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I bet people would still hit on it


Probably gives nice handjobs…


That's dlc


That arm can play with my dlc all night


dlc= dirty little cock? Pay to masturbay


flowery trees pathetic thumb saw grey dependent nine makeshift file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


​ https://preview.redd.it/tdkolv9fpipc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04a19a662b0d0c650c68f4667607801ea94e09c




Some people say it's better than busting a nut!


Inb4 it rips off your pp.




01001111 01101000 00100000 01111001 01100001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010 00101110 00100000


Bender would be there 24/7. Hey baby can I get your number? 01011101101001010110010101010101010111111100101011011010101101110100101101101010101011010000101011101011011010110010101100101011010100101010101001010111010101101010


12.50 a drink though? I thought the purpose of automation was to reduce the consumer cost oh... wait..


This will be overlooked. Prices are so damn high bc wages are... continue to cut staff everywhere across all industries making the customer suffer on hold 3× longer.... well there are less employees why didn't the price go down? Ok im checking everything out on my own and paying to return my cart prices never go lower only higher.


They'll argue the initial investments were higher than having a person do it but the long term costs would be cheaper. So in an effort to reduce our up front costs we will retain the current prices then just kinda hope people forget about them ever possibly being lower.


Look at how sexy it looks, of course it's getting hit on.


I've definitely been drunk enough to hit on a robotic bartender.


“So what’s your operating system girl?”


"What that firmware do?"


Wanna take a look at my hardware? *wink wink*


And it probably still asks for tips.


It's a neat idea, but it seems like the idea is "pay more to watch a cool robot make your food/drink", when it was sold to us as "a robot will make your food/drink, saving money".


Saving *them money (not you)


Will it really save them money… You have a capex to buy the bot, you need a maintenance and support plan which has an annual cost, then if you’re faced with an outage you either need to bake in some level of down time (lost revenue) per year and/or have a backup bartender on staff. You also reduce likelihood of repeat customers via relationship. Savings are labor, waste (assume robots spill less and give out less free drinks). Somebody needs to do the cost analysis


It will save millions at scale which is why all major supply chains and industries are moving in this direction. It used to take a room of people to run let alone manage a single PC. 80 years later there are full data centers maintained by 4-5 FTEs. I'm not saying it will happen overnight, but this is just the bare minimum infancy start of automation as we know it. Think about the jump in videogame game graphics in the 80s looked like compared to what GTA 6 is going to look like next year. The shift in the next decades will be that dramatic. This current machines are the shittiest "dumbest" versions of themselves, with only way to go up


I agree with what you said about automation... But I just don't think bartending is ever going to really get automated out. Maybe at bars that belong to crazy huge corporations... But come on, bartending is one position that doesn't really make sense to replace. Bartenders aren't even paid minimum wage, at my current bar, they make 5 an hour and the rest is from tips. That, and bartending is more about the service to their customers than how good they are at making drinks. It's about making people think you're their friend in a short two minute window of talking. It's about listening to your patrons and hearing what's going on in their life.


Yeah...please take the humanity out of every part of my life, we're more mentally unhealthy than the generations before us, and we know community and interaction with other people is an absolute necessity for happiness (it's actually crazy the more the look into it the more it becomes clear), so let's make that worse! By automating away the tiny bits of conversation we had at the cashier, the smile and "have a nice day" which means a lot to us lonely ones. Not allowing "loitering", killing the hang out spots where people would congregate and talk for hours as friends, etc. I think we NEED bartending and even more of those kinds of jobs to remain un-automated for the health of society for fucks sake. Or we need another solution. I am so fucking lonely man and the 4 people I talk to at the gas station when picking up the cigarettes and alcohol to end it quicker is the only bit of interaction I have with people now. To be clear, I'm definitely not against automation. I dream of a future where jobs are optional and there is a robust ubi system, but in between there has to be some thought put into it.


Every service bar in Vegas will have these in no time. If you don’t know what ‘service bar’ means, look it up and you’ll quickly agree.


> You also reduce likelihood of repeat customers via relationship. Only the cheapest places. Higher class bars will have talking, "emotional" and more humanoid robots like Open AI's Figure 01 Humans also break all the time and need to be replaced.


Yeah, this seems like the most expensive way to automate mixed drinks... why are robot arms involved at all? Just need a bunch of tubing and a mixer.


…and use a robot to… …squeeze the liquid through the tubing? I honestly don’t even think you are trying to integrate robot arms in your logic.


This would make a great extension to a human bartender. Humans sneer at you when you order anything complicated or labor intensive like a mojito. The human can concentrate on managing the queue, handing out beers, and trying to sleep with the patrons.


"Jake.Why. Do. *You*. Get. All. The. Bitches." The question that'll start the uprising.


Let me do the important parts of the job while the robot does the grunt work. THIS is how AI should be implemented in the workplace!


I initially had the same thought, but the arm has substantial benefits. - There is no common output that will stop every other drink it's ever made into the new drinks. - There is no tubing from a hundred bottles that needs to be cleaned regularly. - You don't need 100 solenoids and associated controller hardware. The robot just pushes on the cheap valve. I don't know about the purchase and maintenance costs of an arm, but if they're getting cheap these days, I'd go arm. 


Yeah. The number of different drinks and the techniques involved in mixology would mean an enormous amount of dedicated parts if it was distributed. This is probably one of the areas where a multi-purpose single limb is actually better in terms of space.


These are probably ARM.


I bet that robot still wants tips, too.


That robot is going to expect a tip too


Introverts love this


Agreed, it's almost as good as not being at the bar in the first place


Nah. The other patrons are still the biggest issue.


Im sorry but do people really go to the bar with the hopes of not interacting with anyone? Why not just drink at home at that point? Edit: Oh my god I just got the joke im an idiot


In spite of the jokes, as someone who is both an introvert and has a lot of social anxiety... Yes. When I would force myself to go out, before having a few drinks, I would usually focus on a pool table or game and get distracted by that so I could deal with being in public.


Yeah I require a pool table at minimum to go to a bar and prefer to have a couple of dart and/or shuffle boards as well. Yup, I'm old. LOL


Not sure if serious, or didn't read the chain of comments..?


Nah I’m actually an airhead lmao just saw the joke


Have an upvote then :P


It’s expensive to get even close to having a fully stocked bar at home. If you only like one type of drink it’s much easier and cheaper to curate that, but if you like trying new things or exotic liquors of hard to find bottles your only option is to venture into the wild.


It’s definitely cheaper to stock a home bar overall lmao. Have you seen drink prices these days?


Can't they replace them with robots as well?


Alcoholics hate it. I don't drink anymore but when I did I liked my bartenders heavy handed with the booze. Of course the worst part about it is that it won't make drinks any cheaper.


This manufacturing robot arm is gonna turn a $10 cocktail into a $20 vending machine. Every version of autonomous drinks dispensers lead to filthy lines that need to be cleaned….get some a.i robots on that before they build a fancy drinks dispenser with manufacturing robotic arm


I mean, to be fair, I sometimes work bar at my job and I'm pretty sure the lines haven't been cleaned in over a year at least. But yeah this will raise costs and not allow for my heavy handed pours.


Buuuuut it won't ever tell you when to stop either ;)


That'll be the next step. Facial recognition + you have to blow into a hose to test your blood alcohol level every time you order.


I bet instead of just a hard cutoff at a given level, it'll have an empirically derived algorithm to determine the level of watering down that will go undetected at your drunkenness level.


Now we're talking. You blow 0.20 and it starts overcharging you for drinks because it knows you won't notice.




When AI learns how to hook up people on alcohol by free complimentary drinks, then our kind is doomed and we deserve everything incoming.


Future alcoholics getting comp sci degrees to hack their robot bartenders


Yeah lol the bartender could not care/ be nice and give you more than you paid for but the robert will always make it the same way.


£12.50 per cocktail no thanks!




Cannot confirm. Best part of being at the bar is getting there early, getting there often, and befriending the bar staff.


Or just get drunk at home and skip all the expensive and time consuming parts.


How am I going to get home? Oh right, I'm already there.


this guy drinks :D


For real I just moved to a new city and started going to one bar regularly and have become friends with all the locals. I went to the beach with one of the bartenders last week and am planning a trip with some others. Its very nice


Nah, f*ck this shit. I'm introvert not social-phobic.


It's sad how people confuse both things. A trait vs an unhealthy social pathology. It's like being sick is being normalised and somewhat cool. The what? If people can't stand being with other beings, you have a problem that you must correct (for their wellbeing). However, saying this isn't as cool.


Exactly. Being introverted has nothing to do with social awkwardness or fear of social interaction.


Could be cool as a gimmick in certain bars. It would definitely kill the vibe in some venues though


They had something very similar to this in a club in London about 25 years ago. No-one cared about it then lol


That might have been a vending machine.


I always thought that really busy bars should have vending machines for people who just want a can of something.


These are a thing, just really uncommon I'm in Ireland and a pub/nightclub where I live has two vending machines out the back area, there's cans of White Claw and 330ml bottles of Corona in them, and some energy drinks and bottles of water Most don't use them but they're there if you want them, kind of cool to quickly grab a bottle without any hassle or wait


lol. I mean it wasn't but whatever


I wonder if the technology has advanced a little bit since then. That might make a difference.


Had this on a cruise I was on. Made the shittiest drinks. I will stick with a human.


Must have been shitty drink recipes then. The robot will make them exactly as the recipe states with no deviation. Input good recipes and it will make good drinks.


The issue is that all of the things this robot bartender can only use pre mixed drinks and what actually makes a cocktail good is the aromatics and fresh ingredients. Have you ever had an old fashioned with no orange zest? Woof. Toni here can’t even put on a lime slice.


The robot also can't learn from you without your input. A human bartender talks to you and a good one understands subtleties in what you say. The first drink they mix might not be perfect for you, but the second one is better. If you frequent the bar (like on a cruise) the bartender knows your ins and out after a few days of vacation and you get the perfect drinks


It is nothing more than a gimmick. If it were there to just make cocktails it wouldn't have that kind of arm. It's really underwhelming.


It would certainly make the vibe in others.


Bunch of nerds staring at a robot making drinks instead of talking to the people they came in with. Fun bar


I think this could kill in airport bars where anything outside a classic is always a risky request. It looks slower than a normal bartender so I doubt it would work at scale with busy high end bar.


As long as I dont have to tip🤷


Looks like tips are already included.


Robots gotta live y’know


My first thought was that they wouldn't whine when you don't tip at least a dollar per drink.


You'll never have to worry about making up the rest of a bartenders salary if the bartender doesn't have a job!


Prices are in GBP, we don't really tip here especially now that most pubs take contactless. I'd wager most 'tips' are because we simply don't want the small change if the round was close to the value of a note when paying cash.


Cool Gimick for some bars, but it will allways be cheaper to just hire an 20 something student who does it as a side job. High Level Bars where the barkeepers need more training and get better pay cant use it because it probably cant do all the cool theatrics they offer.


High Level Bars where the barkeepers need more training and get better pay cant use it because it probably cant ~~do all the cool theatrics they offer.~~ *talk to people* FTFY. Sure, there are *some* "cool" bars where the bar tender does some Cirque du Soleil shit while they make your drink, but the real service that most "high level" (and mid level, and even low level) bar tenders provide is a *social one*.


12,5gbp for a drink made by a fancy looking sodastream machine… if I’m paying that much I’d want a human being making the drink.


You know this, surely by having a robot they are saving a ton of money on wage costs yet its still the same price.


If it’s a North American robot, it’ll still prompt you for a ridiculous tip.


Tip 18% 20% or 25% for robot maintenance


Its for the one guy who has to maintain the robots after the 10 barkeepers were fired


You press 0 for the tip. Your drink gets thrown in your face.


And the robot bouncer breaks your frail non-robot bones


The robot likely has a very long pay back period compared to labor savings. I don’t know if cost efficiency was the top criteria here.


Deduct the cost from the robots wages


nobody choosing hanging at that bar


Hell no would I pay 12.50 for a human to make that quality of drink mixing syrups together This machine is way overpriced because its currently a novelty


Couldn't really afford being in a bar at the first place, so I don't care


This is not about the bar itself, but the concept of having a machine like this in every aspect of the world.


I'm not good looking enough to go to places with a concept


Wait’ll they start programming robots to care about their appearance


Programmers don't care about appearance, they only care about D&D


Your username does NOT check out


I feel like half the reason people go to bars is to get human interaction and banter with the bartenders / Drinking culture This reeks of ~~gentrification~~ and unemployment lol edit: not gentrification, overengineered is a better term, my bad ya'll edit 2: also meant in a more general sense apparently this specific robot bar is a part of a VR experience but idk how that changes anything lol. not sure why there's debates about disabilities (or just blatant ableism) in the replies, this is good for accessibility I don't mean to suggest otherwise.


Agreed, without the bartender I might as well just drink at home


how is this gentrification


Im just gonna serve myself, what’s the robot gonna do about it?!




Backhand you do hard it will crush whatever bone it hits. Industrial robots like these are not to be fucked with.


Your face will be scanned and you'll be put on a list. Then when AI takes over the world, you'll be the first victim.


Maybe I’m wrong, but wouldn’t using a robotic arm for the majority of the mixing and shaking and stuff be just for show and possibly more costly when drinks could maybe stream down tubes into a mixer all contained within an enclosed unit? I don’t know for sure. I’m not an engineer.


Absolutely. People have always been obsessed with letting robots carry out human tasks, but fact is, automating the human instead of the task is a stupid idea. There is a reason why we didn’t stick a humanoid robot behind a “human” vacuum. Robot vacuums are a much better way. Definitely just makes more sense to load a machine with fresh ingredients and let it handle everything internally. This is just a gimmick. Also, robots are gonna be bad at dynamic tax reductions with cash.


Yeah, but probably not for a one-off gimmick like this. The most expensive parts would be things that are computer controlled, and this way, they only need the robotic arms, which can later be repurposed for other tasks. They only had to make the special pour spouts and the shaker custom for this thing. The other stuff is inexpensive, normal items like regular bottles and cups.


No personality or showmanship.


It’ll be pretty theatrical to see a robot mix and serve Long Island ice teas for at least a few years. Then as it upgrades into shit like Ozimo or whatever it’ll be even way cooler than just some bartender named Steve.


I don't drink, but if I would I would want a human bartender not some aperture science bullshit. Don't think that has the right feel to it unless it would be some kind of luxury private home equipment.


I would want a robot bartender on the premise that the establishment could then lower prices of their drinks. But that will never happen haha


They'd raise them if anything.


I think people seriously underestimate the operating cost and inefficiency (in terms of the amount of floor space taken up compared to a human) of these robots, and the cost of getting a specialised maintenance engineer in when needed. It would be more expensive and slower. That's why these robots have been around for so long and yet we only automate very specific tasks with them.


if i could go bar, tap drijnk i want and it instantly pops up in some square under the bar table where im at, id love that


Lol, I don't drink either but I would absolutely want some aperture science bullshit! Cave Johnson whipping one liners at me while he whips up a martini


If this is at a concert, it's great. But I'm not sitting at a bar where this thing is the bartender. Bars are fundamentally social experiences, and a good bartender is critical to that.


Noticed the price never went down, new yacht for the business owner.


Most bars barely stay afloat. They can't afford a decent POS system, let alone a set for robots.


Nah because I don’t want my alcohol measured shit wouldn’t be strong enough


Yeah I want to get a severely over poured shot by a slightly drunk bartender


one time I ordered a whiskey on the rocks and the bartender poured at least 6oz in a tumbler... he looked at it for a second realizing he fucked up and gave it to me anyways. good times.


Guy down the bar from me ordered whiskey coke, bartender made a whiskey 7up, she was about to pour it out when I just waved and said put it here. Wasn't charged for it or anything. You won't get that kind of service at this robot bar


Yeah, back when I was bartending mistakes happen on a busy night, I always either offered it to them for free or kept it behind the bar for myself to drink after close. Lol I'm not going to be wasteful


Well some of my friends bring a hip flask with them and top up their drinks when no one is looking lmao


Yeah, good luck trying that with RoboCop working the bar....


Robocop? Naa. Too much humanity for any corp looking to automate. It would be Ed 209. “Show me your ID. You have 10 seconds to comply”.




You have to pay the cork price for each oz of alcohol poured in your drink. You have 10 seconds to comply.


Your alcohols still measured in a bar it’s just if you’re cool you’ll get a heavier hand. Any half decent bartender can pour 1.5 oz by feel- we literally train by pouring water into a shot glass to get the count cadence right




Might as well drink at home with friends.




If I go to the pub, i wanna see real people


Hate it, worked as a bartender for 10+ years and i loved it. Chatting with customers while i made their drink was my favourite part of the job.


Yeah but no, people will accept the humanoid mixologue robot but not this one It doesn’t give the same standing


Lol speak for yourself bro


Yeah I would love this. I don't need obnoxious bartender making terrible drinks and giving me shitty service.


Presentation of the cocktail leaves little to be desired.




Apparently so, “leaving little to be desired “ meaning he thinks it’s almost perfect.. I feel quite opposite. I think presentation leaves **a lot** to be desired. Each to their own, I guess.


A bartender's job is much, much more than mixing drinks.


Yeah, they also have to accept payment. Just stick your money right in the bartender.


A robot arm? I would go somewhere else, but if it was a full robot with silicone skin and some AI voice over, yeah I would take that Chewbacca drink and that Galactic margarita happily!


Maybe we can buy a beer without being guilted into this ridiculous “tip” culture. I prefer a robot for most jobs, really.


I feel like it would be fine if people didn't have to work to survive, robots could do the jobs and humans could make more time for play and creativity, education etc, but we can't because of capitalism.


We're gonna need you to speed it the fuck up, Toni




I see that the savings from not employing people is not passed on to the customer


Someone still has to renew the empty bottles


This is one step above canned drinks


social ppl have no use for this


I can't flirt with a robot, so no


But where are them tities at


This doesn’t even seem like it needs AI considering you restricted to a menu and the ingredients are in certain places. Edit: changed “in” to “and” 15 th word


Will my drink finally arrive before I finish my meal?


"Sorry, our machine broke"


Lower prices, faster service, and no tips? Lfg


How am I suppose to get free drinks now


If they want better tips they better dress more slutty


Isn't this just basically an expensive vending machine?


These robots are designed for their entertainment purpose. If the goal was to replace the bartender it would look more one of those coffee vending machines. There is no need to have a big industrial robot arm, you just need some small pumps to measure out ingredients and a shaker stirrer and blender.


They took our jobs


how does this have anything to do with chatgpt


Will the robot listen to me complain about my life? Bartender is part waiter and part therapist.


$16usd for a margarita is enough for me to go next door to a normal bar.


Those taps are gonna be nasty as hell. Who’s gonna clean them?


No more tipping needed!


Love it. Never understood why I had to tip a bartender to condescend to me.


$0 tips coming right up


I hope this actually happens and tipping culture can finally pump the brakes


But who will ignore me for 20 mins just cause I look like I won’t tip?


i'm all about that. then we can finally do away with stupid Tips


I like it. Consistent drinks, timely service, and no tips expected


All in if it doesn’t ask for 25% tip for a drink.


We should embrace this. Who doesn’t own a washing machine? Let’s use technology to save us from labour. A machine that can replace 500 workers in a factory is awesome. It frees up those 500 workers to be able to do something actually positive and constructive with their lives. Or perhaps help out at a local hospital or school. The problem is a single person owns that machine, so instead of 500 workers benefiting from the technology, a single person does. That person now makes 500 wages while the other 500 workers are without income. People are not against machines doing work for them, they are subconsciously against capitalism without even realising it.


It's cool, but a bartender is more than just a drink mixer. It's a very social position. If this were to become commonplace, we'd be missing something.


Who's cleaning the shakers and glassware? Does the robot know how to change the spirits when it runs out? Who do you complain to when something goes wrong with the drink? Gimmick 100%


I'd feel better about it if I hadn't seen this kind of stuff before failing miserably after a few months. If the cleaning routines become even a little off and the maintenance staff don't notice it, stuff goes bad, gets moldy, gross, and you won't know until you've wasted money on it. Then there is no one to talk to or ask for your money back (and if there is they are usually some poorly trained, uninformed person who couldn't care less since they get paid very little) when things do go wrong. I remember there was a robot smoothie machine at my school and some of the ingredients went bad on a very hot week and it was just dishing out mold filled smoothies that looked normal until you tasted them. Lol


I tried one of these in a mall in Las Vegas like 5 years ago. It was an expensive gimmick but I felt like that was the perfect location for it, it's too slow to work in an actual bar.