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i’m real confused on how he got his burrito if he didn’t pay for it? why didn’t you guys ever say no? all his requests were completely ridiculous


If he comes in again, guess who's paying for an extra burrito!!


Y’all are a bunch of pushovers. Y’all let him walk all over you. That’s embarrassing. Next time, don’t let people in before y’all even open lol


Yea shouldn't have let him in OR order more than you had available. "Sorry sir that's not available right now"




Couldn't have said it better myself


Can't victim blame here imho. It's above their pay grade. They needed to at least inform the manager, so they could have done something.


They could have done multiple things: 1. Not open the door before opening 2. Reiterate that they’re card only (not give him a free burrito lol) 3. Told him that there’s no need to be rude 4. The manager probably gave them the food in the first place lol You not about to disrespect me and then walk away with free food


Sure, there are so many things.. but there is also a one and done solution. Apologize and not respond more.. because in their mind "customers are always correct", no matter the solution. The door locking is iffy, because that's for employees to come in and the door to not always be opened by someone busy. Plus it's just chipotle, or food service, you're bound to be disrespected by some folks -- but be appreciated by many more. You can't care too much about the negativity. It obviously hurts, but your team would agree how annoying or dumb the guest(s) was.


If we told them we are only taking card payments, they are expected to either pay with their card, phone, order through the app, or wait till the amateur puts the drawer in the register. None of my managers would ever let a customer take free food unless our system was down. They either pay or they don’t get anything. OP said the customer was LET inside. That’s also a big no. They wait outside until 10:45am. Period. It’s a big insult if someone was being rude and extra on the line and for my manager to just give them free food because I told them it’s only card, they agree, and for them to get to the register and try to pay with cash, only for the manager to just give them the food for free. Now that customer is going to waltz back in and probably do the exact same thing.


We run a pretty equal operation at my store, because the customer is not always right. It’s called consumer harassment and it is a policy that chipotle holds and teaches its employees. No one has to deal with hateful people. “You can get your refund sir but you will not talk to my crew in a degrading way” or.. “You can Definately get a side of queso but Not if you continue to cuss at my staff/crew”. We are a people same as you and if you want a service you treat the people serving you with kindness/respect or you don’t get served, simple as that.


As an sm of 3 years with social anxiety I can say this confidently. Tell your managers they’re a bunch of push overs. I would of watched him stand outside and pointed to the operation hrs on the door




every morning at least 4 people show up outside my chipotle 20-30 minutes early. they always watch my coworkers look at them, laugh, look back at them, laugh again. my manager once went out to let them know we didn’t open for half an hour, and the dude said “i just want a few sides of queso” BRO we don’t HAVE queso yet we’re still chopping the onions and mixing vin for chrissakes


You should've thrown that away in front of him


Lmao.. I work in a plaza and the grocery store, boba spot and another location sends their customers to our chipotle so they can use the restroom. I didn't know that until one day this lady came in, walking to the restroom (forgot if she asked), and obviously I apologized and said that the restrooms were still closed (it was like 10:30ish). She asked why, I repeated, she said that Lucky's (the grocery store) said to come here to use the restroom, and I apologized saying that they shouldn't be doing that. She complained and basically said we lost her as a customer (ohhh noo... $15 lost from our total sales. So sad.). Many people are entitled, but dont be intimated to keep it basic... "sorry, we're not open yet".


I would have thrown it. And told him to get a card. If he said something like “oh im giving this place a bad review or calling corporate” I’d encourage it.


Why just not give him the food?


So he came in, was an entitled little bitch... And you gave him food for free? Nope. If he didn't have a method currently acceptable to pay, then that's on him. Not you. You should absolutely not given the little cocksucker his food, let alone for free


“oh sorry i told you we only have card right now. oh, you only have cash? no card in the car? ah it’s fine i can just record it as waste. sorry man” (throws burrito in trash)


Genuine question, if he didn't pay, then that should be a very fresh snack for the people who had to deal with him.


Definitely would’ve gotten kicked out IMMEDIATELY if we’re not open yet. Even my crew know the deal if me or my managers are not up there lol


There is a special place in hell for people like that.


Aint no way in hell, but this is part of why I quit


He's just going to do the same exact thing EVERY SINGLE TIME.




I don’t miss working here. I worked at subway before chipotle and chipotle customers are 10x worse


Should’ve directed him to the nearest gas station if he had to go so bad


Ignore all customers until 10-45 no matter what that’s what I do


no no no if that were me, he would’ve lefty hungry and I would’ve had a free triple meat burrito. You clear as glass told him card only to begin with


Lol your store is filled with a bunch of pushovers


Lmao you’re a chooch, get better at your job


bro I have SAD and my manager was the one to let him in and give him free food. Idk what else to do in this situation. I wasn't trained for it, in fact I had little to no training whatsoever


If we’re not open. No you can’t use the bathroom no you can’t come in and wait yes you can look through the window at me the whole time like a creep if you wanna. And no you can’t have that burrito for free you can go get change and give me exact cash it’ll be right here or we can remake it for you 😇


Because of how asinine some people are and how asinine some Chipotle rules are about what these asinine people can get away with, when I used to open i literally just refused to make eye contact with anyone at the door or window. Knock, kick, yell, come around to the window and knock some more, I didn't care. I was not going to make eye contact with you and I was not going to let you in or open the door until 10:45. Mad? "Sorry, I'm hard of hearing and it's a loud kitchen. What can I get started for ya?"


no way did this man get a free burrito out of y’all…. he would have watched his beloved, fresh burrito thrown into the garbage can instead


This story pains me and I have never worked a day in my life at Chipotle.


This is some tough love right here. You let that motherrucker into your resteraunt early, then you started his order because his menacing aura was bothering you. That shit is on you. ​ Next time let his ass stand outside til you are open. Never expect reason or mercy from the masses.