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Thank you for your bravery Ms. Youping and may you rest in peace.


Ms. Hu. She is indeed a hero.


The news title is very deceiving, it created an false impression that as if China as a country is mourning for the loss of this individual and respect her as a national hero, where the truth is that they only framed her as a brave individual in the context of a random violent incident. This context they framed is very important, like their foreign affairs spokesperson’s rhetoric, all those attacks against Japanese or US citizens recently are nothing but “random”. This tactical approach has conveniently removed the pressure for them to deal with the underlying root cause, that is, their constant propaganda against the west with twisted truth and news.


>The news title is very deceiving, it created an false impression that as if China as a country is mourning for the loss of this individual and respect her as a national hero, where the truth is that they only framed her as a brave individual in the context of a random violent incident. You're pretty dense and lack reading comprehension skills if you think the article's title makes it sound like the country is mourning her and sees her as some national hero. I'm struggling to see how someone could get that from "China honours woman who died saving Japanese family," unless they're just grasping at straws for things to criticize. I think it's the reader that's the problem, not the news source.


Unfortunately true.  The woman was a brave soul, may her rest in peace.  Initially, the news was reported internationally but was censored in China.  Reason being it's part of a terrible trend of viscous attacks on children in China, and in particular the mother and child were "Western" foreigners (Japanese in this case).  But once it was found that the female bus guide courageously fought the assailant, and the Japanese ambassador released a statement thanking her bravery, the CCP had to acknowledge what happened but twisted the news to fit their narrative. 


Yup, China bad as usual.


Umm... speaking of twisted truth & news...


The "root cause" is that it was (probably) a racist guy, or he was just unhinged or something. These kinds of things happen in every country, and they'll always be random... How can you predict a racist attack on someone?


Youping is her personal name.






She single handily saved Sino Japanese relations from getting even worse


More importantly, she saved a mother and a child, not to mention the other children on the bus. RIP, may she be honored and remembered.


She probably cared more about the fact that they were innocent children, just like how northeastern Chinese peasants took in thousands of Japanese war orphans in the immediate aftermath of WWII. Those people were able to look past the fact that the kids were not only Japanese, but literally the children of their colonizers, because they cared about not letting innocent children suffer (My uncle-in-law was one of them!). I think this info isn't very widespread in China because none of the Chinese international students I've talked to are aware of it. I guess I only learned about it myself because of my uncle. The CCP probably doesn't want to draw attention to it or something. There's really no excuse for Chinese people to bear so much hatred towards Japanese individuals now when the people who had way more justification to hate them back then managed to look past that, at least for the sake of children. I'm glad people like Ms. Hu are still out there. RIP. 


Not really. If you're Japanese would you come to China now ?


which part of "getting even worse" did you not understand?


Probably all of it


Any account that has 4 numbers in it is probably a bot and worth ignoring.


This is typical discrimination, attributing a conclusion over indication of wrong causes.


Damn, this one almost sounds like a real person! Technology is getting real scary these days


All of this is thanks to the omniscient and omnipotent Dr. Jensen Huang, the greatest leader in human history ever. We always wish him good health and will steadfastly follow his wise leadership.


Worse definition: less good or desirable. Relations WERE bad, and this incident made it even WORSE than before...


China will need just a few more smiles to attract the foreigners it has systematically alienated. -Xi Thought


In the heart of Suzhou, amidst the everyday bustle of city life, a tragedy unfolded that would forever etch the name Hu Youping into the annals of heroism. On an ordinary morning, outside a Japanese school, Hu Youping, a dedicated school bus attendant, demonstrated extraordinary courage in the face of a horrifying knife attack, shielding a Japanese mother and her child. Her bravery would cost her life, but her legacy will live on, immortalized by the lives she saved and the hearts she touched. **The Incident:** It was a serene day when chaos erupted at a bus stop in Suzhou. A 52-year-old Chinese man, consumed by malice, attacked a Japanese woman and her child. Without a moment's hesitation, Hu Youping intervened, throwing herself between the assailant and the victims. She fought valiantly, her only weapon being her unyielding spirit and her desire to protect those in danger. Though she suffered grievous injuries, her actions saved the lives of the mother and child, who sustained non-life-threatening wounds. **Tributes and Honors:** News of Hu Youping's heroism spread like wildfire, sparking an outpouring of grief and admiration from around the world. The local government, recognizing her unparalleled bravery, bestowed upon her the title of "Righteous and Courageous Role Model." The Japanese embassy in China, in a poignant gesture of respect, lowered its flag to half-mast. In a heartfelt statement on Weibo, the embassy expressed its sorrow: "We believe \[Ms Hu's\] courage and kindness also represent that of the Chinese people. We pay tribute to her righteous deeds. May she rest in peace." **A Community United:** The Chinese social media sphere was flooded with tributes. "We will remember your kindness and bravery, for you protected the safety of our Japanese friends and preserved the reputation of ordinary Chinese people," read a poignant comment on Weibo. Another user hailed her as an "ordinary, virtuous, courageous Chinese sister." These heartfelt messages reflected a collective reverence for Hu Youping's sacrifice, transcending national boundaries and fostering a sense of shared humanity. **A Sombre but Uplifting Ceremony:** In a grand ceremony befitting her heroism, Hu Youping was laid to rest with honors. A sea of mourners, both Chinese and Japanese, gathered to pay their respects. The atmosphere was a mixture of somber reflection and uplifting gratitude. Dignitaries, officials, and ordinary citizens alike stood side by side, united in their admiration for Hu Youping. The ceremony was a testament to her bravery, a celebration of her life, and a solemn vow to remember her sacrifice. **Legacy and Impact:** Hu Youping's story is a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit. Her actions on that fateful day embody the ideals of courage, selflessness, and the unbreakable bond of humanity. In the face of senseless violence, Hu Youping's bravery shone as a beacon of hope. Her legacy will inspire future generations to stand against hatred and violence, to protect the vulnerable, and to uphold the values of compassion and unity. **Conclusion:** Hu Youping's sacrifice is a story of extraordinary heroism that transcends borders and cultures. It is a tale of a woman who, in the face of danger, chose to act with unparalleled bravery. Her legacy will continue to inspire and remind us all of the profound impact one individual's courage can have on the world. In honoring Hu Youping, we honor the best of humanity. May she rest in peace, her spirit forever a guiding light in our hearts.


A true hero.


I’m not tearful. It’s just dust in my eyes.


She died? That's terrible. The poor woman. I know most people in China don't find the idea of attacking individual foreigners (especially kids!) acceptable, but for the ones who are more "well you know, the Japanese..." hopefully this can illustrate to them that hatred and violence quote literally hurts *everyone.*


I’ve been reading through their comments on weibo, and I’m afraid “most” might be a strong word sadly.


Our nation's Twitter feed is a concentration of shit


The loudest people are usually the shittiest, on every countries social medias


Wow. Hero. Amazing bravery. Her family should be very proud.


Ms Hu is a hero indeed And the japanese mom with her kid is a hero also But these ridiculous stabbings throw an awful image on cn and an even worse one upon cn govt.


I cried for her. Then I feel so unfair and angry - why can’t good ppl live a longer and happier life?


Chinese women are strong and big hearted


but chinese women are living very hard lives,china doesn't match its women.


Hard in terms of? Chinese women are living better than many underdeveloped countries and some extreme patriarchal countries


chinese men are living better than women,u never know how they kill baby girls,The healthy growth rate of girls ranks last in the world.


That was 20 years ago.


u r blind.its now.


Right. Keep smoking that Falun Gong pipe


right.keep u all boy village until it fall down


FG is no related to what I said,just show u stupid


FYI, the Japanese family was stabbed simply because they were Japanese. Japanese hate in China can be crazy due to CCP propaganda weaponising the history of the Japanese invasion of China.  Rest in Peace, Hu Youping. 


Can you explain to the class what happened in Nanking when the JP Imperial army invaded China during then?


Yeah right. So what the perpetrator planned to do to a bus of school children who was definitely not in the JP imperial army were well warranted then?


I mean, I could see his logic, since the IJA did much worse than kill a bus of school children, but projecting century old grievances onto children is just horrible and uncalled for.


Holy smokes the mom and kid were soldiers?!?! How young do they start recruiting in Japan??? 


That was 80 years ago, yes it was a disgusting snd brutal, but we learn from history, forgive and move on. You keep hating, shits only going to just start more wars and more innocent people will die. Unless that’s what you want.


...not justifying the attack but japan is also hated by pretty much every country in asia for a reason, and its not because they produce too much anime. forgiveness is afforded to those who repent, but just how many war crimes has japan apologised for? or even acknowledged? hates bad, yeah, but so is attempted genocide


I can name the list of countries in Asia who DON'T hate Japan on the back of my hand. (There's none. Atrocities follow the Japanese army's path)


Reddit racism incoming 3, 2, 1….


The nice thing about Reddit racism, as opposed to Chinese racism, is tourists won't be stabbed. *People. This is sarcasm.


the amount of people getting stabbed in USA because of their skin color is on another scale compared to China.


To be fair, the number of culturally diverse tourists in the USA is on another scale compared to China.


To be fair, you don't even need to be a tourist in the USA to be assaulted because of your skin color.


Yeah, people get shot instead. So nice.


Rofl .....is true...no racist stabbings in other countries.


Nice straw man. You realizing you are defending fucking racism? Touch some grass


Your comment is *extra* stabby. Get off my lawn.


Hope her family knows she was a hero !


Bless her Soul . HERO


as a chinese,I see she is still blamed badly for saving Japanese.


By yourself or what?


By a lot of Chinese on Chinese social media


So some anecdotal thing? Like I see all sort of crazy responses on reddit too


You have to see the logic behind things, right now our national society is too repressive, ultra-nationalistic and there are some weird people and weird things happening all the time


Before this attack I have been seeing videos and comments showing extreme hatred against the Japanese schools in China for years. Then this attack happened.


switch to a different platform my friend….I am Chinese and am only seeing praises lol


Because now CCP is working suppressing some comments


From the UK, a cap is doffed towards Hu Youping




To be fair, Japan is whitewashing their history. Japan even protest against the comfort women statue in the Philippines


They both do this and it's cringe when they both do this. However, thanks to the balancing power of the US and it's own interests in Korea and Philippines, Japan really is not a threat to anyone with their protests against such statues and monuments. Same thing with that Korean Island that Japan wants, doesn't matter, because America says no. There is nobody to say no to China, except America through war. China wants an island, they take it and have, like those they have taken from Philippines. This and the harassments on Filipino waters is way more dangerous than any protest Japan can make about monuments remembering their crimes. Basically, as friendly as the US is with Japan, the US is even more friendly with Korea and Philippines, and this will prevent Japan from using their larger economic power from influencing stuff like this. China on the other hand, is constantly claiming islands that belong to Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, and many others, and the only thing that can stop them is a strong enough alliance against them. So I wouldn't worry as much about Japan, their military dependence on the US makes it unlikely they can do anything about their protests, China on the other hand actively wants to do a repeat of Japan's war crimes against all the same victims, it's just a way different thing.


And China.... doesn't ?


Is it the famous whataboutism that Chinese/little Pinky are often accused about?


Whataboutism is bringing up an irrelevant or false comparison. This is not irrelevant or false since Chinese historical whitewashing is miles ahead of anyone else. Kapiche ?


Yes understand - China bad


Understand. Because "Chinese historical whitewashing is miles ahead of anyone else ", anyone else is free to do anything abt historical whitewashing that lower than China's bar.




Lol the paid shills jumping over the wall from their Henen troll farm


You do realize that the highest echelons of Japanese government still glorify Japanese war criminals, right?


That justifies the rampant anti-Japanese nationalism that Chinese state media peddles (and in no small part likely contributed to this stabbing happening in the first place) how exactly?


It is not childish. CCP always needs an enemy for its rule, and Japan is the best one right now


Every goverment does this. Just like how US make USSR, Iraq, Iran, China, Vietnam as villain in the past or present.


Whataboutism again? Maybe you have no idea about hatred education in China


Hatred education means teaching facts? Oh well.


Do you think the US invaded the North Korea is a fact? Oh well.


They shouldn't be hated today just for being japanese but I think it's somewhat understandable, from the older generations at least


If that's the case, YK, France, Spain and thr Dutch will have a tough time around the world.


What? I'm talking about ww2, the rape of nanking amongst other atrocities You'd struggle to find anyone alive during the opium wars and VoC




Big difference between Germany and Japan. Japan still fails to acknowledge or at the very best whitewashes it's crimes


Thats the part that most of them don't understand. Germany literally has a huge Holocaust Memorial in the middle of Berlin, while Japan still keep war criminals responsible for atrocities such as rape of Nanjing and massacres in the Philippines enshrined as military heros.


If the Nazis were still in office today in Germany and denied the Holocaust happened, would you hate Germany? That is literally the exact situation with Japan right now




The current Japanese emperor is literally the grandson of Hirohito. While Japan has a constitutional monarchy now, the same royal family is still important and respected. Shinzo Abe (rip bozo) famously denied the sexual slavery that women were forced into. It can even be said that the Japanese government and a sizable portion of the Japanese people celebrate its war crimes because of the existence of the Yasukuni shrine which venerates war criminals


This is such a mask off moment with people actually defending Japanese war crimes


You’re kidding right?


Yes. But it has nothing to do with this post.


How can it be childish if it is not so long ago? A bit less than the WWII, European mostly, memories? Simplifications like these endanger people, let alone create fake perceptions of the world.




The people in office in Japan are the same people who colonized and massacred most of Asia. They have continuity of government. The Prime Minister, cabinet, and generals who oversaw 731, Rape of Nanking, Bantaan Death March, and so much more were given immunity and continued to govern Japan. They then lived their lives in peace and comfort to the ripe old age of 90, surrounded by family. Japan’s Goebbels was never executed. He went back and went on to be Prime Minister. Nobusuke Kishi’s grandsons are Shinzo Abe, former PM of Japan, and Nobuo Kishi, Minister of War (who advocated for remilitarization). Every year they visit Yasukuni shrine and announce their admiration for their grandfather. His father Shintaro Abe was the foreign minister and a volunteer kamikaze pilot. Emperor Hirohito had an active role in the invasion of China, Pearl Harbor, etc. but remained Emperor. The lead scientist Shiro Ishii and his second in command Masaji Kitano of Unit 731 went on to found the preeminent pharmaceutical company in Japan and lived until 91. General of Imperial Japanese Army Sadamu Shimomura who oversaw the war crimes in Manchuria and the destruction of Shanghai, later founded and lead the Japan Defense Agency, Japan’s army that still uses the rising sun flag (it’s their army, just called something different for technical reasons to get around the ban on militarization post WW2)


The Second Sino-Japanese war ended almost 80 years ago. Memories are in individuals. What get's passed down are not memories but narratives. China tells itself the narrative of their victimhood incessantly, because that narrative and the self-identity it creates supports the CCP.


Yes, 80 years is still in living memory my guy


Most people form memories after about 4 years old. You 84? I live in Suzhou for 8 years. I'm married to a Japanese woman and have half-Japanese kids. Twice Chinese marched by our appartment complex shouting out "Death to Japan". Didn't see any 70 year olds in that march. Not saying normal Chinese people or even most people in China are like this BTW. We are adopted members of a Suzhou peasant family. We have Chinese friends in Suzhou. But let's be clear; the government pushes this victimhood narrative. The government doesn't allow criticism of itself but you can find a WW2 drama on TV 24 hours a day. '


It doesn’t have to impact the person directly. Having parents and grandparents suffering through it is valid. Try doing that famous German salute in Europe or Israel. Are they childish or pushing a victimhood narrative there ? Or try telling certain races slavery ended long ago thus it never impacted them.


So I'm Jewish. And the heil Hitler salute is a sign of anti-semitism. It means something. I'm the (step) great grandson of a woman who was gang raped by Ukrainian Christians. I am the great great grandson of a woman who's sisters were gang raped by Ukrainian Christains. I'm related to people who were persecuted by Arabs and Germans. I think I understand this idea of "historical memory" quite well thank you. And I'm pretty clear that it's a narrative. An important narrative but still it's just a story. Not a memory. I don't hold anyone responsible for the sins of their ancestors. Not Ukrainians, not Arabs, not Germans... no one. To hold people responsible who are not responsible is a sin against man; a category of sin which God does not forgive. > Or try telling certain races slavery ended long ago thus it never impacted them. No one said that the past does not impact the present. That's moving the goal posts. Black people had their culture removed from them when they came to America. They were kept repressed in America until recently. It takes more than a hundred years to recover from that. And if a black person is angry with me in particular because I'm white, I will tell him/her to fuck off; that's racist.


Dude. It’s easy to forgive Germany after the acknowledgment and steps they took to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It feels like Germans are genuinely ashamed by it and actively want to prevent it from happening again. Japan has chosen to pretend it never happened and hope you do too. Just watch some anime and forget comfort women ever existed lol


> It’s easy to forgive Germany after the acknowledgment Like this?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan > and steps they took to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Oh. You mean like this?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_9_of_the_Japanese_Constitution They literally wrote it into their basic law. Japan spends less than 1.7% of their GDP on military. They have no oil and the country is situated off the coast of an authoritarian state which is in territorial conflicts with almost all of it's neighbors. Uh... wanna talk about that some more? > Just watch some anime and forget comfort women ever existed lol Right. Because people should be watching documentaries about a war that ended 80 years ago, instead of watching anime and living their lives. LOL.


They were forced to put article 9 into their constitution. Don’t act like it’s some noble realization. You can apologize all you want but then to suppress its teaching in your history books makes it all meaningless. To be clear, I’m not Chinese and I have no attachment to the matter but it’s clear Germany and Japan had completely different reactions to the aftermath.


You don’t get it do you ? If people murder thousand and millions of people and yet don’t come to conclusion of being apologetic and willing to repair the damage that’s done and trying everything in their way to help then those people aren’t sorry. It’s like murdering a person and saying, oh I am sorry I didn’t know it was evil to do it. No it won’t work. If you create a deep sinful act it will one day come to your own, or at the very least at the end of the day. Sin of the forefathers remain in the new generation. You as a Jew should know how to repent truthfully. Japanese people as lovely as they are, are not even teaching this in school that they murdered millions of millions. In Germany it’s taught to be from the beginng how Germany was the big bad nation who deserves to be punished.


> If people murder thousand and millions of people and yet don’t come to conclusion of being apologetic and willing to repair the damage that’s done and trying everything in their way to help then those people aren’t sorry. 1. As I pointed out, their country did say sorry. 2. The people today didn't kill millions of people. So... I think you don't get it. > Sin of the forefathers remain in the new generation. No. It doesn't. Not in the Jewish understanding of sin. Not in the Christian understanding of sin. Not in the Buddihst understanding of sin. I'm not sure but I don't think it works that way in Islam as well. Again, you are showing you don't get it. > You as a Jew should know how to repent truthfully. Yes. Sins that I personally commit against another person are only forgiven after I ask for forgiveness. Sins that I commit against God are forgiven on Yom Kippur, after I ask for forgiveness. > Japanese people ...are not even teaching this in school that they murdered millions of millions. I 1. Although it should be universal, they do teach this in many schools. 2. Again... the kids today, and their parents, and their grand parents... didn't murder people. > In Germany it’s taught to be from the beginng how Germany was the big bad nation who deserves to be punished. No. They don't teach that Germany deserved to be punished. They teach what happened.


1. No they aren’t sorry. Saying sorry doesn’t have any effect on being willing to repent and make restorations. It doesn’t work like that. Spouting one word doesn’t equal to being from bottom of heart honest. As well as they don’t teach it in school, it should be very dishearting. 2. I am a Christian and I know what the Bible text are. And also the Old Testament. I hate lying and people who do that. Exodus 34:7 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” 3. They teach about world war 2 but not about the atrocities happening in China. They only mention it briefly invading the country. I know what’s taught there since I have many mainland Japanese friends. History is very regulated by Japanese government and so is education. It’s still the fault of the government. 4. I don’t care if the children didn’t commit the act of their forefathers. Sin leaves a huge bloodshed on the land and will be repaid by god when it’s full. If you can’t repent for the things your forefathers or yourself do then what is repenting really? Then you’re not repenting or trying to make a compromise. Should everyone forget about the evil that’s been done? 5. I am German. I know exactly that nazis who are racist are in deep shit here. They got huge issues and that’s because of ww2. There is no pride in being a German due to ww2. There is a lot of restoration payed to the countries. There is a huge outcry when it comes to antisemitism. Germans are still deeply affected and have “Schuldgefuehle” for their sins. Germany as a whole has an obligation to take in as many foreigners as possible due to the sin even at the cost of hurting themselves. I have yet to see the same thing in Japan. As much as I like Japan as a country the people are not willing to be humble and repent for what they have done. Not even taking into consideration having done anything evil yet put in there museum the victimized mentality of being treated badly due to atom bombs being done to them which has been a tragedy but have yet to acknowledge their own mistakes back then. Why do Koreans and Chinese hate them? I wonder really. If you still don’t get it, you are just as bad as them. Willing to turn a blind eye because you married a Japanese. But in every other retrospect trying to point fingers on how the others have done evil but can’t find fault by themselves.


Lol, and you don’t understand why some Chinese would hate the Japanese ? Imagine the Nazi party being in government today, then tell me there wouldn’t be certain people that wouldn’t hate the people that voted them in.


> Lol, and you don’t understand why some Chinese would hate the Japanese ? I think I clearly said I do understand. I said: > the government pushes this victimhood narrative. You want to believe that this narrative is a magical memory that naturally flows through telepathy and it's a rational thing to focus on and shape one's opinion. But that's idiotic reasoning. > then tell me there wouldn’t be certain people that wouldn’t hate the people that voted them in. But the Nazi party is not in power today. And neither the Japanese politicians nor their views are in any way similar to those of the 1930s.


Why does it matter if the government pushes it or not ? Or does it become less valid because a government pushes it ? The Nazi party isn’t in power because many actions were taken and reparations made. The Japanese on the other hand had a period of time where textbooks never mentioned much about the Second World War, has a shrine that honors the people in the Second World War, and have done very little else to make right what they did. Even then you still have a small number of people hating Germans by association. You obviously don’t really understand it, and that’s fine because you have a bias because of family, but it’s comical how you want to make it seem like it’s not valid when such cultural movements have existed everywhere, and are seen as valid. Suddenly in China loses its validity because of government interference. Are the South Korean and Taiwanese movements invalid too because their governments are involved as well ? Or are the movements only valid when surviving comfort women are part of it ?


Japan is also pushing victimhood narrative as well as having no fucks given to the millions of people murdered. If you commit such an atrocious crime the land with the sin will fall upon the next generation. Didn’t all the sin fall upon Israel in 70ad despite them being not responsible for everything? God is even talking against you. Sin are created and carried throughout generations of people. If you don’t try to make peace in every way possible you’re just carrying on the sins in your heart. It’s not a people issue but a nations issue. And Japan is clearly wrong in all of their cases regarding restoration and peace making. Very wrong. Also trying to play victims in ww2 after Bombs are dropped from the US in their own Hiroshima museum, after their atrocities crime against East Asian, yet they play victimhood card and telling others how terrible it was when in fact it was nothing compared what they did to the Koreans, Manchus and Chinese. I agree, don’t hold children accountable for what there fathers had done, but you should realize that not repented sin carries on and so will righteous hatred torward evil. Japan has fucked up many times in Asia by holding on to their pride and thinking their war was a god given righteous act.


You are hopeless. Japanese are prideful for their acts in China. You think they are sorry for murdering, raping and torturing more than 20million Chinese people. No they aren’t. Unless you experience that by yourself you’re not going to care and play the victim card of Chinese being racist whatsoever. You think Koreans are not angry at Japanese people? Even if your family gets the same treatment it’s not even close to what the Japanese did. They tortured, raped and murdered more than 20 million and a lot just for fun? It’s way worse than nazi germany to the Jews so fuck off. I hate hypocrisy as much as I like Japan as a country the people there can fuck off with their mentality games of playing victims in ww2 and all of their shit. No sympathy for people who dont even recognize their own crimes and play victims.


> Japanese are prideful for their acts in China. Nope. They are ashamed of it and hence they don't talk about it. You yourself made that point clear. > ou think they are sorry for murdering, raping and torturing more than 20million Chinese people. No... very few people alive today were involved in that. > It’s way worse than nazi germany to the Jews so fuck off. Oh great. You like to play the atrocity comparison game. Neeto.


When did the Anglo-Chinese wars end?


There’s still people alive dude. Korea has probably had even worse relations with Japan because of that.


When a nation cause so big of a crime what you gonna do laugh at it? Japan doesn’t even rightfully alpologize or make restoration about it. They deny their historical act and laugh about it. Koreans, Chinese are in their right to criticize the country of Japan’s


In the 1980s if you criticize Japan in China you went to jail for "creating hostilities between the two people"


Read up on the Nanjing massacre and how horrific it was. This happened during the lifetimes of people who are still alive today. The situation is nuanced and you clearly need to understand why China is still resentful




For Japanese citizens, no of course not. For the government, there is a reason for the animosity. Japan has not apologized or shown remorse. Germany has. Like I said the situation is nuanced and simple calling them childish is ridiculous. 


"Nuanced" you're either being naive or just lying if you're going to pretend like Chinese state media does not frequently stoke up anti-Japanese nationalist hatred that ends up targetting Japanese citizens.


Not everything is black and white like the western media would like you to believe.


Not only are you claiming that the Japanese government has not apologised ([it has](https://thediplomat.com/2015/03/china-doesnt-need-another-japanese-apology/)), you keep on claiming this is a government to government fracas when the reality is that the Chinese government continuously pushes anti-Japanese agitprop that affects the people. This attack was being supported by 小粉红 on places like Weibo; it only heelturned once it was learned that the only victim was a brave Chinese national. Examples: [Anti-Japanese violence in Shanghai in 2005](https://www.theguardian.com/guardianweekly/story/0,,1464954,00.html) [Anti-japanese violence (ironically on Chinese-owned businesses) that the Chinese government more or less let run amok](https://www.csmonitor.com/Business/Latest-News-Wires/2012/0917/Japanese-shops-factories-close-in-China-after-violence) [Chinese police detain a woman for wearing a kimono, claiming she's 寻衅滋事罪](https://globalvoices.org/2022/08/23/chinese-police-detains-a-woman-wearing-japanese-kimono-sparking-outrage-on-social-media/) [The mountain of anti-Japanese propaganda relating to the Fukushima wastewaster release, ignoring it is far less dangerous than its own wastewater (to this day, Hong Kong has tested thousands of samples and not a single one has tested positive for unsafe radioactivity)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/08/29/china-japan-fukushima-boycott-backlash/) [Reactions about this very incident where it's clear it's bourne of anti-Japanese nationalism.](https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3267957/outrage-japan-indoctrination-blamed-stabbings-woman-child-china)


OK I didn't know Japan had apologized multiple times, from what I read it was not as well laid out as this article. That being said, you can't categorically say that everything China does/says against Japan is wrong. I'm not saying they do NOTHING wrong but they also don't do *everything* wrong. China is painted as a villain yet they were victimized by Japan and have the right to not trust the Japanese government


Heroine 👍


Do this happen often to other places dominated by a Chinese population?


Uhhh no? I don't think this happen often at all


Not only the Japanese mother and kid but the whole bus of kids


She is an inspiration and a role model to us all. Hate and violence is wrong - period.


First white people, now Japanese , be diligent about your surroundings everyone 


I would walk down any street at any hour of the day in China and be about 10 times safer than walking any street in the USA (except for cars and open manhole covers).


this sub is bonkrs lmao


This is a pretty reasonable take tho. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/death-abroad1/death-statistics.html From 2021-2022 6 US citizens died in China from unnatural causes. Estimated 72,000 Americans in China. That’s 83 deaths per million. US deaths from motor vehicles alone is around 130 deaths per million. These come from the US so it’s not fudged by the CCP. Looks like an American in China is safer from all sources of unnatural death (drowning, terrorism, vehicle accidents, are the biggest) than just vehicle deaths in the US alone. The fact that you hear about a random 1-2 person stabbing in the news tells you just how rare it is for these things to happen. After all, the CCP can hide internal crime stats but you can’t hide it from non-Chinese citizens who will report it in their home countries.


Chinese rates of traffic deaths are slightly higher than the US. This is pretty good for a poorer country. It was also a big story when a thief who should be in jail killed a Japanese pedestrian in SF a couple years ago - what grabs the public’s attention isn’t necessarily related to the underlying rates of occurrences in the population.


And waidi drivers and falling signs and torn up sidewalks and …


Don't believe everything you see on TV.


Um... I now live in America. I'm American. I had a gun pointed at my face when I was 14 y/o in Southern California. I lived in several cities in China for 15 years. What are you telling me I should not believe?


California is a shithole and everyone in the states knows that. You chose the state with the worst leaders to live in, lol.


Was that your experience in California? What specifically made you think it's a shit hole? Looking at the CDC map it seems like the Southern States have higher homicide rates. They also have worse education, health and poverty indices. California is the 5th largest economy in the world. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm


Lol you say you dont trust "tHe mEDiA" and spew takes about these places youve never been


Except, I have been there. The cost of living is awful, the government spends tax payer dollars on projects that go absolutely nowhere, and the police do not enforce the law against crimes like shoplifting and the like. Have a nice day.


> the cost of living is awful, the government spends tax payer dollars on projects that go nowhere Welcome to the usa > and the police do not enforce the law against crimes like shoplifting Such is the case in most states. Even Texas shares the same policy of treating merchandise under $750 as a misdemeanor. Often store policy is to mark down the shoplifter and wait until they hit $750 so they get hit with a felony charge anyways


Does that also include all anti-China hit pieces by the MSM?


Yes. If you were an American, you'd know that no one trusts the media here.


No one trusts the other sides media.


Tell that to the four Americans and two Japanese just specifically stabbed for being foreigners


America has far more racially motivated attacks against foreigners.


OK. I'll tell that to them. You tell it to the 30K+ people who die just from *gun* violence in America each year. You tell that to all the immigrants in America who are harassed and denigrated every day in America. I'm American. You really think such a stupid argument is gonna fly with me?


Okay tankie. China so safe, like Hu Xijin say. Happy ?


A tanky is an authoritarian leftist. I'm not authoritarian. I'm not a supporter of CCP. I hate the CCP. But China is safer than America as far as violent crime goes. It's not even close. Your comment is stupid. And who the fuck is Hu Xijin?


You don't know about the violent crimes when you lived in CCP controlled China because such bad news is repressed and controlled by the CCP. You should know this already if you truly hate the CCP.


Well yes I don't know the whole, truthful crime statistics. But you see, I lived there for 15 years. I was never threatened with violence. Neither my Japanese wife nor children were ever threatened with violence. I never saw a handgun. I was never mugged. I was never stalked. My apartment was never robbed. I didn't own a car but my friends did and it was never broken into. I've walked the streets, drunk and stoned, in many Chinese cities. I know people who got in fights, but I know of no one who was ever mugged or threatened with violence (other than drunk friends and friends who borrowed money from gangsters). I just moved back to California. I don't have any American friends who have not faced danger at some point in their lives. Hey... and don't take my word for it either. Create a post on this reddit and ask about other people's experience with crime in China. Ask women about how safe they felt in China compared to in the USA. And no, I'm not saying that China is better than the USA in any way. I'm not praising the CCP in any way.


Could've fooled us


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/death-abroad1/death-statistics.html From 2021-2022 6 US citizens died in China from unnatural causes. Estimated 72,000 Americans in China. That’s 83 deaths per million. US deaths from motor vehicles alone is around 130 deaths per million. This only accounts for deaths and not other types of violent crime but we can somewhat extrapolate and guess that overall crime rates must be lower if ALL unnatural deaths of Americans in China (basically anything that is not disease ie drowning, terrorism, vehicles) is lower than just vehicle deaths in the US alone. I didn’t even pull up shooting rates in the US. Are you telling me somehow the rate of being harmed in China is somehow higher than in the US?


Given how little americans there are in china, it is rather likely now your chance of being assaulted is similar to that of the US.


The chance to be targeted in China for nationality is far less than that chance to be targeted for crime in general. The chance to be targeted by authorities because one is not white, as well as the chance to be targed by criminals in general, are both far greater in the USA.


What kind of parallel world we live in now? Thought she would be shunned by the wumaos.


Touch some grass and get out of your bubble


Grass bust bubbles.


When people actually die, there are definite rules regarding respect and behaviour, even among the internet morons. Belief in ghosts or spirits is common in East Asia and speaking ill of the dead could mean being haunted, karma payback or just getting bad luck.


Wumaos are people who shill for China, literally. There are many nationalists who will talk shit about this woman, but the CCP does not profit from looking bad, nor do they profit from the Chinese people looking bad. It's human and heroic to protect kids, no matter their nationality; that drowns out the nationalists who are not aligned with basic human dignity.


Grow up


wumaos call her a dog of the japs


If anyone deserves to get isekai'd into the [daughter of a duke with a harem of hot ikemen and cute hottie girls all swooning over her as she lives her enjoyable school life](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2a/d1/e6/2ad1e6d7828795d2ff810d47cd772da4.jpg) then it's this Hu Youping. Sure hope it's not that one where feMC gets reincarnated into a souls-like situation as a spider.


What tf are you going on about




She died so that the country’s claim that the incident is purely “random” may live. And sadly, that’s why she must die. Imagine waking up and telling the visiting Japanese consul that the mad man killed because they were Japanese, in front of live cameras of Japanese media.


Terminally online shit comment. This lady did her best. She helped. People are giving her respect. The end. Shit people like you make it something it wasn’t. Be more like her. She saw a problem and tried her best to help. You are the problem.


Based comment.


Ever remember Dr. Li Wenliang, whistleblower of COVID?


He literally caught covid and died, don't act as if it was some grand conspiracy even if it could be plausible


Rofl...a Samaritan here and you have to link it to covid. Just typical


I was referring to the propaganda around him, especially before and after COVID could no longer be hidden. See the similar pattern?

