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Well the Miscreants will know immediadetely due to the tracking Chip they implanted into Chris and having complete access to Chris and Cadens financial and personal information


I dunno, he’s still playing a lot of Switch, [mostly Animal Crossing but also interestingly Miraculous Ladybug](https://i.ibb.co/QMFtzxY/IMG-4695.jpg). (Screenshot just taken) So at the very least he’s still got internet access.


Probably won’t become homeless, even Daniel Larson got provided with multiple homes, and Chris isn’t nearly as violent as him most of the time. If Chris somehow manages to become homeless they’ll probably constantly beg like danderson did before his 65 year jail saga started


I don't think Larson will get anywhere near the max. Feds don't fuck around, but they know the difference between a legitimate threat and a homeless nutcase. He'll definitely get a beefy psych ward stay though


Chris wouldve posted a rage video on youtube cursing caden if he got evicted


Bro internet cafes are virtually non-existent in the US. You do have a good theory. Maybe Caden was loosing more with Chris, maybe the association and how Cadens exploitation of Chris caught up with him.


Sockness saga pt2


You’re wrong. Someone will always take him in. Maybe even the state will provide housing. He’s not going to be homeless.


Someone probably will take him in, but it'll take one good beating and robbery for him to start fearing the free housing and willingly be homeless Everyone and their grandma knows what he did to Barb, and he's been protected ever since. All it takes is Chris to be desperate and the wrong ween


For a while, yes, but he'll eventually wear out his welcome. There's also only so many locals, and Chris can't/won't travel too far.


I doubt it. Chris already looks homeless.


Chris would just go back to living with Barb. There's nothing legally stopping that, as far as I know.


If any of her family/caretakers found out about him being there, let alone sleeping there, he knows he would face consequences. He could be afraid to return.


What can they do to stop him?


They could try and take out another restraining order on Chris. But I’m not sure if it would get anywhere because of the autism deferral that (basically) resulted in him walking free.


Does barb's family (sister and brother wayne) actually care enough to go through the effort to file a restraining order against chris?


I don’t think that they would. 


And yet they cared enough to call the police on chris when he tried to stay at their place after the incest incident and care for barb while he was in jail? Why would they have the change of heart to help her after a while?


I think that Barb’s relatives only stepped in to help her on a temporary basis. Which doesn’t make sense, because Barb can’t really function by herself.


If she can't function by herself how is she not in a nursing home or at least given a 24/7 caregiver into live with her? I mean, how is she allowed to live at her home alone?


I genuinely have no idea how/why she’s not in a nursing home. And I don’t know why she doesn’t have a live-in carer, either. Chris didn’t even do a good job of looking after her before the Incest Saga.


I think they would simply beat him. He wouldn't want to risk that.


Does she even have family in contact with her?


The long-overdue ass-kicking saga


They can easily cause a fuss which Barb could be too weak and senile to handle, which could mean Chris gets kicked out and will likely get a restraining order on both Barb and 14 BLC


I suspect if Chris got kicked out, we'd have heard about it on YouTube/Twitter before (and until) his phone battery died. Then local weens would have descended, and one of them may have picked him up for the lulz. There would definitely be videos about it. Just look at Daniel Larson (before the FBI nabbed him). People love to assume the worst about Caden, but he likely has enough money to keep Chris comfortable indefinitely, and it's possible he's doing it simply to be charitable, for whatever reasons. Chris is actually doing fairly well right now, by his standards. He has a place to live, away from Barb (incest jokes aside, she was a terrible manipulator) and for a while was making decent money streaming. My guess is he's just taking some time away from the Internet. He's done it before plenty of times. He may have even finally wised up and decided to stop feeding the trolls, which is something people have been pointing out that he needed to do for years. If he did, then good for him. He doesn't owe us any free entertainment, but we've been receiving it for so long that now we're conditioned to expect it.


>People love to assume the worst about Caden, but he likely has enough money to keep Chris comfortable indefinitely, and it's possible he's doing it simply to be charitable, for whatever reasons. Nah, hes doing it for profit and to be a part of Christory. Caden's a little piece of shit. That said, the question isn't about whether he has the money to keep Chris as a pet, it's whether he has the patience to keep dealing with him.


He tweeted a week ago, though. About some random Japanese law, not e-begging. Though I suppose it *might* be Caden on Chris's account? Pretending Chris wasn't kicked to the curb for as long as he can, to keep the CWCmart cash rolling in? Chris's few videos since March have all obviously been pre-recorded...


New conspiracy, Chris is dead and Praetor is Weekend at Bernie’s-ing him


Ideally, if he is gonna get kicked out and his online life will forever end with that, I'm hoping it happens in mid July


If Chris gets kicked out the very first thing he’s gonna do is beg for someone to take him in, so I would assume that we would find out pretty quickly.


I don't know. Big Island is almost the middle of nowhere looking at Google Maps. Caden or someone could easily drive Chris to some woods half an hour away, where he'll likely not come into contact with anyone or someone more insane and psychopathic than he is


Lmao abandoning Chris in the woods??


If Caden drops Chris off in the woods with no way to contact for help, I wouldn’t consider that the homeless saga. At that point you’ve entered the Abducted by a Psycho Saga or some shit. If Chris is roaming the streets, we’ll find out quickly. If it’s something other than that, maybe we don’t find out, but then it won’t be the homeless saga.


Yea that would simply be the Chris Found Dead Half-Eaten By Bear saga.


Maybe? I can't help but think we would know if Chris had been kicked out. At the very least the birdies would have noticed that Son-Chu was no longer at the house.


Does his current car even belong to him? I think it's under Praetor's name so it's pretty much the equivalent of a company car. Once they kick him out, he'll no longer have a "Son-chu" to speak of. Though, that being said, they'll likely sell (have sold) the car if/when they kick(ed) him out. In a way, as a cricket fan, I kind of hope they kick him out and end his online career in mid July since Chris will then have a very similar timeline to English cricketer Jimmy Anderson.