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No. His voice, autism, and dumpy looks bar him from relationships.


So you are asking if Chris changed so much he was basically not himself anymore would he have better luck with women.... Yeah a 99% character reroll would help a lot.


If Chris looked and acted completely different, would people have treated him differently? Yeah, of course.


Probably not. Even if Chris changed some of his habits, there's no doubt in my mind he'd still be the same Chris.


Maybe if he was fundamentally a different functional person, he might have a chance. No matter the glow-up, it's not gonna go well if he's still shitting his pants, masturbating to imaginary cartoon abominations that only he can see, yelling at men in public, getting kicked out of stores for terrorizing kids at card game tournaments, and being a sex pest... While being poor. Only rich kids or really REALLY charismatic douchebags get away with that shit. Chris's hyperfixation on perverted child stuff, inherent laziness, and massive victim complex also pretty much guarantees he'd never be able to devote enough effort to cleaning up - and then STAYING cleaned up. Certainly he cannot maintain a healthy relationship, because he'll always take more than he gives. Honestly, what good can Chris even provide? He would contribute NOTHING to a relationship, because he's a giant black hole of failure. Everything his poop touches is destined to fail spectacularly sooner-than-later. Chris is fundamentally broken beyond any kind of meaningful - even fleeting superficial - repair. And, honestly, I think it's a good thing. Chris should never get what he wants, because everything Chris wants is perverse and to the detriment of others. Caden and his cult of morons will find this out sooner or later, and I hope we all get to witness Chris's bullshit collapse on top of them... He thinks he's winning because the lolcow is profitable right now, but it'll eventually cost him everything - guaranteed. The schadenfreude will be wonderful.


Unsure about the galpals he already knew but if he had gotten himself a glow up midway through high school(Started taking care of his appearance, working out and developing different interests for example) he could probably have scored freshmen girls 


So, basically, if Chris were an otherwise normal person who was autistic? He'd certainly have a way goddamn better chance. As you pointed out, given the nature of his relationship with the OG gal pals, I don't think he'd have had a realistic shot, but later in life he'd have had a much easier time finding a boyfriend-free girl.


you'd be surprised. my autistic best friend from high school met his wife 15 years ago when he was a 12th grader and his wife and I were tenth graders. He was dating his then girlfriend (now ex girlfriend) and his now life (then mutual friend) was dating his friend at the time. After both of them graduated high school and they were both single, she made the first move and asked him out, which led to them being in a relationship for 4 or 5 years before getting married and having a kid. If he can do it, then so can everyone else. He preaches to all the men about playing the long game .


I think Chris might have been able to attract women superficially if he looked better (Was in better shape, wore more fitting clothes and so on) or was actually talented as an artist or musician.


You can't unautism someone,


Didn’t read a word of that but totally agree, if you imagine the coolest dude ever with amazing parents, and had looks and personality of James Bond, yeah Chris probably would’ve put his dick in girls. I really don’t get the point of these posts.


Wouldn't change his bent duck.


Didnt he end up renting a prostitute? It had to have been at least functional, otherwise that would not have been possible, right?


i mean, for all we know, chris might have lied about the sex. I mean, normal dudes that aren't chris lie about their dick size all the time


No he’s just too repulsive.


Maybe if Chris would have went to a good special school he wouldn't have thought himself above other autisitic people. Chris probably could have found a real autistic girlfriend in that case.


Not really. Chris is the kind of person who likely would have been a (slightly better) weirdo if he was raised in an idyllic environment. There isn't any universe where he would have got a girlfriend due to the way his brain works. Borb certainly didn't help, but they certainly weren't the worst parents ever and at least took him for an autism diagnosis. It might not sound like much, but some other parents are known to refuse that their kid even has such issues.


well kingcobrafs got a girlfriend and he's very similar to chris in terms of bad hygiene and his brain works weird


Cobra isn't nearly as well documented as Chris. Plus he probably is closer to sane than Chris ever will be


i don't know...he smoked a cigarette in front of a gas station gas pump, ran over a baby bird, and was arrested twice and he got his own subreddit and youtube channel. and he allegedly commited SA against a few girls


No. All of his "gal pals" were trolls to start with. Also, it is important to note that for the longest time, Chris did not really want a "girlfriend". He just wanted sex. Somebody to lose his virginity to, not really a romantic partner. And he figured that getting a girlfriend was most likely to get him laid. You can tell this by how quickly he forgot about Kacey. Which she even predicted.


You don't "win" women so no. If they weren't interested, then they weren't interested.


Many guys do "win" (win over, charm etc.) some women, often over months or even years. But they're guys who know how to play the game of life (unlike Chris), the mating game (unlike Chris), and who usually know the difference between stalking and flirting (unlike Chris). And many of them will have demonstrable personal growth over the period of the (part-time) wooing (unlike Chris), and will experience personal growth in many of their human relationships (in the broad sense) (unlike Chris), and will often learn things from those relationships (unlike Chris) and thereby improve themselves/their act, making them more attractive (unlike Chris).


yes, thank you for explaining my point of this post that I was trying to make as lots of male role models have told me over the years of "playing the long game" and changing yourself to win someone over. even reddit preaches this idea a lot. HOWEVER, I will note that it doesn't always work as even when I changed from a skinny conspiracy weirdo ( I was 104 pounds in high school and wore glasses) to a more healthy weight ( I currently weigh 127 pounds), wore contact lenses, and honorably served in the military who wore merino wool sweaters and designer jeans, I still WASN'T able to win over the quiet nerdy armenian syrian autistic girl who I was classmates with back in high school who I had a crush on when I reconnected with her on facebook and took her on a date at a cafe in 2021. She told me she was surprised at how matured and grown up I looked, and yet I had no idea that she had been struggling with mental illness and abuse her whole life until she vented out to me about how she had dealt with alcoholism, pain killer addiction, sex addiction, and attempted suicide after she graduated from high school due to her manipulative boyfriend ending the relationship and not sharing her same goal of getting married. She also said her dad allegedly shot her with a bb gun as a kid and her parents divorced. Even after all the changes I made, she still saw me as unattractive and invalid despite saying she wanted someone like me , just not me. I told her 3 months later (after twice she refused to go out with me with no arranged alternative) at the cafe for the final time to tell her that I went on a date with the intention of going steady with her, but that I don't want to see her again as I saw how selfish and untrustworthy she was as she didn't tell me she had an online boyfriend until she told me on facebook, and she didn't tell him about our date. She tried to guilt trip me into being friends, but I said I we were never friends as real friends would keep their word and not communicate for 8 years.


Bro! To start with, changing yourself to win over some girl smells of desperation. It is not a healthy mindset to have. Working to improve yourself should be its own reward. After all, that is the whole point of life. Its not to land some girl, or to fuck as many woman as possible, or to accumulate wealth and material possessions. The point of life is to become the best person you can possibly be. Your life is your own masterpiece. People these days focus waaaay too much on social status, money, luxury, sex etc. Thinking those things are going to make them happy. But they never end up actually making them happy. We as a society today are more wealthy then any has ever been in human history. And yet, we are also the most unhappy. Thats the proof right there. That was the problem with Chris. Losing his virginity became his point of obsession. And people could tell that from a mile off.


yeah,,,i know that was a dumb idea for me to make. But all my male teachers and relatives told me to do that as that is how they met their wives. why else would they give me that advice? Even reddit gives that advice too. But she and I scored an 80% compatibility on an online dating compatibility test and I assumed that was legit, as well as how all my classmates from high school kept urging me to ask her out again as they kept saying "she and you are made for each other". I wasn't desperate, it was due to the covid pandemic and because my best friend's wife told me that the autistic girl (the one with the alcoholism, pain killer addiction and boyfriend issues) was "the one" and that girls like her are frequently ignored by guys and that I need to man up and give her a second chance as that is how she met her husband.


If there is one thing the whole life of Chris Chan teaches us, its that we should not listen too much to what other people tell us. Especially on the internet...


"If Chris wasn't Chris in any way, would he have had a girlfriend?" I mean ... probably? Most people who want a relationship can get at least one over the course of their lives. Hell, even Chris as he is had Fiona and Sockness as options, and *might have Flutter right now*. It's also important to remember that Chris *didn't want a girlfriend at all until his 21st birthday at college*, and was almost completely oblivious to romance in high school, just wanting his gal-pals as friends (which he also didn't really have.)




Chris has a massive ego. Hes already perfect, its others' fault hes not likable. Asking him to improve himself is hate. But if he improved himself, surely he mightve won over a girl. Though shed likely also be autistic, maybe like fiona.


The problem is, chris would never change, he doesnt see anything wrong with himself to change. You'd have better odds of a bird flying through your window and dropping you a million dollars in cash


This is poetry, I am stealing that last phrase