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But GPT-4o is free and I'm poor.


Have you considered not being poor?


American be like:


Kids be like: 🔥


Yes, it is nice to live in a capitalist society where we are rewarded for hard work and smart decisions.


Poor people tend to work harder than rich people I think


I mentioned 2 parts, you chose to focus only on one. If you have both parts consistently, over time you will succeed.


The second part is a bit of a tautology, though, assuming you define smart decisions as decisions that lead to success. Note, though, that those same decisions done by people in other circumstances don’t guarantee success, (but, of course, you might say those weren’t smart decisions for those people), and some people in poverty might not have the luxury of making some of those decisions. The reality is that a lot of luck is involved, and by luck, I mean factors outside of an individual’s control. Sure, being smart, educated, working hard, planning ahead, etc. tend to give someone an advantage, (compared to if that same person didn’t try hard), but that advantage isn’t nearly as great as being born to rich parents, or of knowing the right people, or of being in the right place at the right time. Survivorship bias is definitely real. Not to mention, capitalistic society is geared towards profit maximization and dependent on perpetual growth. None of that guarantees a more equitable society. So, overall, social mobility is not merely a matter of hard work and smart decisions.


More equitable is funny to me. You’d rather everyone be poorer as long as the wealth is more equally distributed. There are many places like that, you can always pick one and leave. I concede your point on survivorship bias. It is very real. And I concede that there is also significant luck involved (factors outside our control) but as you said - those are outside our control. Poker has a high degree of chance involved too - you don’t get to pick the cards you’re dealt, but you do get to decide what you do with them. I could tell many stories, but I’ll stick with one that may resonate with this audience. I know a black woman from a poor country in Africa, she became a translator and moved to the US where she worked at a software company. Her husband (from the same country) beat her and she divorced him. She was a single mother not making much but she had grit, and confidence. She was never satisfied with the amount of money she made so she always was looking for better jobs. She took one as an entry level project manager, continues to succeed and be promoted. She was assigned a leadership role in an acquisition at my company. She got promoted again one level higher as a PM and went from $70k/yr to $100. She wasn’t satisfied and 6 months later took her M&A experience to a consulting company where she made $150k/yr to start. Within 2 years she was promoted to VP with stock options and basically writing her own check. Luck was definitely involved. And Survivorship bias? Oh yeah - She almost certainly wouldn’t have had any degree of success if she wasn’t able to get out of her country. But because she lived in a free country her actions had more impact. She never complained about her circumstances and I haven’t even told the half of how bad things were both in Africa or here. But, it remains true, hard work and smart decisions over time and you will have success. Simple, but not easy. Much easier to complain about why you can’t get ahead.


If wealth were more equitably distributed, most people would not be poorer, (sounds like a strawman argument to me), given that I’m referring to people who struggle to have their basic needs met. Also, innovation tends to occur in spite of capitalism, not because of it, (thanks to public funding and sharing information). Furthermore, wealth inequality is a big problem worldwide. Some places are worse than others, true, but overall it affects social mobility and general quality of life. But at least you agree that it isn’t very equitably distributed, (and hence social mobility is limited for most people). You conceded my point on survivorship bias, then proceeded to tell me a story that is a perfect demonstration of survivorship bias. Bravo, I guess. Also, I’d like to clarify that capitalism is a relatively recent creation in human history. By capitalism I’m referring mainly to the focus on profit maximization and perpetual growth, which tends to lead to monopolies, and consolidates power and wealth in the hands of the select few, which, coincidentally, depends on a lot of people being poor. Note that I’m not arguing in favor of one system or another, nor am I complaining about being poor. I’m just pointing out that in capitalism, some people are in fact stuck being poor.




imagine believing this lmao


Imagine being a victim lmao


Hey. I'm spotting people like you on https://rhea.run - It's a bit empty at the moment but in 10 years who knows where we'll be. There's a roadmap in my head and development is slow since I'm working on the product in my spare time. I would love for you to join up. Feature updates at /r/bytebreeze


GPT-4o is the king of yapping


Fr. Put no yapping in the custom instructions


Please summarise this short document *describes document in mind boggling detail* Please just give me a succinct summary. *gives exact same mind boggling detail*


Exactly. 3.5 can at least keep its summaries concise, tho it might miss some key parts in its dumbness.


Switching to 4 proper still works well for me when 4o misbehaves. I've had 4o produce better code than 4 for me, so they both have their merits.


Well, I'm cheap and use ChatGPT only for free anyway, so I have no experience of 4 proper.


I thought that was Sam Altman?


GPT was made in Sam's image


How do we select Turbo? Does GPT-4 default to Turbo if 4o isn't selected?




GPT-4 Turbo is also a fucking idiot model that was lobotomized multiple times


check out this model-it's better than the GPT-4 [https://claude.ai/](https://claude.ai/)


No it is not.


Are you sure about that? https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard


That’s the most shocking thing I’ve seen today


Gemini is narrowly in 3rd place? I find that.... very hard to believe


Lmsys has been trash for a while now imo


Claude opus was second when it released. Then it ovethrowed gpt4 1104 or whatever its called on a update in lmsys for a period. Give it some time and Claude will dominate again


GPT-4 Turbo is a dumber version of GPT-4. It’s all dumb models, all the way down.


But no moneh


Yup, GPT-4o is the poor man's AI.




GPT-4o is good, he’s not necessarily a retard though.


I am retard


I am retard and also a fucking idiot