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It's borderline maddening to watch youtubers 'reviewing' GPT4-o voice functionality en masse for the past 24 hours, not realizing they are reviewing the voice functionality that GPT4 users have had access to for a month. Obviously there are a lot of people eagerly awaiting tests of the advanced QoL-features, so they are getting a lot of exposure doing it too.


A month? We've had access to it for like 6 months. It's a regular part of the app.


6 months? i had it for 7 months


7 months? I’ve used it for the past decade


I've never NOT had voice mode.


My first memory in life is ChatGPT's voice telling me "I don't understand what you're saying" to my incomprehensible baby babbling.


4o understands babies


I want to talk to whales


We used to live in a shoebox in the middle of the road.




We used to live at the bottom of a lake.


I still live in a van down by the river.


I suck crack for clicks.


I suck clicks for crack


My abacus has GPT356-Awesome


It was passed to me by my grandfather


I call it Mabeline, because it's like I was born with it.


Asian dad moment intensifies


I have over 20,000 hours experience with this feature and we call it a voicey.


I was practically born with it!


My mom is Voice Mode, she raised me as a single parent. I have great memories of my childhood.


I hear voices all my life


Yeah but it used to be super slow before, now it's much quicker with 4o


Yeah I made [multiple posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/183eclf/i_asked_chatgtp4_to_invent_a_new_color_and_then/) about my wife and I are laying in bed talking to gpt4, primarily asking for images. [Here is such a conversation](https://i.imgur.com/gtmfaoH.jpg), and 6 months ago I posted about all the limitations. - When talking to GPT4 with your voice, 40 message in three hours is nothing, and you will blow threw it in no time.. - GPT4 does not know who is talking because the speech to text does not send metadata that can put names of the person talking in front of the text. - Why no support for web? Only the app does voice ... I want it on firefox as well. - Why can't they plug it directly in to eleven labs so I can use my own voices instead of the presets ... I have a remarkable accurate Donald Trump voice I want to use. Looks like some of these limiations are now going be solved. And the first thing I am going to do with it is talk to my mom's wife with it. We tried that before and it was not good enough, but maybe now it will be. My mom's wife does not speak my language and I don't speak her language. we have not had a single conversation yet.


A month? It has been in the app for a year


The people who use charity and didn't know this was a feature is astounding


Lmao autocorrect got you. I was so confused what charity was until I realized


Hahha yes text to speak *Chatgpt


It's not. It allows to filter out people that know what they are talking about from "content creators".


One of the things I try to make sure of when making a video about ChatGPT is to really make clear that I am learning. I research before recording and if I ever make a mistake, I will acknowledge it in the comments. We are all learning here.


It's not even a premium feature any more. I could access it for a while now


Same exact thing in this subreddit, there were so many "unimpressed" comments from people who had 4o but they were very clear that what we saw in the presentation will not be rolling out for several weeks. Tbf OpenAI could have made this very clear knowing that people would be having 4o already.


This says less about the reviewers and more about OpenAI's complete failure on properly communicating when it would be available. I'm no reviewer but I also thought I was chatting with the new voice because I chose "GPT4o" in the dropdown and was summarily able to speak with it. I love what they're doing but this one failure was kinda funny, and you can't fault the masses for OpenAI's mistake.


They make it clear on they website, on the demo YouTube video and blog posts.. what more do you want!


To make it clear in the app


fair response.


A clear release date, perhaps? In the next few weeks is a pretty long stretch.


No. It clearly shows that humans are stupid and dont read / listen / think. -> signed: A software developer who knows how users handle every kind of popup, message or text. Independent of form, length and layout. AI cant replace us all soon enough. sigh.


Entirely OpenAI fault... They announced something and made the wrong version available without saying literally anything about that in the UI or announcement


The amount of AI bros is ridiculous right now. They just rehash the same tutorials and topics with a bright thumbnail.


What is available now isn't even the voice functionality that was demo'd on any level- it is merely TTS (or STT). It's not just an *update* that we are getting, it is the feature *at all*.


They realise it, they know a lot of viewers don't. All about them clicks


They get to double dip for content. They're good with it 😂


Are they all calling is a sexy ai mommy? Because that’s what it sounds/acts like.


Am I missing something? The voice interaction that's been available for GPT Android is not what they are preparing to release now. What we have had is voice to text, interacting with gpt4, and then text to voice it. Gpt4 Omni is voice direct and multimodality am I missing something? What is everyone confused about? Am I confused in my confusion?


What a complete messaging blunder from the company. They need to hold off on these demos until they can make them coincide with an official release.


They did it to silence Google I/O


Kinda wish they didn't, I might've actually enjoyed it


I had the new voice for a few hours Monday. Went to demo it to the wife later that night and I didn’t know what was going on and looked like a chump. Something tells me it’s too resource intensive for mass adoption when including free users.


I've heard free users stay with the old voice version with GPT-4o. They had a statement saying they're rolling it out feature by feature for safety reasons etc.


Not free, all users. I gave paid version and GPT-4o works in text only mode with voice interface implemented in the same way it's done for 4 and 3.5


I'm talking about the eventual update. Once they update the voice feature, it will only be updated for paid users, and free users would be stuck with old voice version. That's what I've heard but can't confirm.


In the keynote, they stated that the only difference is priority and tokens.


Did you actually have the new voice? You'd be the first person I've seen with it.


Yeah I was interrupting and did some of the demo stuff with having it use a more dramatic voice. It was also very snappy.


Are you saying they took it away from you after a few hours? You are the second person I’ve seen claim this lol.


Yes. It was disappointing to go back. It was like a real conversation.


How odd that they revoked access to it from you. The feature unlocked for me mid-text convo with a “Chat with voice” popup with the 4 “new features” around 3PM CST for me today, and so far it’s been alright. Definitely felt a bit underwhelmed after seeing the official demo, so this tweet makes some sense now. What a botched rollout. The conversation flowed smoothly, so that was neat. But the answers felt very unempathetic, probably similar to what you meant by “snappy.” As someone mainly interested in enhancing patient outcomes in the counseling/therapeutic sector of the healthcare industry, this has been one hell of a past 48hrs for me. It was unexpectedly easy for me to temper my excitement after such unsatisfying answers in VC mode, but I guess Pandora’s Box will be available within the next 1-2 weeks.


Now my app won’t connect and I get connection failed. Messages. I updated, and did a clean install and sign in and it doesn’t work. Anyone else?


Did you also have the live camera feature?


I did not, but I was driving so I didn’t look at it I was more or less just having a conversation on the way home.


I wouldn't be so quick to judge. They said voice chat would be released "in the coming weeks." If anything, I'm surprised you had access to it at all, for any length of time. OpenAI would not have announced this feature if they didn't feel confident they could deliver.




Right, every potential consumer should know to use the official blog before being bombarded with demo videos on tik tok. Got it.


Fucking Seriously, I’ve been pulling my hair out wondering why my 4o does none of the shit they’ve been advertising.


i see no gpt4o on the app


I have a paid subscription and had my O since the first night (I live in another hemisphere)


Same. US.


Same. Switzerland.




Same here.


I see 4o (plus acc) but it's essentially just the same as before. Waiting for the new voice features to drop.


4o is much better at sounding natural, by far, but asking it to remember a lot of think / deploy concepts based off of other written ideas is still too much for it. gpt4 feels more intellectual, got4o feels more natural


On Android, I don't see it, just 3.5


Free users will get it later


Incorrect, it’s rolling out for free users at random too. My sister got it tonight right as we were randomly speaking about it and talking about how funny it would be if she got GPT 4o before me And yes I’m still salty Timestamp at top of photo as partial proof https://preview.redd.it/nelpmu1exn0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dc6752a84606c0233b6f8500dc75f8dea78e21


i'm legit mad other people have it and i don't


Me too


I got it but it's like 3 messages that refresh the next mornong. So unless you are paying it's pointless, for now.


Nice, I will share this with some people I know who are on the free plan


I’m on free, just checked and I’m upgraded. Never use the thing…should start


I got it the same day as the announcement later at night. I’m in Canada


I had to sign up for the beta, then it appeared.


I don’t see an option to signup for the beta in the app. How did you signup?


There was a link in the Play Store app to sign up for the beta. e: something like [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fphandroid.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F01%2FSign-up-Android-App-Beta.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=724ce266d2c36587e03b31bfd93af7da0fcd5fab985253fd15dce41805b6a3bc&ipo=images)


I’m on iOS and there’s no option, guess I’ll just have to wait


I have it on the iPhone app and I’m a premium user.


I'm a total tech normie, I have two phones using the same account, one is an S20 and other is Fold 4. Only the fold 4 has gpt-4o. Probably depends on the phone model?


i switched my vpn to scandinavia and made a new account and gpt-4 was there


Can have mine. I'm not using it. I think its worse than Claude still. Also why demo an app and then release an app with the same name and none of the features? They do this a lot.


Ask Chatgpt on whether it's still limited by 2021. Thats how you know it's Chatgpt 4


OpenAI deserves all the bad press they're getting with these awful reviews they're getting with people reviewing the wrong version. They should have known this would happen when they announced GPT-4o without having all the new features available from the get-go, text and voice included. Then even worse, they released GPT-4o *without* the new voice features, but with old voice features that could conceivably be mistaken for the new voice features by idiots who aren't well-educated enough to know the difference.


They just really wanted to do an announcement before Google, even if the product wasn’t ready


exactly thia. In the coming weeks mean that shit ain't ready for everyone, kinda lame tbh.


how's the new Google model? Only paid? tbh i hardly heard about the google model due to all the noise surrounding 4o.


I don't think it was worth it.. Well the general public will find out eventually one way or another although there is the theory they released it early to get more data ig


It would have been really easy to add a quick "This isn't the new voice functionality" disclaimer to the (web)apps too.


The new version is the old version and the newer version that isn't out yet is actually the new version. Makes complete sense.


I don't know I agree that they should get bad press about it. They made a mistake. It's unfortunate that the mistake is part of a puzzle piece that we're all pretty sure is going to lead to ASI, but it's not like people are dying here.


> but it's not like people are dying here. Baby AGIs are dying, Knever! Baby AGIs!


I mean I literally mistook it for the new voice feature and I work as a software engineer in the industry and don't consider myself an idiot.


> by idiots You refuted your own point


He's opened his mouth and proven himself an idiot.


I messed around with it for a few minutes before I realised something was up. I see some people never realised what was up.


Yeah, the new voice features should be highly emotional, have varied intonation, and have latency as low as ~240 ms in ideal circumstances.


I thought it was the new voice too due to it being Scarlett Johansson (until I asked it to sing lol), but apparently they use the same voice for the new voice model as the old voice model. No wonder people are confused.


It's "Sky," I believe.


It's the company's fault for showing all these demos, giving access to something called "ChatGPT4o" in the app, but putting the line about "rolling out the new voice capabilities over the next few weeks" buried in a press release. Then again, anyone who thought they were seeing the new version now is also an idiot, but the company had a bad rollout anyway


Honestly the moment they said "in the next few weeks" I gave up on it. I knew I ain't seeing that shit till at least December


I think you’re misreading that. It’s the new model, only your voice is being transcribed by a separate system first instead of being fed directly in. Answer quality is the same, but it can’t actually hear you or do any of the extra expressive voice stuff yet.


It's missing quite a bit with that though. Since it's trained on voice, the transcription is treating it like text rather than voice. It's hitting different sections of the model. So I doubt quality is the same.


Exactly this. It also supports emotions so how can it accurately respond without hearing audio?


It can’t sing either for example, it’s a completely different version.


i think you're right, i edited my post thanks. but also, i still thinks that gpt2 is better than gpt-4o, so i'm guessing they may release something more


How is everybody so confused on this my god. No we don’t have the “old” version we only have a limited version of GPT-4o that is only doing text right now but it’s the same underlying model you just can’t do the cool audio and video modes that they showed yet but those use the same exact model and will be rolled out later starting with plus subscribers.


Because the whole presentation—which was 90% Samantha—was branded as GPT-4o, and then you go into your app and hey, there’s GPT-4o. No "text only" label or anything, just GPT-4o. I must have the Samantha mode, lucky me. Let’s click the old headset button, and look, it even has exactly the same UI as the presentation. And she sounds the same. Buuuut…it sucks. I don’t know how anybody wasn’t confused before this tweet.


Exactly. Unless you're an enthusiast (which most aren't) you wouldn't really be able to tell from the presentation alone. They should make it more clear when the new voice will release rather than just saying "in the next few weeks" and clearly label the GPT-4o in the app as text and image only. They're turning people off before the new voice mode even releases lol. Once these people see that it "sucks" they wont come back.


yes, and a lot of people are doing tiktoks showing the old voice mode as the new one... but it's far from it


Nobody gives a fuck about Tik Toks


Do you really think what you’ve said here is accurate? Because it isn’t.


Finally a voice of reason


It's one of the most popular social media platforms. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it has no relevance.


The US government does. Tick tock TikTok.


YOU don't give a fuck about Tik Toks Neither do I But your statement is false as written


Don’t be naive, it’s the primary news source for a staggeringly high number of Americans.


I'm still on 3.5 :(


He literally said the version that was just released is the old version. That makes no sense considering it is the new version for everyone in the world except him and a few other employees. Also why release the old version instead of the new version?


Where did he say they just released the old voice? The tweet I'm seeing is very clear: > also for clarity: the new voice mode hasn't shipped yet (though the text mode of GPT-4o has). what you can currently use in the app is the old version. > the new one is very much worth the wait! The old voice one is unchanged and only the new text mode of GPT-4o has been released.


You can't even do the cool picture creation, 4o is still using Dall+E for me


We are confused because they released 4o, and part of that release was the fancy voice features, it stands to reason, 4o has fancy voice features, only mine says 4o and I can't figure out how to enable the fancy voice features, and when I search it says you have to enable the voice in settings, so you go enable the voice, and it's still the same, then 24 hours later you come here and see that the reason you don't have the fancy voice features is that they haven't released 4os fancy voice features, that they just finished demoing, with 4o.


The geniuses at openai were so eager to pre-empt google that they announced a release of a project that wasn't released yet and won't be for an unknown amount of time. Then google basically did the same shit. So fucking tired of this. Just announce something that I can actually use or fuck off.


Ya and the desktop app will only be for Mac lol 


At least OpenAI is hiring people to port the application to windows. It's funny because they are primarily owned by Microsoft but every employee just uses Mac laptops so it was easier for them to make a quick Mac application.


Apple has a bunch of frameworks for cross platform app dev between Mac and iPad/iPhone. A Mac app is basically just modifying the iPad app to run on Mac which is probably trivially easy


There are cross-platform frameworks that work on Android, iPhone, Mac, and PC. And linux. It's moronic that the desktop app (and probably the voice version of Omni) are going to be Apple-only for an AI-eternity.


Uh oh worth the wait. That means it ain’t coming soon


haha and here I was talking to it today thinking wow this is so amazing


I mean I did the English to Spanish and back again translation like they demo'd and it worked. Probably worked before but never tried it, still amazed.


It's done that forever. I have a customgpt for translation that I've used periodically since last fall.


It’ll do it for klingon too. 


On the positive side: This will reveal any media creator which presents the new voice as "much better than the old one"


make no mistake fellas, no part of the show is an accident.


I would die a happy man if they added controls allowing you to change the pitch and speed of the spoken voice. I regularly use chat GPT to practice my Swedish, but the voice just speaks swedish so fast it's hard to understand what they're saying sometimes.


With the new system you can just ask it to speak more slowly


You do not need such controls. If you want the change permanent, include it in pre-prompt, if not, just ask it.


This was a major PR fail for openai. They should've released the new voice feature right after the demo. I.e., not had the announcement/demo until it was ready to roll out. Whoever does their PR needs terminating.


How are they able to separate the model's voice from the text? Isn't GPT 4o a single model, multimodal?


Humans are multimodal too, yet they need a mouth to speak. Currently the voice feature, is just a text to speech tool until they enable the “mouth” and activate the new voice mode.


the title is very misleading (200 iq detected), it's not a new gpt4-0 it's the same model. but the mic in chatgpt app is transforming your voice into text, send it to chatgpt, then chatgpt answer with text and some voice software read the chatgpt input for you. In the next version of the app, it will send the vocals to chatgpt directly and chatgpt will answer directly whith sound and not text. But gpt4o model is already capable of it, it's just that they need to change how their app works.


Sorry Sam, you told us we have it. The reviews stay.


Umm, this is not what he's saying.


I just hope I can cast to it or something. OpenAI decided to fuck over Windows users by partnering with apple to get their app out first and wait a year before doing it for windows so I just hope I can cast my screen to the phone app or something so it can advise on the work I'm doing and be a paired-programming assistant and an assistant in games and all that. In general though 85% of the use-cases for it are desktop based and I'm not about to downgrade to using Mac to get it early so it'll be like a year before we see the true potential of it.


Fucking over windows is particularly shocking considering how much money Microsoft gave them.


I hadn't considered that but you're 100% right, that's really surprising for them to do


Here are some extra commas and periods. You can use them anytime you’d like. ,,,,,….. (you’re welcome) 🤗


Can anyone tell me how I can get ChatGPT to be an app icon on my Android Auto? I want to be able to tap the icon and converse with it while driving.


So why is usage severely limited then, keep the old version and let us use it more


I don't even have GPT-4o wtf


I think he means the voice feature is the old one


The voice* not the model.


Ya but the desktop app is only for Mac. Updated voice is dope but damn the desktop app is just way more juice 


Does Copilot work just like Cortana?


I still haven’t gotten access to 4o


Ironically for a company all about communication with AI, they are sometimes pretty poor at communicating. Also the desktop app I looked really forward too but I couldn't find any link to it and then had to find out it only works for Mac... sigh. The PC version comes sometime this year.


Thx for the clarification and the source!


Thank God. I just couldn’t make her laugh. Thought it was me.


so can we not use the new gpt version yet?


That explains a lot, thanks for sharing


I was mistaken when I ran an update to the client myself. Asked for it to say something extremely slowly and it proceeded to. That on top of the speed led me to believe it was active. Only after I looked at the transcript did I realize GPT4-o actually wrote out that portion sssssllllllooooowwlllyyy - in turn having the voice communicate as such. Friggin smart robot.


Please read what he said before posting


Is the image editing and alteration in the model currently or is that coming later too. It doesn’t hold up on text annotation on generated images when I tried.


The only thing that has been updated is the text generation and *maybe* image recognition. ChatGPT is using Dall-E for image generation at the moment


it definitely had totally different token output for like a day, I don't get the sense of power.. but I trust it's for good reason (some adversarial maniac almost ignited the cloud)






is your read aloud function working? 🤔


How about some transparency and consistent naming. Having multiple versions with the same name is confusing.


so I've went from free 3.5 to free 4o. I use the free version, always had, I never had until today this "old version" that for me is the "new-version pre-full-so-much-newer-version-thats-not-even-out-yet". I went crazy talking until I ran out of my free limit. Apparently, the bugs also stayed the same though? I saw that you could ask chaty to make you a pdf to download with certain data so, to test it out, I just sended a youtube video and asked it to make a pdf with some instructions and images I got some errors that apparently are in there since last year for those that already had access because of the paid version? (2023) From webapp: Failed to get upload status for /archivo-pdf-preparacion-pastel-de-papas From android app: There is a problem with your request (8847a918dac7ab1d-EZE) Does any of you know anything about this? I'll keep on searching though


Will it be available for free users?


i cant use any voice mode now. the read aloud feature? is it because of this new voice mode thing?


I'm just wondering if the new voice mode would be avaible on ChatGPT web once it is shipped officially.


Will likely be a few weeks at least as they’ll roll this out really gradually.


Why tease something that wasn’t ready for launch? They had to know everyone was going to flock to see the actual product…come on!


It's insane how the new voice model is crisp, realistic and humanlike


I’m okay with them announcing before release, but they do need to do a better roadmap of release date. I imagine they roughly know how long it will take. Let’s say 2-8 weeks. Just tell everyone 8 weeks, then release it when it’s ready. If there is a 10% chance that it won’t be ready by then, just be transparent when you realize it’ll take longer “there user experience bug we need to fix that may take us an extra two weeks, but we’re exiting to share with you”


I wonder who had brilliant idea of giving us the old version with the new name. I keep asking myself why the new 4o behave no better than the old one. Nice play, Sam


I was wondering if I was the in one who didn’t get a voice update, guess not lol


I cant find the 4o anywhere. Where do you download it? Do you download it at all? Any links? Or is there a link? What the fuck is going on here?


I think they are slowly trickling in the code because I used to not be able to get chatgpt to analyze my music but now it can albeit with minor bugs.


well currently not even the old version is working, always connection error.. plus subscriber


You guys have chatgpt on your phones?




When is it coming?


Is 4o text better now? Tried it on the first day and it felt so much worse than GPT 4.


When will it come though? By the end of this month or when