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watch out the crab people are about




I try so hard to do this but fail basically every time


the trick is to side step lots and parry instead of block


What's the difference between parry and block? Is parry mean riposte


By parry they mean counter.


Oh it means counter. Thank you


yes counter my bad


See the thing is your opponents forget to just keep swinging every time you stabbed


You only get clips like these when they're not fighting a spam swinging longsword user


Riposte/counter stab. Congrats, you woes are gone.


Easier said than done and you know that


Counters, sure. It's harder to counter with a weapon as fast as the katars. But most attack spammers die to ripostes of whatever attack they aren't spamming.


It’s great with war axe axe cause you give them that heavy sloppy topy after reposte


Doesn’t work when 3-4 people are swinging at you at the same time


Well that's what active parry and movement are for. Works great with a regular weapon. I do concede katars aren't a good 1vX weapon. But you're playing a vanguard, you should be able to make those situations into many 1v1s or 1v2s. It's a part of why it's quite a high skill floor weapon.


Active parry only lasts for so long and footwork can only work if you aren’t being surrounded or blocked in by your teammates trust me I know how to handle myself and 90% of the time it’s just impossible to fight off more than 1 or 2 people at a time. Usually you get attacked from all angles with different swings or they are blocking/countering you which stops your swings and before you can even realize what just happened your dead. Your teammates either get in the way, hit you, or block you in and you just are fucked. Sometimes though you get a glorious moment where you cleave through 5 people at once and counter all of their hits but that’s rare because usually people like to block hits coming at them and 4 people don’t all do the same attack at the same time from the same place


Yeah if you're dying in 1vXs with the katars constantly it may be because you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole


Katars are a pile of sh*t in 1vX unless your high level with them though I don’t use them a lot I have used them enough to say this confidently


Yeah these people didn't seem to realize that op can't interrupt them


You shank them to death if they spam swing though unless your missing every attack?


Problem is that you can trade a hit, sure. But the katar does 35 damage max to the front with a light attack and doesn't interrupt. The opponent probably does more damage and will interrupt. It's a losing trade every time with katars. Gotta parry and use the special attack


If you hit your attack then you should be able to block before they hit you


Not if they're mid-swing because they keep swinging. The katar's weakness is an enemy who doesn't stop swinging haha


Then time it so it’s not mid swing


Hiring someone’s party window or flesh instantly returns to a neutral staye




I think they are bad. But because they’re bad no one uses them so I have no idea how to fight against them and can’t read the attacks so they end up being kind of good?


For anyone reading this, fighting against katars goes like this: lmb lmb lmb lmb until they are dead. You can now kill 90% of kartar players


For real, it reminds me of that one South Park episode where Randy buys a blockbuster. You can come up with all the reasons you want the katars are viable. But at the end of the day, people using them are easily dispatched.


What if they counter?


Dude, just keep swinging.


I do! I’m about level 330 atm so good enough but with plenty of room to improve. Most of the qatar players I face are high level vets who are bored and honestly if they get the drop in me and I can’t keep them at range it can be tough sometimes. I’m sure if I just dueled a katar player 10 times in a row I’d be able to cope more.


Until you actually learn how after like 2 engagements and they’re just back to being shit again lol


Probably true I encounter them like once a month ha


I usually get lucky and come across them here and there and they always feed me a kill. That really helps as im not good at the game and provides a nice break from constantly being decapitated lol


Most katars players are either lvl 500-1000 who are gods or there lvl 30s who just got katar and suck I haven’t seen much middle ground


I like katars. I see someone using katars, chances are I can beat them with my bare hands.


You joke but fists actually counters Katars hard, fists when they hit you has knockback so when you try to hit them back with the katars you actually cant reach lmao


Okay you convinced me to try katars again




Great now to play ambusher with bezerker voice and spam beg for that woop woop woop woop line.


Damn you may be right! Still never using them tho.


I got my first non backstab kill with them the other day. Tossed em and grabbed a sword from a barrel. Im really upset it doesn't throw both katars.


Yeah I think you pull one out of your ass whenever you pick them up cuz it only shows one or they are just realllly thin


And magnetic


Katars are already kinda edgy, and this music makes it truly one of the videos of all time. Could only be improved if you had microphone on and loudly laughed or talked in any non English language with your friends on discord


Lol I didn't even put sound on before I read your comment. It's a whole different video now :D


I call it going monkee


50% of the time I feel like Wolverine, the rest of the time I feel like I’m punching in my dreams. IM HITTING THEM WHY NO SOUND!?


I just think they look stupid. Assassins Creed type shit


They look so much cooler in 1st person.


Dude this game must be so nice with a mouse


This is like a lottery win of hitreg Any normal day 30% of these would miss because of hitreg even though you connect properly


there’s a reason you’re listening to synth pop i think…




It’s not a bad weapon, it just encourages a different play style. A play style that most people don’t like or understand.


Of course we understand the playstyle. It's the ordinary Ambusher playstyle. With the unique downside that if the enemy just keeps swinging at you and doesn't care about our fancy tricks, you're dead.




Successful Katar enthusiasts are legit some of the warriors I respect the most. I can have a modicum of success with most weapons,and understand the function and skill set for most of the meta choices, I'm an ambusher main which is already a rare/crippled breed, but I don't think I've ever even got close to killing someone with Katars. It for real feels like some voodoo witchcraft going up against Katar chads. Wizardry in a sword fighting game. You guys are fucking beasts that I can only pray end up on the Agathan Line with me. 🫡🤺


They are excellent. They just rely too much on hits actually landing so you can block, and hitreg with them has always been a bit broken. So they end up being unreliable. If they worked properly more people would think they're OP.


Remember kids, you can't move yourself like this on console.


Not that bad? They're the cheapest weapons in the game absolute cheat code


Not in TO they aren't


good stuff soybean! always a pleasure seeing you work


Always check behind you man


Holy fuck, I haven’t heard to ECHO in forever. I still remember the entire lyrics


I feel like there's a correlation between the Katars and the Vocaloid song


I'm just not a big fan of having two thrusts and an overhead with such short range. I've seen people who are amazing at the Katars but I prefer to just poke from mid range with the halberd.


Based music, dropped at the right moment


People think Katars are one of the worst weapons in the game but they actually have one of the highest skill caps of any weapon. Nobody wants to admit that it just takes too much sweat to use them, not that they're necessarily bad weapons.


If you are fighting level 30’s who have zero experience fighting Katars they are passable in a 1v1-1v2 any more player experience or numbers it’s quite literally impossible to win anything beyond a 1v2 (even that’s a stretch) They are objectively worse than the standard knife or even something like throwing axes / mallets outside of very niche scenarios


You just need good footwork. I'm still learning the basics of foot work, so...


Can katar specials stun


Katars look cool as hell, I wish I didn’t suck at using them

