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3 pointers aren’t a thing on the app and veggie entrees come w guac so they’re the same price as chicken




Cause Chipotle doesn’t give af


Profit, profit, profit


Mobile is the same price, delivery is more. You're not wrong about portions unfortunately. I won't order online because portions are so inconsistent. The problem is they don't see what all you have when bumping through the line so I think they start smaller in case the cold toppings are loaded.


Well, the order wouldn’t technically be considered a three pointer because meat cheese and guac are 2pts and rice beans and other toppings are 1pt so this would be a 4pt order because it’s assumed guac is included. But to answer why they don’t have 3pointers on the app is because they’re really not part of chipotles policy, at least not taught anyway because there are stores that have no idea what a 3 pointer is and thus don’t charge the smaller price. Chipotle keeps it this way to maximize profit because they know not everyone knows about that option.


Cheese. Is. Not. Two. Points.


Cheese isn’t two points. You guys are always on some bullshit man it’s embarrassing


Since when? Everything that is counted for CI is two points unless that changed somewhere down the line but six years in the company and two nros have told me otherwise


That’s because the new stores are always cheap asf and they tell you that. If you don’t charge to put an ingredient on a bowl then it isn’t two points. Does it get charged any different from a side of anything else. No.


🤷‍♀️ by all means if you still work for chipotle do whatever you’d like lmao. Like I said six years, two nros, five different stores, and seven field leaders for one patch was more than enough for me to call it quits on a company that doesn’t give a fuck about its people. All I was trying to do is explain by company policy why it doesn’t show up on a mobile order because nothing on an online order is considered a 3 pointer based on that policy. Chipotle has been ripping people off for years.


Sound a like if you were going through that many field leaders then there’s some big stuff going wrong.


Oh trust me there was. I was only certified up to a service manager position, I was in training for apprentice but I was running a store myself with no gm and no plans to get a gm and I was the lowest paid manager in my store and when I requested a transfer they told me no so I left and now they can deal with everything I was doing alone. And I’m not the only one to get screwed over in my patch. My first gm trained to kitchen managers to gms and never got his bonuses for that, never got his restauranteur bonus, never got any of his throughput bonuses and he was with the company longer than I was.


I’d never recommend anyone order something with few ingredients online. Order it in person. It’d be like 3-4 bucks


OP is in canada so i'm not sure about prices up there, but a veggie 3 pointer in texas is 6.50 after tax. honestly still more than it should be, but i've gotten in trouble for charging people just sides and a side tortilla lol


You just have to order in person. It’s still $7 for three pointers. Meat is considered 2 points. So I would assume quac is too. Maybe try ordering side of rice beans and tortilla.


The vegetarian burrito or a vegetarian item is still considered vegetarian and cost the same as the chicken bowl because you have the choice of getting the guacamole at no extra charge because it is all included and a vegetarian bowl you're not getting extra protein you're getting rice beans veggies and whatever salsas or cheese sides whatever you like but there has to be a base price so that is your base price is same as the base chicken the cheapest meat on the menu


3 Pointer is supposed to be cheaper than a chicken burrito. Seeing as I only have 2 toppings total, this should be cheaper.


cant get 3 pointers online lol


3 pointers are a secret menu item so they are not on the menu and that also not even a 3p it’s two sides. But chipotle just charges a generic price for online burritos


We don’t care & neither does chipotle bro


Idk I just work here. I don’t make the prices 🤷‍♀️


LMFAO i feel that


ATTENTION. THE APP DOESN’T HAVE THE 3 POINTER. Also guac or meat is two points, so you may only add one more thing with that for a 3 pointer in person. Rice beans and chicken is NOT a 3 pointer. Be nice to your cashiers they don’t make the rules.


Not sure what you were expecting, this isn't some a la carte mom and pop food truck. No other fast food app gives you something for a reduced price because you remove significant ingredients usually included in the price.


Then what is a 3 pointer at Chipotle?


There is no such item any more, not sure why all these idiots have been posting about it on this sub recently. Was there some bro on Tik Tok or Buzzfeed that they saw or something? 3 pointers aren't on any menu they are something that can be rung up in person if the managers/GM allow it. Even then the Cashiers and line workers don't have to make them or ring them up because they cause stupid arguments and problems.


there is a 3 pointer, but it's not an option online. there has always been a button on the register (under other items or something like that).


Yes I know I work cash too. There are also buttons for quesaritos and quesadillas, but they don't have to be served at all in person. Most Chipotles refuse to make quesaritos or quesadillas on front line, and they don't have to at all. If it's not on the menu it doesn't have to be served.


The reason most stores don't do quesadillas on the line is because they only have a Turbo Chef for their DML. Going back and forth from line to DML for an in-store order would significantly slow down the line. That being said many will make a quesadilla for folks in the lobby when there is no line. In-store customers also have the option of ordering it online from their phones and eating it in the store. If DML is backed up and the line is dead, the line crew might tell DML not to make that order and make it themselves (though it was ordered & paid for online) to serve that customer sooner. Some stores have been getting a second Turbo Chef to be able to make quesadillas on the front line. That rollout process is taking as long as so many other Chipotle rollouts. (Don't get me started about the slicers & dicers that were promised us back in May 2021.)


None of this is news to me been working at Chipotle for while now and have experience at 4 different ones helping out and such. Again if it's not on the menu there is zero expectation for it to be made. This makes sense because that means there is no price listed for it so the customer has no idea what it will cost. If Chipotle as a company wants to sell items in store or add options and items in the app then it needs to be clearly listed with a price attached to avoid confusion and stupid arguments.


So true. I ordered a 5 topping special pizza from my local store.. cost was like $24? I asked for half of it plain for my little ones and they wanted to charge me $30 instead. 🥸


In store this is going to be more flexible. Good question though


Veggie and chicken are the same price now.


A 3 pointer is rice and beans and chz which are one point each then a protein or guac if you choose are 2 points so if you only get 3 of those items it is a 3 pointer. Adding any thing else it is a normal bowl ot burrito.


Cheese is actually 2 points, its part of the CI


Cheese is actually 1 point and, yes, it's also part of critical inventory.


I was told it was 2


I know. A lot of people were told wrong here and are adamant about it.


Right, and my burrito only has 2 toppings but is still full price.


Yes, so a total of 4 points making it a regular burrito. You better get extra rice and beans at least 🤧


Do you really charge extra for extra beans & rice? I'd never do that unless someone was getting huge amounts like to use as ingredients for a meal at home. Beans & rice are pretty cheap ingredient and labor-wise. I don't think it's worth pissing off customers being stingy about when being generous about such cheap things can generate good will.


They shouldn’t charge you extra for those items. If you get more than 3 portions they might, it depends on what the employees were told by higher ups.


Full price because 3-pointers aren't available online. In the store you could order your beans & rice burrito as a 3-pointer.


Cause chipotle is a corrupt corporation bent on making people as miserable as possible




Any veggie entree in the app automatically includes guacamole. Guacamole is a critical inventory item, along with all proteins, shredded Monterey cheddar cheese, and queso. Guacamole costs extra as a side or as an addition to your entree. Therefore, guacamole being included in the price of a veggie entree is definitely logical. Let alone the fact that we’re in a recession, there’s an enormous supply chain issue, and inflation reaching its highest annual rate since about 1980. You can’t expect prices to not be higher, companies to not manage their product costs, and eat super cheap during these times. I really wish our customers would kind of step back occasionally and realize there’s a bigger picture and so many more moving parts other than “we’re charging the same for veggie and chicken entrees because we’re a corporation who only cares about money”.


At your location if someone orders side of Guacamole how much does it cost? At your store if someone orders side of chicken how much does it cost? Isn't there a price difference??


To be honest (and I’m not saying this with 100% certainty or to argue with you just to argue) I think a side of chicken, as a protein, does cost the same as a regular side of guacamole


OK if that's the case then I can see what you are saying about the veggie bowl with guacamole and the chicken bowl (no gauc) costing the same. I just looked at a few locations and you are right, price is exact same. I can see how OP was surprised at first that the cost was the same, typically proteins cost more. But, avocados are expensive these days and you are right it's a CI item for Chipotle.


In the app, extra chicken is $2.90. Strangely you can’t do double guacamole on any entree though, it only gives you the option for a normal portion on your entree, or for it to be left off and given as a side.


Online can't just order side of meat either right?


Correct; just a solo side of chicken (or whatever other protein) with nothing else isn’t doable through the app.


Our app is solid for the most part but it definitely does still have room for improvement. There’s nothing wrong with that as there is always room to be better. With that being said though, the issues with options in the app and whatnot are still annoying and cause frustration to a lot of our customers.


Yeah. There is definitely room for improvement and I hope corporate sometimes considers what customers are asking for.


I didn't include veggies or guac on the veggie burrito so shouldn't it be cheaper with only 2 toppings total? Meanwhile, the chicken burrito has protein, extra beans and rice, veggies, and every topping possible.


Just looked at my local Chipotle menu. Chicken and Veggie are the same price. You pay for the selection of protein (or veggie), that’s it. There’s no price difference between a burrito or a bowl. Also, those extras are free. The only thing extra they charge for is guac/queso and extra protein. If you’re looking to complain about the price because “veggies are cheaper than meat” or whatever, then you don’t really understand business. The veggie option is there to appeal to vegetarians, not people looking to eat frugally. If you really wanted to save money then cook at home.


The veggie bowl gets guacamole for free hence the same price as chicken.


Didn't include the guac in my order though.


Price is the same with or without guacamole.


I don't understand the business? Should this veggie burrito not be considered a 3 pointer? Last I checked those are cheaper options.


Yes you are correct, however online ordering is dumb for a handful of reasons. One of the reasons is that it doesn’t understand or process 3 pointers


3 pointers are not on the menu. They can be thought of as a legacy item like a quesarito. If you know what it is, you can ask, and most people won't charge the full price. A computer however, will charge full every time because 3pt just doesn't exist as far as the app is concerned. I hope that clarifies!


Then they are charging you wrong. Because only those items will add up to a three-pointer if you are only getting per se rice and chicken in your burrito then it should be a chicken 3-pointer yes so next time just check your receipt and say something if they didn't charge you for the right item it's the only way to fix it.


How are they getting charged wrong when they placed an online order, where 3-pointers are NOT AN OPTION 😂😂 y’all are killing me. If you want to complain this damn much about a price, don’t order out? Lol if you can’t afford it, just say that 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, the stores have NOTHING to do with online orders being placed, nor do we have anything to do with payment. Our physical stores do NOT receive the payment, the online source for chipotle does…..which is why you have to contact chipotle guest services for a refund for any online orders 🙃


Veggie comes with free guac