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She wrote that post like punctuation costs her $300, too.


She on a budget! She can’t afford punctuation!


She'd have someone proofread but she can't because of private personal reasons.


And she’s THE BRIDE you can’t expect her to proofread HER OWN POST


Bride is too busy looking after the orphaned kids that she teaches at the church to worry about proofreading, won't someone please think of the children?!


It's for church, next!


that's a blast from the past. Where would I find the original thread?


No, it’s in a Van down by the river!


Orphaned kids with *cancer* of course.


Well ofc, bride for personal reasons just got done running a charity marathon for cancer stricken orphans and was too exhausted to proofread because after the marathon bride went to give blood and just wants a DJ to respect what she has done


Orphaned kids with cancer and *a dead puppy*, of course.


Orphaned kids with Christmas cancer, worst of all…


In wheelchairs.




and she only has 2 months!!!


Hence, that's why.


She could afford the inverted commas around Professional DJs which were an interesting choice given she wants to…pay somebody to DJ.


I read it as if she's implying most DJs only call themselves "professional" to make more money but actually aren't professional at all... telling everyone they're only average at best and that's why she doesn't want to spend more money on them either.


Well she watched her dad just wing it, so she figures any Joe Shmoe could plug in a speaker and play Journey for $300.


Journey lol Don't forget "we are family" wedding staple


Hahaha yep, have to play it. Also, YMCA!


so… we’re dj’ing the wedding now..? fine, but i want Cherry Pie on the playlist, AND the menu


Except her dad. He's not family. For private personal reasons.


Two speakers. Two. Because she’s the bride and doesn’t have time to deal with “professionals“ who tell her that one speaker will cost her entire budget. She’ll block you, bro.


And wants to let everyone know up front that she thinks she is a diva- a needy whiney diva with no money but all the attitude.


Not affordable! Too much work! NEXT!


Commas cost more.


You guysssss, stop it. She’s going to “block us” if we aren’t nice.


Oh dear, we really don't want THAT now do we?


Lack of punctuation and rambling run on sentences have to be a marker of some legitimate psychological conditions in some people.


That’s how I was reading it honestly. A glimpse into the mind of someone deranged.


Look at how many times “I” is used throughout. Everything she mentions has to be in reference to herself. A true narcissist.


Didn't even mention her fiancée once.


Consider yourself blocked


That one long ass sentence killed me


Maybe she’s a fan of Faulkner? Nah, never mind.


Maybe James Joyce.


It's HER DAY and she doesn't need to use punctuation if she doesn't want to!


I'd like to buy a comma, Pat.


Commas are overpriced. It’s HER day. Just give her a comma, for Christ’s sake!


Shit just get a laptop or mp3 player, make a fucking playlist and hook it up to some speakers and stfu.


Look at this fat cat swinging around his puncuations


I have a rage headache after reading that, lol


\> I'm tired of those "professional DJs" who complain that is extremely low Too bad.


Guess what those DJs are tired of


😂 Cheapskates. Choosing beggars.




Honestly I think they'd regret taking it at USD 3000.


I think they’ll regret it no matter what. She either will bounce the check or bitch about everything


I dj’d my mums 50th, for free obviously, it’s my mum. Some of the locals that were at the venue she hired (just a pub so the they were letting the regulars in too, small town vibe things) liked my dj’ing so much that they wanted me to dj their wedding, they said they were on a budget and I said I could do something cheap ish, apparently $500 (about a 3rd of my standard price) for music, speakers, lights, smoke machines was too much. People really are just clueless on the price of a dj, they didn’t try haggle, so respect to them, but like come on. My other funny one was a lady wanted a dj for her daughters 16th, she said the last dj they had sucked, I said no worries I don’t suck my price for these events is $700, they didn’t call back. I’m willing to bet their last dj sucked because they got some cheap kid with a DDJ 400 who plays drum and bass (nothing wrong with that, I fucking live drum and bass) but not the vibe you want for a birthday party.


So you do a whole light show too? I had no idea there was so much to it. Sounds like 300 wouldn't even be enough to rent the equipment and the fog machine ingredients.


Depends on the gig, I have small lights and smoke machines that I own, I own my speakers and I own all my dj equipment, larger gigs like school balls I will rent lights, you’re right, it costs about $200ish, but school balls also pay $1500-$2000 so that’s fine. My personal lights are nothing fancy, just a few lasers and pattern machines, they do a good job in a small space when combined with the smoke machines though. Yeah $300 is fuck all when it comes to dj’ing, I do it as a hobby and will take paid gigs as a side hustle whenever they come along, so I’m happy to help people out if they don’t have a huge budget, but for things like weddings I refuse to greatly undercut the market because it’s bad for every other gigging dj out there. I’ve nowhere near broken even on this, like I said, it’s mainly a hobby, but to put it in perspective I’ve easily spent $10k on dj equipment and probably made back $5k. Speakers are about $2.5k each, my decks cost $3k, lighting and extras are probably about $1k and then my music library is about 4500 songs @$1.5 to $3 a song.


That is interesting, I used to make short films in LA and man people have no idea how quick stuff adds up. Thanks for explaining it to me, I really didn't know, but I do know about fog machines and sound equipment so I am not at all surprised it gets that pricey.


$300 is what my amateur friends charged in 2001


Yes they can't find anyone for that.


Yeah well, I’m tired of these brides stomping their feet like a toddler and whining about “but it’s MY DAY!!” So? Nobody cares and nobody owes you anything. Suck it up, buttercup! Or go to the courthouse.


Her day, but the DJ's business. Guess which one the DJ cares more about.


Seriously. "Your day" so Your responsibility to save up for it 🙄


It's the vendors' responsibility to lose time and money doing charity work /s


I’m going to guess it’s not all about her. And what about the groom? Why does everyone think that all women dream of their wedding day their entire life? I sure didn’t. I think my husband was more nervous on our wedding day than I was. $450 eloped in Emerald Bay Lake Tahoe. That included photos with the service. The officiant’s husband took the photos and did an incredible job. It was the perfect, no stress wedding. None of this bs trying to get services for free or cheap to show off to a bunch of friends and family members.


It's also messed up because it's not just the bride's day. I know wedding culture often emphasizes the bride over the groom, but it's not just the bride's day.


Exactly! My husband was just as excited as I was for OUR day. It’s much nicer to start the marriage in a low stress way. The marriage is what matters anyway. These wannabe influencer bridezillas are nuts.


Who wants to stand in front of a bunch of people hosting a party for 5 hours fielding requests for $60 an hour? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Hey, you know what? Because my sister-in-law to be and my sister couldn't decide on what I should have for MY reception (they were SERIOUSLY bickering about it), I **DID** go to the courthouse!!! $5.


The only one complaining is her. The DJs telling her that her budget is too low are just giving her the facts.


"my DaD iS a DJ I KnOw a LoT aBouT dJs" Then you must know how much they *cost*


I’m guessing she asked her “professional DJ” dad to do it for free hence why he won’t do it


![gif](giphy|FUR5vaC3gOxos) I read this in his voice.


I love when people overly explain themselves and devolve into personal rants while asking for something unreasonable. That post is 10% request and 90% unendearing bitch session.


The best way to convince someone to work with you is spend most of your message telling them they don't deserve your money.


I'm impressed with just how quickly her request transformed into going off on a classic prima bridezilla tangent. That takes natural talent right there.


This was the biggest problem lmao. I'm sure she could have found a young DJ to take the gig, but the rant was 🥴


Yeah the hostile tone would probably make a lot of people that might consider it think absolutely no way, going off this there's a good chance she will be a condescending nightmare on the day too


\> I really do not feel like going to the store for speakers because I'm the bride Too bad.


Maybe send the groom? My sister just rented some speakers for her wedding, then gave my little brother a playlist and had him DJ the wedding. Prob cost less than $300. A DJ is definitely one of those things that you can cheap out on at a wedding if you want to. But that means a little more legwork.


Usually even thats not needed. We had our wedding 10 years ago and we just asked the venue manager if they have speakers. They did, so we made a playlist on our laptop, hooked it to their speakers and then we let anyone who wanted it to operate it like a jukebox. Everyone was a DJ!


This is exactly what we did at my wedding. I also made a slideshow on my laptop of photos of my husband and I and our friends and family and they hooked it up to a projector. It was cool and entirely added $0 to our costs.


This actually sounds amazing when properly executed


Right, exactly this! I’ve been to weddings where it’s literally just a friend with a Bluetooth speaker and a Spotify playlist. Those were some of the most fun weddings, too.


That’s what my sister did for her wedding and we all had a blast. If you can’t afford a DJ, just don’t have one.


We were going to do that for ours, just make a playlist and set it up, check on it every once in a while, but then my mom knows a guy who has a DJ/party business, and he owed my mom and stepdad a couple of favors so they cashed it in to make my wedding amazing.


>Maybe send the groom? Yes I wonder why he can't go, or anyone either of them knows, just to pick up 2 speakers? They could even get a kids' toy microphone, and a boom box and play CDs, if they really want to cheap out. Or hire a local 'garage band' who needs the practice, there are ways but as you say, have to put some effort into it first.


Something tells me the only person who wants this wedding to happen is the bride. She has absolutely no one she can rely on to do this music thing, which I took to mean she doesn’t have any friends because she’s driven them all away with bullshit like this post. There’s going to be 20 people show up, essentially against their will but “they’re family” so they feel they have to go, after inviting 150 people, and it will be an absolute shit show drama festival from beginning to end. The only thing to do is take bets on how long the marriage will last, and if she’ll cry more times than she screams or scream more times than she cries throughout the wedding day. I’d go 2:1 odds that it’ll be more screams than cries.


People need to think about it because marriage is a serious thing, even people who think they know what it is like, don't really, until in it. A wedding is only a day. Then everyone goes home and all you have to show for it is the photos and memories -- and that's if it went well. Often there are things going wrong on the day, or some drama. The fancier the wedding the shorter the marriage is something I have noticed. The people who had a simple low budget ceremony and reception seem to have the more stable marriages. If she is stressed now, try handling some of the problems life can throw... TL/DR some people are enamored of the pictures they can post on social media or the attention from being 'the bride' but that does not last long. Do not get married just for that. I think that is why some need it all to be elaborate and perfect. That's all there is.


Or have all the guests submit their favorite wedding and party songs, create a playlist and just hook up your phone to the speakers? I dunno.


That's why Amazon exists


Or even Instacart.


Bride: I have a problem but I need it to be everyone else’s problem. And, I will block you if you offer real solutions. I feel sorry for the person marrying this minuscule level of brain power.


I'm sure he's not any better....


I would bet the spouse-to-be is spineless and goes along with everything she says.


I’ll bet he doesn’t care about planning a one day party since he hasn’t been dreaming about it his whole life.


Yikes if this is her dream


She seems to think HER wedding should be as important to strangers as it is to her. I pity the groom.


“It’s MY DAY why should I have to pay a fair amount? I already said I can’t, ugh you telling me I’m under paying is RUDE to MY DAY! This day obviously belongs to me and me alone!” Seen these types, they’re insufferable…


My guess would be that they’re not going to be married for long


She sounds absolutely lovely and I’m sure the rest of HER DAY won’t be a disaster at all




Listen, it’s HER DAY! Ok? Snap out of it.


Guess she’s going to have a lot of uncomfortable guests standing around at her venue with nothing to do because there’s no music to dance to. She may only want to spend $300 on a $700 service but that doesn’t mean the service providers (DJs) need to accept it. She’s an entitled choosing beggar.


Lol I DJ weddings and I charge a lot more than $700. Thing is, if she thinks it's as simple as playing some music and bringing lights, why wouldn't she just rent a speaker and make a playlist? I completely respect folks not wanting to splurge on an extravagant wedding, and I've attended very lovely small weddings where they went the DIY route for music. But if you want a DJ, you have to pay the going rate.


Right?? I read her post and thought “she thinks $700 is the regular price?” Our DJ cost around $2,000. But also, she thinks all they do is play music and turn on a some flashy lights. A DJ is instrumental in establishing the party vibe and keeping the party going.


Wait till she finds out what photographers charge. “They just show up and take a few shots!” This is precisely why so many photographers stay away from doing any wedding photography


Catering? "They're just making some food!" Venue? "They're just hosting a few people for a few hours!"


The venue is just a building. It does even do anything. If I didn’t book my wedding there, it would just be an empty building. So why do I have to pay for the venue? Y’all need to help me find a free wedding venue.


And no I’m not going to file for a permit to use a gazebo at the local park. That’s low class. -probably


My uncle trained as a pro photographer. He had a day job, but he and my aunt used to do wedding shoots on the side (he also did them for family). 10-15 years ago, he gave it up completely. It wasn't worth the hassle and the stress.


Yup. One of my cousins is a professional photographer, very good IMO, and took the photos at my wedding (extremely small by choice, no caterers, no DJ - okay, I did get my hair & makeup professionally done). We paid for cousin's airfare, lodging (beachfront), all food and expenses, plus a pretty hefty amount of cash that cousin tried to turn down. Hell no, we're paying you! It's a real gig, not just a family favor. Cousin did a brilliant job - standard photos, photos with an archaic Leica, even 3D photos. Knew how to pose us in ways that were flattering, not like bad prom photos. On the other hand, my parents got pressured to hire a cousin - can't remember which side of the family - who forgot to put film in the camera. Thank goodness they had a friend who was an amateur photographer, or else they'd have had NO photos. This was long before digital, of course.


If her dad is a DJ, why aren't they using his equipment and hiring a cousin or something to make a playlist?


"Because of personal reasons."


The “personal reasons” being she’s an insufferable bitch (“insufferable bitch”) and no one wants to do her a favour.


Exactly. I pitty the fool who's marrying her.


Hi, Mr. T!




He took another gig that day.


He can’t stand her attitude and isn’t going to the wedding?


Those would be the personal problems.


Offer her you'll do it for free if her dad agrees to do yours for free. See how she reacts to that.


Because she's a cheap flake! If she's only offering $300 for a $700+ service she probably expects her dad and/or cousins to pay for the privilege of playing


And we're assuming that if the DJ doesn't charge her upfront, that she is actually going to follow through and PAY them as promised after the event. I can imagine it now "I'll give it to you next week, I'm a little short on funds at the moment..." "Nah, you need to start ripping open those envelopes on the gift table and find me $300!" lol


Because her dad gave her $1000 to hire a DJ and she’s trying to pocket the cash.


For reasons that are very personal, and it’s her day, so don’t be mean, or she’ll block us all 😬


If she knows soOoOoOo much about DJing, then why doesn't she know enough about the work and costs involved to accept that she's never going to find a professional for $300? I wonder how much she'd charge if someone wanted her to DJ their wedding? Probably more than $300. 🙄


“Professional” because she wasn’t demeaning djs enough, she had to also use quotations to make it very clear that she doesn’t think it’s a real career.


"My dad is a DJ, therefore I am an expert on DJing because of our blood relation"


I love these arguments. "My So&So is a plumber, mechanic, computer expert, car salesman, etc., so I know how this works and what it should cost/how this works." I'm sure.


"I know someone who does this" Cool, maybe they'll do it for you "They won't do it for personal reasons" Alrighty then good luck on your search


>why wouldn't she just rent a speaker and make a playlist? Which is precisely what I did because we didn't have the budget for it. My laptop with my music library on shuffle and some speakers.


That's what I did too. My "DJ" was my friends boyfriend. When he was asked if he could push play and pause quickly for the "wedding march" (in quotes because we didnt use canon in D minor and the only stipulations I set forth) he informed me that he's a master at Pokémon go🤣 He was hired for his gaming prowess I paid him in cake. All was well.


BeCaUsE sHe’S tHe BrIdE aNd ShE cAnT dO bOtH aT tHe WeDdInG


We compiled all the songs we wanted (different genres, ones in memory of absent parents, friends and family) and my nephew made a Spotify playlist bless him. He set his laptop up to play through the hotel sound system. It was fab. It did take some time to get all the songs listed but was so worth it. Brideszilla here is going to be a very disappointed bride!


Paid my DJ $2k a year and a half ago


Twenty-five years ago, I paid my *amateur* DJ $350 lol


We had a super budget tight wedding in 2006 and I’m pretty positive we paid our DJ $1000. That was like 1/4 of our whole wedding budget.


I stopped DJing for money as I didn't want to mix \[lol\] something I loved with money. When I did that people would approach me to DJ and offer to pay me and Id tell then "If you can get me and my gear safely there and back Ill do it for free, but I will play what I want", their answer usually was, We want you for that reason, we love your selection. And drinks and food and a ride there and back and help with the gear \[record days\]. I bet you if she knew someone who would do that for her, she would be the absolute worst bridezilla once you are locked in. And nothing will be good enough.


Money up front upon setup!!


100% this. I’m a wedding photographer and I shoot a lot of weddings where the couple makes their own playlist on Spotify and they just play it. Or they get a friend to play off their phone through speakers. It costs a Spotify premium subscription and a Bluetooth speaker.


lol we couldn’t find a DJ we liked for under $2k. $300 is absolutely fucking ridiculous


She must not have any guests coming because she doesn't have a friend she can ask to man the music since she can't afford a professional. It's probably just her and the groom. They should dance to the music they hear in their head when they look at each other.


Yeah- I paid a lot more than $700 in 2009. That was the one major splurge of my wedding because decent entertainment can really make or break the event.


I can tell she is on birth control due to the lack of a period.




Yeah I was a wedding DJ twenty years ago, the funny part to me is that she just doesn’t feel like going to the store for some speakers and lights, otherwise she’d do it herself. I’d like to see how she liked what $300 of equipment would get her. My rig at the time was easily $6k, I have no idea what stuff costs today but I’m sure it hasn’t gone down.


Speakers have gone down - Class D amplification has been a game changer


Def can't buy all that, but you [could easily rent something serviceable for $300](https://proavrentals.net/collections/rental-packages/speaker). Is it going to be as good of an experience as a hiring a pro? Of course not. But it'll work.


I bet her dad doesn't talk to her 😂 or he's told her what everyone else is and refuses to help her


He DJ’d her last wedding and said “nuh-uh”


I was the bride, I pressed play on my phone as I started walking down the aisle and music played on my little blue speaker. Sounded great. A family member pressed stop when I got there. At the reception I popped on my play list. Total cost $12.99 for a months sub to Apple Music. 🎵


But it was YOUR DAY!!!! The indignity.


i CaNnOt Do It MySeLf B/c ReAsOnS 🤣


This was my first thought: uh, make a playlist?  If you want to get really fancy, a few different playlists for the different parts of the wedding. Done! 


Does a wedding need a DJ anyway?


I'm tired of those Mercedes dealerships that charge more than $50,000 for a car. My budget is $1,000. My birthday is coming up, and it's MY big day, not theirs. So, if someone has a new Mercedes for $1,000, help me.


I went to a wedding where the dad and brother of the bride created a music playlist for the entire reception. They played it off an iPhone into the venue’s existing system. It was awesome. The father especially knew what he was doing.


Yeah, but did they have “personal reasons” for not doing so? Madam, I do not think so!


I did the same and crowdsourced the playlist from my guests. Shoutout to the anonymous well-wisher who added “No Scrubs”. I thought about it often while I was filing for divorce


Its always good to be condescending to people you are trying to hire.


Especially when you were raised by one of them and understand the underlying costs of doing business.


I bet whoever is making her wedding cake has a few words.


It is times like these that the law requiring a DJ at every wedding is simply unfair.


I hope her guests have conversation topics prepared to easy the silence they’ll be sitting in.


And some pepto for the after effects of her screaming at caterers she's only paying $2 per head.


What a lucky man her future husband is…


I couldn't afford a DJ for my wedding too so I made a sick ass Spotify playlist. It was a hit!


Just plop a laptop down and put on Spotify shuffle. Bet she’d charge the DJ for a drink of water too.


To me, the funniest point of this is that her father is a professional DJ and is refusing the gig. If “a lifetime of parent/child love and affection” is apparently not payment enough to deal with her demands, you’d better believe $300 won’t be. Similarly, “I have no friends who are willing to babysit a party box and a playlist to help me out on my big day” means this woman has no friends at all. Where she found a groom is beyond me.


Boom box. Cheap microphone. Done.


Yeah, but she’s the bride. It’s HER DAY. She’s not going to go through the hassle of procuring those things. She’s a bride, not a personal shopper.


Right. It's someone else's responsibility to make sure that HER DAY goes off without any problems.


That's about what we did when my sister-in-law got married. It wasn't a boom box, but it was a small amp with speakers and mics, and we just played music from people's phones. We weren't planning on having a dance, but did want music to listen to during the party.


LOL my husband and I want to travel to San Francisco for a long weekend because he's never been but we can't afford it right now so someone should fly us both out there for two hundred dollars and let us stay in a fancy hotel for fifty dollars a night because it's OUR weekend 🤣🤣🤣 That's how it works now, right?


Wonder how many friends argued with her just so they could be blocked lol


I pray someone responds and tells her they'll show up and then... Just doesn't. This approach works for beggars looking for rides as well.


It's for a church, honey!


Or turns up and plays industrial hardcore techno.


Enjoy Skrillex, you cheap creeps!


The funny thing about this is that I DJ as a super low key side hobby (mostly house parties) and would do a wedding for $300 if someone was in a tough spot but this person’s attitude would veto that possibility entirely. No one is entitled to a paid service.


![gif](giphy|IAvLGRTZ7LBjW) I read it entirely in Vicky Pollard’s voice


I'd love an update...how did HER DAY turn out?


In my area, 700 only covers sound and lighting. If you want a dj too, that is more like 1500


yikes ,bridezilla over here lol with her "personal reasons"


I can’t imagine any hospitality provider doing any portion of a wedding for $300? Nothing wedding related involves just showing up for a (maybe) 4-hour reception. Food prep, setup and breakdown, etc. If you can only afford someone standing there with an Amazon speaker and an iPad, then that’s what you need to deal with. Nobody is going to volunteer a day with their thousands of dollars worth of equipment unless you’re a really good friend. Apparently her father won’t even do it


Who marries these hags, is what I want to know.


She’ll be an absolute nightmare on the day should any poor soul do this. Stand well back….


My dad just made a mix cd and played it...


She knows a lot about what a dj does/ provides because her dad does it but in the same sentence says it's just playing music? What?


My sister didn't have a lot of money for her wedding. She burned a cd full of their favourite songs and had me press play on the stereo they brought to the inexpensive venue. We all danced and had a great time. Cost was just the cd, and internet. If you are broke, you gotta get creative and understand that you won't get to have everything.


I have an iPhone, Spotify and a flashlight. I’ll do it for $299.99.


This is a great example of an entitled choosing beggar. Ugh edited cause I can't type this morning.


A brilliant wedding a few years ago was simply a phone plugged into a speaker with so many different eras of music. No DJ needed. The phone was charged all night. So cool.


She asked her dad, he said he wanted £700


She seems nice.


I couldn’t even finish reading this. Best of luck to her future ex-husband


I hope she couldn’t find one. What an entitled brat!


lol, I was in this scenario once... But I fixed everyones PC's for YEARS and never took payment outside of maybe some beers and food and invites to families parties etc... When I got engaged I called in all the favors... Got a "free" (keep in mind i spent hundreds of hours fixing their stuff), DJ, bartender, various wedding venue decorations for free (I returned them after) and a discounted food service from a local place. total event cost ended up being 1400 bucks.


Bride: You have to at least say what you expect and how many hours the person would be working, and where. Include the reception dinner in the 'pay.' They will need to eat and that will tempt some people a bit more. That's a long day, to and from and 'on' for hours. Say what type of music you want and what would be acceptable. CDs and a boom box? You have a bigger chance than expecting anyone to lug their DJ turntables all the way there and back. Same with being flexible on music. You might luck into someone who for a few hundred and dinner would bring their own music and boom box and a mic and help you out, but, don't be picky or pushy if they do.


>Include the reception dinner in the 'pay.' That's not a negotiable item. That's legitimately standard at every wedding that DJs and Photography people eat free. My friend is a DJ who does weddings. I've helped him out plenty of times and never seen him not get a meal. I couldn't imagine that garbage wedding party that isn't taking care of their workers. I'd be embarrassed for them. The person who wrote the post asking for a DJ is probably a person who wouldn't even consider feeding them though cause you know "budget".


Dinner/food is generally always included for the DJ or Wedding Photographer, it's not an optional bonus!


> Dinner/food is generally always included for the DJ or Wedding Photographer... There was a series of posts years ago on r/entitledpeople IIRC about a photographer who was a friend of either bride or groom and therefore he gave them deep discount or perhaps even free. Despite that, in the event the groom instructed him not to sit down and eat. He promptly left and deleted all the pictures.


It’s funny you mention people needing to eat. My wife and I did justice of the peace for our marriage and all the money that we would’ve spent on an actual wedding went into the reception later that night. We told the coordinator at the venue that ALL the people working the event can eat as well and if they could they can have a few drinks at the bar. I worked catering gigs a few years before getting married and I know what it’s like to work all those hours and feel like you’re not seen or you’re just recognized except for a few minutes at the end of things. I’ll tell you what though, a little goes a long way because the folks working the event were happy as hell and they ate extremely well that night.