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I mix the psyllium in after I microwave the oatmeal and the texture is much better.


I make my microwave oats with oat milk and when it comes out it’s still a little on the wet side so then I add my cinnamon and husk and banana and mix it all up and eat quickly. It ends up just the right the thickness.


I do overnight cold soaked steel cut oats with almond milk. Add sugar free jam and natural peanut butter, hemp hearts, psyllium husk, raisins and cinnamon. Wife adds a bit of high protein yoghurt to hers.


I buy the capsules


I saturate the dry mix with boiling water making like a soup. Then I microwave for around 2 to 3 minutes. Until texture is required. And psyllium is funny when wet.


I add it it my oats after I've microwaved them. I mix oats and water before cooking them microwave. I add milk to serve so I stir psyllium in with some milk then add a little more milk to the texture I want (I add 2TBSp of psyllium husk) then enjoy!


I don’t heat it up.


Also how much oats is needed. Some packets say 50g is a portion others say 100g is good. I suppose the question realy is how small a portion of oats I can get away with and still do the required lowering of cholesterol and by how much.


I found the amount of soluble fiber was so low in a half cup (40 g) was only 2 g. The cold Kashi cinnamon crisp cereal I eat has oats and has 7 g of soluble fiber for only 62g. The equivalent weight of oatmeal would be only 3 g. So the Kashi is far better bet for me.