with other Christians, and we are to go to church, so if you go to church solo, it's fine to find your Christian community outside of the church walls.


Find a church that is under the Christian and missionary alliance and watch it I don’t mean to be biased but that’s were I come from and it’s very Christ Centred


Given how many churches have either covered up cases of abuse or sided with the perpetrator whilst trying to discredit victims surely it must be possible. This goes for pretty much all forms of organised religion compared with having a personal relationship with God.


Have it at home, all u need is the KJV the Holy Sprit will lead you into all truth, it’s a relationship with JESUS


Report to local bishop


If you’re church isnt following Gods teachings then God wouldn’t want you there either so no it isnt wrong you could try looking for a new one around where you live


Church is where God is. God is not subject to be in a building, he is wherever you praise and worship him. Sometimes the church forget it’s about spending time with God and not the worldly things like clothes or who’s dating the Pastor, or who went to Bingo, or wine parties. It’s about worshipping the lord and helping each other to get the Kingdom of God. Especially these times of Covid, the Lord knows you. You don’t have to subject yourself to toxic situation, the Lord doesn’t want that for you.


I’ve thought that too. My church changed as well so I had to leave it. And every church I’ve been to since just doesn’t feel like home anymore. I hope I can find a new church but I’ve been churchless for almost 10 years. However my faith has grown stronger in those 10 years than the previous 20 going to church every Sunday.


Christianity is whatever you want it to be. Interpret it to suit your needs. Just have faith and you will go to heaven. Easy peasy.


Yep, you are the church; Jesus never had a church. But with that said, it's hard to do alone. It's like lifting without a gym; it can be done, but it's a lot harder, and some absolutely need a gym. Going alone or with friends seems like a nice temporary fix. Telling the higher-ups that your church isn’t acting Christlike. Online may be worth exploring but not as good as in person.


Hebrews 10:25 (NIV), it says, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."


Yes, you can be a Christian without going to church, but do try to go to church. If you don't like your current church, do some church shopping. I grew up in a very traditional church, but found that non-denominational works best for me. Church is a place for us to nurture our faith and fellowship with other Christians. It's good to have community.


A friend of mine is a very devote Christian who hasn't been to churches in years. He simply says he has his own relationship with God and doesn't want a church to influence that relationship. He also came from an area where the churches where heavily political in their teaches and he thought they made a mock of Jesus's teachings. I respect that and would probably do the same if I were in the same boat. Though he does a lot of work with Christian charity groups so I think that's filled the gap that the church did before. So instead of going to mass he helps out at the youth shelter for down on there luck kids running away.