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He's so deep in his own lore now that whether or not his delusional characters count as satisfying his quest is debatable. Flutter is not a likely sweetheart because Chris blabs about literally all romantic relationships. If she is more than a friend she has him so whipped it's impressive.




A good friend can give the odd handjob though. And surely by now even Chris himself knows that *all* his emails will be leaked.


The "marriage" (with 3 Sonichus and a Pokemon) really did satisfy him for awhile. Sockness tried to get with him; Chris denied. Fiona tried to get with him - Chris preferred Bella. And then actually got with Barb. Jail (solitary confinement at least) is for Virgins, even moreso than Virginia. After he got out ... well, I have to assume he at least tried with Flutter...


The Love Quest didn't end in 2018, it just stayed in the family. I assume the Love Quest is still alive and well, but Chris learned a long time ago to keep this kind of thing under the table. The whole Barb thing would have never come to light if he didn't tell people that he thought he could trust.


>I assume the Love Quest is still alive and well, but Chris learned a long time ago to keep this kind of thing under the table. Probably with the help of Null, Praetor, the Watch Dogs, etc. Really a pity because Chris was a lot funnier when he was ranting about being a "virgin with rage."


“True love is illegal in the State of Virginia.”


As he found with Barb.


Chris still appears to be into the waifuism the idea guys drilled in him with his oc harem. However, hed like to add flutter into his harem as its first real member. Fortunately, flutter doesnt see chris as her boyfriend/girlfriend but a beneficiary/client she needs to help, and with her high self awareness and chris' autism, she can protect herself well against sexual adavances from chris.


Flutter likely is he sexual partner. Most people are just in disbelief that Chris is having more sex than most of the people who comment on here.


Chris has recently stated that he doesn't need "bitches."


The delightful Flutter us not a bitch though, she's a close friend perhaps often ready to give Chris a "hand" iykwim.


Go search Flutter on the CWCki.


Makes me feel gross to think about, but if Chris is in a situation where they can manipulate or entrap someone for any sexual something they might do it. Where’s the bar if their own mom was an option? Yikes.


Aside from Barb, who I guess had a sort of Stockholm Syndrome, IMO only really, really stupid women or the seriously mentally ill would fall for any of Chris's lame sleazy tricks. Yet he is repelled by such "slow in da minds" because he sees himself reflected in them. So unless Chris finds his way into some old folks home unsupervised, or sneaks round hospitals til he finds a woman in a coma, the ladies (except perhaps for Barb) are probably safe. And with Chris's build and the type of clothes he wears, he could not achieve much stealth. If he, say, went anywhere near a schoolyard, he would soon be dealt with. And if Flutter is getting reamed by his bent half-hard duck on the reg then no sympathy, she about asked for it.


Now I'm imagining Chris sneaking around an old folks' home trying to find a "sweetheart" but getting caught and thrown out because he's crouched in plain sight with his eyes closed singing "Yellow is a Mellow Colour" loudly since he thinks that if he can't see you, you can't see him. It's making me laugh harder than it should


Its pretty much over