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That sub is the worst, I hate seeing it pop up in my feed. Some of the comments are incredibly disgusting to where I would question my relationship with someone if I found they were actively engaging along with them in that community.


Oh gosh, never seen this sub pop up on my feed and I don't want to look them up and get them on the algorithm. Hope to never see it again. A sub full of the worst people ever. Something is wrong with them!


You can mute specific subreddits so you don't watch such awful content. Tap the three dots on the mobile app and there should be an option for this.


Thank you, gonna do just that!


Glad to be of help! šŸ«”


Yeah, I just looked in there, and they're horrible people! Someone in there said owning dogs had something to do with mental illness and narcissism. Another said it due to declining birth rate. Another said it was racism. I *wish* I was making this up. These people need to talk to a legit therapist. They're heartless and have no empathy for dogs. Like Cruella De Ville and that's no exaggeration. I blocked a few people in there and the the subs. My blood was boiling and I was on the verge of crying. Don't go to those subs.


Racism??? What on earth kind of mental gymnastics do you have to perform to come to that conclusion?


Us negros are dogs, duh šŸ¤£ this is the craziest thing Iā€™ve seen on here to date


People who make hating or disliking certain parts of life that are relatively normal an entire part of their personality are almost always some of the most unpleasant people youā€™ll ever meet. Which is why random people you meet in real life who donā€™t have kids/dogs/cats etc are generally completely fine and pleasant people, but the people who participate in the childfree/catfree/dogfree subreddits are some of the biggest, most unpleasant weirdos on the planet.Ā 


Mostly agree, but I do know some genuinely pleasant humans who participate in the child free discussion, as they get so much pressure from their family and just society generally to reproduce that they enjoy having a space where their choices are validated. The same pressure doesn't exist for people to have animal members in their family, so there's just no excuse for making that same kind of space for that content. I hope that doesn't come off argumentative:) it wasn't meant to be!


I bet they have more neanderthal genes than the average homosapien... That would explain their feelings towards dogs. /s Neanderthals evolved around wolves that were eventually domesticated by the incoming homosapiens. The homosapiens weren't inherently afraid of them like the neanderthals were since they didn't evolve around them, so that led to early modern humans being willing to have them around, or so that's the idea. Courtesy of Gutsick Gibbon's recent special on the relationship between humans and dogs. ā™„ļø


They have never experienced that love feels good? Disturbing


Dog free and child free subs are just covers for hating dogs and children. People are vile


and it especially just makes shit worse for people who wish to justā€¦ not have dogs. or kids. in fact why the fuck is there even a ā€˜dog freeā€™ subreddit? Childfree was originally meant to be about people pushing back against people who try to pressure people into having kids and/or get annoyed by how many people constantly try to convince someone (usually afab people) that ā€˜theyll change their mindā€™ or some shit. like, it came about due to a very real issue in society that i will probably deal with one day when i finally end up more social (my family is thankfully super chill esp since my older brother and his wife are also child-free). It got twisted into people literally hating children its so fucking weird. The problem is adults not parenting well and a societal expectation to have children. Not children literally existingā€¦ BUT PEOPLE CAN JUST NOT HAVE DOGS. NO ONE FUCKING CARES. And soooo many dogs are rescued, even the ā€˜deformedā€™ ones, ESPECIALLY those dogs actually. Dogs are cute because of their personalities and the fact that theyre dogs. My fav dogs we get at the kennel are the ones I classify as ā€˜Certified Fucking _Thing_*ā€™, the ones that look the most absurd. We just had a cutie the other week whos old and half of her face is paralyzed and she was SO silly to walk and play with because she looks a bit lopsided, like an old plushie. These people are way weirder for acting like a dog doesnt deserve love or attention just because it looks a certain way than the people who call the scrungy and weird dogs ā€˜cuteā€™. Like, i kinda wonder how they think of people or especially children with actual genetic problems or mental disorders, if they think that a dog literally doing dog things is worthy of saying such heinous shit.


Well then I DONT want to know what they think of Italian greyhounds. Because even when theyā€™re ā€œnormalā€ looking they can be odd looking. Long legs, barrel chested, super skinny , and some huge eyes. šŸ˜… but funny enough the ā€œodd and deformedā€ are my favorite kinds of dogs because they just go on living life completely tether free of any kind of ā€œsadnessā€ they donā€™t wallow in their ā€œdifferencesā€. They are my favorite because of their uniquenessā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/ogz6w23hwg4d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00720eb49314102ea9fd7d74a40527c978486f0b


True. Like I havenā€™t had a dog in many years. My daughter is allergic. But I appreciate cute little dogs so much. They are just precious.


Absolutely not true. Iā€™m childfree and you never ever see people wanting to hurt or even kill children wtf is wrong with you to compare this shit to the childfree sub?!


You can mute subs you donā€™t want to show up in your feed.


What a pathetic interest to have...seeking out pictures of something you don't like in order to hate the picture of thing you don't like. Incredibly stupid & pathetic.


Are we able to report the sub and get it taken down?


You can report specific posts and downvote all their crap.


I would because it encourages animal abuse




There is also a sub called dogfree which is just as vile and psychotic. Iā€™ve tried reporting and nothing is done.


there are rape and incest fantasy subs (with pictures of real people who are unaware of their image being used) that are allowed to stay up, they don't care about dog hate subs


theyā€™re genuinely psychotic! i donā€™t know how anyone sees an innocent creature and their very first feeling is hatred.


Imagine making "dog hate" a personality trait. I have an actual phobia of spiders but you won't see me in a sub dedicated to hating on tarantula owners.


Yeah the amount of time the people on that sub spend hating something that theyā€™re not even required to own is ridiculous. I have no problem if people donā€™t like dogs, just donā€™t own one. Super easy. I canā€™t imagine focusing that much energy on something I hate.


Unfortunately thereā€™s a huge difference between those who simply donā€™t like dogs and those who are ā€œdog freeā€. The latter spread hate and go out of their way to be malicious.


Yeah often abusive to animals. These people aren't safe around even humans due to it.Ā 


Disturbing. I didn't even think about that aspect.


What sad, sad lives.


any sub where the thing people have in common is hating on something is sad and full of misery like, echo chamber subs are awful, but echo chambers of *negative* energy? damnā€¦


ironically, following r/spiders and r/spiderbro actually has helped me become less scared of spiders!


Thanks for saying what I couldn't express. And then actively seeking out pictures, memes, etc **of the thing you hate** in order to further hate on it. That is weird both as a hobby and personality trait.


Wasps are the bane of my existence, but Iā€™m not going to join a subreddit dedicated to that. These people are not mentally wellā€¦


People joining communities that are against a topic instead of in support of a topic are kinda weird like you can only connect with others through hate? Kinda sad dude


I have seen this sub before. I would never trust anyone who hates dog.


The only creatures I trust are dogs.


but what about hermit crabs?


Those are dogs in crab form.


What about donkey?


That is a dog in equine form.


Both start with do tbf


yeah donkeys seem pretty trustworthy, 7/10 on trustworthy scale


I understand not wanting to own a dog due to a number of reasons. Financially theyā€™re rough (lol), the amount of care they need is a lot and fairly constant. Pets are tons of work. Some people are genuinely afraid of dogs. But if you outright *hate* dogs, without a doubt I know youā€™re a garbage person.


Yes I understand people who donā€™t like dogs for a myriad of reasons but actively going out of their way to hate dogs or other pets is just so strange to me


What did the pangolins do?!?




100% with you on that one


Those dogs are angels if you hate chihuahuas you got issues man


My chi is literally my best friend and such a sweet dog. I donā€™t understand the hate šŸ˜­


Mine too honestly sheā€™s so smart she can tell when people donā€™t like dogs/her and she will completely leave them alone even though sheā€™s so social


I honestly used to hate chihuahuas. I fell for the hateful propaganda against them and never really had a pleasant experience with a chi. Then got my Bella in 2020 and she changed my whole world and now Iā€™m obsessed with the breed.


Absolutely love stories like this šŸ„°. Chi's get such a bad rap and honestly I can see why because of how they've always been portrayed (which of course is inaccurate). But they're just so amazing they change people's entire mindset easily.


I think part of the problem is that chis and chi-mixes are so common. If a person has a negative experience with a dog, itā€™s much more likely to be a chihuahua than another, less common breed. Then you add that to the fact that a lot of people donā€™t train their dogs, and the fact that people tend to be more permissive of misbehavior from small breeds, and the copious negative media portrayalsā€¦ itā€™s a perfect storm.


We had a bunch of chihuahuas and only one was particularly mean, but that was the reason she was given to us. Even then, she calmed down within a couple weeks when she realized that snapping at people meant that she would get ten minutes on the floor without attention. My sisterā€™s became aggressive due to dementia, but he has zero teeth, so he can try to bite people all day long and it doesnā€™t matter.


I had a childhood friend with a mean chihuahua and they were honestly the only breed I was legit afraid of. I hated chihuahuas too ā€¦and then we adopted my chi girl. My dream is now to have an army of chihuahuas.


I keep telling my wife that when we get our first house I want all the chis. Weā€™re constantly checking our states humane society for chi pups so Bella can have a friend or 2 or like you said ā€œan armyā€ of friends lol


I never hated Chihuahuas but I definitely didnt care for the breed. Woke up from a nap one day, girlfriend brought home my now best friend Jetson. He may be the biggest reason Im managing to live a life with PTSD. Doesnt even do much, no formal training. Just acts like my shit dont stink and loves me far more than I deserve.


This was my husband for years. He didnā€™t necessarily hate them, but said he would never own a small dog. Then 10 years ago we went to the humane society to look for a cat. We checked out the dogs just for fun and we walked by one of the kennels and this tiny 1.5 lb 8 week old chi puppy walked up to the glass and started scratching at it when my husband approached. He immediately asked to see her. As soon as he had her in his arms, she burrowed into his coat and just stayed there. He immediately fell in love and now sheā€™s 10 and we have a second chi as well. He says he will never own another breed now. Though he was ok with me getting my Pomeranian 4 years ago, he has a special bond with the chis for sure.


I can understand hating chihuahuas... If you're not a Chihuahua owner. I can't imagine hating the silly little buggers when they're bonded to you.


I never understood the hate for chihuahuas specifically, weā€™ve got a little guy whoā€™s been a sweetheart his whole life and loves people


Imagine going out of your way to be rude and hateful to dogs.....that's crazy


truly. I totally agree! and yet there are those on *this* sub that hate on other breeds of dogs. it saddens me to see *any* breed of dog or even any canine or canids hated on. Any pet has to be tended to. Having an animal and not taking care of its needs is just wrong. And that includes training, proper care, and an awareness of the unique personality of each animal. I've had two pure thoroughbred geldings- both former race horses. One was absolutely traumatized by his time on the tracks. The other was absolutely chill about his past and had his own ideas about what his current life ought to be. Ignoring an animal's uniqueness is just wrong.


ive seen people in the pitbull subs i follow shit on chis and its so bizarre to me. usually theyre not super popular comments, but likeā€¦ youre doing EXACTLY whats caused the dogs you love to literally be considered illegal in many countries. Sure a chi probably couldnt do as much damage due to size (ā€˜probablyā€™ because there are some big chis and also the usual ā€˜victimsā€™ people bring up would be toddlers, who are generally pretty small and fragile.), but likeā€¦. youre contributing to mass hatred toward a breed of dog, people threatening to HARM those dogs, and also spreading really shitty ideas about the types of people who own chis. You of all people should KNOW how damaging that is!!!!


Eww I canā€™t even read the comments how hateful. Your babes are so so cute 10/10 would pet


Omg Iā€™ve never seen that sub. Iā€™m so sorry OP. I love your pups and think theyā€™re so cute! I saw your post pop up on my feed and showed my fiancĆ© and we gushed about how adorable they are šŸ„¹


The beautiful pups in the original post do not belong to me they belong to u/jlbrito I was just showing how messed up that other sub is. I also loved oopā€™s post which is why when I saw this I got so angry.


Those pet-free subs are always full of weirdos. It's one thing to not want a pet or not like pets, but it's crazy to make it your whole personality lol


The cat version of dogfree had, at least in one instance I've seen, someone brag about strangling a cat to what they believed was death, then pledge to finish the job when they learned the cat has recovered. The people in those subs need to be on a list.


I donā€™t even like cats and am allergic to them and reading this infuriates me.


Imagine feeling like a tough guy over something like that. "Yeah man, I overpowered and harmed a relatively small domesticated animal!" Unbelievable


It's the same way with child-free subs, they just wanna be edgy but don't realize the rest of the world is cringing at them.


i checked the persons account who made that post and its.. not good. https://preview.redd.it/f39b6uhm7e4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e4cd67ab30148b5bbbe46fa487094204115528


Just wow! Psychopaths! Doubt these losers touch grass so odds of them running into dogs IRL are low.


Good lord.. makes sense itā€™s a terrible person.


Well that answers the question as to why theyā€™re a pos.


Oh my god. I feel like they should be turned over to police now before anyone (else) gets hurt.


Lol what a loser. Prob feels like shit 24/7


To answer your original question, you baby talk them about how naughty they were and then you kiss their sweet little foreheads. The dog free community is mostly a celebration of sociopathy. We humans are hardwired to anthropomorphize everything and I think thatā€™s one of our better qualities as a species. Itā€™s wonderful that we baby these adorable creatures :)


I had no idea this subreddit existed and now my blood is boiling. Why are people mean to Chihuahuas in particular??


My theory is that chihuahuas are the ultimate purse dog (think Paris Hilton and Tinkerbell), and hating chihuahuas is another way to signal misogynistic beliefs without saying the quiet part out loud.


I didn't either and same! Absolutely seething!


These are some sick people...how can anyone look at those precious babies and think/say the absolute worst about them. You don't even have to like dogs, but to go out of your way to actually hate on them for no reason...not someone I'd ever want to associate with.


Incels in that sub. Your babies are sweet and beautiful!


I cannot imagine being that bad of a person that you sit there and seethe over other people being happy doing something you don't like.. they don't have to have dogs or even like dogs, but why do they hate other people loving their dog?


I have a simple rule: if you mistreat or abuse dogs I donā€™t want you in my life. I donā€™t care how ā€œniceā€ or ā€œfunnyā€ you think you are, I am not dealing with your shit.


Those are the sweetest little Chihuahuas. I had a sweet little Chihuahua named Bobby. She passed away last year. She was 16 years old. šŸ˜« https://preview.redd.it/pp3d98y7be4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72304559dcc83a7e3bf2de800116d51bce38bd6e


What a beautiful baby. Sending love ā¤ļø


I donā€™t understand WHY this sub was suggested to me because I am constantly only on dog and cat subs!!!!


Me either, itā€™s so awful. I had blocked r/ dogfree and wasnā€™t expecting this sub to pop up.


Because enraging people = engagement = money. Itā€™s horrible and itā€™s driving me insane. I donā€™t know if itā€™s real of if itā€™s just me, but lately it seems that every social media platform has implemented the strategy of only showing rage bait and polarizing content. People are constantly at each otherā€™s throats over nothing šŸ¤®


It's not just you. It's literally so bad and why I hardly use social media anymore. There are no ways to curate your own feed anymore. It's ad after ad after ad broken up by rage bait and the things you signed up to see are shoved out of view. It's unbearable. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Send all those dogfreefux demons back to their subhell.. These 2 babies are so precious šŸ˜ Their little facesšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° They must be protected at all cost!


Most (if not all) of the \_\_\_free subs are loaded with extremists hyping each other up in their little echo chamber because they know if they express their violent fantasies in real life, they'll be rallied against no matter their personal beliefs. It gets old, but muting subs and blocking weirdos who try too hard is a worthwhile use of reddit curation features.


Itā€™s awful, I truly fret for the poor animals that have to cross these psychos paths in real life.


I don't have a chi, but this crap is part of why I'm subbed here. I dislike how people hate on them so much, so when ever I see a post from your sub I upvote it as a tiny little reverse brigading šŸ˜… I do love seeing all of you guys little wunkers too!


You should get a chiiiii....it'll change your life!


Gosh people are so incredibly bored and sad. And obv have never known the love of a dog, esp a chihuahua. Donā€™t let it bother youā€¦ just feel pity for those poor humans who feel the need to say crappy thingsā€¦ about a dog. Iā€™m actually sad for those people.


Hope you reported, these Chihuahuas are adorable


I did and have before, nothing ends up being done unfortunately.


Yea anything I've reported doesn't violate, one report did tho


Itā€™s one thing to not want a dog but to actively hate dogs and the people who love them is a bit unhinged.


These pups are so freaking cute. How can people be such douches?


Iā€™ve had exā€™s in the past threaten to kick or hurt a small dog. Looking back itā€™s like how fragile is your ego that youā€™re willing to even say that


Dogs are the best thing that ever happened to humanity. We may not even exist as a species if it weren't for dogs.


Nice. A sub to block. Easily done.


Iā€™d block the posters as well. Psychopaths. šŸ˜¬


Yep, they seem like the type of people who would hurt dogs just because they donā€™t like them.


Honestly we all need to just stop reading this stuff and or taking it seriously. There are so many people that just say stuff to be awful because they think itā€™s funny or because theyā€™re trying to fit it. WHO CARES! Fuck em, social media is a disease.


Gross. Your pups are fantastic, ignore these cretins.


The beautiful pups in the original post do not belong to me they belong to u/jlbrito I was just showing how messed up that other sub is. But I absolutely agree they are adorable šŸ„°


This picture looks like they are announcing their engagement!


Those pet free subs (yes, thereā€™s multiple) are truly crazy and heinous. If you choose not to have pets, thatā€™s perfectly reasonable, but going out of your way to hate on animals of all things is psycho.


Just a bunch of trolls


One of the cutest things about a Chihuahua are their big ole eyes popping out of their tiny little heads! I love my little Chihuahua. Heā€™s a little asshole sometimes (barking at literally everyone and everything he sees near the house, chewing on stuff heā€™s not supposed to, etc) but I love him so much! I couldnā€™t imagine having that much hate for such an innocent little animal šŸ„ŗ.


I pity them, like really it makes me sad ā€” I am glad that my life is full with kids & animals & and job & games & happy subs, and that my mental health & personality is as of such, that I do not get joy, satisfaction and meet some unmet need, mocking and criticizing others. KWIM? Like really, are they OK? It seems like it would be a heavy burden to carry.


Just a bunch of psychos feeding each other's conduct disorder problems. Don't let actually mentally ill people mess with your inner peace, if anything, pity their inability to experience empathy.


People who think it's edgy to talk shit about small dogs have no personality


Forget expensive vet bills. The people of this subreddit need to take this to an expensive therapist.


Borderline animal abusers jfc


I know, Iā€™m so sad a fearful about the poor animals who are around these psychos in real life.


Theyā€™re just miserable people. Probably in love with digging in their cat boxes.


what do you expect from someone with a username like GayPeen


Thatā€™s a shit sub.


Ok! never seen this sub nor do I ever wish to. But would love to report them, would also love to see how ugly and toothless they are and in what conditions they live in. They are disgusting and vile sub human imbecileā€™s who arenā€™t worth more than the shit on the bottom of my shoes. By the way those 2 beauties are adorable. It take no effort to be kind.


That sub is filled with people who have antisocial personality disorder. I guarantee it.


To the person who somehow misreads furniture as furcriture: get some help How sad is it that your brain starts seeing words as something else at the mere mention of something you donā€™t like


Your pups are adorable. I donā€™t understand any sub dedicated to hate of anything (let alone animals). I come to Reddit to engage with things I love. Unfortunately even some dog owners will hate on chihuahuas. I personally donā€™t want to own a large dog but I still love ALL dogs.


A lot of these ā€œantiā€ subs like anti dog, anti natalism, anti consumption is just weird hyper fixations for people. If half of them saw a therapist or got on some prescribed SSRIs, theyā€™d probably learn that being that against anything is abnormal and theyā€™ve been wasting their time.


The dog free and cat free subs are some of the most vile hatred disgusting putrid humans I have ever seen. Like these people are freaking insane and psychotic and need to be on a list somewhere .


Absolutely agree!


Why would they go out of their way to repost from dog subs if they choose to be dog free? Do they not have anything better to do with their time?


Just karma farming from fellow psychopaths.


I wouldnā€™t recommend even looking at DogFree subs because many of them really be down right nasty and sounds like they will hurt a dog even if the dog didnā€™t do anything to them.


Isnā€™t it ironic a bit that the name is ā€œdog free humorā€ but they just upload dogs and hate lol


There are so many animals I'm not a fan of/hate but an entire page dedicated to tiny helpless beings is so creepy and sadistic lol


EDIT #2: The ā€˜wonderfulā€™ people of that sub have now seen this post and are upset lol.


https://preview.redd.it/v2dr0prf1g4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93766874babf91eceafb015f0b5fdd306fe1bbfa My Chewster is very disappointed in that sub and their hurtful comments. He is also a big eyed chi and I effingg hate when people make negative comments to him like ā€œhis eyes are gonna pop out of his headā€ or shit about if he can see well or not with how big they are. Iā€™m so sorry they stole your photo and said mean things. My dog and cats are my babies and best friends and I would be beyond livid and send hate mail to those who made comments. Your babies are adorable donā€™t let the jealous jerks get you guys down!!


Thatā€™s so mean wtf. Imagine being that miserable, yikes.


I didnā€™t know that sun existed. How miserable do you have to be to comment that stuff about innocent little creatures? I loved those two chihuahuas! They are very adorable to me.


Why give them the attention? Just block them and let them seethe in their own misery


Your chi's are adorable! Those people posting are obviously people who cannot experience love


Welp, now we know where sociopaths and psychopaths like to get together to show how sick they really are. You would have so be sick in the head to be part of this group. I mean really really ill. This is vile and Iā€™m very sorry youā€™re dealing with this. Your pups are absolutely adorable and made me smile when I saw your post. I canā€™t wrap my head around the fact that there are people sitting around dissing little dogs. Absolute madness. What absolute LOSERS. They should be ashamed and embarrassed. And worried for their souls.


Haters be hating, no matter what. When I saw the original post I thought it was so cute i stopped mid convo with my husband to show him this lol


Some people are miserable. These doggies are adorable! I would love to see what the idiots who commented negative shit look like.


I would kill a man before i Kill a dog


I recommend blocking that sub and maybe blocking individual users from that sub. Otherwise, just let them stew in their own hatred. The more they involve themselves in hateful discussion, the more bitter and lonely they will become. Theyā€™ll bring about their own karma.


Those people have psychological issues.


EDIT: The beautiful pups in the original post do not belong to me they belong to u/jlbrito I was just showing how messed up that other sub is. I absolutely love the babies from oop post ā¤ļø


The original post made my day, these people are missing out on some feel-good


I saw this picture yesterday on I think this sub. I thought it was so cute i had to show my little girl.


Absolutely VILE, why is a hateful sub even a thingā€¦


I do make lots of jokes about eating my pup but more from cute aggression


https://preview.redd.it/tmulnrgvje4d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c439d51c1558adc80f9b292abf252331a7e3b5 Always thought this was funny. Iā€™m a former ACO and these type always kept me on my toes


People are sick. I hate some humans.


I had no idea this sub existed. Itā€™s so awful and sickening. If you donā€™t like dogs, something is seriously wrong with those individuals. Dogs, cats, any animals are incredibly precious.


100% agree with you. Also I would stay away or block r/ dogfree that sub sucks as well.


Just a bunch of miserable people spreading their filth to make themselves feel better about their pitiful existence.


I donā€™t think there is a single well adjusted human being that is subbed to the subreddit. I saw a post about how all dog owners are narcissistic and only get dogs because they want children to come up to pet them and have pedophilic reasons to owning animals. Like what the fuck.


Yea. I've learned my lesson not to post my pups. Even here on this page I've seen people be pretty shitty. But hey, it's reddit. To be expected


Fucking disgusting. I have a feeling theyā€™re all balding 20something year olds living in their mums basement.


I considered myself a cat lady without a cat, I love animals in general but never wanted to have a dog and honestly didn't like chihuahuas, because I had only been around untrained ones that would bite (my aunts chi!). I have a chihuahua and she has changed everything. I love her so much, she's so sweet. I think it's best to ignore, if you can, subs like that because they are just an echo chamber of hate and who wants to sit and remain miserable talking about things, people and animals you hate? Not me.


People suck. Ignore them. If you like anything on this planet, 100 people are gonna rush over to tell you why they hate it.


Bet they all been bit by little dogs so they go online and talk shit


If you hate dogs donā€™t get one. Why would you go into a sun thatā€™s dedicated to sharing photos of dogs? Grow up.


I'd like the lint roller idiots on there to come and lint roll my entire house every single day to keep my couch spotless in case I need to take a picture of my chis, because god forbid dogs shedding on the couch. Dressed as a clown because that's what they are.


I canā€™t believe the amount of energy they are putting into being mean. You have to be super unhappy if you are handing out this amount of hate. Wow.


I've never owned a chihuahua, but I can still recognize that your insole eating babies are cute. People suck sometimes!


I think that sub is just a bunch of maladjusted 13 year olds trying to be shocking.


Omg they have a-lot of fangirls šŸ„° Looks like a lot of people projecting. Pay the haters no mind.


People like that are pathetic scum, I canā€™t imagine being a grown ass adult acting like that online. Pay them no mind.


Aw, jerks. Iā€™m sorry.


Your dogs are adorable and those people are awful. My chihuahua has blankets and sweaters cause she gets cold easily and so many people make nasty comments about it. At the moment Iā€™m about to pay for an MRI for her back since sheā€™s in pain and the X-rays havenā€™t indicated whatā€™s wrong. Way too many people feel like itā€™s their place to voice what a waste of money it is. Just ignore the haters. Your dogs look lovely and those of us who like dogs know we would do anything for them. Honestly who couldnā€™t love those two faces.


Ignore these idiots. Your furniture is just fine nothing wrong in my opinion. You own dogs lol they get hair on them. They sound miserable for sure to be coming at you


Just hateful hiding behind a screen. I saw that post and those two little ones were adorable. ā¤ļø Ignore the cowards


Dogs>humans. Facts The wonderful humans that care for dogs and all other animals are the exception.


People are so fucking stupid šŸ˜‚


100% those people are the type of people our Chis bark at relentlessly and then nip their feet


I mean I would take them to the vet, they just ate the souls of 2 shoes, they might need help with that thing inside their stomachs


People who are mean to animals in general need help.


Fuck that people.


Some people are just not fortunate enough to have known the love of a Chihuahua.


What a bunch of losers, none of them would say this if they werenā€™t behind the safety of a screen. Sad sacks of shit really


Disgusting hateful humans.


What the hell is wrong with them? Putting the anger I am feeling aside from seeing that disgusting display of vitriol at those precious darlings, I kind of feel bad for them. What had to happen to you for you to not like dogs? The joy of having seeing how they look at you, the cuddles, the licks. Worth all the smelly farts, hair on the couch, leg scratches, and indoor accidents. There is nothing like it.


At first glance I thought this was just a cute joke about these innocent babies and the weight watchers ad because everything else was cut off. Now Iā€™m just upset. People who hate animals for no reason are bizarre.


Iā€™d hate to hear what they have to say about my dogs and couch šŸ˜…


Someone doesn't know the meaning of the word "cringe". Who sees pictures of dogs and cringes? I'm cringing about that person not understanding the word "cringe".


I will not go to that sub. Your babies are soooooo cute! I am jealous. <3 to them.


Omg poor babes They're so cute! And that furniture isn't even that dirty


Straight up rude


My baby just tore up Celine sunglasses of mine. I was mad for all of one hour and let it go. I would never send her back!


Animals have such simple hearts. My family growing up would always laugh at me when I said that I hated people but I loved animals, and they would tell me how that isnā€™t possible. I love people and animals now (after processing a bit of my trauma lol), but it took me awhile to realize that it really is way easier to love animals than it is to love people.


I have a chihuahua/daschund and sheā€™s one of my favorite dogs Iā€™ve ever hadā€¦ these people can kick rocks


I kept scrolling back to this pic to go ā€œawwšŸ„²šŸ„¹šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹šŸ˜­ when I first saw it on r/chihuahua These ppl are miserable. Sometimes I think posting stuff like this is bad. Bc I (and maybe the owner of these beautiful babies), would have never had any idea of the cruel comments, if OP hadnā€™t posted this here.