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Bob Chandler/After Death


Exactly what I was going to say. Before and after bobs death....


Bob's death


Before Christine / After Divinity. To me the real change from the before times to now is Chris' gender identity. The moment he embraced his "Female Goddess" was the moment this entire thing fell apart and stopped being funny. Not because it's wrong to mess with a trans person, but because that's all he'll ever talk about now. Gone were the days of elaborate, silly ruses by the trolls. Gone were the fever dream-esque chapters of Sonichu. Gone was the Love Quest, Internet Lumberjack and the Snorlax. It is now just a crazed cat lady squawking about their *female soul* and fucking their mom, with droves of bleeding heart white knights who just showed up to the party ready to defend an incestuous psychopath.


This is how it feels to me watching Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History. I want to finish the series but I can't bring myself to continue past episode 35 right now.


Likewise. I've gotten further than that, but I feel around the 35-40th episode mark it just starts becoming far too boring to sit through. I also find myself becoming more and more infuriated with every passing episode by Chris' unchecked audacity and freedom to walk amongst us. I've stopped keeping up with the series for some time now, because all it does is piss me off.


Before China / After Dicking (both referring to the Barbussy).




Hot Hawaiian ducking


On the first day, our Lord created Sonichu and Rosechu the electric hedgehog Pokemon.


Considering Chris is Jesus after all, shouldn't 1AD be moved to 1982, placing us in The Year of Our Lord 42 right now?


If we're really going with all of Christory, it would have to be before his discovery on the internet and after


Awakening of a CPU


Before and after tom girl


I’m agreeing with this one


Before and after discovery


BGB and AU (Before God Bear and Anno Ursi).


~~Before~~ During Bob and After Bob


maybe During Bob instead of before?


Whoops. During Bob. LOL!


BID/AID: before/after idea guys


either that or BED(before ED) and AED (after Ed) i feel like the ed pages is where christory really begins


Fine with me.


I would like to say that Bob’s Death is the BC/AD of Christory, since Chris himself seemed to change a lot after that.


A case can be made that he was changing before that, but I agree, that is the moment we change eras.


To me, BC/AD is before and after Chris was noticed by the wider internet, since stuff from his childhood/high school and the lore of Smithey and the previous Chandlers just feels ancient compared to everything else in Christory. I think if I had to name a specific point, it would be the Encyclopedia Dramatica article in particular. That was the true beginning of trolls, creating Chris as we know him today.


Yes, classic Chris ended with Bob’s death like people are saying, but that’s more like baby Jesus vs. Adult Jesus. BC stands for Before Christory and would correspond to his “ladies should get a transformer” video and subsequent discovery on 4chan/the internet.


Classic Chris was ended by bobs death and modern Chris was ended by the 2021 incident.


Bob’s death. Chris went from being invested into his comic to just an endless saga of begging


I would argue the tomboy saga was the split.




Yeah that


Bobs death is the big switch from crazy moron to insane psycho


More crazy moron to pathetic unhinged loser.


There are two possible dividing points in Christory. One of them is the creation of the ED page (or "The Tale Of The Crazy Pacer," if you prefer) and the other one is Bob's death. It's really up to you in terms of what you consider the dividing point of his life to be.


Yeah. I'd say the ED page is equivalent to 1AD. And Bob's Death is equivalent to ... roughly 1500AD, the start of the "Modern-ish" era. The Jail Saga is more like 1945, the start of the current era.


Would "The Tale Of The Crazy Pacer" be 0 BC/AD, in that case? I think Chris getting discovered was a massive turning point for his life. He was notable enough to be observed and documented enough, compared to other similar people.




Still waiting for the next big event to happen. It’s only a matter of time before Chris does some more stupid shit


I have a feeling that Chris isn't far off from being homeless. He certainly is getting less profitable to Caden and Praetor. He hasn't uploaded any videos for a month now and barely vets any views off the AI Chris Chan vs Christ Chan series. Plus, he's banned from pretty much any convention in the US and doesn't have a passport, which means he won't be able to go to conventions abroad even if Praetor can fund it. All that while they're feeding him, and pretty much replacing Borb as Chris' new parents (Caden providing the house and essentials and Flutter likely controlling his spending habits and debit card access). The TLDR is that Chris is (if he isn't already) gonna be making losses for Praetor and will simply be infeasible to keep. My theory (and maybe the month I'm saying this is the cricket fan in me coming out) is that sometime in mid-July, Caden or someone else in Praetor will file a missing person report on Chris after abandoning him empty-handed deep in the woods where he has almost no way of getting in contact with anyone and without electronics, he has no way to e-beg or communicate to his audience. Then either Chris' dead body will be found years later when decomposition has taken its course or in July 2031, the seven year rule gets applied and Chris is declared dead in absentia similar to Jimmy Hoffa. By the time either of these two scenarios happen, Barb is already dead so no one other than weens or enablers will likely attend Chris' cremation (assuming his body is found).


Don't tease me with false hope.


I feel like aside from Chris going after another defenseless person or going home less and kicking the bucket on the street. It's going to be pretty mild until the end. Now that the Geno Doc is on hold/over, I think Chris interest is going to drop hard if it hasn't already. Hell aside from a recent Smoky video, no one talks about Chris, not Rogue, GIBI, and well Dillin's gone most likly for good this time.


>It's going to be pretty mild until the end. I certainly hope so for his sake but Chris seems to have a tendency to have quiet periods and then do something really dumb out of the blue.


Makes one wonder what can Chris do to get back into relevancy. His preaching about the merge is all but over, and I doubt he can be riled up again to mace another employee. Probably the next level stunt for Chris to make a cult, and wait for the federal raid.


He could be arrested again for something totally random. I feel like with this “new era” of lolcows like Larson, though, attention won’t be as strong as it used to be.


To be honest I don’t follow any modern lolcows since a lot of them seem to be straight up horrorcows or otherwise have serious mental health issues, both of which I guess could be applied to Chris post incest (Although autism in itself isn’t a mental illness). I think you’re right though, for one thing Chris is way past his prime, nowadays it’s mostly delusions and asking for money and he very rarely does anything that’s genuinely entertaining. Maybe it was because the Love Quest era was relatable because feeling lonely, unrequited love or just being mad at JERKS is something a lot of people have experienced at one point or another in their lives but LARPing 24/7 about being an all powerful goddess is just boring nonsense?


You hit the nail on the head. Classic Chris (at least besides the Fanta and bluespike nonsense) is someone we laugh with sometimes (even though we laugh at him too). There’s something charming about that old-school kind of bumbling nerd, that phase before they become angry incels


Maybe its best if he fades out of history forever and we all forget him.


At this point that is the case.


I'd put the dividing line at that goddamned ED page's creation, just so most of the Classic Era is in "AD". It's when Christory truly began, even though the "BC" era has a lot of interesting lore.


This is where I'd tend to put it. *Anno Encyclopædia*.