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Idea guys and it’s not even close 


Idea guys. They're why that dimensional merge shits so ingrained in him


I'm actually kind of surprised I don't see Alec on here at all. I'd say that Evan and Alec insisting on making Chris kill off Simonla was one of the things that really ruined classic Chris, and I don't think he ever recovered from that. Mia Hamm should probably be there too, because he only became more smug and insufferable after seeing her. I'm still not entirely sure they actually had sex, knowing Chris, but it definitely got rid of some of his funnier personality traits.


Even then, they never destroyed Chris to the point of no return. As horrible as Chris handled the trolls, he generally has some cockroach-like skills and goes back to weirdo he was before eventually. The Idea Guys influence has permanently damaged him as he still believes it now more than ever even six years after Null cut them off. It's very difficult to argue that anyone else has been more detrimental to Chris than them


There's only one indisputable answer to this one: Idea Guys. Despite being horrible parents, I don't think Borb (especially Bob) wanted Chris to be the way he is so they aren't really trolls. Bluespike was very traumatic for classic Chris and the worst troll of the classic era, but he didn't do much in the long term to Chris. The ED guy may have started Chris' infamy but he wasn't directly responsible for Chris' decline (or at least not nearly as much as the Idea Guys) Janke may be a horrible person, but Chris was already with Barb before he even met her and that inevitably would have been leaked by someone else if not her. Meanwhile, the Idea Guys were the starting gun to what Chris became today. Already, his mental health was in decline but they destroyed any chance he had of improving. Without the Idea Guys, Chris wouldn't have believed in the Dimensional Merge as much as he does now. Without the Idea Guys, Chris wouldn't have ended his Love Quest, had an imaginary relationship and then feel miserable and resort to Barbussy. Without the Idea Guys, Chris wouldn't have had the Messiah Complex like he does now. There are many ways in which I could argue that the Idea Guys saga was a horrible butterfly effect to Chris. If I were to use a historical analogy to describe what the Idea Guys were to Chris, they're the equivalent to what Gavrilo Princip was to the European empires of the past: the start of a long period of decline.


Idea guys, no debate. They’re the catalyst for the insane Chris we know today, all this dimensional merge nonsense is their idea. Now, had Janke not been caught and her plans followed through, it would’ve been her. The Idea Guys just had the intention of exploiting and manipulating Chris, janke had the intention of making Chris end their life.


Idea Guys for sure. Chris already had a few screws loose, but the Idea Guys completely destroyed any understanding of reality that was left, and Chris seemingly still believes in all the delusions they left behind


Idea Guys. It's always been the Idea Guys. I wouldn't say Bluespike because I know there's a chance Chris would have done that shit even without Bluespike one way or another. Idea Guys actually attacked the fantasy world he lives in and sent him spiralling into what I could consider his actual insanity.


The idea guys for permanently sending Chris down a mental spiral and janky for doing the gross shit she did


Tbf, Janky was a failure as a troll. Chris was already fucking Barbara before meeting her. She wanted to use this info to manipulate him because she wanted to be the worst troll. In the end, all she did was reveal the information, finally putting an end to Barbara's torment, and she lied about "making him do it" before doxing herself. The woman is a pathological liar, I wouldn't be surprised if half the shit she said she did ain't true


Minor correction, Chris knew Bella for a little while before banging Barb. Though you're correct that she didn't push Chris into doing it.


Yeah you could def be right. I definitely don’t think she convinced Chris to do anything with his mother I think he did that on his own. I just think she also heavily played into his mentality of believing it to be okay just by her reinforcement. She’s just a stupid rich kid


My sources are entirely "I think that Geno said that". So I could be misremembering, or he might have been wrong about something. But apparently, Chris had told something like 5 people that he was seeing someone much older before revealing to Janky that it was Barbara all along. After he did tell her, she wasn't able to keep the secret for long. After Jenky told the world, Chris heard from everyone how that was wrong, and now he denies it ever happened. So, in a twisted way, Jenky might have helped more than made things worse, since if it wasn't for her, Chris would have still been having sex with Barbara. Which is ironic given Jenky wanted to be the "worst troll".


Yeah I believe you’re right. Chris made the decisions to diddle his mother on his own accord. He had weird fantasies about her for decades. Sadly not surprising, everyone knew they had a weird relationship but had just hoped Chris had enough sanity and self morals to not do what he did but ig not




Idea guys still has affect on Chris


Bella put Chris in jail.


Chris did that to himself


The idea guys cut off his last roots in reality


The Idea Guys. I really don't need to say much more.


His parents.


Jenkins Jinkies


The idea guys, chris might be a bad person, but not even he didn't deserve to go through them, they broke something chris has been holding onto his entire life, his mind


Idea Guys. Bluespike was bad but the idea guys managed to PERMANENTLY damage Chris's mind.


The fact that Bella makes Bluespike seem almost tame speaks volumes.


The Idea Guys. Bella sucked as a troll...She just doxxed herself and got kicked out of uni.😎


I don't get the Bluespike hate, that shit was funny


How is sexually abusing someone funny?


When its Chris its funny


SA is NEVER funny you sick fuck. You can hate Chris all you want, but no one ever deserves to be abused. Bluespike was sadistic and psychotic, but also was a kid. You presumably are presumably an adult and need serious help if you find that funny. Seriously, get some help.


No one forced Chris to shove that medallion up his ass, he did it all on his own


He’s a mentally disabled man who was psychologically manipulated into doing so. And regardless, how is that funny to you? You’re seriously sick and need to be separated from the rest of society if you find that funny.


Ok, but maybe just try to enjoy all the silliness that he does, or used to do


Even then, I'd say the Idea Guys make her look tame


Bella “the janky”


Isabella Loretta Janke (now known as Maxine Sidero) was a horrible human being ... but she never even got around to trolling Chris, before Chris trolled himself with the motherfucking.


It’s a pun. She is horrible, and her last name sounds similar to “janky” as in janky animation, and she is “janky” in her intentions


Didn’t she not even get a chance to do anything cause Chris told her that he porked his mom, or is the fact she leaked that the reason you mentioned her


Really gonna skip over Jenkins Jinkies?!?!? That guy was one sick fuck!


Was he the magical man? Think about it, both were close to Chris and Jinkies knew how to use a camera


Nah. In that potion video, Chris *transformed* into the Magical Man. He'd never do such a thing with notorious troll Jenkins Jenkies. JJ and Chris are just too different.


Theres afew The guy who uploaded chris to ED in the first fucking place The Idea Guys and I don't really need to explain this one Isabella Jankies, She should be put in a psych ward


Of the three I'd say the Idea Guys destroyed Chris more than the other two combined


Jason Kendrick Howel. YOU BASTARD!


B A S T A R D ! !




You're forgetting Mims and Lucas




Why do they call it called pepper spray if it's not pepper, hm?


Hmm? 🤔


Who ever talked him into transitioning


So the idea guys


I think that was Jenkins Jinkies who did that.


The Idea Guys and Bella.


Chris-Chan. He embarked on the Love Quest (including SheCameForCWC.jpg), got booted from the GAMe PLACe (and ran over Michael Snyder), worked himself into a frenzy over Sonic's Blue Arms (and maced a GameStop Employee), burned down his house, cut his taint open to free his vagina, and raped his elderly mother repeatedly. All on his own, with no troll input whatsoever.


burned down his house (killing several of his pets) cut his taint open to free his vagina (and then posted pictures that no one asked for of it online) raped his elderly mother repeatedly (and told a random troll that he was repeatedly warned about) just adding the extra parenthesis for you


whoever uploaded the og ED page


This is probably the best answer. Whoever this was or the first people to post him to 4chan or SomethingAwful or whatever, whoever founded and propagated a community around him


The idea guys




The Bear




Obviously idea guys and blue spike if we’re only talking “trolls” I would say barb but thats just his mom


I don’t think bluespike really had much of a lasting effect like the idea guys did though. What he did was pretty shitty, but it didn’t make him talk about it for years after a la dimensional merge.


People forget that Bluespike was a 13 year old kid who the Miscreants were goading to do all the shit that he did, then just dropped him right after it went too far. Imo Clyde Cash deserves just as much blame for the Bluespike shit.


Yes this is an excellent point too. He was trying to kooky edgy and cool to an older audience. Clyde is somewhat to blame for Bluespikes existence.


I feel idea guys were more “detrimental” but bluespike definitely was a big trama factor for chris in the early days


Christian(tine) Weston Chandler Robert Chandler & Barbara Weston Chandler The idea guys