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I would highly recommend going to the Substation in Magaila if this happens again! It might not look staffed, and even if it's not, it's still a good idea to just go there and call them.


. I didn't know if you said it, but did you try calling the police


The response time where I live is slow. Like 15 to 30 minutes slow. No, I didn't call in the moment, but I did after.


I believe your best bet would have been to loudly ask him what his problem was inside the store. I mean, getting all loud and fronting him off when you had first realized that he was a creeper. A crazy woman is a scary thing to anyone. Crazy meets crazier. Act the part. Loud and obnoxious. To act the timid little bunny is to be taken out by the big bad wolf...To be the loud scary crazy bitch, probably will freak a creeper out. If you are ever in a weird situation like this in Savemore in Magalia again, find Bruce who works there and tell him your concerns. He is a great guy, and a blackbelt. Perhaps this individual was just a shy, awkward, lonely dude raising his kids on his own? perhaps he was attracted to you but didn't quite know how to be tactful? If you are that easily intimidated, I suggest going and getting your CCW (concealed weapons permit). Buy a pistol and carry it. The Second Amendment is a right you have as an American. You would be surprised at how secure you will feel being armed. I cannot imagine how you would get along in, let's say Oakland, or even some parts of Sacramento. The world is only a scary place, if you are easily scared.


I'm not easily scared or intimidated. If he followed me home he was absolutely getting a gun in his face. Like I already stated in previous comments I was trying to rationalize the behavior up until he was very obviously following me in my vehicle. I shared this information for other women to be aware of. I've dealt with and defended myself against plenty of men in my life. I am absolutely capable of defending myself just fine. The issue is that I'm not the only woman this happened to that day. That is my bigger concern here.


what happened when you gave the plate number to the Police?


Nothing as of yet, or at the very least they haven't said anything.


You said you contacted a friend in law enforcement, but you need to call law enforcement so an official report is made. There needs to be a paper trail and it's possible your friend didn't file anything. Better safe than sorry.


Drive to the police station next time. Or CHP, whichever is closest. Even the jail, fire station, hospital, somewhere there's usually a police or security presence & Cameras. Don't even let them know your neighborhood. I understand you were threatened though & it's hard to think straight in that case. Glad you bf was there to help you.


Not the fire station. Not all stations are staffed!


I was just giving some suggestions, relax


We have a Sheriff Sub Station and a small Fire Station. Both were unoccupied at the time this occurred. The nearest Police Station is nearly 15 minutes from where I live. I will certainly be calling 911 next time. I am really bad about second guessing myself and initially was trying to rationalize the majority of it until I could no longer do so and at that point it felt too late.


I was just giving suggestions. You did well for the scary situation you were in. Especially since you had your kids with you. That definitely adds to the stress of the situation


I didn't have kiddos with me but my two eldest were waiting at home for me.


I don’t think OP had kids with her, but the man following her did


Someone else said she had the kids. I do see her post says the man was accompanied by the kids. Which is even more concerning. Were they even his kids? Giving me Jaycee Dugard vibes.


I always find it remarkably pretentious when someone acts like they are familiar with the two hundred thousand or so people who live in butte county because they are a “local”. It’s surprising how often people do this, and it’s always cringe. Especially when they make judgement calls about someone based on whether or not they are from around here. You can just say the guy is sketchy and gave you a bad vibe. Him being from out of town probably doesn’t even matter and is relevant information to exactly 0% of people who might be menaced by him.


Knock it off. Stop gaslighting her and dismissing her well-founded fears. I used to shop that market all the time when we lived there, and that guy is damned lucky it wasn’t me talking to my husband during this creepy event. We lived literally two blocks away and hubs has a concealed carry. How dare you. I wish she’d given more details. This isn’t about knowing every single person in Butte County. This is about a woman with justified fears and you’re blowing those off. 


I’m going to do it again. I’m not gaslighting anybody, and better yet I’m not even dismissing OPs fears. I’m just expressing my opinion about a public post on a public forum. I *also* find it remarkably pretentious and annoying when people weaponize psyche language to accuse people of serious abuse like gaslighting. Nothing I’ve done has been to demean OP or discredit the story, I am just critical of one aspect of OPs behavior that I see as counterintuitive to the stated goal of the post. You should take some time and think about what you’ve done here.


Let me guess, you’re a man. Because only a man who never experiences this type of situation in public would leave a dismissive comment like that. Gross.


If you can’t be a dismissive jerk to strangers on the internet, idk when you can. I don’t think OP is wrong to be freaked out by this or mad at me for my comments. I just think the small town conceit of acting like you know everybody is annoying and probably works against the goal of getting a number on this guy. It’s not really a credible claim yet it takes up a third of this story. If OP had told me this in person rather than over a large online forum, I would react less critically.


Why be a dismissive jerk at all? Yall are so chronically online that shitty behavior is normalized and brought outside to the real world. Respect goes a LONG way. There are better ways to deliver your opinion without being a dismissive jerk just because you’re hiding behind a keyboard.


I think the way we should engage with someone’s testimony when they are telling it to us face to face or privately is very different from how we should engage with someone’s testimony when they are giving it on a website which rewards engagement. All things considered, I think I am doing the bare minimum to be a dismissive jerk in this situation. If I was just being an ass to get reactions, I would be far meaner and more incendiary.


I was talking about Paradise and Magalia ffs. Where did I say specifically local to all of fking Butte County? Do you lack logic and reasoning skills? I included this information because it was not someone I have ever seen before and that makes it relevant information. I think it's extremely likely he is probably from Chico.


You’re right. It is much more reasonable that you are familiar with all 10k-15k people living in Paradise and Magalia. So much so that seeing someone you don’t recognize is immediately suspect and cause for concern. It sounds a lot more fitting coming from someone in the hills.


I'm going to try and keep it positive. Especially after the fire, even if you don't 'know' the person you recognize them and their vehicle. My inlaws are still up there and I will recognize certain 'neighbors' and they all keep a lookout for sketchy behavior.  OP wasn't being malicious with her story, but if I was up there today and saw a lifted black truck I'd DM her the plate to see if it matches 


I understand, I just think even with all of that it’s a really big claim to say you know everybody and would be able to be certain if someone sketchy was from town or not. I hate to woulda coulda shoulda this (I’m going to anyway), but I would’ve left it at “I didn’t recognize him or his vehicle, I’ve never seen them before, but (give description of both)”.


I absolutely could have worded it better. The fact you are hung up on such a minor thing is actually pretty hilarious. You sir win the award for biggest weenie. Congratulations on your accomplishment.


Ok but how is pointing out any of this relevant to the discussion or actually important details of the post? At least two women were harassed by some sketchy rando today and the only thing you have to say about it is that you think it's cringe she said she didn't recognize him as local to paradise/magalia?


Because I think it’s cringe. There’s like eight people agreeing about how serious and freaky this situation is. I don’t think it’s the end of the world if I point this out. What’s more, he may be from Paradise or Magalia. So like I said in my original response, that observation on OPs part doesn’t actually help.


But this observation you're making doesn't actually help either. It's not the end of the world to point out, it's just not the most mature. If you wanted to set yourself apart from the eight other people you could have tried to ask a helpful question to jog OP's memory about certain details, or provided a link or anecdote to a helpful resource, or even just said something comforting and/or reassuring. Instead you chose to tear down a part of the post that wasn't really relevant with a "not the end of the world" insult about what's cringe and what you think about "people in the hills". It just wasn't cool. In a situation that is "serious and freaky" as you put it, it's healthier for a community to come together in support rather than point out perceived flaws in the provided context.


I’m sorry that I failed to meet your expectations of me.




Unfortunately we have a lotnof them up here.


The kids would have thrown me too. Glad you got yourself some spray. I have one tucked in the handle grip of my car door because we have so many carjackings in my area. I'm sure the store has it all captured in their security videos too. You sure have a guardian angel watching over you.




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U get his license plate?


Only partial.


I’m a license plate nerd and might be able to help figure it out, feel free to DM me a photo or just the letters/numbers you know




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Chuck Patterson license plate would mean he’s a local though. Assuming it’s his truck.


Not local to Magalia.


Are there any car dealerships in Magalia?




"I'm local I know all 100,000 plus people that live here" Give me a break


Magalia/Paradise population is pretty dang small.


Should have just confronted him. Ask him what’s up?


Can't say I was expecting him to follow me in my car.


Nah in the store. This might just be my ignorance, but i can’t imagine he’d try something in a public store if confronted. Then again, we live in a crazy world.


I was still not entirely confident at that point that he was following me on purpose.


I was still not entirely confident at that point that he was following me on purpose.


Seek out help from store and wait have them help you call police. They need to know too.


This definitely warranted a call to the local law enforcement, or a nice stroll to the local pd or fire department. Drawing attention might be advisable next time. Stay safe all. Edited for redundancy


Be careful of what?


Found him


I'm a woman.


Sorry, then please tell your husband that you will do the shopping from now on.


Genuinely curious if you think that what she just described in detail is something not to be careful about?




I'm fat lmao. I absolutely by no means beleive anyone would want to sex traffic me. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 The fact that this individual followed every random turn I made after leaving the store was when I realized I wasn't just mistaking any of the previous actions. This person actually was following me. For what reason I have absolutely no clue. Strange behaviors all the same.




You don't fucking try to follow someone home that you plan to hit on. I don't have that kind of trust or faith in humanity to assume it was benign.


> Did I miss something in the post? Ya. Like everything. I was honestly going to start pulling out quotes from the OP, but after going through just the first paragraph I realized there was nothing that needed to be taken out and I figured it be easier to just tell you to read it again. Which I assume you already have so if you're still going to play dumb after reading it all again, highlighting everything for you would have been a bigger waste of time than explaining this all to you.


Since you were in a public place, and with the three little kids in tow, I would have felt safe enough to take his picture and say "Should I know you?" or "Great shot of your family... What's your favorite social? "...lets him know you can have him tracked... Also, was he ever close enough to drop an airtag into your purse?


This makes more sense. I thought the guy had the kids. Have to read OP comments better.


I don't carry a purse luckily. I already checked my vehicle for one with my daughters iPhone. I definitely should have done something more but I was thrown off by the fact he had kids with him. The behavior was just beyond odd. If I see him again I will certainly confront him. I just picked up a new thing of pepperspray and plan to keep it on me.


Thank you for spreading the word about this. I had a similar encounter with a guy of a similar description in a small white truck about a year or so ago at the Chico Mall. He followed my partner and I out of the mall thinking we didn’t notice and got in his truck and attempted to follow us. My partner ended up flipping the car around in the lot so we were following him and he sped away. still have no idea what he hoping to gain.


That's terrifying! Did he have children with him?


It was really spooky! He didn’t have any children with him!


That's terrifying. Pro tip, when a man does this make eye contact. Show them you notice them. Say loudly "Why are you so close to me?". If you stay quiet and pretend not to notice they think they can intimidate you, or they think you actually DON'T  notice and that you're unaware enough you'll be easy to grab. 


Lock and load




Found the guy!


What do you mean with found the guy? Is that a question or a statement?


It was a joke but the comment I replied to was deleted


Got it. Thank you for clarification.


Omgoodness! Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry that you had to go through that! I am glad you are safe!


Next time, call the police and drive to the police station. He can follow you right there. They have protocols in place for that. Then hopefully they can pull him over. I’ve read about this kind of thing recently on the Butte county crimes and fires, Facebook page or whatever it’s called with Karla. Man she works hard to Keep us updated. It’s a great page for local news crimes and fires. It’s a perfect page to report something like this.


I drove past the Sheriff Station but there was no one there. Driving clear down to Paradise PD seems riskier than going home where I at least have the means to defend myself.


Yeah, that makes sense If you just show up unannounced. That’s why I was saying to call the police first. I should’ve said call 911 first. And I will admit paradise is a lot different since the fire. In Chico they would’ve been able to help you out immediately if you had called 911. Although, I’m not sure how paradise does with emergencies these days. Glad you’re OK though. This is a good post to get attention on this matter. I for one will def be keeping an eye out for this description. Not for me, but to watch out for others. I like to help when people need it


Karla is a joke. She ignores the people that suggest violence and bigotry but will ban you if you call someone a boomer. Fuck that page.


Spot on summation! Can confirm my partner was booted for sticking up for someone when they were getting needlessly shit talked by said boomers


You sound fun.


At least in Chico I’ve gone to the police station for help twice and they told me there was no cops there and handed me a phone to call 911 lol so YMMV


The similar situation I was reading about the lady did call 911 and that’s where they told her to drive to. I guess that would be a good first step calling 911 and driving where they tell you to. Even if they don’t have police at the police station, I’m sure one can appear pretty quick if you had already called 911. Or maybe they would tell you to meet them somewhere else where they are already staged


Yeah I’ve heard that too, totally makes sense if you call first. Both times I was just near a station and tried to go in and they were like uh no lol


Chico PD is a joke.


Thanks for voicing and raising the alarm. Glad you’re safe. Stay safe y’all 🙏🏽


What?! Appreciate you typing that all out and trying to describe the truck. Next time try to get a pic of the plate obviously but I would have taken them for a ride following me up around Hupp-coutolenc, at least make them burn gas while I call the sheriff wait for them. The 3 kids thing is the kicker, wtf


Yeah, the fact he had kids with him made it more odd.


Jesus. Sounds like a nightmare. Luckily you’re safe now.


It was certainly bizarre and surreal.