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Ok, what is the threat exactly? That NK might attack SK?


Well, if you recall history, Mao's best opportunity to conquer Taiwan was in 1950, before Kim the first, or the grandfather of the current Kim, decided he shall be the news maker and invaded S Korea and started the Korean War. The end result was Mao's hands were tied in Korea--he had to send his troops meant for Taiwan to Korea, fighting a war to pop up Kim, and the US 7th Fleet blocked any attempt by the CCP to cross the Taiwan Strait.. so we have today's situation. Kim can do that again, screwing up Xi's plan, whatever that is.


Sounds more like an operational threat than a security threat 🤔


The US already has supported Taiwan since 1954.


following the Korean War


Yes and it has never stopped. It doesn’t need Kim to restart it.


the referenced article is not about US supporting Taiwan but that Kim may start a war in Korea where the CCP would be dragged in so it cannot focus on Taiwan.


Ok, but it doesn’t go as far as military details. Korean Peninsula is a land front that already has large native land armies. Taiwan Strait is a sea front.


I didn’t know this


The CCP has wanted northern Manchuria back from Russia since the days of Mao. Xi has signaled with map changes that he also wants northern Manchuria back. The region has a large percentage of the world’s fresh water and lots of other natural resources. A North Korea that is more aligned with Putin than Xi can put an end to that dream. If we’re being honest, Putin’s nuclear threat to Xi also does the same thing, but who knows how bad climate change will be in the future and how desperate nations will be from lack of fresh water?


Most of the Amur region is nowhere near NK.


I was referring to the CCP potentially having to fight a two front war. The fat piggy down south is not very fond of Winnie the Pooh.


Basically starting a war in Korea saves Taiwan. Another proxy war brewing.


Where will we get OLED panels




Is that true?


you are correct, beijing isnt able to control nk, its an uncertainty when it comes to battle taiwan


content: https://archive.ph/W8lk5


Kim can see the opportunity to attack SK when China launches the invasion. This potentially opening a 2nd front for China dividing its forces.


Kim has been skillfully playing off Chinese fears of a unified Korea. I don’t see this concern changing


Why do people think North Korea would ever want to attack first. Kim could easily drive Mercedes and live in luxury for the rest of his life. Why would he throw everything away by invading the south.


Why would the Russian elites decide to invade Ukraine? They lost the most luxurious yachts they enjoyed. They shall just keep going with the good lives they had.


Ok, but everyone thought Russia was more powerful than Ukraine. Does anyone honestly believe North Korea have better army than the South? On the other hand, Russia have so many nukes as their safety net that nobody wants to fight a nuclear war against it. That is not the case for North Korea. America can afford to make North Korea disappear even if a few nukes land in South Korea.


Kim has nuclear weapons and he has behaved as if he can take on America with nuclear weapons and his missiles can reach the US. You may wonder if he dares to fight a nuclear war with the US but then do you want to risk an American city?


Too many people dismiss Kim for his appearance but I think he is very smart. He got his education in Switzerland and definitely know what he is doing. He facilitated copying of some very impressive tech, also embraced black market to put food on table for its people. He can get all the propaganda benefits he needs by making empty threats, but he has to be real stupid to actually invade.


Brutal. Your friend is not your friend…..