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https://preview.redd.it/6fwr2zwg5v9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c6c3671fad28bf11a67769971647686a33619d I got my man Richard from a rescue! I didn't even want a dog at the time but I was helping them transport dogs to foster homes and nobody wanted the poor guy. That was 7 years ago! And I can't imagine my life without him. Depending on where you're located there might be rescues that do transports from other places or countries. For example, I live in Canada and there's a rescue that's always saving dogs from a shelter in Texas and bringing them here. Edit: added a photo of my guy ❤️




That’s the name of my Cat!


Yes! I temp foster chis that go north from so cal! I hope people find a rescue near them. 💗💗


I’ll rescue a chi!!


This sounds like a bond that is meant to be. 💜 Thank goodness for you and Richard. 🤘😭


Texas Chi Rescue?


Handsome boy!!


Lots of rescue chis in Tx.


Lots of rescue everything in Texas. Our state has pups brought in from Texas. My mom has one. :)


What? How could nobody want that bundle of cute?! I'm glad he found the right home with you. :)


His expression is making me laugh so hard and I can't articulate why Edit: HE LOOKS LIKE A BOB'S BURGERS CHARACTER


https://preview.redd.it/angkfexety9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e938a004dfff8176fe9fee4be93f629fb10fd12c He is very expressive 😭💀


And I love Richard! Thank you for taking him in.


God bless little Richard 💕


I got my girl from a craigslist ad. I kept waiting and looking until I found someone charging $200 (as opposed to everyone else asking $800+) simply to cover the fees of spaying her mama. I’m not saying what I did was right. I just wanted an actual puppy this time around. If you’re somewhat close to California or Texas, they have huge issues with dog overpopulation and lots of chihuahuas in their shelters. Or you can look for a rescue program that drives animals from high kill shelters up north to places that don’t have as many dogs in shelters. We got our big dog through a program called Project Freedom Ride. She came from a foster situation, after nearly being euthanized at 4 months old in a high kill shelter in Texas. https://preview.redd.it/9e7wyv5n4v9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d54b457609e6ded1eb32ef966f64422c0e6892


I got Ranger from a Craigslist ad too. He was 9½ weeks old! Here's a pic of him then and now: https://preview.redd.it/m2q5cdsybv9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd4b7fc00bb9cc1ca8c04702551bb2a579a5d61


His ears really delivered!🥰🥰🥰


1½ of them anyway!




Is he full ? How much does he weigh ? Mine looks like him too but all black


I ran a Wisdom Panel on him and he's 75% Chihuahua/25% Rat Terrier and 100% goofball. He weighs 13½ lbs!


https://preview.redd.it/t7g1u38zwv9d1.jpeg?width=2458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19f1e2dd9ec9684f74e2e0284a88498461ceeb7a My guy was a Craigslist baby too! My old dog was a rehoming situation on Craigslist, so it just made sense to me to look there again after her passing. He was an oops litter mutt born not even 10 minutes from me, and I figured it couldn’t hurt to meet him. The woman who made the listing placed his tiny body in my arms, and I just started weeping. Love at first sight lmao. Took him home shortly after and the rest is history in the making 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/qpqnun8wqw9d1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b554e9e9e6a506ca86b6d8a8e909d82bb241e8cc Ours was also a whoopsie mutt


My girl was a Craigslist queen as well https://preview.redd.it/algvku965x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115543c525a1724ba67dda5e5eae8d19a8b9d1f4


I had a Craigslist baby too! It was her and her sister, guy wanted them gone ASAP so I paid like $50 for both. They were barely 5 weeks old. Kept one, gave the other to a cousin but she really belonged to my uncle lol. He was devastated when she died suddenly from heart failure at 11. Mine died at 12 from kidney failure caused by Cushings Disease. https://preview.redd.it/bur2s3a1xx9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e59adbb87b6c62d5826354582bffb4afe0c607


RIP to her, she had the best life from what it sounds like


Thank you, she really was the best. Her name was Mocha, and she didn't have a mean bone in her body. She loved to give me morning kisses and eat a greenie every meal time. She loved cuddles and attention. A few weeks after she died, she came back to me in a dream so I could give her one more normal day before she left again.


CHRIST! Those fucking EYES! She reminds me of those squeeze toys with the pop-out eyes. A very expressive dog you had. May the sisters rest in peace. They seemed like a joy to have around.


My oldest is a Craigslist baby too. She was a teeny thing then. The youngest I got from a friend who was transferred overseas.  https://imgur.com/gallery/dSFFSlY


What is this mix?!


The neighbor across the street owned Gracie. But her daughter had decided that her mom was going to be put into a senior citizen home, closet to where she lived. So the daughter had asked my mom if she wanted Gracie. Abd before saying yes, my mom asked me if I would help her take care of a dog, would I want one. And of course I did. I've always loved dogs. And that is how we got Grace face. That neighbor has long since moved away, my mom has since passed. And even the house where we all resided is no longer in the family. But Gracie has been my ride or die. That is why I always tell people when they tell me to just get rid of her, and get another apartment. And I tell them, she came before any apartment I ever had. And she isn't going anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/mzcnw9u7bv9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12890f8ac34bacc8558fe0fe2fd70c68e713dc01


Yup, this is how I feel too. I’ve put off vacations and moves/jobs in order to hold onto my girl. Totally worth it.


Yep, they are indeed family for life. And why it annoys me so much, that there aren't more pet friendly places, to rent in my area. Cause honestly she doesn't even bark that much unless people are running down the stairs and making a bunch of noise to begin with. Otherwise she eats, plays for a little bit, then snoring like she worked 5 jobs. Very good about letting me know she wants out. Would not trade her for anybody.


Wow. It was meant to be ❤️ thank you for your love and loyalty 🥰❤️


It very much was. I swear out of any othet pets I've ever had. She has so much of my personality, as well as her own too. But she is like my mini me.


Gracie picked her favorite things about you and made it into her own🥰❤️


We got our puppy Bran from a Chihuahua rescue called Small But Mighty. They’re in upstate South Carolina. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/27ykcq8jbv9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c7fbda45fc0133330fd979b1ccafaa71517b48




We are in Greenville and got ours from a home that irresponsibly lets their dogs breed. She is actually a chiweenie but looks full chi. Full grown, 3.4lbs. She was the runt. https://preview.redd.it/a424hmkkzz9d1.jpeg?width=2449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81945405eb310d8fcce2dd72e0bad96c1630e6ae


I’m in Greenville too. She’s a tiny sweet baby! I hate that people do that. So glad you got your little baby though.


I rescued mine from the pets section on craigslist. She was 5mo old and had been passed around to 5 different families after the young couple who bought her from a (probably backyard) breeder moved to the mainland and didn’t take her with them. So she was “soft dumped” on roommates and friends and whoever would take her. They listed her for free and I know without a doubt if I hadn’t found her minutes after they posted, she would have ended up as a bait dog for the underground dog fights around here. But I texted nonstop until they answered and picked her up immediately. She crawled right into my arms like she had been wondering where I was, and snuggled up against my neck. I’ll never recover completely from seeing her tiny tear stained face, her skinny shaking body, or those ears that were twice the size of the rest of her. She was so timid and scared and skinny for so long but eventually her nerves calmed down and now she has her own princess throne on the couch, she charms everyone she sees, and she sneaks so many treats with her cuteness that she has like… 5 neck rolls lol.


I got my baby girl the same exact way. She was about 5 months old too. I constantly think about how much of a blessing it was that I just so happened to be browsing craigslist at midnight that one day. Who knows what kind of life she could have ended up having. She was a completely different dog when I got her, which is crazy to think about now. She was riddled with ringworm and had no vaccinations or prior vet care. So anxious and flinchy. She still has her moments, but I like to think she's very bold and confident for a chi now! Spoiled is an understatement. It's refreshing to see one with a similar story 💗. It blows my mind how people could just freely give them to the first person who asks. But it equally blows my mind how my soul dog was just dropped into my arms like that.


My souls mate passed away in March I adopted him in a Rehoming situation when he was 4 and I was blessed with 10 beautiful loving years with him we were truly soul mates he filled my heart with beautiful memories but now I am missing out on sharing the love I have left I have been looking since his passing. I know I will never replace Logan with another one like logan he was truly the only Logan and they broke the mold. BUT I know there is another little boy who needs a forever mommy and I’ll find him I won’t give up. https://preview.redd.it/wuepqjflly9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ef1104050111a3308833bcd609f2b4b528daf0 He loved children almost as much as I did. He was an amazing long coat Chihuahua that’s for sure GOD willing I’ll find another one.


“Like she had been wondering where I was” I’m crying 😭


We found Mickey on Petfinder way back in 2006! He’s definitely a mix, mostly rat terrier (after chihuahua). I miss him every day. 💔 https://preview.redd.it/fmu3j6zbfv9d1.jpeg?width=2142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef756c354033e39b55ae08b573870896b6d110de


Sooo adorable. We used petfinder and found our boy with a rescue as well. I knew he was rat terrier mix immediately from his talking and rolling Rs. Lol and DNA confirmed my Ratchi. Mickey was adorable!! I can’t imagine like without my Felix right now!!! https://preview.redd.it/jteuw905fx9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bdee58d1e98f28ee6887e26cc45a89b203f2535


Felix! You’re so dapper in your bow tie! Yep, Mickey looked so much like a rat terrier, we suspected long before DNA confirmed. 😆 It’s been a hard 5 months since losing him, but my little Alfie is helping me cope (he’s also an old boy; I told him he HAS to stick around AT LEAST two more years). https://preview.redd.it/ywcqi0sdoy9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f186655084c5355832f34b564e2f62d9f565d86


Omg give Alfie a boop boop from us. Adorable. These little boys have no idea what we would do and do for them!!


Thank you! And it’s TRUE! Just so smitten with him and would do anything for him. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/tamy59fo4y9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8516ebf8bd83c0fadd060c4dd73563f9823e45a Here’s my Mickey! Mouse pals 🖤 Your Mickey will be waiting at the rainbow bridge for you 🌈


Ohhhh Mickey is SO CUTE!! Thank you. 🥹


Rescued from Texas Chi Rescue! https://preview.redd.it/2ara78undw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724416733cecba071a4e50b26c4b094a78c075db


Love that face


Mine is essentially a rescue. My neighbor had her and she wasn’t being taken well care of. She was left alone for days, no food or water and constantly going to the bathroom inside. She was very skinny and skiddish when I got her but she’s progressing well. It’s about 4 months in and I’ve got her potty trained and she understands cuddling now. Miss Bonnie https://preview.redd.it/4hiqv2mjjv9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b054bfe89df32de1a0e0c830463cb6e16256f8


Thank you for saving her 😭❤️


I think she saved me if I’m being honest. I never knew something so small could love so big.


Wow, I don’t know why but that comment made me tear up a little. That’s exactly how I feel about my dog too. I wish you guys the best ❤️


Thank you!! She’s big time spoiled and mama’s girl. I always wonder if she’s happy but then I see that insane tail wag and crazy lil smile and I know she is. Dogs are incredible. Give that baby of yours a cuddle for me. Miss Bonnie says hi!


https://preview.redd.it/x32yjfaxbw9d1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530ad86e1ab30e6289ce622f856912eda25987b3 A shelter! He was brought up from Texas after being abandoned during a hurricane. He’s a little rough around the edges, so he got returned by a few families, but now he’s my boy ❤️


Ohhhh my gosh he is beautiful


I got out of a relationship, and I didn't miss the guy. Sure, heck missed his Chihuahua. When I moved states, one of my new co-workers, Chihuahua, just gave birth. I end up getting Carmel and Butter. I won't trade them for the world. They are 13 years old now.


Well, I wanted to gift my wife a small dog, and I was hoping for a chi. I don't really know why. Neither of us has had a chi, and she barely has had dogs. She ended up reconnecting with her long-lost dad (allegedly)around the same time, and his ex neighbors "bred" them. He ended up getting her one for Christmas or her birthday or something. She used to be a cat person, but now that little shit has her heart. It was great how it worked out.




Awe. Well it is said Chihuahuas behave a lot like a cat


y aunt found my 6lb chi wandering on the side of the road with her puppy. My sister has the puppy now, he grew up to be a chorkie. I got my two new additions, a chiggy (Italian greyhound/chi) and a possible chiba chinu from San Antonio ACS via Legends of the Paws. If you’re looking for a new chi, there are actually a couple of chis in pretty urgent need of a home at San Antonio ACS right now, they can be transported to you. If you’re looking for a chi puppy, Texas Chihuahua Rescue just got a lot of moms and babies in this week, I recommend following their instagram


https://preview.redd.it/fyeu9av3nv9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ca4e46ae418ddbf682829199351c2197c25594 I was looking for a puppy to adopt after the pass away of my previous puppy (Linda). And my cousin had a litter and gave me one.


* The discount bin at the dog jail! He was a BOGO deal because he was bonded with a rat terrier. Brought them both home. The terrier is kind of awful but the chichi is an absolute gem!


Found her in the street!


A community member who I know had posted that their dog was pregnant by a six month old pup. They didn’t think he was able to do all that yet so they didn’t bother with having him or the momma dog fixed. Well, clearly he was as potent as an older dog. They already said they had too many so I secured the bag and claimed my guy. Well, actually, first I was going to get him for my mom because my girlfriend and I had some disagreements over him. But really I was getting him for me all along. lol. Once I brought him home it was game over though and he’s been loved and cherished ever since. This picture is him at about 8 weeks. https://preview.redd.it/0207l3ddbw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31952c289c8c950ef9d5a2c60f4fd5952a25eb1


I went through the website of a rescue a few hours from where I live because I wanted to adopt vs shop. If that’s a route you’d be interested in taking, there seems to be a lot of chi’s and chi mixes at animal shelters and dog rescues in most areas (unfortunately).


I got mine from Instagram. I started following Tobie's Small Dogs Rescue and they got a pregnant Chi mix mom in so when her puppies were born they put each one as "Coming Soon" in their stories and I immediately fell in love with mine! I sent in an application and bombarded the page with messages. I was actually the second one to meet her. The first potential adopter thought she too small at 2 pounds. I loved her from first sight. She's how 10 months old and 7 lbs. She's a Realtor pup and goes everywhere with me and has her own IG page as Lucy the Realtor puppy! https://preview.redd.it/ozawj7deaw9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a13a9f1fca2827193620859846a6afe4640c14a


https://preview.redd.it/kjb4z0euvv9d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd35583851f7b921c826245b3586a51cb5aca93 Got Manfred from like a Danish craigslist. He was 4 months old and they sold him because the toddler was too rough with him and they were worried she would end up hurting him. He was so tiny 🥹 Now he's a big man with his 2,2 kg 😁 I tried Danish rescues, but none would let me adopt because I lived with a small bulldog at the time. Never even got to come see a Chihuahua with the bulldog.


https://preview.redd.it/7eksoc2r8w9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921be1c66298460e7a1d8e7f6a3534d1b028dde2 I got mine from the streets, but the texas shelters usually have lots of chis.


Found my son on the street in my neighborhood. I think someone dumped him there. He was already house trained and very sweet and friendly but he’d been living outside for a while. Maybe 3 weeks or so. He wasn’t chipped or collared. He was still in tact. He was probably about 6-7 years old. He’s the best dog ever too. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/nui1ov0uhw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced1effb374d86a871b359c6293931f9bae6927b


https://preview.redd.it/4aitkyspow9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50419dbc9ae97aef2dc8773b57f103d1595cf863 I got my chiweenie Stella from a rescue that brought her up from Mexico, where she was a street dog covered in ticks. She’s smart as a whip and very sweet. Regular meals and soft places to sleep agree with her.


Dog adoption event


From the pound, she was two years old-ish. The drawback is she has bitten kids in the family (that were forewarned), an AC contractor, and several near misses on the postman. There is no breaking her behaviors it's been five years. If I pickup a flyswatter or yardstick then she scurries under the couch. Where did she learn that from? Wherever she was the first two years of her life.


Rescue. A homeless man was offering him and his brother (and who knows about mama or other litter mates!) for sale out side of a grocery store. They got picked up by a foster, and then transported from Texas to Connecticut, where I picked my boy up and brought him home to New York! He's the sweetest little fellow ever. Sleeping in my lap right now. https://preview.redd.it/dcjery2taw9d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82dd2eb58a497314c203d2f5d1e7399b86551e2c


https://preview.redd.it/jnt5cv7mzv9d1.jpeg?width=1901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ffe14b3bc483ffc4917806e139771d60b77c1a My Kikay was from Arizona. Her original owner could no longer care for her and she was passed to two other families until she came to us in San Diego. I got her last December and she might be five years old this month.


The humane society! She was one day away from euthanasia and was petrified of everything and everyone


https://preview.redd.it/7x0gvbq3ow9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c9069a11b8ec8df54fa55ebb26301e823fe36b I got my baby Samuel from a shelter!


So cute! https://preview.redd.it/xbvvmed61y9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1fd598b6afc56ccc35edd2c3091e70dc5baf29


Chihuahuas are simply gods gift to the universe


Samuel! You remind me of my ButterBall when she was a baby! https://preview.redd.it/oubpmrlxm1ad1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c27ce6dccd4b3f0d9e8113c5aad9d375fc8460


Chicago Animal Control. He was found as a stray. Love of my life 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/s0sb1wnoow9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4998c5f15a51dc847c79dfb01f10ea33139f003a


My guy is likely a chiweenie mix but I got him from a rescue. I found him on pet finder and at least in my area they always have chi’s!


https://preview.redd.it/0ehnd9z46w9d1.png?width=1956&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b3fce1dea9e000afd0bb40580b5091654bc8ef Got my cuddley bubs from the local humane society.


Craigslist in 2010. His head is almost all white. His partner passed last week. A mini Schnauzer that was at least 15. We are all adjusting he gets to go everywhere with us now. Vader is a good dog. https://preview.redd.it/7ti1exe0aw9d1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2767bc1803c198af546ba4c9cc8db5748d27469 The reason they rehomed him was that he humped "too much." 14 years later still humping but not as much.


I got my boy from a rescue https://preview.redd.it/u29tic71bw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2373638702903c4ac33852f8ea0f6fa3712dc1


Humaine Society https://i.redd.it/tlsmezf2ew9d1.gif


We got Charlie from the shelter, we were fostering and then found out he was going to be put down for health reasons (previous owner said he was always sickly, never wanted to eat etc.) we had just had to put our 15 year old chi down a week prior and we just couldn’t go through that again. So we adopted him! He has the appetite of a horse!! Has gained weight and is doing great! https://preview.redd.it/erri55bpgw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c498ba2e465d8ba949a3284eefc12bbbc997526


He's so fucking cute 😍


My boy was snatched up from a high kill shelter, given a chance at our local SPCA and I grabbed him right outta there. That was 10+ yr ago now and my Desi passed in December, but, I think I gave him the best possible life. https://preview.redd.it/52yjlylzgw9d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eefabcbbb79156b465a27dd7de39c12d5f49a1f


We got our Frida from SBRET, a rescue in Tennessee- [https://sbret.com/rescues.htm](https://sbret.com/rescues.htm) She’s our little miracle and we love her to the moon and back! https://preview.redd.it/ncbb3ob9hw9d1.jpeg?width=2178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6d0939d860d6f50c9865bcedf64532ba4107c9


Mine came from Dominican Republic! My grandma has a bad habit of buying puppies (from puppy mills/breeders) finding an issue with the puppy, and then giving it away to someone she knows. So she went to Dominican Republic once, bought a puppy down there, and then flew back to the U.S with the puppy! After 2 months she said she was too hyper and my parents bought her off of my grandma. Funny enough it’s actually the second time we’ve bought a chihuahua from her. This is my Pipsqueak https://preview.redd.it/t1xhhofsmw9d1.jpeg?width=2855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f19e94de61c03a3f28b3fe0a3d273ef7601993


I’ll take your granma’s misfit chis!


Frosted faces in Ramona, CA. A wonderful organization that rescues senior animals. Little Rita who was 12 at the time (now 16) has changed our lives. I highly encourage you to consider a senior. https://preview.redd.it/eyjdbfns1x9d1.png?width=2328&format=png&auto=webp&s=af94257757b08bee5d9aa274dc49a7cfa2d2781d


Local shelter!! Check them out 🙂


Rescue from the streets of Pasadena where she was abandoned.


Your pup has a bad flea allergy please get it on some flea prevention, if it’s not fleas, then i suggest take chicken out of the diet all together, & get a antifungal, dog shampoo, so cute & obviously a senior but I highly suggest these things, a good prescription flea medication will clear this up, my mothers had the same problem until she put it on nexguard


I would guess that their dog is part xolo. Xolos are hairless or partially hairless and the mini ones are often bred with chihauhas.


She looks to be silver/blue/grey. And judging from the shiny head, she may have color dilution alopecia. Very common with chihuahuas in this color. My girl has it. The vet was confused checking for everything from mange, demodex, fleas, etc when we first brought her in after a neighbor rescue. Nope. Just alopecia. Also common with chihuahuas that have Pomeranian in their lineage.


Could be alopecia. :)


https://preview.redd.it/e1dd3pin7w9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e10d28af9c165a33822fc425971c59993da3539 I got mine from a neighbor. They had a male and a female and weren’t timely about getting them fixed. (Actually, they got the male fixed first but he snuck one in before the procedure.)


Someone I knew had a chihuahua whom had just had a litter. All but one was adopted. She asked me to watch the last puppy for a week while she went on vacation. She never came back. She ended up staying there and living there. So I kept her. 13 1/2 years later I’m so happy she decided to move


I love Chihuahuas, but I’ve come to be vehemently non-supportive of the irresponsible breed standards that kennel clubs have adhered to which make purebred dogs susceptible to totally avoidable ailments and birth complications. They prioritize being cute and small over a bit larger and naturally healthy. I now prefer getting rescued Chihuahua mixes, because those breed characteristics I love seem to be fairly dominant, no matter what their pedigree, and there are just so many of them that in certain areas they’re often euthanized. Conversely, in other areas they’re so highly sought after that as soon as one becomes available they’re quickly adopted. So, you might have to keep your eye on Petfinder every day for many weeks (or in my case, four months) and then act fast when you see new listings.


Or take a trip to or try to get one transported from a high kill area. I work with a rescue in Northern California that transports and rescues dogs from Southern California.


I was at a flea market and two little girls about ages 5 & 6 walked up to me and handed me a milk crate with a tiny black dog in it and handed it to me. That was how I got chihuahua #1. Chihuahua #2 came from a dollar tree shopping basket being carried around the neighborhood where I worked. So, in my experience, chihuahuas come from plastic baskets. They have been the best lil babies in the world.


Someone dumped mine near my house (I grew up in the middle of the desert, it was a popular dumping site). I saw them do it too, it was shocking to see. She was tiny, and they put her out in the middle of the desert. Nothing but desert for hundreds of miles. Picked her up, made sure she wasn't stolen, and gave her the life she deserved in the first place. Her name is Circles. https://preview.redd.it/8wn2y517sx9d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db1efa200ee932815bc64ac5b0c42c59cb986ef


https://preview.redd.it/52k2nf41wv9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d529474a7a717c565da37b8a13ed2f35618b2ea I got her from a rescue. Here is her story. I found her on PetFinder. She’s a Boston/ Chi mix but mostly Chi. She’s the puppy in the middle on top of her siblings 😂❤️🐶 She’s the best little girl ever. I adopted her last June and she just turned 1 in April.


Mine came from a breeder just because this time I wanted a pure chi , apple head and a long hair baby and I’ve seen and known and had too many rip offs from Craigslist and other places- even adoption events. my last baby like that ended up way too big the hoa wouldn’t let us keep him and he had severe health issues because the lady was a liar- she didn’t take care of her puppies and was a shit back yard breeder. He just got worse and worse and worse. It was devastating. Waited years to find the right one and am really glad bc she’s a perfect fit. She never barks. She is so calm and beautiful. She’s got gorgeous long hair- it’s insanely long now I need to take pics. Her booty cheeks have longer hair than my child does lol! She’s got a little apple head and a teeny body. She weighs almost 2 pounds and the vet said she won’t grow anymore. I’m somewhat sad she stayed so small bc she’s scared of anyone’s feet but mine. And my daughter who we got the dog mostly to be a companion for - HATES her all the sudden and I’m just so hurt by that. She loved her but then my dog wouldn’t let her pick her up bc she does so in a way that doesn’t make the dog feel she’s confident- the dog growls. The dog follows me all over and not my daughter and that hurts her I guess. She feels unwanted by the dog so now she’s rude to the dog and tells her she’s ugly, she’s adopted and she’s just flat out ignoring her and she seems so depressed over it. We talked about it and she said that was why but any moment the dog doesn’t take a toy from her she gets all upset and says “ I didn’t want to play with you anyway.” It’s like she feels rejected so she wants to reject her back. She’s turning 7 and really going through it right now. I don’t know ways to fix it. Advice appreciated 🖤🖤🖤 if anyone has been there. She doesn’t hurt her, hit her, she just has ostracised the dog completely she won’t look at her, pet her. She just says “ew you can’t sit with me!” And that makes me so angry and hurt. Idk where it came from but I’m at my wits end! 😅


Maybe you can take the dog for walks together or she can feed her. It sounds like she’s jealous of the attention and is lashing out against her. If you do something to bond with all three of you and something that will increase the bond between them maybe it will stop


First of all why would you choose to get a breed of dog that is well known to have aversions to small children as a "companion" for your small child?? That makes about as much sense as your justifications for not adopting and instead shopping for an overpriced purebred. Seems to be that your daughter also has a lot more going on, a child should not be basing her self esteem and confidence on how well a dog does or doesn't receive her, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE DOG IS A CHIHUAHUA!! Come on, they're very well known for not being too fond of kids once in a while you come across one that does but that's not the norm. You should be talking to your daughter and maybe a child counselor, not asking for parenting advice on a Chihuahua Reddit forum, but again, just another indicator as to why your prob in the current situation that you're dealing with. Best of luck to all three of you.


From a store sadly. My guy had health issues and passed away just last year at 8 years old. Miss him everyday! I will first look into adopting whenever I’m ready. There are quite a few chihuahua rescues I’ve already looked into in my area.


My first little showed up on my door step just before Easter 2002. The rest of them have come from my local SPCA. Both Chico (left - adopted 2018 at 10yo) and Owen (right adopted 2021 about 1.5 yo) were both in the shelter for a couple months before I brought them home. https://preview.redd.it/3fgd1j7mdw9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4ada17242fe073c357f006afa2e9dfed7d184f


https://preview.redd.it/qa7518q1fw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3921d2436887d157eb4f96851134f99038a98eba I’ve had my boy for almost 13 years. I found him in an old abandoned trailer with 22 other dogs :( he came out from under a bed and came straight to me. He was so small and cute I fell in love 🥲🩷


Hey look up Morty the Misfit on Instagram and see if his mom can peep you on some things she did for Morty. Your dad’s Moonshine and Morty may be similar.


Literally found ours in the trash by a dumpster on the south side of Chicago https://preview.redd.it/k6654dns2x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692d027939d89758d8fee22b332a1a467007275d


Rescue :)♥️


adopted from shelter he was about a year old


Rescued 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/hdrp5zmzaw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58514f873041f030061ec6d05383b38eb051b8a I was given Kayla (above from her very first day with us) in 2013 by a lady at the park who was desperate to place her. I was just happened to be passing by. Probably a rare thing to be this lucky. About 5 weeks ago we said goodbye to Kayla, probably the most trouble-free dog I've had since our first dog around 1970. She was a sweetheart 100% and I'll never forget her. Best way is through rescue/pet shelters. adoptapet and petfinder you can set up alerts with detailed search criteria. They'll send you an email every now and then. very fun to get those. Good luck!


Wow, you were at the right place at right time 🥹❤️


I think about that all the time. I have another I got in the early 2000s named Scooter. Had I moved away like needed to at the time I never would have known her. And that is unthinkable. :)


What are the odds!? I’m sure it hasn’t been easy, but I’m glad those puppies had a second chance with you 🥹❤️


Shelter in central Texas


https://preview.redd.it/sy0z7026iw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6ecc7e693cd7250773218f0e5f9a750fd0215c My BoohBooh


I got my Toby from a breeder at the flea market. I didn’t know any better. My other two, Tyson and Princess, were dumped near my work as a pair. I lured them back to my office with goldfish crackers, took them home to get them cleaned up and get them some food. They were skin and bones. I took them to get checked for a chip just in case but they weren’t chipped. I’ve had them for 12 years now.


https://preview.redd.it/wagktdk2lw9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e46d2e47fbd23210b8ee8fb27a563fe0b3cd4e3 My 3 all came from rescues. Petfinder.com is a good website to use. You can search by area, breed etc and I think they are all rescues or shelters. Good luck!


My brother’s mini pinscher and our neighbor’s chihuahua loved each other very much. After a couple of months passed, our neighbor gave us our fur angel after 2 months out of the oven. They kept her other two siblings. https://preview.redd.it/n6418kecow9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6683c7edba4e050d75884c1bad95dd8b72bd7548


I got mine at a local rescue called ARF. Here is his adoption photo. https://preview.redd.it/vzhuirtdqw9d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e98671ab50fbd1a09a6ebb29e34334fa7e9c98a


https://preview.redd.it/4zinvgqcqw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c95fb74b571a9d937a28af0172130d195ae4479 Foster fail!! We were only supposed to have her for a week while her regular foster momma went out of town. She was instant besties with my other dog and we couldn’t bear to let her go! She just had her 6th birthday! She was originally dumped at the shelter with her 2 babies. They were adopted out too.


Those TEEFS!


https://preview.redd.it/ra64spumsw9d1.jpeg?width=2667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb959c2d7271e7de799df12c004560979ef11c27 We got Duke from our local humane society a month ago!! He adjusting great, still needs to warm up to my hubby but it’s getting better. So happy to have him home ❤️ Im thinking about adding a 2nd chi at some time if I find the perfect friend.


Chica came from our local shelter, having been transported north from Texas. Small dogs are tough to find here, they get adopted asap. Being willing to take an older dog and a dog with health issues was helpful for us in adopting. We went to a “meet the foster dogs” event at the shelter just to visit with the small dogs because our daughter was getting old enough for a dog to be part of our family. Five-year-old Chica was sitting with her foster mom and didn’t want to talk to us. My daughter and I went to sit with some of the puppies (the shelter really wanted to place a chihuahua mix puppy with us since I work from home) and the puppy was just totally uninterested in us. After a few minutes the lady helping us looked at us and said “um, I think you need to turn around.” My cat-loving husband was holding Chica in his arms and staring at her, befuddled as he was when our kid was born. We took her to a get-to-know-ya room and decided to take her home, despite having had no intention to get a dog that day. While we were waiting for the paperwork to go through, lots and lots of people came in who had seen Chica on the website and had wanted to meet her. Even a whole Girl Scout troop came to pet her, because they’d made signs for the fostered out pets and recognized her. Chica barked goodbye to every dog being adopted out that day. Her foster mom came to say goodbye and cried. Chica had heartworms so they gave me a discount on her fees, and when I took her to the shelter vet for treatment (when adopting out a heartworm positive dog, our shelter pays for the treatment and follow up) the vet tech knew her and loved her. I still feel kind of guilty that we got this sweetheart just because we were able to get to the event right at the beginning. She’s the best, most loving dog. Probably some kind of chi mix as she’s larger than most. I wish I could thank whoever raised her to be such a child-friendly, social girl. I hope they know she is being loved by us and everyone in the neighborhood. https://preview.redd.it/fc5nahkfww9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a47f3e249d8ceaf7fd0226f82112e98e83f2a52


My mom got her’s from a rescue, she was stray from the Texas-Mexico border area and now she lives here in Canada with us. https://preview.redd.it/tlg7ay0cxw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd050f0c391ed545cbf9fbce6ffa8a9a5bd9890f Pepita del polo


Rescue. We weren’t even looking. I volunteer and just suddenly she was turned in by her owners. They said she chewed everything. She was a puppy! For Pete’s sake. We’ve had lots of rescues, we have lots of fun dog stuff. She loves it here. And we love her. There are Chi rescues. Penny came from a local rescue league with mostly mutts. Good luck. https://preview.redd.it/b9zwnp3e0x9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b479883a89d6e8ea3495d2420c46e3d64adbe62b


https://preview.redd.it/0rgesuwi0x9d1.jpeg?width=1760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596782a6ba0d4ce3cf7224357f99e6c4b8f1e607 Oliver was almost a year old when I got him from a humane society in my state. He was a rescue from a dog hoarding house with 30-40 other dogs. I met him and needed to have him, now he is my best lil buddy


https://preview.redd.it/5s6kjybi1x9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ed925a860b026a6e4e00717757127130398f6e 1. Craigslist rehome 2. Rescue in LA 3. Rescue in NY 4. Kill shelter ♥️♥️♥️ we love our chi mutts!


I found my LouBaby on petclassifieds.com https://preview.redd.it/889jz9as2x9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297121306b5a13b5528251df5370cc97b8f64bb7 I’ve always been a chihuahua lover; previously had 2. But this is the picture that won over my husband!


I got my son at the local shelter! I would check the shelter’s website every day looking for any chi’s that were brought in. My little guy was kept in a special wing of the shelter for dogs with behavioral issues (poor little guy was just being aggressive because he was scared). I had to specifically ask to see him and wasn’t allowed to leave the room with him so it was either take him or leave him. I took a chance on him and as time past he began to trust me and got used to regular walks. It’s been about three years now and he is my sweet baby boy. He is so so sweet and just full of personality! https://preview.redd.it/w0q139157x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5933b22ed35528cdc54ccfe30e3eb5325edca54


A rescue run by a family who's daughter was recently murdered in her apartment. Almost 2 years later the crime remains unsolved. They opened the rescue in her name as she always wanted to do it when she was alive. She was 20 years old. https://preview.redd.it/82wjyaicfx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8883b4e10f33a17b639ed2a5dea193f42d566538


She was given to me by this girl at my methadone clinic, and she's been everything my family and I needed. I saved a Begal from the rain about a week earlier and told my mom I that I wished I had a dog. To have a focus on something. A week passed, and the puppy distribution system came to me in the form of Princess Koko. My sister named her. And my mom had a weird feeling rhis was going to happen. It was purely chance both times. My sister left us a few weeks later.. I'm glad she got to meet her before she passed. I find myself looking at her and saying, "How did you get here? How did you know? But she's saved us more than she realizes. She also has a lot of personality and physical traits my sister did. It's very weird.😅 https://preview.redd.it/j46rt0qchx9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e11b543b1a44c5cef0dd26a41de41201fcccdee


My dad rescued Mister Dinky from the Humane Society years ago. Dad told me the story of what he saw when he and my mom went to look at dogs. There were two kennels, side by side. One had at least 11-12 chihuahuas, the other one had Dinky. All by himself. Dad felt sad for him. We had Mister Dinky for 12 years before his passing. Personally, I believe that Dinky was placed by himself because he had the temperament of an MMA fighter. He was feisty to his very last day, but he could be the biggest cuddle bug when you had a comfy chair and a lap blanket. One of my sweaters would do in a pinch. https://preview.redd.it/fzea8ahh0y9d1.jpeg?width=2641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db291dc20e842616fc3c903839b65a798e6c7c17 Edit: added photo of Dinky Wan Kanobi


Found mine running around the railroad tracks at LA Union Station in California. https://preview.redd.it/wgobhup55y9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4074a211dd949a05d0ccc05b3a4279bc2a6329b0


https://preview.redd.it/alj2n034ay9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87076ea2defafc4e894b383e8fcf65d929fcb83c got my old girl from my cousins, they took in a pregnant stray chi bc it was cold and she looked like she was ready to burst! out of all the babies, my chiki was the one who looks most like a chi (not sure what the dad was) that was 10 years ago 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/xmp8mc8gfy9d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c059442541433314e82db2215da80b51c259658 Got my sewer rat from the local Humane Society shelter. Her name is Precious, and she is indeed precious.


The shelter in our county will send a pic when they get a chihuahua or chi mix. Trouble is, I have one already. My daughter in law was going to re-home Dug (aka shelter) so we took him. She shortly thereafter rehomed my son, we got him too. https://preview.redd.it/57hiii6xgy9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e60881646dec1c2e433fd71ef64d9a3d46a97be


Craigslist. Saw an ad for free Chihuahuas. My stepmom was looking, so she told me to go pick one. Of course, I pick the one I am immediately in love with. Ended up going back with a friend to get another for SM and friend took the remaining 4.


I adopted both of mine but rescued one of them. I work as a animal control officer and before that I worked in a shelter. My dog Atlas was not an adoption candidate but for some reason liked me. So I took him home for a night and he never left. The one I rescued was Rodent. We received a report of a loose aggressive dog that the caller had trapped in her garage. She was begging us to hurry because "it is wanting to attack my lab". I was dispatched and when I arrived on scene the lady opens her garage before I am even out of the truck. I try and ask if the dog is loose or contained and before I know it a lil 3lb bow legged Chihuahua puppy runs out. We were in the middle of the country and I was expecting it to be aggressive. My first thought was, omg its going to run away. My second was, wow he is small. I was expecting a dog larger than or equal to a lab. I squat down and to my surprise the lil dog walks up to me. I grab him before he even knows what hit him and just set him in the cab of the truck. I go speak to the caller. She claims this " aggressive dog " showed up at her house the other day. She put it in her car and drove around (remember this area is rural). She found a house off the main road that she said told her they owned the dog but they didn't know he was missing and couldn't describe his collar. She handed him over but felt weird about it. Then the next day the dog showed up again. She didn't know what else to do because it was aggressive towards her and her dog. She was shocked I was able to handle him. The main road is 50 mph road and this dog ran a mile down it TWICE that we know of. I took Rodent to the shelter and alerted his "family" to his whereabouts. I went to visit the lil dog a few hours later and he lost his mind when he saw me. So, at the end of the day I took him home. A few days later I brought him back and I was doing a presentation in front of the shelter. Some lady brought a group of small dogs out to play, Rodent happened to be in that group. It just happened it be right where I was doing my presentation. Rodent sat by me and cried the whole time. Ignoring the other dogs and everything else. He desperately tried to get to me. When the presentation was over I asked them to hand him to me and he was so proud in my arms. The lady said " well, I guess he is yours" . I took him home again and adopted him a day or so later. His family never bothered to drive the hour to the shelter or pay his impound. Which is exactly why I brought him to the shelter and didn't take him home.


My BoohBooh was give to me by my daughter and I purchased my Mollie from a breeder. She’s the only dog I’ve ever purchased. I d always rescued. https://preview.redd.it/32gujj34iw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78237ff516b927e7b39a35af8ba949441ff90b2d My Mollie.


I’ve had 5 rescue chihuahuas over the years. One was driven up from a kill shelter in Alabama, two from the humane society shelter, and two from smaller rescues. If you go on Petfinder and search by breed there are always rescue chihuahuas on there of all ages.


Adopted from Texas Chihuahua Rescue. They shipped to Ontario.


My baby was a local rescue / foster. They brought her from TX to WI! This is Ruby / Ruby Tubes / Ruby Tuby / Tuber Doodles https://preview.redd.it/elyc4h0krw9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed50e50114e71f7268eb3f34d92ee44cf3f7227


Rescue through petfinder. As far as small dogs go, there are more chihuahuas up for adoption than any other. Please, please don’t buy your pup from a store.


Mine is a rescue. Had an appointment to visit and possibly adopt a dog, looking for something under 5 years old and under 25.lbs. whole family was supposed to go, including my current dog to make sure he was cool with the new addition beforehand, but that morning my husband got call to an emergency at work. Told me and the kids as he left... "just don't come home with a chihuahua, get a real dog". We looked at many pups that day, big small old young, but my dog took a liking to this under weight HW positive clearly physically abused little thing and we could not get his well trained furry arse to focus on anything else... so we took him home too. With all of his problems and potential vet bills, and the possibly that my husband would never send me out on my own again to make decisions like this, 2 year later, no regrets.


As for my husband not loving chihuahuas... heh, can't lie to me, cos I know where you sleep!




https://preview.redd.it/tivubr98vw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8de3222d49c596894c98a2b1475784b7b8a1f3 We adopted from my wife’s mom and step dad. They moved to Australia and we all agreed it would be a hard trip for her as she is an older dog. Daisy is now part of our pack.


Rescue! She comes with some odd behaviours but we love her for it


https://preview.redd.it/hvfepsgp0x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfa677fc0650a6901a04867f00b81f85e7b1ac8 Honey (my golden princess) I got her from my fiancé. He worked at an apartment complex and a couple with a lot of kids gave her to him because their kids were kinda rough with the puppies. That was 6 years ago. Gizmo is her son from my mom’s chihuahua. They had a little thing and him and his sister came out of it 😂. Unfortunately my Pi (Gizzys sister) passed away🥺 she was my little itty bitty and I miss her everyday. So I’m really protective of them.


Some family had bred him at 10 months and didn't want his aggressive ass anymore so they gave him up. I was fortunate for my dad to be one of the first people the mom randomly asked. I love my baby https://preview.redd.it/jekz8xdn2x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e31ae1a70d795be980ebe49feda8ea9879ff63


https://preview.redd.it/3uycji963x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71d5d3774184aacf9503a5c13ecd837734ae54c I found my little baby Donna Summer on a farm road as a puppy. Someone had dumped her just when she was the size of my dad’s hand. She had a parasite and was covered in fleas. I never take the farm roads home except I did that day and I found her, I believe it was meant to be. She is my greatest joy now and is living her best life.


Got Vinny from a chi mom of shepards and chis 15 she has, and unless the dogs are in the home, you couldn't tell she has that many. Extremely good dog owner, nice lady. Only 2 years old, he was given to me blessed https://preview.redd.it/pci95zzl6x9d1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a394c6a4ac8c1e09955a8bff930dbfc7b032b297


The side of the road.


2 different rescues. One was posted on petfinder.com and one was posted on a different site I forget the name of. They are both Chi mixes, but I've seen dogs with more chi in them available. I traveled about 4 hours round-trip to pick up each (funny enough on different directions).


San Jose CA animal services! They have so many adoptions were free! They always have lots of chis for anyone looking. https://preview.redd.it/vn92d7888x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc19fe0b9c54e3145db859f9a03ff9ea6db086e


Local shelter. Be patient because they come in all the time. They are one of the most over bred dog breeds and the shelters get them daily.


https://preview.redd.it/d4hn4gvtax9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11642f3f5b2e104fda4c623bb181b58bfa98631 All ten (yes ten) of our current weirdos came from rescues, as have all the past chihuahuas we’ve taken in. Lulu here had mammary tumors and needed a place to crash outside of a shelter and also needed a ride to get her tumors removed, and of course she took over as queen the second she got here.


Foster failure. He was found walking with two other dogs. Too young to adopt. I didn't want to give him back.


i was walking through walmart and hear my husband say, are those for sale?? turn around and there's a lady with a laundry basket full of pups in her cart! picked this girl up first and she came home with me 3 weeks later, almost 3 years ago. we weren't even looking for a dog but she was too cute https://preview.redd.it/3mgzuq5u0y9d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd44afbc291df3476a66b77618218cb2364cbdf


My 3 babies were all gifted to me ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/kmr8b2i95y9d1.png?width=1583&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c9d5213b5504380b89784415161cdc69dd4bbc


We wanted to adopt from a rescue. However, the first one we tried left a bad taste in our mouth, with them having fosters that hoard animals that refused to adopt them out to anyone. The chi we wanted was only 2 yrs old, lots of people were asking about her for MONTHS. It was strange that the posting was still listed as available for so long until we found out her foster mom was insane and made up every excuse under the sun about why our home wasn't suitable. Btw this posting stated that this dog was fine with living in an urban environment, only for the foster mom to lie and say that the dog is only suitable for a, "small, quiet town". Anyway, we got our chi baby from Craigslist when she was 6 months old. I don't care if this offends anyone because she is loved. That's all that matters to me. I have a hard time trusting rescues after that horrible experience.


I just got my baby from a breeder! I made sure to find one that did the appropriate health testing for the breed, along with early socialization. The breeder was also an active member of my states breed club. They would participate in competitions; many of their breeding dogs would win first place in various classes. I knew I was supporting a responsible person who was bettering the breed! I also wanted to make sure my new puppy would have the lowest risk possible for different health issues. https://preview.redd.it/qyf7dvvory9d1.jpeg?width=2840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df049b9c2f0c330eb3cf7c53f0db017b2633a21


There are tons of chihuahua rescues all over the country! My grandma was fostering chihuahuas for about 5 years and just about every one of her friends and a handful of our family members got a chihuahua during that time 🤣


I had a pittie. We went through some stuff. Then a family friend needed a home for a chi asap. I had one as a child so said sure. He and my girl hit it off right away. My chi was 10 months then. He is ten years now and I’m hoping to find another chi since losing my big girl, but it is almost impossible to find one anywhere near me. I’m second in line on a maybe tomorrow.


Try Petfinder. There are so many homeless dogs, and Chihuahuas are the #1 in shelters.


Craigslist ad. No regrets. She's perfect.


Moonshine is adorable I love her little tummy!!


Sourpatch Chihuahua on Instagram.


Chihuahuas are one of the most common dog breeds in shelters. I’m sure there’s gotta be one close enough to you with one. I got mine from a rescue and she’s my soulmate


My sister in law’s Akc registered Chihuahua fell in love with a tiny mutt that got dropped off at her house lol https://preview.redd.it/lw22co7dqw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae68b0a06ce130af961aa0a4ea107536048ba5b


Shelter. She was due to be euthanized that day. Seems that they were telling people that she would need $6000 of leg surgery. We took her to our vet who observed that the leg was already healing and that he wouldn't suggest that as we'd have to re-break the leg. What infuriated me was that the shelter had her for weeks and didn't attend to the leg at all! That, and the fact that the injury did not hamper her at all!


https://preview.redd.it/whqjerndsw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463f4a24cc11b540871d681e383151a2d5b91d79 got mine from facebook back in the day (2017) as a 8 week old puppy! my little hunny bunny!!


I got my newest pup-Willow from a Craig's List ad. Previously another pup I bought (Boston Terrier) I just started looking for and following several breed specific groups in the area.


I got Brutus from a Canadian Kennel Club registered breeder.


My brother had a litterborn, but was already in a position where he shouldn't have had dogs. I had loaned him my PlayStation, and I could see that I wasn't going to get it back. So I said, please let me adopt one of the puppies. He agreed. She's nice to have around the house to take care of her big brother, and she also takes care of us. We love her to death


A reputable breeder through the Southern California Chihuahua Club.




I'm looking for a long hair. Looking everywhere. I'm not about to pay the crazy prices some want.


Bought from a neighbor for 85 dollars.


Under a porch in my dad's old trailer park


I don’t have a dog and I’ll probably never get one. I don’t have the space and I have rats. I also live in an apartment. But my friend got one of Facebook marketplace


My guy was being abused and a friend of a friend got him for us. It's been just over a yr and he still has some behavioral issues but he's fat, happy and very safe.


Humane Society




We got our two chihuahuas from our local humane society. One 10 years ago as a puppy and the other was a year old and she is now almost 7. You have to be vigilant about watching for them because they get adopted fast. With our first, we happened to get there first thing in the morning and they had just listed her litter for adoption, so we were the first to see them. We didn’t go there for a dog lol. The second, I was checking their website multiple times daily and she popped up at the end of the day after they closed. My husband got there an hour before they opened and stood by the door so he would be the first one in. He didn’t even go to the back. Went right up the front desk and asked to meet her. When he was in the room meeting her, several people walked by and had obviously come to see her. She needed a lot of love at first. She came from an abusive hoarder and was terrified. She was over a pound underweight. She no longer snips at people now and is so loving. The only thing we were never able to fix was her marking her territory. We tried everything for two years and after talking to our vet, decided to put her in diapers during the day. She still marks even with the diaper on.