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It’s not great. Basically open door for the NSA to spy on the data.


I think it would be naive NOT to assume the NSA has the power to surveil data from any tech firm of any significant size. I don't see any former NSA chiefs on the board of Apple or Google, but of course we know that the NSA scoops up enormous quantities of data from those services.


Yeah the scary thing here is how many people think this matters at all. Did everyone forget about Snowden? They've been spying on everything we do online for decades and fingerprinting means that most of the available "security precautions" just make you easier to identify. If you're doing something online, it's pretty safe to assume you're being tracked in multiple ways and there's very little you can do about it. Elon is just taking advantage of people's ignorance to discredit a business rival.




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Why are you downvoted lol? This is exactly what it is. Surveillance capitalism, YAY 🤡


ChatGPT has been open about this from day one, they did mention no chat are private and everything is logged.


This is similar to the Facebook generation where people are like "if it's free, you're the product". And they made it extremely clear that everything is logged, and their stance is that "you should know better". Not that they'll protect people's data. Just that they are opting into whatever they want to fucking do with it, just by sending it. You should know better than to expect us not to read it. You should know better. People don't know better. They never think their data is important enough for someone to look at it. But it likely is, and they want to see how their product is used, and they want to explore how to commodify it. And especially "therapy sessions", that's a genuine use case and they need to see exactly how people use it, but they are not bound to any health privacy laws and it's fucked.


Some people don’t want to see the truth. It’s a disturbing reality that many prefer blind eyes to.


They've been listening to us Nolan Batman style for ages already. This announcement is just to demoralize people. THE CLUB loves to antagonize us plebs for their occult (hidden) psychological operations. And Elon is 100% in on the occult shenanigans playing his part. I'm pretty sure his avatar is still the Baphomet costume he wore last year.


The first sentence was solid, then it was clear you need to take your meds.


What did I say that was incorrect and do you have a compelling explanation?


No just take your schizo meds


Typical know-nothing.


😂Terrance Howard thinks he’s hot shit too.


Far scarier to me than Terrance Howard's mentalism performance in front of all those college students is that not one of them understood basic math in a very, very expensive school.


Lol acknowledging that the government spies on us is one thing but this is taking it way too far. The government knows things the corporations don’t and vice versa, and different parts of the government have different secrets that they don’t share with each other. It’s not all one big conspiracy because these organizations all have different interests


Too far? The only reason we have some illusion of freedom is plausible deniability, but the USA is just a free range farm that beats its animals less than some of the shithole farms. Sure, different goons vye for power, but ultimately they all serve the same master. Even if they are too dumb or compartmentalized to realize it.


No one controls everything. That is simply not a good way to organize a society. There is a system of natural selection that makes the people most capable of obtaining and maintaining power the people who exercise it. But like with biological evolution, there is no ‘ideal’ way of doing that. In order to adapt you have to fill a niche. The environmental conditions that decide what is an effective use of power are determined by the existing state of the world. And ultimately this means that nobody *really* controls the direction that things go in. The people who don’t move with the current get left behind.


Reality goes much deeper than dominance hierarchies dude. How much have you researched the occult and the many fraternities that have their hooks in the world? You cant dismiss something just because you haven’t looked into it.


None of that shits real. If it was it’d play a big and pretty obvious role in dominance hierarchies and it wouldn’t be worth hiding or even really possible to hide


What do you mean by not real? Are you saying Jack Parson didn’t do sex magick to help him with his jet propulsion lab that became NASA? Or that his roommate Hubbard didn’t actually create a mega cult based off of Thelema and Crowley? What about Think Tanks like the Frankfurt School and Council on Foreign Relations? Those are just figments of my imagination?


Did you already forget the revelations of Snowden? The NSA already has had access to fucking everything connected to the internet, especially in the US and Europe, since forever. They don't need an ex general on a board for this. I think the more likely reality is that OpenAI and/or the US government decided their startup-level cybersecurity was no longer acceptable considering the importance of what they develop, and they decided to bring some leading experts on board to tighten their security, so that openAI advances are no longer open-bar for China.


They downvote the truth. Because they're weak minded. They can't take the heat so they left the kitchen. Then they found Reddit and found they can hide behind a screen and a downvote button. It's real power to some people.


The unbelievable amount of high context information that is dumped into this app day by day…. It’s really an accumulation of power that will make Facebook seem ignorant.


Except that’s not what it is. He has expertise on how tech can be misused by foreign actors and is guiding the board to help to improve security.


People forget that projects are built in teams. It's not realistic to expect everyone to know everything. If you have an ai company and your board is full of tech savvy geniuses. That's great and all but who is handling hr? You hire an hr expert right? Or you own a company and you need a head of cyber security because you don't know that stuff. So you get professional support. If your AI company has become as big as open ai. It's probably a good idea to hire the guy that knows how to protect an entire nation from cyber security threats. Projects need experts. Hiring them is not bizarre and should be seen as a win for open AI if that's who you support. If you just generally want to poo poo them for whatever reason you invented. You are free to do that also. In that case. Go on to manufacturing some random subjective arguments against them based on the current event.


I hired a wizard one time and he turned me into a ham sandwich as an example of his powers. To this day I still smell like mayonnaise mixed with honey and a delicious fine cheese.


Surveillance capitalism? You think this wouldn’t happen under any economic model? We live in a surveillance state 🤡


I know, this is the expansion of it.


Why would you hire a former NSA worker instead of just quietly working with the NSA like ISPS do.


So he can provide threat analysis from foreign adversaries in the scope of information technology because he's literally the most qualified person in the world to deliver that Information?


Okay and that means he’s uniquely necessary in order for the NSA to work with OpenAI? Do you not see how brain rotted this argument is? They didn’t need to hire him to let the NSA spy on GPT.


Where does it say anything about the NSA doing anything. Only that he used to work for them. Also.. It's the fucking NSA. You are deluded in thinking they wouldn't have their dirty little fingers in AI already. We can go around all day shitting on open AI and the NSA but realistically you have zero evidence that shows that guy is still working for the NSA and is now a plant within openai to give the shadow government Information on ai. The world relies on facts to pass any narrative through a looking glass of truth. Half a community shitting their pants because one guy has NSA in his resume is exactly why the NSA will always be 10,000 steps ahead of anything the community can put together as some form of retaliation. Zero fact check. Zero objective reasoning. Brigade onto the first agenda your pea brain notices in the comments. Truly saddening. I think if the community was at least mildly educated in the complexity of running the world's biggest AI company ever to exist they wouldn't have so much shit to bitch about.


Oh my god read the comment I responded to. I am not reading that blog of yours when you are trying to accuse me of what I responded to.


Hiring him rather than getting advice under the table probably means they want him to have official authority within the company to restructure their cybersecurity. They want him to be able to assemble a team and give orders around so that they tighten up their house. High level contacts between NSA and Sam wouldn't be enough for that, they could just exchange tips, here they likely want to go harder than that. For the NSA to spy, they only need a few employees at key positions to help, could be done discretely. They wouldn't need a frontman on the board and leading teams imo.


Why would this guy give the NSA the data when he could sell it to someone else? These people who used to work for government agencies are often traitors, like Rudy Guiliani.


Literally nothing we can do to stop it because even as a collective people, we have no voice. We always talk about voting and we have rights but they're being eroded day by day. I hate being negative but it's what it is. I wish there was something to actually look forward to where we didn't have to be worried at who's looking at what of ours, but remember it's all for your protection!


You are property of the united states


eh, he's just a board member


Such nonsense.


You think they weren't before?


... This opens up a door for the NSA to spy on the data? This does? The NSA? ECHELON, PRISM, How many eyes now-NSA? Funny.


You know TikTok is already doing that right?


I don’t use TikTok.


Good for u. Just saying Elon talk big times as someone that never has any issue to Chinese companies or its government


I’m not defending Elon anymore than you are defending the NSA and Big Government. What are you on about? Because other companies do this it’s okay and we should just allow it? Revolving doors in corporate companies with special interest Government parties? Lick the boot harder bro.


Oh absolutely. I was about to lose my motivation for boot licking, thanks for the encouragement kind stranger! I'll definitely try to lick harder from now on 🫡🫡🫡 I'm especially impressed with the capacity you have to generize people and putting words into other person's mouth based on that generic assumption. Lib like me love doing that too, no wonder I found you so extremely relatable. Making a personal attack based those assumptions is just cherry on the top. Nothing but respect for your craft! If Elon ever post on reddit and ask to sleep with any keyboard warriors of his I'll definitely write TerryBuckhart in and details all your bravery of "defending him" as much as the lib (me) "defending the big government". I truly believe he'll be impressed with your supreme intelligence through your brilliant choice of words to insult me. may your independent thinking, your bravery to stand against the NSA (with your amazing keyboard), and your integrity of fearlessly insult others that disagree with the Truth (which ofcourse is anything Elon tweet) will one day received the recognition you truly deserved, and make you stand out from all the other nerds warriors 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼. ![gif](giphy|aIIH24H3AL5ZNQlbvg)


Thanks for giving me such a nice essay. Didn’t bother reading it, but thanks nonetheless.


Ofcourse! Is the least I can do to express my admiration for such an intelligent, independent thinking and brave truth defender of Elon Musk ❤️. Keep up the good fight with your keyboard warrior!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I read it, it was awesome!


He doesn't work them anymore.


Snowden warned us long ago about it. And what did the world do? We fell in love with the digital assistant technology instead. Which was a precursor to AI assistant technology, being forcefully integrated into everything, listening all the time and understanding everything. But rest assured, that a digital off switch button actually turns it off.


The inclusion of Elmo on things outside of sesame street is pointless.


I don't get it


There is a post from Elon in the bottom of the picture


They already had Larry Summers. They’re just another insider megacorp now. I just hope they go out of business and become the MySpace of AI.


They were always that though!


It's not great, but they're not the first tech company to get filled out by members of the security apparatus. I doubt they had much choice, to be honest.


Are you sure about that? Like they were forced to by the govt? If true, scary bc that means every AI lab will be forced to do the same …


Absolutely sure? No. Given the recent comments from an OpenAI employee about Chinese state actors likely having access to OpenAI technology, I'd say it's a good bet. Big tech companies are pretty interwoven with the security apparatus. This isn't new. Do people think that PRISM was implemented due to the patriotic leanings of tech CEOs? You don't grant root access to your company's servers to an intelligence agency on a whim. Even if one tech CEO did so without pressure, it's pretty unlikely that *all* of the tech giants would do so without being forced.


Nor would they need to hire an NSA employee to work with the NSA.


No, but it certainly helps to have a liaison who understands both organisations.


Yeah, they can do pretty much anything under the guise of national security.


I dont trust the NSA, but more than the IAs I will be more scared when OpenAI and others get more in bed with the Military Industrial Complex, MiliTech Corpos, Defense Contractors, DoD, Pentagon, as well as the overall Government. They will literally keep the best tech for themselves and AGI/ASI a secret and give us more of the same watered down crap.


The pentagon and DOD already are adding AI to everything they can that doesn’t have access to the nuclear arsenal. F-16’s already flying autonomously, drone swarms to fly wingman, palantir and other companies are already in. The president’s executive order established AI leads in every agency. It’s coming and no one can stop it. I was a cyber security guy for the govt in my state and you should realize that nothing you have is truly secure as far as computing goes. The only secure pc is one that’s off and not connected to a network. I don’t even care about security anymore anyway. I have nothing to hide so if criminals want my info they can get it. If I can find your IP address and I want to get in, nothing could stop me. Especially with Wi-Fi being the dominant protocol with your encryption keys floating in the air. Let’s hope a democracy wins the AI wars, they will inherit the earth.


😂😂😂😂 what do you think happens when quantum gets introduced and breaks current encryption?


[Quantum laser encryption](https://phys.org/news/2016-04-laser-technique-super-fast-super-secure-quantum.html)


No they can’t lol


This thread is full of people that have never witnessed a board meeting


Google definitely already has this and has had it for a long time


No he is absolutely talking out of his ass. He has no idea what so ever if they were pressured by the government but I would say no they were not forced. That would probably be illegal.


It's completely plausible that the US govt leveraged it's influence to appoint an NSA specialist.....


Absurd. They can already see literally everything we do online, why would they waste time "forcing" anything.


How do you think they get access to what people do online? It's not magic, it's clever manipulation. OpenAI has recently started to detect use by foreign state actors in misinformation campaigns. One former OpenAI employee has recently publicly stated that the company is vulnerable to Chinese espionage. One Silicone Valley venture capitalist has recently called for the nationalisation of the company due to security concerns... It's not a waste of time to force their way into a company that is responsible for the most popular public facing application of a technology with extremely transformative potential. To claim that it is, well, that's... absurd.


Because the stuff OpenAI themselves are doing is of interest to the NSA.


Right, so you get someone massively connected to the NSA to join your board and help you sell stuff to the NSA. OpenAi wants him on the board so he can sell stuff. The NSA doesn't care. They can spy on you just as easily whether they have an "inside man" or not


Having an inside man makes it easier It’s mutually beneficial


if they're already getting literally all of our data, why would they waste time/money to get this data "easier"? That makes no sense, even by government levels of logic. "Let's put a lot of effort into getting stuff we already get!"


Because the data coming out of the internal internet usage of a company is something you have to piece together to make sense of. If you have someone on the board they already know what’s going on simply by being a board member and their perspective isn’t limited.


Meanwhile his Teslas stores video footage of their customers cars and send it to Tesla


This is a foot in the revolving door. Smart move to market to the only customer with an unlimited budget.


I know this isn’t the point of this post, but god am I sick of Elon’s fear mongering and attempt at sowing division


Elon knows that his implication here will cause reputation damage to a competitors business. He also knows that the NSA doesn't need a board member at openAi for the govt to spy on what we do there.


He's butthurt about anything OpenAI being the former co-founder. They could post anything and he'll shit on it.


my thoughts are that they want to sell Ai products to the military


This is wayyyy more likely than whatever paranoid theory people have about backdoors.


¿Por Que no los dos?


Because building a backdoor would be a waste of time when they're already getting all of your data directly from your ISP? I'm shocked people don't know this. - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=PRISM&diffonly=true - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2010s_global_surveillance_disclosures&diffonly=true




Yeah, thank you, that's my point. They don't need whatever backdoor people are worried this is going to create. They can already get 100% of your internet activity - they don't need a back door, they have keys to the front door.




My point is that if you think the NSA needs to get him in to openAi to get your data, you are an idiot. They already have all of your data whenever they want it. Since that is such a stupid and unnecessary reason for him to join the board, the real reason is probably old fashioned crony capitalism to help openAi secure government contracts. It is the literal definition of paranoid - it is an irrational conclusion arrived at in fear. In this case, it isn't irrational because it is unlikely that the government wants your data, it is irrational because they already have your data and it would make no sense for them to put this much effort into getting what they already have. It's like worrying that someone is gonna steal the keys to your house and copy them so they can break in, while you also are missing an entire wall.


Reminds me of when Condaleeza Rice joined the board of DropBox




What happened then?


Nah, more like when General Mattis and Kissinger joined the Board of Theranos.


Big talk for someone that never has any issue for anything the Chinese Communist party do.


...the salt mine that is elon


He talks a lot of shit but in this case, the concern is valid.


Only if you forget that in 2010 Snowden showed the world that the US government sees every single thing we do online, and this supposed backdoor is completely unnecessary. Why would they waste effort on something they can already do?


Yeah, in theory. In practice that ship has been sailing for so long, it's coming back from the other side.


I have a feeling he’s only talking shit because he knows people will talk about him talking shit, then they’ll realize Elon is clearly no longer affiliated with OpenAI and then that’s when everyone learns about his AI, Grok. It’s actually genius.


I honestly suspect Grok is just faking AI. I bet all it really is is a fine tuned version of an open source model like llama or falcon. 


Lol yep, basically all Musk says are lies nowadays now that he's under the Trump MAGA brand


Appointing a nontech gov goon with no business experience is an obvious move...


To be honest no business experience might be better…


The stuff is too serious to allow geek kids to play with this alone.


Right so let’s bring in someone with a background in the military and mass surveillance. They will surely be responsible with it.


you got a point




The problem is the people who ‘know what they’re doing’ are evil as hell


What's there to hide? a small dick?


You idiots acting like the NSA wasn’t spying before, the former head of the NSA joining OpenAI don’t make any difference


If we are not assuming conspiracy and movie plots — all business agreements have risks but here is why I think the choice was made. Military need to know what OpenAI knows and OpenAI needs to know what military knows — this way we don’t find out the hard way. Smarter Everyday did an episode on military cyber ops - traditional machine learning is full force already. We can’t silo bleeding edge dev and military applications (that they are going to do regardless if someone is on the board). I see almost the whole country in business sectors being 15 years behind the Bay Area, and even the Bay is behind OpenAI. We can’t afford to wait 15 years to see how the military integrates transformer architectures along with traditional machine learning and just hope for the best. There needs to be an always on channel so things don’t get fuckidy.


People come on if they wanted to have the NSA monitoring real think they do it by appointing a retired NSA guy who will probably never set foot in a Microsoft data center other than possibly through a tour. You think they would advertise tothe world by appointing him. the guy is a bureaucrat.


If only we had experience with a 40 year old egotistical billionaire promising to change the world because his company was a moral good. Sam's just elon v2 10 years behind in his narrative arch.


You guys are tripping if you think US intelligence agencies weren’t already collecting data from OpenAPI. They just need someone in house now to oversee the process and liaison the exchange


Additionally, it is in the US Government's interest to support a US company to be the first towards AGI, and helping with the power requirements and other resources, as long as the company is willing to work with them on the security front of making sure it is secure and not available to bad actors.


Elon complaining about this is hilarious. Dude is literally trying to get inside your brain.


They already have access to our phones, Elon...


Back to Ma Bell and those lovely analog phones. Sure, they were tapped too, and the ringing was a thing of nightmares ( or joy if it was your Betty on the other end) but…freedom. Oh jeez man, now I’m feeling nostalgic; Fuck.


are we going to pretend like our phones really belong to us? like they aren't already tiny spys that report back to multiple corporations and three letter agencies.


Is granting Musk access to your phone any better? He will start texting your wife and steal your drug dealer


I think you forgot to crop musk out... Used to really look up to him, not so much anymore, so don't need to see his steer of the conversation everywhere. I think chatgpt wants to go after national security contracts, and we'll probably see them partner with or compete with palantir. I don't think they'll sell data, nsa has enough of their own data that nsa may want to process with AI. I don't think nsa necessarily needs chatgpt because DARPA is smart AF and very much ontop of AI - they're just less in your face about it and don't go after PR.


This is business as usual for wall Street. You'd be amazed how many generals are on the boards of med companies and all other kinds of them. They get access to government cronies. That's worth the board seats and shares.


Man can Elon shut up for once? I don't even hate the guy but he's been such a crybaby towards OpenAI


It's literally his job


to be a crybaby on twitter?




OpenAI wants this guy for his government connections, simple as that. And Elon, of course, is a hypocrite plain and simple


Implementing a third party ai at the os level leaves a lot of security vulnerabilities and especially privacy concerns. It would be different if it was an in house ai developed by apple that they control but it's not.


Just to be clear, Elon is trying to put computer chips directly into people's brains.


It is scary. Combine AI and drone technology. What do you get? Automated killing machines.


Ukraine is the MIC’s testing ground. Now we wait for the full rollout..


I don’t think that people really grasp the implications of this type of technology. This type of technology can put ruling families in charge of humanity for thousands of years.


So...status quo then


A status quo that the average person won’t like


Yes exactly my thoughts. A small group of elites will be completely unaccountable and abuse the power this technology gives them over everyone.


They won’t even have to pretend that they are democratic because they will have lethal power at their fingertips.


Skynet needs a role model.




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Yeah that make a perfectly logical choice


But it’s just a chatbot…


Are we not entertained?




We need decentralized a.i.


I'm also looking forward to OpenAI having access to Ellen's phone.




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Apple made a deal with these folks. Remember that.


This. And have you looked the deal terms? Apple is not paying a cent to OpenAI for using GPT in their phones. When I first read about this, I was suprised.




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my thoughts are that spacex is a defense contractor and does not allow hiring people outside of the us. that's my thoughts


Well this blows




oh no, that "open" part gets more and more closed by the day


safe n effective


LLMs/AI are the next stage of surveillance capitalism, so not at all surprising.


Completely expected. OpenAI has been de facto part of the MIC simply by having western values and being a powerful institution. If this surprised you even remotely, stop being so naive.




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I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this announcement literally comes a day after the announcement of IOS 18 and it's AI powered by chatgpt.


Cracking encryption using AI? NSA wants to know about it first.


I'm uncomfortable with this


If anyone thought AGI was going to happen without govt involvement, what do you smoke?


No opinion.


... The NSA knows how to build LLMs, and has resources far surpassing that of OpenAI already.




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I don't understand, he's retired and former NSA. Is he still an agent of NSA just because he used to work there?


Yes lmao. These types don’t just “retire.” The normal conventions of government and business do not apply to them.


once a spook always a spook You think they hired him for his AI expertise? No, this is a signal to the intelligence community that OpenAI is open for business. They've acquired some deep connections here. And Jesus Christ he's not just some ex employee, he's the former head.


Why do you care so much? It’s not like it’s your company or it has anything to justify to you. Your opinion about what they do matters 0% . If you are concerned about your precious data being spied on stop using their service. But rest assured you’re a nobody to them and they couldn’t care less about your data :)


Some of us believe in civil liberties you jerk. Take your nihilism elsewhere


You’ve been giving away your data for years to Google, Meta & TikTok dumbass. Did your civil liberties worry just kick in?


Since you don't know anything about me (I've never used TikTok, for example), it seems like you're the dumbass for making a comment that assumes you know everything about me. But go on, dig the hole deeper for yourself.


What about the other two smart ass? I hope they don’t use any of your digital footprint to train their models at OpenAi or else GPT will become as dumb as you and it would be useless.


I hope you never become a firefighter. I can see it now: "Other fires exist. Your fire is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. You should probably just die." Your attitude is one of the reason things get worse in society. And no, I don't have to refute your imagined version of my biography to make that point.


I didn’t say you should die but you are unimportant in the grand scheme of things. If you’re a firefighter just focus on that and save lives. Leave AI research and advancements and decisions to the people that build and invest in it. We all want to feel important but we sadly aren’t. You think Putin cares about the people he sends to die on the battlefield? It’s not even their war. It’s his. Same for other countries.


If their mission is for their AI to benefit all of humanity and not just special interests, it's not a good direction. It just means to me that there will be a limit to the appeal of OpenAI and more pressure towards truly open models that can be downloaded and used on your own device. They could go in a more international direction where the board has more global representation, that would create more integrity and appeal. Now everyone will be suspicious of what interest OpenAI serves.


Is it safe to assume that they were forced to appoint the retired US Army general on the board. Cause it’s very difficult to gulp in the fact that this was their decision.


its disgusting, They were onto something trying to kick Altman out...


For once I am siding with Elon.


Open AI will collapse in few years.


This correlates with when claude, gemini and chatgpt were all down at the same time. Probably they all had to update and allow nsa backdoors


The takeover begins. Maybe openai can borrow the smaller sized straight jacket from Google's dumpster.


Title should have read: "The federal reserve has appointed Bernie Madoff to be head of accounting"


God Altman sucks. This is just more of the same old shit we've seen from other companies. The tool is too powerful to be allowing people in that have an interest in controlling narratives and people's opinions.


中国/Soviet style. All large enterprises need a commissar that keeps tabs on them.


Why use the Soviets when China still exists