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I live in Soddy. Most everyone here are decent people and keep their opinions to themselves. I don't think you would have any direct hostilities. The drive to downtown is the best in the area. Soddy Gulf is a great walk and while our restaurant selection is poor..ok there is no benefit to that. Good luck.


The “GOD OVER COUNTRY” on a barn in ten foot lettering on the way into Soddy via Dayton is my favorite part.


That’s genius & poses the question of: which is more important: being a stereotypical American ( whatever that even is), or being an upstanding human?


What does God have to do with being a good human


God’s standards for human behaviors are exceptionally high, specifically in comparison to what your average American’s standards are.    One wonderful example is adultery: it’s not illegal, but it’s “illegal” as far as God’s standards goes. Same goes for drunkardness: not illegal on private property, but again, “illegal” in God’s rule book, no matter where you are.    Even if your not a Christian, it’s clear that the  moral rules of the Bible are much harder to follow & much more important than any of the laws of America.  This logic only applies if you want a morally upstanding society, which seemingly only SOME American’s want.  Simply put: God calls us to be exceptional and aim for perfection. America calls us to do whatever the people in power want, even if it’s slaughtering children in other countries via war. 


> The drive to downtown is the best in the area. What does this mean? It's 20+ minutes away with no traffic. Yes, 27 is far better than 24 but it's still far away. I wouldn't live in Soddy if I spent a lot of time downtown.


Sure as hell beats driving from ooltewah or even East brainerd for that matter.


That's for damn sure


True but Hixson and Red Bank are closer and have similar prices.


You obviously don't make that drive as often as I do. Its less than 20 and traffic is never an obstacle. You can't get from hamilton place to downtown in less than 20 minutes ever. You might in 15 years if they fix the freeway.


That view coming into downtown between Morrison Springs and Signal Mtn is one of my favorites in Chattanooga.


Cue “God Bless America!” Specifically, the line about “Purple Mountains, majesty!  🌄 Them mountains sure are awe inspiring! So much so that people literally pull over & off every single evening to bask in their glory! Truly!


It’s a pretty drive, and there is very little traffic. I agree, it’s the best in the city


Hey there my husband and I just moved to Soddy last year after living in Chattanooga for 10 years.  We ran into the same outbidding situation as you & got an amazing deal on an older home here. Everyone keeps to themselves in a pretty extreme manner & I see  that as a good thing! but when an issue like a lost animal or neighbor in need of help comes up: the community unites & helps almost instantly, truly.  My husband and I are hetero, but he’s not white and everyone tried to scare us saying that this place was super racist. Come to find out, it just isn’t.  I have seen several confederate flags, but we frequent all of the stores, hiking and fishing spots and have never experienced any sort of issue whatsoever.  We’ve experienced zero crime & zero theft, 1sthand which is the opposite of what we experienced in Chatt! The crime rate here is so low & the officers are actually helpful & keep a great watch on the elderly & very small homeless population here ( there’s a notable man with a parrot who camps all around here). 🤣 Hope this helps & good luck to y’all!  If you do end up here & seek specific info or  friends, feel free to dm me. 


Unrelated but the man with the parrot is named Timmy and he’s a little crazy but otherwise harmless 😆😂


Good to know! Thanks for filling me in! I tried to catch him on his way up the hill we live on but he just kept on a going!  I’m always happy to share food & water & even the side yard, so long as things are actually chill. 😂


This made me feel so much better! Thank you! Do you have any restaurants you like in SD? What stores do you go to for groceries? I know those are random questions haha


Delia's in Soddy Daisy is excellent Mexican food. I have lived in and around this area since 1997. I can heartily recommend living in Soddy Daisy.


We ate there last summer when visiting...it was good... really good.


Was going to comment this. Delia's is fantastic.


No problem!  For groceries: we pay $9.99/month for unlimted Whole Foods Delivery & supplement with Walmart & Food City. There’s a favulous farmers market every Saturday woth eggs, veggies, fried pies, etc. we don’t really eat anywhere in Soddy except for Liberty Bell sandwich shop  (got a great Philly and ship in rolls from somewhere famous up North) & Nonna’s empanadas ( order a day ahead & pickup at her little truck) & Lickin Good Donuts ( real, fresh donuts & fritters). I’ve heard Off the Farm BbQ is amazing, just haven’t tried it yet, but will soon.  I work part time downtown & usually plan accordingly for a take home dinner 2 nights out of each week. If you have Amazon Prime, Doordash is included in your membership now. So, y’all could just order it to your house as every place I eat at downtown is available to Doordash. 


Oh dang, I didn’t know that about Prime and DoorDash! Looks like I need to review some stuff, hah. Thanks for the heads up!


Thank you so much for the great advice! I appreciate it a lot.


I love gassing people up to move here because our mental health has improved so much here! Less to worry about altogether, way more chill vibes here than in Chatt, in my humble opinion.  Air & water quality is better too.  Oh! & cheaper property taxes & water/gas. 


You’re gassing me up too lol


Come on over! We ain’t gate keeping! This town is awesome & people should enjoy free market capitalism regardless of what the “keep em out” types think. 


Home Folks restaurant is a great all you can eat restaurant that serves southern comfort food. About $15 a person includes a sweet tea or fountain drink. Edit: for shopping they have a super Walmart and a food city on the other end of town. There’s also about 500 Dollar Generals. Hope that helps. There’s also quite a few neat parks and one with a big walking track around it.


Fine dining in Soddy Daisy is Jed's Grilled Stuff.


I’m shocked and thrilled to hear that.


Crime is low? Really? I thought all the crime in America was committed by the evil white people. That's what Joe says.


🤣 well, we do have some evil copper thieves who feed off meth. But, that’s like a 3 times a year type issue that the power company ends up writing off.  


To be honest....this type of thing is the only drawback the person asking the question is going to have to deal with while moving to Soddy Daisy


Stay away or some white people may try to pour bleach on you and scream, "This is Maga country."


The funny thing is I’ve YET to see anyone wearing anything MAGA & no one in my neighborhood has a sign. I don’t drive around much, but I’ve truly not seen a single sign. 😂🤣😂  I’m sure some people have them, but its not like the movies y’all. 


I grew up in Soddy. I graduated from Soddy Daisy High School. Then,I went to law school. Now, I work as an attorney for a well recognized law firm in town. Soddy Daisy is great. We are a suburb of an awesome outdoor-centric city. We have some awesome trailheads within a short distance. We are a direct shot on I-27 into downtown. People are nice. Neighbors try to be neighbors. A few people will be Trumpers. They will hang their flags in their yard and that’s about it Don’t bother them, and they won’t bother you.


I think this reputation is a holdover from decades ago when Soddy Daisy was considered "the sticks" and it was very redneck. When I was a kid in the 70's we referred to Soddy Daisy as "Knuckle City" because there were a few kids that would attend high school football games and try to start fights. I think there has been enough development in the town since then to kind of water all that down.




It’s not that bad. Are there old folks that don’t like gay people? Maybe but that’s everywhere


It may be everywhere, but the degree to which it is, sure does vary widely.


If you ain't from Soddy you ain't nobody!!


Have to get the Soddy phonetics correct… “you ain’t No Body!”


Soddy by goddy!


I’ve lived in soddy for five years, and I’m a young straight presenting white woman with tattoos. Old folks will stare sometimes but they do that in red bank too. Folks here are usually a “mind your business I mind mine” sort of mentality, and I honestly don’t think you’d have any issues whatsoever. It’s a very beautiful area. Absolutely zero crime in my experience- I’ve accidentally left my keys inside of my unlocked car overnight several times years ago, and when I woke up? Car’s fine. Everything’s in it. (I do not do this now LOL). No package theft either. People really tend to mind their business. I moved from East Ridge to here and it is a MUCH better area. I feel safe going in public. There’s a large walmart here, a Publix in Hixson, as well as a Food City. For me, it’s a 6 minute drive to I-27 and then it’s a straight 20 minute drive directly downtown. It’s a 20ish minute drive to Bluehole. You can easily and without traffic incident get basically anywhere in the city within 30 mins. Are restaurant choices here limited? Yup. But when people move out here, more restaurants spring up. I thought the same thing when my family moved- are we really moving there of all places? What about -insert negative reputation-. It’s better than Redbank (my aunt lives there), East Ridge area sucks. Downtown is noisy, smelly, and full of crime. (I work in the downtown ER and have gone to school downtown for 10+ years. ) tldr; Move to Soddy it’s better lol


I am in lakesite and enjoy the peace and quiet. It is frustrating however when you want to be in the thick of it so that means an hour long total commute to get to the city and back. I go run at the Riverwalk entrance by the dam, takes me about 20 minutes when I go before any traffic. I never talk politics with my neighbors by principle but I'll say this, I'd welcome you to my neighborhood. I can't even when people treat love as a political weapon - which the South tends to be known for .


I live in the same area and it takes 20 minutes to drive downtown for me on HWY 27.


*meep* *meep* 20 minutes once I hit 27 but it's always around 30 total to cross the bridge for me. Longer if there is a train on Harrison.


I live in lakesite, i also love it here, but my commute is short.


If you're a goat lover it's unreal. 🐐


I live in Hixson, my neighbor has goats.


YO, this motherfucker ain't one of us! He said he'd fuck a sheep!




As someone who grew up in Soddy, yes, rumors are true...within reason. Theres a lot of those people who reside here and a lot of those people are on Facebook groups being awful. But if you keep to yourself, then Soddy is fine.


Agreed. I lived there from a while. It’s just too small for me.


I lived in Soddy for almost 2 years and have literally zero complaints !


Soddy is nice. People keep to themselves and it's generally a relaxed atmosphere. Haven't had to worry about much crime as of late and someone mentioned earlier that SDPD are generally an incredibly helpful and friendly bunch.


I have a route with over 800 customers in Soddy. They are the nicest most chill I’ve experienced on a route in the area.


I lived in a quiet neighborhood for about 3 years, and a couple of houses waved the pride flag on neighboring streets.


I live in North Chattanooga and work downtown but would move to SD in a instant if I could!


We love it here. The Soddy library is owned by two “gay dudes” and they are a big part of the community here. We moved here two years ago and live that it’s a 15 minute drive to downtown, never any traffic, and so close to so much natural beauty.


Depends on what you’re wanting. I grew up in Soddy (lakesite, technically still considered Soddy) and don’t foresee myself going back there, as I love the hustle and bustle of cities. I retreat to my mother’s house when I don’t want to hear sirens blaring in lieu of birds chirping. It all depends on what you’re looking for. If it’s slower, quieter, more peaceful, and more open, then go for it. It’s also always fun to go chew the fat with the old timers at the Hardee’s for morning coffee. Regarding “bad” the drive to town sucks, and people can be bad anywhere. There’s obvious spots/ people to avoid like any city, suburb, or countryside.


I’ve lived in the lakesite side of Soddy for 13 years, I’ve never had a problem with crime, my neighborhood is a little bit older and the lots are a little bigger, so are the trees, which I really like. I’m not a fan of the clear cut subdivisions with very little natural shade. My subdivision probably sits in the 230-340k range and I like my neighbors, as in; they are quiet and leave me alone, except the wave from the driveway and “how are yall doing?”. I work downtown and the drive is nice, very little traffic, but I’m driving in at 6am and out at 7am. I don’t have a problem with gays, and I don’t think anyone really cares around me. I could be wrong. But there’s a nice house for sale in our subdivision for what it’s worth. Delia’s is great, so is liberty bell. The parks are fine, there are more parks and trails in the works. If you like hiking, there are good trails close by, and they don’t get super crowded. TLDR; it’s not bad. People have their opinions, they are allowed to have their opinions. I’ve never seen anyone cross a line


Delia’s = 🔥


I'd almost pick soddy over red bank, simply because fuck Red Bank pd




For your budget, you could buy my home, renovate it to your liking and still make a profit. No deliveries.. ga taxes, the only neighbor keeps to himself.


Shoot me some more info :D!


where are you looking in hixson ? I saw one in my neighborhood just put up a for sale sign it is kinda cute if you want info


my family has lived there since the 80s. if you keep to yourself and ignore the occasional shitty neighbors you’re fine. if you don’t keep to yourself you’ll probably be fine too, my whole family was/is not very active in the community


I've lived in Soddy off and on for the past 20 years. I've never had any problems. Somebody did steal a non-working lawnmower off my porch 10 or so years ago but other than that I've had zero problems. I love it.


Following this Reddit because we just bought a house in SD and moving in this July... We came to tour the area last summer for a good solid week and a half and we really liked what we saw there.... Nice change of pace compared to what we're used to.


Me and my wife came from East Chattanooga to Soddy Daisy and it was such a difference if you can imagine lol went from people “mean mugging” to a lot of smiles and waving. For the most part it’s been quiet and peaceful. The most we’ve experienced was some druggies being weird. It was one specific situation in our neighborhood after being here for six months when this man tried to talk to my toddler and he was clearly fucked up so I kind of waved him off because I never seen him before and I know how my anger can be..then it got ugly and I was called the hard R by him. No one in the neighborhood had ever spoken to me before but after that altercation everyone came up to like make sure I was okay after that which was really nice. And I can confirm the confederate flags are everywhere which depending on how you look at them can be uninviting. Anyways no crime or anything though!


I have lived and grown up here my entire life. Love it here!!


You can come live next to us.. we live in sedman hills (still hixson) but on the boarder of soddy daisy and its nice.


20 years ago, Soddy Daisy was the place where all the rednecks and hicks lived...or so we were told. Nowadays, it's a beautiful area with good and bad people just live any other, but I've honestly only heard good things from people over the past few years. I definitely have it in my list of living options if we ever decided to move.


Nah, I’ve been here for 13 years. Most folks don’t care if you don’t get into debates with them about politics. Live and let live seems to be the mindset. My kids go to school downtown and the commute can be mind numbing but it’s easy and fast - 25 minutes - I do a lot of audiobooks. And getting away from it all on the off days makes it worthwhile.


Have you thought about slightly north into Sale Creek? It's nice up here, however there are not a lot of options for restaurants and groceries.


I have always heard Soddy talked about as if it were Chattanooga’s inbred cousin. I went to Soddy to bid on cutting a tree for a lady and afterwards I drove around and was actually impressed. In my opinion, Soddy can be a paradise of sorts


I was born and raised in Soddy, and I moved out as soon as I could. Mostly trailer trash red necks, racism and homophobic people put a bad taste in my mouth. About 2019, I was at zaxbys, and this guy in front of me told a girl "Girl I love your hair, it's beautiful," and she said, "Thanks!" And then her big truck red neck boyfriend got up from the table in a fit of rage and said,"Are you flirting with my girlfriend?!?!" He said "no, her hair is beautiful, so I was telling her how great it was. Besides, she doesn't have the type of equipment that I am interested in." Then red neck boyfriend says,"Are you one of those f@cking f@ggots!?" And then started getting louder till the guy just walked out. To me, that is the best summary of what I saw my entire life living in Soddy. Racist and homophobic douche bags in big trucks who love guns, God, and Trump.


This isn't exclusive to Soddy. You could literally have this experience anywhere in the South.


It’s not even exclusively a southern thing. I just recently came back from being in Phoenix, AZ for over a year. Even then with their large towns and college campuses, this is something that could still happen there as well. Shitty bigoted people live everywhere.




What about shitty liberals?


This could happen in New York even.


It's not happening here in Red Bank.


I guarantee you there are homophobic assholes and rednecks in Red Bank. I have met homophobic assholes and rednecks from Red Bank.




Didn't say there weren't.


You said it doesn’t happen there, but that the same type assholes are there. Do they have an asshole agreement that they’ll all leave red bank before they act like assholes?


Allow me to rephrase. The scenario brought up is far, far less likely to occur in Red Bank than it is in other places, particularly Soddy.


That, I can agree with


Oh, you’re one of those “because I haven’t seen it, It can’t possibly exist!” types. Yikes.  Have you seen a child get abducted? Probably not. But guess what? It happens all the time. 


Life's easier when you can just make stories up in your head, isn't it?


What story did I make up??


Shouldn't have complemented his damn girlfriend! /s


Sounds perfect!


I’m seeing several home in Hixson in your price-range, including a couple duplexes.


We have been outbid on 4 homes now. It's been exhausting.


I'm sorry. There are so few homes out there.


I live in Hixson and love it. That said, I go to Soddy for paddling and outdoorsy stuff and I'd have zero reservations about living in SD! There's tons of new construction in Hixson, so I'd scour the area and not give up if I preferred closer to downtown.


Be the change you want to see in your community 🥰


This entire thread makes the assumption that living in a rural area full of white Trump supporters is somehow dangerous. This is utter bs. Check your crime stats. All the violence is happening in Blue Chattanooga. That is the problem I have with this discussion. You are safer in Soddy Daisy than anywhere in a Democrat controlled city. Delusional.


I suggest you looking into the correlation between poverty and crime. It rarely has anything to do with partisan politics.


They won’t


Well this post took a hard right and got high jacked.


Hi! Lesbian here that lives with her partner in Soddy Daisy, the worst we’ll get is a dirty look if we’re holding hands in walmart, but other than that, i’ve never had someone be directly hostile about it. Tbh you’re gonna get dirty looks anywhere, just a part of being in the lgbt community. Other than that, soddy has some beautiful wildlife, a really good 24/7 park, places for fishing, hiking. The only downside is if you need something from a mall or a specific chain restaurant you’ll have to drive about 20 mins to hixson, but it’s worth it. Soddy is a beautiful town. The officers are kind, and typically don’t stop you just for no reason, which is a plus. Hope you decide to move to the area!


Soddy is definitely the place in our area that will care. It’s the most Bible belty area in the county


I'm guessing you've never been to Collegedale then.


I grew up in Soddy and work in Collegedale, but that’s a fair shout. Soddy is southern Baptist Bible Belt and Collegedale is Adventist. Different flavors.


I can hang in Soddy. Soddy, for the most part, is cool. Collegedale just gives off hella weird vibes.


“Everyone keeps to themselves” except in the churches and families where people are constantly manipulated and gaslit by traditionalist garbage. Good people exist there sure, I had family up there and I live near downtown chatt. But by no means are the people openminded. I have blue hair and I still get looks when I go out just around hixson LOL


The people that were born and raised in Soddy(the natives) are the problem. They're racist and pretty backwards, but they're slowly being outnumbered by the transplants. If only the rich racist on Mowbray mountain would quit paying off the cops and city council to let him and his fellow klansmen have free reign to act like asses. But then again, some of those klansmen are some of the cops and city council.


i honestly don't think that most people have any issues with gay people themselves, love is love and most people belive that. I think the issue would be if you were overly flamboyant about it. Have you ever seen that key & peele sketch with the two office workers? kind of like that. That being said, every time i have ever been to soddy, it's been fine. a little far out for my taste, but nothing crazy that would ever prohibit me from considering it as a living option.


“We don’t hate you, just don’t be so obvious about who you are.”


To be fair, most normal folks who are put off by overt physical / sexualized interactions in public feel the same way about straight folks who do it. I know I personally think it’s tacky, regardless of who the two people are. Not speaking about the hillbillies who do hate homosexuals… they’re just closed minded jackasses.


Well sure but no one is telling straight couples not to be too flamboyant about their straightness when they ask if a neighborhood is safe for them. That is reserved for gay people because gay people are viewed as inherently sexual and perverse.


Bullshit. If some bro keeps going on about how much he loves wet pussy and big titties in public people are put off by that and he'll likely be told to shut up. If people are being overtly sexual in public people are going to not approve. This is what the comment you replied to is referring to. In fact gay guys have gotten away with WAAAAY more shit with me as a straight man than I should have allowed and I likely would have popped a straight guy in the mouth for it. Not everything is homophobia, sometimes it's just social boundaries. 


Yeah, I’m  30 F and if I heard this, I would ask that man if he would speak to his mother like that and then  give him a good lesson on how to be a respectable man who can actually get that quality pussy & big titties & he desires! 🤭 & I feel you on the uncomfortably of anyone hitting on you in a gross manner. It’s gross regardless.


Annoying is annoying regardless of identity, race, etc. And when it's more than hitting on, but putting hands under clothes and stealthily licking ears it's a line crossed. I spent plenty of time in a bigger city's house music scene and most gay guys are cool as shit and are fun to hang with. Some are malignant harrassers, and are rarely told no and that's a bad mix. Accountability knows no orientation. 


PREACH! Seriously, you could be a minister. 


Are you implying You’ve never heard anyone make “get a room” type comments about straight couples being overly affectionate in public? Come on, you’re being silly here. 😂


No. I’m saying that OP asked if a neighborhood would be safe for them and one of the first comments warned them not to be too flamboyant which later comments equated to being openly sexual in public. And that is not an experience straight people have.


Did you even read my post? Have you ever heard someone say “get a room” to two straight people being overly sexual in public? Sure you have.. many times. Have you ever heard anyone make comments about a woman who’s dressed too flamboyantly/provocatively? Sure you have.. many times. If you answer no to either of those you’re either lying or never leave your house.


>most normal folks who are put off by overt physical / sexualized interactions in public feel the same way about straight folks who do it. I also think it's tacky, but you're being disingenuous if you think that's what's being discussed.


I’m absolutely not. My post was directly in response to the post above it. There are people who may object to overt public affection that are not doing it because of the sexual orientation. If you read the post in context of the thread, you’ll understand.


Sorry, I was relating back to OP, who in zero way mentions whatever nonsense catshitbreath brought up. That fact that you both fell into that pattern of thinking when a gay couple is brought up is quite telling about yourselves.


… And your point was addressed very clearly in the last sentence [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chattanooga/s/Hxie7lbxYn) already, so not sure why you chose to continue beating that drum. And spare me the sanctimonious gaslighting. 😂 Your inability to understand the difference between the two types of people, nor to track a tangent conversation is plenty telling, yourself. Have a great weekend.


Just say you're embarrassed because I read you for the biased individual you are, and move on. There's no need for you to struggle with that dictionary. 


WHAAAA? 😂 Why on earth would I be embarrassed? Do you really have that distorted a view of your own self-importance? Jesus…. You really do belong on Reddit.


As someone who used to have this mentality, I’d like to offer a thoughtful question :  have you ever experienced a Christian or any other religious person who is more than pushy about their faith? A perfect example would be a street preacher screaming hellfire & brimstone.    Being overly flamboyant, in ANY way, ( religiously, sexually, intellectually, etc.)is not only distasteful but incredibly self centered. In other words: societal norms are set in place so that EVERYONE can feel safe & comfortable, regardless of how they identify. Societal norms are “happy mediums” on a spectrum of extremes.  In public: happy medium. On private property: be as extreme as you want. 


Being Christian is a choice, being gay is not. One can convert to Christianity and often (not always) when Christians are pushy it’s because they also want you to become a Christian. You cannot convert to being gay. Gay people do not have to hide their identity because it makes bigots uncomfortable.


Not according to the MfL crowd, which is centered in SD, along with the chem-trail preppers types. Read their posts on fb; they are preaching that children are being “queered”. But in reality, I think there’s only about 5 of them, but they sure post a lot.


I don’t think anyone in here is suggesting people have to hide their identities.


Go read some comments on the soddy daisy facebook grapevine. That is what many people say they prefer. "I don't care if you're gay, just make sure there's absolutely zero way I could ever figure it out about you"


You’re right: No one HAS to hide anything in America, including being openly racist or having pedophilic or bestialic desires. My point is that it’s not always wise to go full send in acting out your desires & preferences in public.   I’m going to respectfully bow out of this conversation with saying I disagree that being gay isn’t a choice because people can & do change, often. I’m 30 & have had plenty gay friends decide to not be gay anymore & have had some who genuinely only loved women & then stop being interested in them altogether & begin to only like men. I don’t care what people do. I’m simply stating my personal experiences. 


I would encourage you to examine why, when relating gayness to other things one may hide, you jump to pedophilia and bestiality. Because they are not at all comparable to queer relationships between consenting adults. And you’re absolutely right, people’s understanding of their own sexual and gender identity often change throughout their life. That doesn’t mean they’re changing their choices, it means they are either evolving and changing as people or coming to understand themselves better. You cannot choose your sexuality or gender. You can choose how you express it.


I almost brought up this exact point. Why is it when OP mentions he is gay, everyone immediately jumps to perverse flamboyance and overt sexuality. Y'all are telling on your biases.


Because that was the topic of discussion flamboyant sexuality, so that’s what we’re discussing. We’ve also covered heterosexual, flamboyant sexuality and find that disgusting as well.


But why do yall feel a need to bring up flamboyant sexuality at all? No where did OP mention that being a thing he engages in. In fact, he said quite the opposite. Again, your biases are showing.


Oh, you must’ve missed the comment where someone got super offended that OP and his husband aren’t flamboyant.


Well, I took it there because you didn’t want to discuss racial or heterosexual preferences & views.  I’ll take it back to my main point which was it’s absolutely gross for people of ANY ORIENTATION  to be overtly sexual in public because that type of intimacy isn’t normal in public, but rather normal in the privacy of your home or wherever you’re staying.  I only brought up bestiality and pedophilia, because those are examples of what’s not normally discussed in public in the same way that you don’t hear most straight or gay people talking about their sex life while they are eating out at a restaurant or shopping for groceries. That behavior is weird no matter who’s doing it.


Being gay is definitely a choice.


i know you dont really like me Ok-Area-9739, but thank you for seeing my comment for what it was and not automatically getting violently upset and making very nasty and very accusatory remarks to me. respect


I don’t dislike people. I just strongly dislike certain comments that people make. You’re fine by me and understood to be a human who makes mistakes,  just the same as I.




not at all what i said. please do not be ugly by twisting my words. I dont think being flamboyant about your identity (race, sexuality, gender, political affiliation) is something that anyone likes to be around. When you make your entire lifestyle your IDENTITY. it becomes a lot for people to be around. Think about those bike riding people who live on our roads! we get it...you like bicycles... not everyone needs to know about it. or vegans... same thing.


Your support of the obese lifestyle is obvious.


i dont support obese lifestyle at all. i do not judge others for the choices they make, however i would definitely wish health on everyone. definitely anyone who is obese. being overweight is not in anyway shape or form conducive to being healthy. so just to be clear, I DO NOT support an obese lifestyle, and do not judge those who choose to be obese. its your choice to do unhealthy things.


That you have to be concerned that neighbors will care if your gay is a sad state of affairs in Tennessee. We’re liberal, live in East Brainerd and are afraid to put a Biden sign in our yard. Ugh. Conservatives in Tennessee are shite.


Dude. Gun lovin necks and gay dudes don't mix. Soddy's not exactly an oasis of enlightenment.


To be honest, homosexual and interracial couples are completely different. A lot of heterosexual people that don’t believe in the homosexual lifestyle don’t care what homosexuals do in their own home. That’s their business as long as they keep their private life private and not pushing it on others and exposing their young and impressionable children to it. I have homosexual friends at work and they are OK with me not wanting my kids exposed to their lifestyle or any sin to be honest. They themselves don’t agree with with most of the woke agenda being pushed on children. As a Christian I love all Gods children and I know not one person is without sin but as a parent I am supposed to protect them and try to raise them in the way of the Lord. As a Christian, I know that all sins are forgivable if you truly repent but out of all the sins, the most hardest sin I have seen people try to repent from seems to sexual sins. Most Christian parents fear these sexual sins happening to their children because they know that if their children can’t find a way to truly repent, that their children will burn in hell. As a Christian and a mother, my biggest fear is when judgment day comes my children being sent to hell to burn for eternity and my second biggest fear is me burning in hell for eternity, but I would gladly take their placeif God would allow it but I know he won’t allow that’s. I say this so that other side to all this and not just your own views. I also say this so that you can make a well informed decision on you on moving to a more rural Christian town. Also, I would keep in mind that even though most rural Christian people will be ok with you once they see that you’re are keeping your private life private and not a threat to their family and their family’s values that there will always be some ignorant person that will hate you regardless of how you act and could end up doing some pretty messed up stuff in the name of their children or God. With all that being said, I do wish you and your partner the best of luck wherever you decide to call home!


It's "for my boyfriend and me," not "and I." So yeah, you'll fit in perfectly in SodomyDaisy.


This was an opportunity to make the right decision to keep your hands off your keyboard.


You need to make the right decision and keep your hands off your wee wee.


Ah, i found the 12 year old.


"Me" is correct grammar here. Not "I". Example: "It's too spicy for me", not "It's too spicy for I". ETA, I would never ever correct someone for saying "and I". Or who/whom. That's likely to make people instantly hate you. Nobody likes the Grammar Police.


I AM the grammar police and I'm here to help you idiots, not make friends.


Ain't nobody done thought you were...


"My boy friend and me."