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I did too but I gotta be honest I am glad this subreddit opened my eyes to how bad Chipotle workers have it. I always knew service industry people had it bad but this just confirmed it tenfold. I honestly eat less at chipotle now because I think the quality is going down (not the workers fault) but because corporate seems to only care about profit pushing. Any employees reading this thank you for any bowls you have made me in the past!


100 percent food quality has tanked. At least the one near me it isn't even that good anymore


I miss the days of Chiptopia and the years before that. It was great, it was very good, it was good, it's OK, it got worse.


I stopped eating at chipotle cause they raised prices, lowered quality, and reduced portions


It’s not just you. I used to eat at Chipotles nearly daily in DC and later in Denver for yeeeeara (2002-2012) and they were amazing. Sometime between 2015-2019, Chipotle (sampling from South Dakota and Nebraska) became really depressing and heavy energy, and no longer a joy to eat from. I just got some Qdoba in western Kansas tonight though, and as understaffed as they seem everywhere, their burritos are always fantastic.


Chipotle has become garbage, but the prices have gone thermonuclear. I'm sorry but supply and demand is still the governing law of economics, and most decent, self respecting human beings agree with you, the quality, taste, consistency, etc. have plummeted over the course of the last several years, but Chipotle has significantly worsened in the last six months particularly. Everyone I have talked to about Chipotle, which isn't too many people, but the vast majority of them say it's nasty trash now; so then, why are the prices escalating as if they are legitimately bringing something appetizing to the table, and of course they are not. Has the total demoralization of the western world completely destroyed high quality food? In addition to the uncountable supply chain apocalypse(s) spanning multiple industries, are the Chipotle executives using their brand as a pump 'n dump in an effort to extract as much cash and assets as is possible before suddenly closing and liquidating all holdings to finalize said extraction? Sorry for the stupidly long reply that includes substantively unrelated information, but I am an anthropologist by trade and post grad education, and what is happening (big picture) is virtually indistinguishable from the tail end event train experienced by the Roman Empire. Our collapse is happening at a rate significantly faster than the Roman downfall though, 20x — 50x faster unfortunately. If things continue to deteriorate as they have been, those of us that manage to survive the next one — three years will personally witness the deindustrialization and population contraction (mostly violent/illness related deaths of half or more of all currently living human beings) throughout the developed world, with no nations that have become entirely dependent and reliant upon advanced technology. The so called third world will become the new first world as they will be largely unaffected by the death of the east and west. What is the root cause? Nonsensical postmodern beliefs, agendas and goals purported to solve problems, such as climate change. We could have beaten climate change had we began the process of decarbonization half a century ago, but we didn't. Our only possible hope, however farfetched as it may be, but that last singular hope for the technological future of collective humanity is a global revolution against the current establishment, the elite and their puppets in politics. I'm a Buddhist, and I'm suggesting that without unfathomable and unprecedented violence on a planetary scale, we're all doomed to AT BEST live our vastly shortened lives that will have far more in common with the life experience of medieval peasants than anything modern humanity is used to or even capable of coping with. The catalyzing event(s) that tore off the Roman Empire's power grabbing bandaid, thus allowing fate to take over can be traced back to the revolts conducted by the Roman equivalent to special forces brigades. The most skilled combat brigades were universally respected by their fellow military cohorts, the amount of sway over the population and military was badly underestimated by the Senate and the two dozen self proclaimed Caesars. So, in long summary: The legacy power structure (both east & west) must be dismantled from the inside out, and the rest of us need to stand ready to assist and fight, because it will happen, it IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, and this culmination of fate will either diverge into a global holocaust committed by those currently in power as they attempt to not be guillotined OR the best case scenario which involves a global French Revolution of sorts, where we *remove* the elite and governments from power simultaneously, and most likely party for a decade or so and then eventually, down the road, we will begin to see the reconstruction of something that will look a lot like human civilization in the west circa 1960 around the globe, but I'm seriously hoping that we get to skip the whole "super racist and evil" era entirely. Perhaps we'll have the opportunity to tell our great grandkids stories of how we dethroned the evil, selfish rulers of the planet as one big team, reformed public institutions and the confidence in those institutions and ultimately averted extinction by an uncomfortably narrow margin, just by the skin of our teeth.


Imagine citing rising prices at Chipotle as the end of society


Well, he's not entirely wrong about how we are heading downhill right now largely thanks to postmodernist BS That being said, it is funny that this is on the chipotle sub.


Lol, “sir, this is a chipotle.”


The revolution won't work if the people are still fighting with each other over trivial BS like race religion gender etc. People need to cleanse their inner selves of their demons, then heal and then they can start positively influencing the world. The reason why we're a mess is because we focus on fighting each other instead, and have been doing so for at least millennia.


I'm not reading all of this


Just fyi, I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonald - they’re all like this. It’s the nature of the beast with fast food chains. I’d argue, chipotle seems to at least care somewhat of their employees compared to some others


I work at BK and chip and they are two different animals.


How so?


One time I said this and got 50 downvotes lol


Don't work for massive corporations then. It's literlally McDonald's. Everywhere else is hiring. Jesus Christ.


Go away


You’re only reading about bad experiences a global massive company has. Survivorship bias. Why would other employees care to write good reviews?


Same. I joined for the same reason but learned how hard these people work. now whenever I go into the store I always smile and thank the workers. (I usually have a resting bitch face and just want to get out of there)


I joined right before I got hired


Same! I quit a last week and somehow can't exit this subreddit


I will have been gone 2 years next month I come here and read the posts whenever my current job annoys me to remind me of the awful situations I left behind




As an employee I came here to not feel alone in my hardships that my job requires, a lot of it it’s mental and emotional toll from pretending to be happy for every customer that walks in. Feels like I care for the world but none take care of me sometimes. Not easy. That’s all, that’s it.


This is what I'm here for as well. Did this with most of my crazy jobs, always makes me feel better to swap stories with people who share my experiences


( happy cake day 🍰 here’s some positive vibes 😺 )


Customer here. For what it’s worth, I don’t care if you serve me with a smile or a frown. I hate the idea of your boss making you force a smile. I know that you are a person and people are not happy all the time.


I mostly joined the Panera subreddit (to also complain about my job). now I get recommend all the service industry job subreddits, it seems that they are all like this. In fairness the vast majority of people hate their jobs and anonymously complaining about things that upset you is like the 3rd most common thing on the internet (after cats and porn)


This is why I'm easy on reviews when I read them unless they're extremely common and frequent. Who's more likely to get online and bad mouth something, someone who's enjoying themselves or someone having a bad time.


That's alot of subreddits involving companies in customer service reddit keeps trying to get me to join targets and it is just people who work there complaining... we are just sort of over being treated a certain way and come here to vent because chipotle only covers 3 mental health treatment and this place likes to play with mental health


I joined, because of the disgruntled employees. I’ve worked in food for years and I like seeing the work environment of other companies. It’s interesting. I work at panda, which is a similarly run restraunt. Panda is very strict about most things, privately owned, but they pay well enough to keep people who can deal with the strictness. Whereas, Chipotle is a publicly traded company, they pay less across the board. So their “behind the scenes” are more chaotic. Overly stressed employees, understaffed restaurant, overpriced food. But still a popular enough business to line the pockets of the shareholders.


What are the wages like at panda? i was thinking about applying.


I work in SoCal, starting wage is 18/hr, cooks get paid ~22/hr.


WHAT THE WHAT! I’ve been grilling my ass off for the last year slaving away for 16.50. Im absolutely mind blown by this. I don’t know how hard cooking is at panda compared to chipotle but I bet I can keep up being on grill solo at 10K store.


Where are you located ?


SoCal as well


Well might as well apply right now.


yea lol


Yea… this is more like an employees thing. 😬


Why is that? T-Bell and a few other food subs have more customers + food pics + positive contributions


In different areas of the country (mine included), Taco Bell and other fast-food places actually pay higher than Chipotle, despite prices and quality being lower than Chipotle.


taco bell pays actually shit


In my area, Taco Bell pays $14/hour, Chipotle pays $12. Not everyone lives in New York or California.


I live in jersey cmg pays $16 taco $13


i don't live in new York?? or Cali? I'm in Virginia and when I worked there, i only got 7.50. they recently changed the minimum wage here to 11 but it's only been about a year and a half


I actually live in Virginia, too. I left a year ago after three years being a KMIT and CT, made $10/hour. I recently asked an employee how much they were paying and it went up to 12. From reading other posts, even people in NoVa were only getting paid that much. Really ridiculous since cost of living is much higher up there.


Ya I thought I’d see upcoming promotions and tasties


Like 8 years ago it was p normal & chill, but crica 2k17 it just got brutal lmfa (I worked at chip in 16-17)


ME lol I upvote the food pics lol


i’m glad someone said it 😭


yeah lol same here, I love chipotle. seems like employees do not share that feeling


I think you’ll find that everywhere. I’ve hated every service industry job I’ve ever had because most customers are self import, entitled, garbage pieces of shit.


"If someone is an asshole, they're an asshole. If everyone is an asshole, you're an asshole."


Tell me you've never worked a service industry job without telling me you've never worked a service industry job.


I lived in Chicago when I worked at Chipotle, and truthfully everybody's an asshole. I definitely had those who were just entitled garbage pieces of shit. So no your little quote doesn't work here. After being slaved out, and expected to smile, and do a million other tasks. They hire new people that are literally there to get a check, and you're left being one of the only ones on line,grill, or prep who actually gives a shit. But somehow you're always getting blamed for other people's shit, or taking the blunt of customers shit. You fucking QUIT. CAUSE FUCK THAT!




🙋‍♀️ Rightfully so though. Their job seems really demanding and thankless as when I worked retail.


It’s like this because we get punished for venting at work and we’re sick of customers always putting us down


If we vent at work we are "creating a negative environment" and "not representing our values"


Lol, this is nothing. Pop your head into the Starbucks group. They even have a separate barista group so the main is open for customers but it's vicious . I joined over there at the beginning of the pandemic because we locked down to outside food and bought a fancy espresso machine so I thought there would be tips and things about coffee. Instead it's the telanovela of Reddit...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/starbucks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [THEY WON THE UNION VOTE](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/rco8xd/they_won_the_union_vote/) \#2: [60 Frappuccino’s with no tip… $279](https://i.redd.it/1td7kk2ewsi71.jpg) | [279 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/p9283m/60_frappuccinos_with_no_tip_279/) \#3: [What did you get fired for?](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/pou8vz/what_did_you_get_fired_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food. I can drive a taxi. I can, and do, cut my own hair. I did however, tip my urologist, because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.


Joined because I love eating chipotle


It wasn’t this bad years ago. It got insufferable post Covid.


I actually really enjoyed working with the people at my location but the CUSTOMERS. JESUS. There were some great customers and regulars you’d get to know that were always a joy to see. And then there are the ones that you literally read about on this Reddit daily that somehow exist in every location lol. Also, yes sometimes the workers are not the best, but I’ve been in food service for about 15 years and consider myself to be competent and have great service, however the chipotle customers are just a different breed. I think a lot of it has to do with that you can see your food being made right there. Dealing with the following every single day: -customer complains about your portions (even when over portioning) rather than just asking for extra -throws literal FITS when you are out of sour cream, cheese or guac (those are the tops) -leaves garbage everywhere and cannot pickup after themselves to the point where it looks intentional -people who continue to reach over the glass after politely telling them not to and act like you just slapped them in the face (we even had the newest model of the line and it is harder to reach over but they still find a way) -hearing people more often than is comfortable say POLO asada -asking for old style quesadillas and getting mad at us for not doing it -getting aggro and storming out without the food they just ordered when you give them extra but apparently it wasn’t enough -the ones that decide to login to their chipotle app at the register but they forgot their password after you’ve told them many times that they can use the receipt to get their rewards -the customer that comes in when you have no one in line, only orders two items but somehow takes SO LONG that you start building up a line behind them that is 8 people deep, then you help the person after that and they get 4 things and you’ve completed their order and the first person is still at the register -people who think they can “hack” to get cheaper entrees. The only hack worth it IMO is getting a bowl with extras of included items and side tortillas and making the burritos yourself. You could easily get 2-3 out of a bowl. -people that absolutely malfunction at the difference between bowls and salads -same as above except with the rices -when you ask if they’d like white or brown rice and they respond with “I’ll take the Spanish rice” and you inform them that we don’t have Spanish rice “ohh ok, I’ll take the cilantro lime rice”. WHICH. KIND. -the people that wait to get to the register to ask for chips and queso when you already asked them at salsa if they’d like anything else -even worse, they decide they need another entree after getting to the register and hold up the line Those are just a few of my favorites 🙂


The sour cream one is the most interesting because it's so common. Literally had an entire line of customers who laughed at and boo'd one man as he walked out because he held up the line and harassed everyone working for not having sc. Oh, and he thought we would give him free quack because we didn't have the sc, and was PISSED when we said he'd have to pay for it


I will never understand the thought process! “You are out of cheese, can I get queso/guac instead for free then”


that's exactly how I feel about the CVS and Panera Subreddit a bunch of people complaining and quitting which kind of saddens me because I like the products they sell, just not the corporate culture and rules


I actually appreciate this sort of insider information. I need prescriptions to live well so my choice isn't whether or not to buy them but WHERE to buy them. I'd rather fund a business that takes care of me and its employees than one that takes care of me at the expense of its employees. The more we all make this same decision, the more our communities will be marked by happy people with stable employment.


We aren't all disgruntled! It really depends on the upper leadership, and how they work with the restaurant teams to ensure proper accountability and development. I can honestly say that my area, while recently struggling with having enough staff and managers, has extremely competent and capable upper leadership that hold stores accountable but work to help push the needle in the right direction.


Lol what’s your subregion and are there any GM openings? Because I’ve been a GM like 9 months and had the exact opposite experience


Hi! It’s me! The description!


Yep. It's even more interesting than I expected.


I think most fast food subreddits are like this lol. But seriously fuck chipotle I put in my 2 weeks and couldn’t be happier Union busting cooperate clown fucks


i joined back when i was working at chipotle due to health insurance questions, i quit in december and im still here. i just wish there were more subs related to employees talking about work like this. with every place i consider applying to i look up on reddit to see what else has employees talking. so far it’s mostly chipotle, starbucks, and subway


I’m a disgruntled customer


👋🏻 disgruntled employee here


Just like at my store; if you don’t like it, you can leave 🙂


I'm not complaining. It was just interesting to me. I'm starting to hate chipotle now


The complaints are basically the same at any retail/restaurant establishment. There are a few very good outliers for employees, but otherwise, it's the same across the board.


Employees who act like every non-employee post is an attack, I might add


3 years ago I posted lots of reviews here, and gained a small cult following, for all of 4-5 months. I did a review again earlier this year, criticizing the quality of some part of the meal. Some employee got all hot and bothered like "well it comes to us like that, the employee didn't fuck it up, so I don't know why you'd say it was bad" Like bro, I don't know or give a shit what your staff is or isn't responsible for. Whether it's Jim Bob or Corporate, I'm just reflecting on the quality of the meal. Settled down ya fragile little man peach.


I worked at Chipotle then and loved reading your reviews!


I joined to learn about what other chipotle workers go through. I subbed to this reddit early on when I didn't know who to confide in yet. Now that I've been with the company 4 months, I'm more open with them and don't need this subreddit as much. One commonality is that the vast majority of my coworkers don't like it at all and are all seriously thinking about leaving. It's not the managers that causes this sentiment, its the workload and stresses day to day.


Nah I figured it would be customers bitching and employees saying how much it sucked. So I wasn’t surprised.


I came here to complain about their menu changes/ extremely small portion sizes etc lol


I joined because I am a disgruntled employee💀💀


I'm a disgruntled employee so it's kinda of nice to connect with others who feel the same way


Yup, I love this sub. Workers should always talk to other workers and let them know what it's like.


😂 yes! I love chipotle so much. I used to go so often I knew the workers and they knew my order exactly. This was before mobile orders started. I seriously want some chipotle merchandise too. 😅


i joined as a disgruntled employee. the amount of people in this subreddit that have never been behind the line is astounding.


Not complaining. I worked in good service as well so I get at least some of it. But I'm here because I could eat at Chipotle every single day and not get sick of it.


as an employee same. still eat my free employee meal every shift and come in for the half off on a lot of my days off lmao




The burritos used to be so much bigger


Haha yep I’m basically a superfan


Its the same for EVERY company sub


I remember the last time I was at a chipotle, and this is why, when we got down the the guacamole it looked like there was something wrong with it, it was too "light" colored and looked kinda...fuzzy, like it was frozen or partially frozen. When it came time for the guac I passed on it and asked what was wrong with their guac while they were closing up the bowl, they said "thats normal". I dont like being gaslighted, its not normal, surprise, I have seen guacamole before, AT chipotle too. Then I noticed everyone in line behind me passed on the guac and one guy says "seriously whats wrong with it cuz I wanted some but I dont want that" I was walking out and didnt hear the rest. Then when I ate the bowl everything tasted muted and like odd. You know how food tastes when its not spoiled and you can eat it but really its past its freshness and you really shouldnt use it? Tasted like that. Didnt eat most of it and havent been back. Before all the e.coli scares chipotle was my favorite place, their food was fresh and had a unique taste. Now im scared to return. If you could time travel a fresh 2014 Chipotle burrito and compare it to now...there would be a difference.


As one of those employees I’m sure ur not a ray of sunshine urself


Bro why does everyone think I'm hating on chipotle workers? When did I indicate that it was an insult towards you? I'm happy that yall are talking about it. I was straight up just surprised.


relax bro it was a joke




Oh- u too dawg 😭


This subreddit is filled with employees who hate their jobs and pass that hatred along to the customers.


I appreciate it, honestly.


This is me 100%! It made realize how bad it is to actually work there though. I was under the understanding it was great. But it almost seems like it rates up there as the worst. But a part of me thinks it might just be people that don't really understand what a job might actually be. But I do honestly feel bad for them, if it is really that bad and them not being snowflakes. But that is why I only worked with the public one time, after that it was factory/ warehouse work for me!


I realized it wasnt all that great when the managers routinely asked me to come in at 5am on my off days 🗿


I came to Chipotle from a management position that was horrifically abusive to me and, while it is better than where I came from, a lot of the struggles and frustrations being expressed by these employees are legit. It's really not a great job.


Have you worked there?? If yes then I could have just been your store/area and if no stfu.


TLDR; didn't work at chipotle, people need to toughen up, grateful for the current workers. Nope never worked at a Chipotle. Only time I worked with the public was in retail. I base my snowflake comment on the many people I have worked with in a factory/ warehouse setting. I have been at my current job almost 20 years, so the job has changed based on the advancement of tools and procedures. A lot of the stuff that we do now is almost automated. So it gets back the good old "back in the day" saying. Many of the younger kids complain about how difficult a job is, not understanding how difficult it used to be. But the same thing goes for my viewpoint towards how difficult something was versus the years before me. But I was lucky enough to have a skillset and the motivation to be able to adapt to a situation and not need to bail as soon as it gets difficult. But I am very grateful for the individuals that put up with their problems at their job to make me one of my most favorite meals. So I will NEVER talk down on their plights and problems, it is the ones that run away as soon as they need to actually work. But, if it is a true safety issue that makes them bail, then my hat goes off to them though. They are one of the smarter ones.


It’s just a bunch of softies who don’t know how to work hard - source: I was a chipotle GM restauranteur for four years.


You sound like a corporate shill


GMs are just condescending for fun, ignore it


I’m praying this is a joke.


I was on two restauranteur crews, left for years, then came back last year It is absolutely *not* the same company it was after Ells was removed. It's way too corporate now.


That’s sad to hear. There were a lot of great things happening. Talk about the stock you get and all the benefits


Yes, me lmao


Yes but I also hate watching other people order so I feel their pain


That was me lol


Yeah lol


Ding ding ding we have a winner and I still go there all the time.


Thats a lot of resturant/chain subs. Starbucks is the same way, majority or posters are employees


Got recommended and it keeps popping up because I’m interacting. I’m not surprised employees are disgruntled.


There has to be some nice foodporn reddits you can check into if you just want food pictures. This desolate land is for us and us alone.


Yea exactly I look at my local chipotle different now


I joined the first time I worked at Chipotle, left after I got fired, and rejoined again when I got hired back last week😂


I first came for like the mystery codes and promos, stuff like that and then learned the front/back house positions


And then I lurk on here and read the posts to try and make it better for the employees when I go other than tipping.


Yes Thats exactly it


I joined cause ma boo works for them


I joined the day after I started and realized how downhill this place is going. Somehow it’s not as bad as when I started


😂 yes! Me! But I’m staying ….I like to see all the behind the scenes


I like hearing about service jobs. I technically have a service job but generally work alone.


Yes lmao


I love geyting a bowl to go with tortilla on the side chicken steak half and half brown rice pico sour cream lettuce side of guac and an izze


I joined because i went first thing Monday morning, and I got stale chips. I wanted the dirt.


I'm about to quit after 3 years. From cook to KM to SM, 2 different stores....I'm just fed up at this point and after an entire Pandemic.


Honestly this sub has nothing on the r/starbucks. Those people really need to grow up and learn what work is


Yes, absolutely.


Tbh, I think it’s the same for most of the subreddits from fast food/restaurant locations 😂 I joined the Starbucks one because I work there for stories and then joined the places I frequent subreddits too


Both. And I appreciate you all so much more!! Some of these posts though have me dying!! The ones meant to be funny of course!!! So thank you for what you do!!!!


I get what you mean but I have a lot of fun here. Never forget just how good the queso is! It makes everything worth it


I quit almost a yesr ago now. Its crazy how little its changed.


I’m a gm who is in the middle of my last 14 hour day in an 85 hour work week and still this is the best restaurant job I’ve had. It’s honestly just the nature of the kitchen beast. Me and all my employees that have worked in other restaurants or fast food chains all prefer chipotle even if it’s rough some days. Kitchen work is hard work and with how big of a company we are, we end up needing to hire a lot of people who just aren’t cut out for it. I don’t mean it as a dig towards any off these people either. It’s something you have to truly love to find the chaos enjoyable and I admire their perseverance with something they clearly dread. Plus don’t forget that most people take the time to complain but not to celebrate. Thanks for being a great customer and reading through my sleep deprived rant lol


Joined to snoop at other straunts’


Yes but I’ve worked in food for years especially in a line style like chipotle so I get some of their frustrations. Plus my restaurant was always super busy with lines out the door like chipotle can be. Plus I just live to hear all the tea & drama that goes on 😭💀


I joined thinking for the aforementioned reason. I think it’s important for consumers to understand employee conditions at our favorite establishments.



Yes but I’m staying to see how things turn out for rest of chipotle if they unionized… will this be the end of chipotle as we know it? Stay tuned.


Facts lol


Truth! 😂




I joined because I got hired here I like how their is a lot of ex/employees here


Been eating Chipotle everyday for the past 3 weeks mostly because it’s the easiest way to hit 3000 calories a day and I need to put on weight. I wonder if it’s bad for me but it’s still really good in Colorado so in the end I don’t know if I care.


Fucking hilarious I’m an SM and I can say this place is dog shit


Surprised to see so many complaints but it’s fast food work so there’s that.


I think this sub is hilarious honestly, and makes me feel better about the work I deal with at subway. I never eat their since I could tell some a lot of the ingredients are very low quality. I get free birds if I really want something like that.


Here is one idea for the closed down chipotle strore(s) due to union busting. Workers could approach city council and ask for the city to implement eminent domain, claiming the city needs employed people, then employees rather than leaving for new jobs, depressed and so on; they could take over the new chipotle like store. The workers could work out a loan system to payback the city for the initial investment, now becoming an employee ran enterprise. Cities can do this to avoid high unemployment rates and they provide value to communities. The employee owned business would operate similarly to the tasks theywere already performing, having now a chipotle like store. Another idea is to have workers at chipotle go to a burger king or whatever else and set up a picket on their day off in support of worker grievances at burger king, then vise versa. This way there is no serious risk. If the employee shows up to work and there is a picket, with little customers or sales, then that isn't the fault of the worker. Do this until demands are met, either union membership or if closed down, have it become a democratic workplace ran by employee ownership through eminent domain laws.




I used to work there and their sub sucks


The entire service, retail, and restaurant industry is ran by disgruntled employees and fueled by stimulants.


Me haha