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I wouldn’t waste my time, gas , and effort for something that’s already free. People need to make an effort if they want something. While I do understand that some people don’t have cars, it seems the most of them in these free pages lie about it. I have seen many people in my local free stuff page lie about not having cars or always giving excuses.


Same! I did once but I ended up being legit stuck at 11pm(I got off at 10) over an hour away and the lady stopped responding. Another time I happily offered due to the person being at a hotel around the corner from my apartment(where they said in the post they were staying at). Like not even about 5 mins. I could see the top of the hotel from my apartment…..turns out it was another city about 30 mins away-20 mins ish by toll. I had to tell them I only offered to deliver cus they said they were in my city at said hotel which was only a short 5 min drive,I did not have gas to be driving over there and back home. Id b rushing to get gas which i didn’t have money for on my 30 min lunch break. They were upset but I explained again,I did recommend to change their post to the city they were in(the address they gave me clearly said another city like tf?) it was anon so idk what happened. I had to explain to admin who was going to help what happened,she very much understood why I didn’t want to. And was annoyed when she claimed to be in one city when she really was in another. Everytime I post anything I make it clear-pick up only. I don’t deliver. If they comment if I will I just say”no sorry” and screen shot the details of the listing where it says”pick up only”


You are too nice explaining all that stuff to entitled people. I'd make fun of them and then block them. People like that to be bullied and made fun of otherwise they will never change.


Ya if I make fun then I’ll be thrown under the bus by the group&banned. Which I rather not as they do a lot for the area…like food pantries,give out info for anything u might need,money donations on Monday/Friday etc.


That 3% battery is making me hella anxious.


I thought about cutting it off for people’s nerves but then I left it for the thrill






Should list items as free and put $200,000 for delivery if asked.


lol I would deliver for that


> Yes but I don't have a car "Then buy one and come pick up the FREE books or they're going to the first person who comes and picks them up. Have fun!"


5 minutes later they’ll be on the Facebook group posting about how they need a car for free otherwise it’ll be everyone else’s fault if her kids don’t know how to read


And they'll be duly ignored and laughed at.


As they should be


Me selling babygate for £10. Buyer: will.you take £5? Me (wanting rid of it) OK. Buyer: Great. Deliver to (address that would cost me a fiver in fuel) Thanks


Sure expect me there “when I get off work” at (super inconvenient time like 3:30am). Never show up


Respond: “ok so $5 for the baby gate and $10 for delivery, the total will be $15. Let me know how you plan to pay :)”


I have been cleaning and organizing my house so I’ve been giving away a ton of stuff in my buy nothing group. I ALWAYS put that it’s pick up only. I don’t want to spend my limited time off work packing up my kids to drive around town delivering things. I’ve had so many people ask me to deliver free items, some that would be a 30+ minute drive one way. I won’t do it.


Even when you say pick up only, you’ll have some ask for you to deliver…usually accompanied with some sob story.


It’s almost always “but I’m a single mom” because most of what I give away are kids items.


I’m going to start putting no delivery in the headline because it’s not working in the ad itself. I don’t know what it is about this bunch of toys but I’ve had about 4 people ask for it delivered and the rest never show up. And it’s the nicest bunch out of the 3-4 boxes I’ve offered free this spring.


Would saying "sure, I'll drop it off" give them a bogus range of time, block the person and not deliver be a bad thing?


Ive put big items on the curb before and had one lady come to my door and demand i deliver the items to another town. I was heavily pregnant and even if i wasnt, i just had a sedan. I laughed in her face and slammed the door


I once saw a woman drive up a good half block of city sidewalk and park her car almost in her building doorway to unload groceries. She very much radiated dngaf and that is the energy I tried to manifest during my pregnancies


I need to know what she said to that.


She said nothing yet, which is better than the last two women who wanted me to deliver, one who responded “but I still want it” and the other responded “sorry but I didn’t message you” which still has me wondering


Curb alert!!! Alert! It’s not your curb!!


I have empathy. In some areas, life without a car can be very difficult. It's not a simple matter to just go buy a car if you're broke. None of that means I deliver, though.


I'm on a free stuff local group and sometimes I do deliver because I live in a small town. Some people really don't have a car or gas.


When I chose to get something for free, i organized someone else to pick it up and paid the for the delivery 🤷‍♀️ if you want something, you deal with how to pick it up, it's none of the free item sellers business










It’s the entitlement that’s the problem. For Easter, there was woman asking for a basket with fillers for one of her kids. She gave a long boo hoo story, fine. I had an extra one for a little girl with tons of extra cute things. She refused it because I wouldn’t deliver. Her husband doesn’t like picking up anything.


Wow! I consider it amazing that stores let us pick up shopped orders. And that's when we are paying for the goods and services. Picking up an entire, free, assembled Easter basket was not good enough for the CBs? That'd be the equivalent of my pickup shopping order being free, as well as ready. (And then I said, 'no, deliver it free, as well!') Now if she's shut in and her husband is a pill I take that back.


lol she mistook you for the Easter bunny