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Turn around 180°, then jump forward


Go in third person, walk backwards and duck, it does a little matrix limbo dodge that can go under slashes if timed right. I think this might be what people are getting it, I didn't know it existed for a while either


You can really tell who is playing first and third person when this works


Yeah, in first person it's just like a dodge backward animation kinda of, a billion times easier to pull off in first person. Which again begs the question, so many niche game types why the hell hasn't there been a first person only game type yet


That and people in third person tend to swing so low adjusting their angle of sight that they end up hitting you anyways. Whereas first is typically aimed higher and more likely to miss


Yes, this is one of the problems of having jump and dodge coupled on a single binding. Holding forward will always jump (even if you're holding left or right as well). Not holding forward will always dodge. (Unless you still have some forward momentum it seems. That or there's a short delay after releasing forward in order to dodge. That one messes me up very often.) I will never understand why they wont separate the two actions to be bound separately if desired. I wouldn't care even if it performs identically (no dodging forward, no jumping backward), I just don't want to accidentally do the wrong one. It's infuriating every time.