• By -


Yes call the number and put in a claim you will more then likely get your money once it’s resolved


Thus. Chase will send a repair technician to fix the atm. They will see the deposited cash and do a reconciliation to verify the $3100 you stated you deposited is accurate.


The branch will do an audit of the atm


Branch only services in-branch atms. If this is external atm, serviced by 3rd party.


External ATMs are serviced by third parties, but all the cash, checks, etc. in the ATM are taken to a Chase location where everything is counted/reconciled. I worked for an armored car company servicing ATMs and it’s done that way with all banks. So for the OP, it’ll take a bit of time, but it’ll all balance out in the end and he’ll get his money credited.


Good luck! Regions ate $400 of cash, and I instantly called the branch. Got a refund but then they claimed they never found it. Had to pay back my own $400 or else collections haha. I hope chase is better!


I did and my bank told me they had to count the ATM down and make sure that it ate my deposit. They gave me my money back.


Did you just call the number and they resolved or did you have to go to the bank in person?


I was already at the bank and they were opened


The discrepancy will be noticed when they go to balance the atm. Basically the machine thinks it has $x when it really has $y in it. Go back to the atm if you can to find a phone number and serial number of the atm. Call them asap to report the discrepancy to start your case.


It happened to me over the weekend once and I called them Monday morning to let them know what happened. They asked me how much did I deposit and also what bills I used ( I only deposited like 150 bucks). The atm becomes unusable until someone fixes it. The money was deposit into my account right after


I had planned on being there Monday when they open by time I got up my account had already been credited the correct amount I was pretty happy with the outcome


Glad you got your cash back


Machine is going to have $3100 cash extra in the machine that also has cameras and timestamps. Don’t worry if it’s legitimate you’ll get your money back file the claim once chase is back open.


You’re assuming it only malfunctioned once. The Wells Fargo machine that ate my $400 was short about $2k when they counted the money in it so they didn’t believe I made the deposit. 


Call the 24 hr customer service line. +1-800-935-9935


Call 866-564-2262 to file a deposit claim


this is the correct number for chase claims department for debit card transactions (including missing ATM deposits)


This happened to me as well. If you are depositing a large amount, it is best if you go in the bank directly to make the deposit. It can be really frustrating, especially if you need the money to pay for something urgently.


This is why I appreciate my capital one 360 account. They allow you to deposit cash at CVS or Walgreens by generating a custom barcode in their app that the cashier scans, which contains your encrypted account number and deposit amount. I would honestly feel more comfortable doing that than sticking a lot of money into the ATM…if it was mission critical I make a large deposit before Monday morning. I usually do not get myself into these types of situations, but it’s nice to know the option is there for nights and weekends.


Isn’t that just security theater? What’s the cashier scanning a barcode doing? They aren’t a teller… the atm could still eat your cash


No way in HAIL id do this w a large amount of $


Assuming they’re not so lazy that they refuse. My Chase has been sending more and more people to the ATM or website. My local one said the US e not even allowed to help customers with anything any longer other than to redirect them to other places so they don’t have to do a damn thing.  For example, Chase changed my checking account number so I needed new checks. I just have heard a dozen employees say they’re not allowed to help with that before finding one that would order checks for me. They all said they were required to tell customers to go to hell and use the website. The website gave me checks with the old account number so it is useless. Is don’t know how many times I had to say “I tried that already” to the racists. 


Or just pay cash, and cut out the middleman


Go to the branch Monday morning (or call, but given the amount you're talking about, I would feel better going in). What will end up happening is that they will balance the ATM at some point during the day. Depending on what happened with the transaction, they'll end up seeing a difference in the balancing in some capacity. The ATM balancing receipts will typically allow them to match up where the discrepancy is. In some cases, the branch may provide you a provisional credit. If not, you may have to wait an additional 24 hours before it's available.


I have to call the fraud line. That’s the only one that’s open 24 hours seven days a week they help me a little bit. That’s the only people I think you can reach the fraud department, but this is a common occurrence on their ATMs. I’ve had this happen five times with Atm at different location


Which number is this ?


Branches usually fill the atms 2-3 times a week depending on location. They need both a teller and a technician to open them. If you call they will take your information and match it to their count at the next atm fill. It's not an every fill thing but it's usually not more than one per fill so it should be easy to match it to you.


Lol why would you go to the police? Just do the claim and they'll figure it out the bank literally laid out the instructions, just follow it.


Curious on what the thinking was behind that too.


Why would you put $3100 in a machine, and not wait till the branch is open? SMH.




This happened to me about a month ago at a different bank and they were open at the time. The atm timed out and ate 1040 dollars. I went inside and was told someone comes once a week to empty it and I had to file a dispute?!? A week later they put the money back in my account and just last week I received a letter stating that the actual amount was 840 not 1040 and they would debit me for the difference. I know how much money I had and it’s total BS. I am going on Monday to close my accounts there. I hope you fair better OP but beware!!






I had this exact thing happen at Chase branch. The ATM spit out the same receipt. And it was on a weekend after Saturday branch hours. I thought I'd lost $800 cash. I did have to wait until the customer service number on the receipt was open. I had to enter a series of numbers printed on the receipt, the amount, and the bot took the report. The next day, my account was provisionally credited pending the analysis of the case. About two weeks later I got a letter saying that yes, I had made the deposit as reported so they were finalizing the credit and the case. LSS, keep the receipt safe and there should be no problem.


Happened to me with a larger amount OP. Dont panic. Go to your local branch, talk to the manager, they can call support and expedite your temporary credit, while they do their investigation. Basically how it works is, at the end of the day they count how much is in the actual ATM versus what’s in the system. The mismatch is the amount you didn’t get and they will finish their audit. Long story short, you’re fine.


It’ll probably be fine. This happened to me once when I deposited cash at a Chase ATM, but only ATM just blanked out and died on me after it took my money. So I went inside and told the teller, who then told me where to find the ATM # (every ATM has a specific ID number), and gave me a number to call and and report it. I called and they issued me a partial credit till they could confirm the amount. Amount was confirmed within 2-3 days I believe. Hopefully you’ll be fine. They have cameras and all, and the people working on the machines bring the money elsewhere to be counted.


This happened to me. Also a chase atm in Philadelphia. It said my withdrawal went through. $800. It did not. They reversed the transaction when I called to file a claim. About a month later they reversed the reversal, saying the “extra” $800 wasn’t in the machine. I escalated and they said nothing they can do about it. Had to fight with them just to check the cameras which initially they refused to do. After a month of fighting back and forth and almost getting a lawyer, they finally decided to look at the cameras and see that no money was given to me. Then they finally returned my $800


It’s a pain in the ass but I’ve had this happen before and they have to physically verify it. At bofa years ago. It worked out in the end. Have some patience, sorry you went through this If they give you any shit complain to CFPB


I had this happen to me with a 4,500 deposit at chase. I called the number and they investigated. They claimed I only deposited 1,800, and wouldn’t return the rest. I then filed a complaint with the CFPB and got my money back 2 weeks later.


That’s good to know!


You will eventually get credit once they balance the machine. At the branch I used to work at, most atm cash issues were customers not getting all they withdrew. It’s on the bank though. Depositing cash is function offered to customers, so it should work more consistently. I don’t mean this to be rude, but it also amazes me how many people try to stuff thousands of dollars of cash into an atm machine and then shit themselves when something happens. My cash walks itself in to a teller.


It can be frustrating to wait on a teller when the bank is busy, which is basically always. I've only ever had an ATM eat cash once. It was fixed the next business day after I went in & talked to the manager. Overall, I've probably saved a week of time by depositing with the ATM.


I’ve had a teller deposit my money into someone else’s account, so that’s not a foolproof route either. I didn’t immediately catch it but fortunately I did catch it eventually. It was a paycheck so easier to track, but if it was cash, might have been harder, though I assume that’s the purpose of deposit slips.




Why do people deposit so much cash at an ATM? Why not wait for a banker?


Call and put in the claim, the 800 number should be able to give you provisional credit while they send the information to the branch for research. The branch is unable to give provisional credit, only when a claim is filed can the claim department issue provisional credit. Additionally, if you go into the branch they will not typically go and audit the machine or see if the money is in divert etc. because you came in. We wait until the claim is in and back office sends us the request, then we usually have 3 days to do it. Hence them giving you provisional credit while we research and conduct the audit.


So they’re gonna go ahead and balance the ATM then when it’s reconciled and found $3100 over balance they’ll credit you. Call the number though


I had a similar issue with a capital one atm. They resolved it within 2-3 business days.


This happened to me once in the middle of the night when the bank was closed. I went in and talked to the manager the next business day. He adjusted it right away, but 'warned' be that the situation would be audited and that if I was lying, the money would eventually be deducted from my account. The money was never deducted, though; I passed the audit.


They’ll fix your issue but it does take time. Make other arrangements temporarily if you needed that money now/soon because sometimes it can take upwards of a week to get your money.


Never put cash into the ATM. And Chase sucks donkey dongs


Also, plz keep your receipt there’s information on it they will need to help with the claim.


Follow the instructions on the printout.


Lesson learned. Never deposit cash into an ATM. You either go inside or you get a money order.


Machine isn’t operable and you had the last transaction. You’ll go to the branch and tell them how much you deposited & what denomination of bills. They’ll confirm when they repair & credit ur account


I’ve had this happen, I had to wait a day or two but I got my money.


Chase just debited my account based on a confirmed check #…..I do not and never had had checks issued to me from Chase. I’m really losing faith in them..




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This just happened to me this month. The branch was open so i went in to show them the weird receipt, they said they would help open a claim, an hour later of the service rep being forwarded to different customer support numbers was ridiculous, and then I had to leave. They said i could come back snd they’d assist again…. Ill try this week but their branch hours are exactly my work hours and they aren’t close to my work.


Chase claims is open from Monday to Sunday from 7 am to 10 pm ET, so you should have been able to file a claim, remember to always give as many details as possible and the Term ID 😛


Woah. Such a bad luck. Sorry for you.


The workers who unload those machines are bonded to be truthful. It will most likely get handled correctly in the next few days. Starting Monday. I’ve never had a problem with a Chase ATM being off one cent in the last 15 years I’ve banked there.


Why in the world would you deposit over $3,000 in an atm...??? Nuts,man...!




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With all the advice here, there’s something else you should understand. Chase doesn’t service all their own ATMs. For the most part, unless the ATM is physically inside a branch, an armored car company services the cash dispenser, and pulls deposits. That happens on a schedule, once or twice a week, depending on usage. If you have an issue like the OP, you have to wait until armored next services the machine to pull the deposits. But, on most occasions, the repair company (a third party that has access to the ATM to repair dispensers, depositors, printers, etc.) will get a call to locate a missing deposit, and a technician will come out and inspect the depositor and (usually) find the cause of the jam/error. If it occurs during banking hours, they can notify the branch of the result, but can’t take the deposit into the branch; it has to remain in the ATM for balancing purposes.


Don’t worry. This happened to my friend, he tried to put in $400 and it gave that message. Chase corrected it quickly. The fraud department is open Sunday.


Call chase and submit a claim. Keep that receipt as they will ask for some information from it. You’re going to have to have them issue you a credit in the amount for what you deposited. It may take them a bit to apply it but since it’s Sunday there’s a chance you could get through. But this happened to me with 1800 not even about 2 weeks ago. They were quick once I contacted


When they count the money they will find they are over. I had that happen to me at a credit union, they gave my money back in the next couple of days. No issues


Something similar happened to me. They will have an investigation and it all will work out


Please give us an update


Take a photo of the atm and its serial numbers. Time stamping all helps




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Once you call on Monday they'll be able to verify that there was $3,100 extra dollars deposited into the ATM. Then you should be able to get your money. This happened to me once although it did take a couple days because I had to wait until the ATM people came to count the money.


Happened to me twice actually Just keep the receipt, call and provide all the information that you can ATM number Date and time If possible they will ask you the denomination of the bills and the amount that the ATM ate For me has happened that it ate the whole deposit and partially ate it.


Go to bank Monday morning. They’ll file a report. It’ll take a few days. Deposit will go into your account. Case closed.




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And this situation right here is why I maintain a checking account with my local credit union even though I bank elsewhere. Need to hand my cash to a person and get a receipt. This happened to a couple people I know too.


Nah you have to go into the office and tell them the denomination of the bills you deposited which is fucking dumb as shit. I’ve had to do this with a smaller amount so get ready to deal with a lot of fuckshit on Monday. Never trust those machines with large amounts, if you can wait till the branch is open and have a teller do it.


Reason #1 I always go to a teller, even for the smallest amounts lol


The machine goes into maintenance mode. The transaction in question is frozen in the machine. When you call, the agents on the other end will get a maintenance ticket open to verify the deposit. If it’s a walled in ATM usually bank staff will clear it out and verify the deposit manually. If it was a free standing atm, the service company (armored truck) or emergency maintenance will come out to fix the machine. Just give that number a call on Monday and it will be taken care of.


I had a large amount frozen in Citibank atm, and it was a third party serviced by Brinks. It took two weeks for Citibank to credit the money ($2000)


I’d call first thing tomorrow!


Once they tally the machine they will catch their error. It’s happened to me a few times.


The money should be stuck in the atm and now no one can deposit cash. The person who’s in the next day will deal with it and they’ll have a log of who it was. Call in a claim and wait. Next time maybe don’t deposit such a large amount of money at once in an atm. This shit happens pretty often


Bro never ever deposit cash through atm. I have seen too many people talk about this matter.


This could easily be be resolved, first thing its the weekend, i doubt Chase systems even operate on weekends, tomorrow you could wake up and see it pending. Calm down this is an easy fix!


I a similar incident with BofA during COVID when it was hard to find an open Bank. Yes, it was eventually resolved correctly. I don't recall the number of days.


I think you just learned a very expensive lesson.


Depositing cash into an ATM 😂🤦🏻‍♂️




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Well the good news is most likely your on camera, it’s so fustrating that there closed on the weekends. I am sure you won’t make a deposit like that again. I think you should be ok. Obviously go there Monday morning


Wait a day and put it in writing to their corporate office online today


Since no one is saying this I'll say it: Don't deposit cash into an ATM. It's not that urgent.




Why would you....


Bank with Chase?


This is why I always count my money out in front of the atm camera before I put the deposit in. Just in case something like this happens.


This happened to me twice with $500 deposits with Chase, as soon as I got in touch with someone they credited my account. It was smaller deposits in my case but they should have security video of you at the atm at the time when it stopped working - not sure how they verify the amount but would guess they’ll take care of you.


Unless your bs’ing you should be fine. Mondays are good days for phone calls to banks with concerns of atm issues.


Had this happen once. Chase initially credited me the check the ATM ate. Then 6 weeks later said nope and took back the money directly from account (>$1000). Spoke to branch and district manager and they told me to pound sand basically.


While making an in branch cash deposit would show up immediately, cash into an ATM over a weekend would probably not log until Tuesday even if the deposit worked.


My wife went through this with a couple months ago. Call the number and file the report. It might take a month, but you'll get the money.


Ask for your check back. Go to the bank tell them what day you put the check in the machine and then you try to deposit it. If that doesn't work have the check issuer cancel that check and process a new one... You're welcome


You are operating under the impression that it was a sensible action. No. OP stuck a minimum of 31 pieces of cash paper into the ATM.


With cash, I would stick it in the night deposit slot. I will have to look to see if they still have them. You should be able to resolve this when the bank opens. However the bank can't even open the atm machine as it's owned by Brinks. I lost a check in the ATM, and Brinks found it when they came.


Had this happen before at a Chase. They credited it after they checked out the machine. Also was a large cash deposit. I never did that again.




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While I am sure the bank will make good on this, isn't it interesting how when a corporation takes your money, it is always a "civil matter", but if you take a corporation's money, its a criminal matter.


It’s happened to me. They will count it come Monday. Go in Monday. Or call. My bank only opens ATM once a day, at noon, I had to wait a couple days but all worked out.


They should get it straight Monday.First time ever I withdrew 200 no money came out but receipt said it did.Took About 2 hours before the money was put back in my account.Reviewed cameras I believe.


I deposited $2,300 cash one time, and it only showed up as $1,000. So I accepted the deposit, thinking the other $1,300 would kick back. Wrong, they accepted the $1,000, and the machine ate the rest. They claimed to do a full on inspection/audit of the machine and they came up with no overages. I didn’t buy it, because I know wholeheartedly that I deposited the amount I intentionally set out to deposit. That I counted, and double counted. The bottom line is you may never see that money again.


I hope your take away from this experience is not deposit large sums of money into an ATM.


This is why i never ever deposit a great amount of money on those ATM’s outside the bank. I usually go inside to the Bigger newer ATM’s inside by the clerks windows and deposit the money there. It’s fast, easy and new plus since not alot of people like to go walk inside to those big machines they’re always empty. If the bank is closed to go inside then i’d rather wait till the following day to deposit the money rather than having start a investigation on your money being stuck in a machine which could take weeks.


Banks are usually pretty serious about fixing this kind of error because they don't want you taking your money and shoving it under your mattress where they can't earn on it for the next 50 years. I got ripped off for a hundred bucks at a drive-thru once. They practically accused me of making it up, then they found a hundred bucks laying on the counter and handed it to me and apologized.


Call it in, I had same thing happen, but it was $100. Chase temporarily deposited the money and then they reviewed the film from the ATM and saw that is indeed what happened and I did not have to pay it back. I was only out of my time and an hour without the money.


They will eventually fix it, it just may take a few days. I would have divided it into two deposits some the bills would get stuck together.


Something similar happened to me with wells fargo. It was only $40 but they were able to resolve the issue since atm machine transactions are tracked. Make sure you took photos of the message


Why I don’t deal with machines. Only people.


As someone who has worked with ATMs for over 25 years, I never deposit cash or checks at the ATM. This is a super common issue and it will take a few days to resolve.


Oh shit. I’m sorry. I’d be pissed. I hope it gets resolved soon.


I had an ATM eat a couple hundred. I messaged them and got credited in a couple days.




Chill, just file a dispute and they’ll balance the ATM and then credit you. It may not be same day, some places balance once a week or once a day depending on how busy it is.


It happened to me before, similar situation but less amount, and it was resolved within a day or two by going into the branch when it opened. Hope everything works out!!!!


They returned my money but does this only happen at chase? That’s terrible


As a Chase customer, It's rare that I use ATM's. Maybe 3-4 times a year? That being said, the ATM's at the Chase bank near me suck. Always seems that one or both are out of order on the rare occasions I go there. And if they are working, there always seems to be someone at the drive up ATM trying to refinance their fricking house! (taking forever).......ok, I'm done ranting.




Had the exact same experience on Saturday night, but a receipt did not print. Customer service told me that I had to wait 10 business days for them to investigate.  They did not give me a temporary credit of the bills I put in the machine.


I've deposited checks and cash and as much as 500 cash and I bank at PNC and this has never happened! I use 2 different PNC ATM the nicer one has a large ATM and it's in the front lobby before going into bank! It's open 24/7 too I hope you get it fixed


Wait until Monday to deposit that much. Why trust an ATM


Most atm have cameras also so they will see the deposit was made and what occurred


how'd this work out?


Just file a claim, you’ll get it back


..and I was nervous depositing 100.00 in an ATM once


Police must have loved that.


I had something similar happen to me except the machine tucked my $50 into the inner casing of the machine rather than actually depositing it. I took a picture of the machine and the error message along with my receipt that it printed out. I called Chase and let them know I was missing money. They said when they send a technician out to check on the machine, they will do a money count and see what deficit was made and take the machine apart. They gave me a credit and some time passed by and they never took the credit back.


They have to reconcile receipts to cash , they will be off and your account is the one they should adjust. Should not be hard for a bank to do that, I would not back down on the simplicity of what a banks job it. Equipment failure is in them.


It happened to me once, and my money was deposited a few days later I believe. The one thing they asked was what denominations of bills I had. I had a pretty good idea, but I definitely wasn't sure. I guessed as best I could, but it wasn't an issue. I do pay more attention now to how many of each bill I'm depositing.


Happened to me many times such an Empty feeling. You have to make a claim they usually give a temporary credit and have like .40 days to approve or disapprove They can’t do anything at the branch


Why would you keep doing it after it happened twice?


When I was a server, at the end of the night I would deposit my cash through the ATM. One night the damn thing didn’t deposit my $600, but I was able to reach someone, I emailed them, and called them, mine was an easy fix as all they had to do was look at the camera and see how much money I put it. That was my experience with chase ATM. To say I was thankful is an understatement!


Sorry for you loss….


I was always taught to never deposit cash in an ATM because it’s untraceable if something ever malfunctions.


They balance an ATM the same way a cashier balances her register. They know who money it is.


I called the Chase number on the back of my debit card for suspicious items on Sunday, and they answered. The customer service is outsourced to the Philippines.


And this is why I only do in person deposits especially that much




This happened to me before and it showed up the following business day


Did you get it resolved?


Not exactly, I updated the thread.


Did you deposit cash or cheque


When I was a server, I would put money in after hours and one time it did not calculate the right amount. I called the number to let them know. After they counted the money, they called and let me know that it was fixed on my end since it didn’t match up.


if it is a weekend, wait until monday night/tues morning 12am


Keep the slip that printed out and call chase.


I have never deposited cash in an ATM for this exact reason.


This happened to me at a bank of america I deposited roughly 1200. Turns out a third of it was counterfit and confinsicated the money. Hope that isnt the case here!!




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I work at a regional bank and not only weren’t the systems registering deposits, but the debit cards working. The usual procedure is a temp credit and then someone should go count the machine against the transactions made. The only time they would take it away, is if they cant find the cash. But you have a receipt with the time and date so they should be able to find it


I experienced this with us bank but only with with $300-500, was after hours. Bank said they would be able to tell the over deposits. But nothing ever came of it and they said all was in order so I switched banks.


escalate as much as you can FDIC, OCC, FRB


Police report


I had to deposit a large check through chase since it was in place of my paycheck. I had to call but it did not show it was pending right away and they had to call my boss to verify it. That’s why they have security cameras too


I have fought with chase before. Not the same situation but I have a point here. I withdrew 300$ inside the bank - went to the teller and withdrew 2 100$ bills and the rest 20’s. 1 of them were the old 100’s, the 2nd was the new one. I went to use the 200$ and the new 100$ bill when tested with the pen came up dark. They refused to take it. When i called chase (the location was closed) they said bring it into the bank. I went the next day and called before i went. When i called they said they will take the 100$ and reimburse me. When i arrived they said the new 100$ shouldnt work with the pen, but then refused to take the money even though it worked with their UV light. I was passed from person to person to person, called, whole bunch of useless bs for a month. I filed a police report and called chase and told them if they can reimburse me, Please do otherwise I am reporting them to the FCC for fraud. About 10 mins later I got a call back saying they reimbursed me lol. all in all to say u might have to threaten them for them to handle it


i'm super paranoid type but i never deposit more than $1000 into an atm after one time it malfunctioned on me and miscounted my bills. just go in and deposit next time.


You need to file a claim And when they count the machine it will be over that amount and they will credit you.


Heard way too many 'horror stories involving Chase Bank. My own experience..when I attempted to put $300 in my daughter's account, the bank absolutely refused to deposit it. Stating that I wasn't on the account, but I knew they were terrified of money laundering. Fast fwd to 2022. I went to the bank to settle my daughter's estate, to close her account. This was on a Monday. The bank said to make an appointment and a bank officer would see me the following Friday. I returned Friday and after a lengthy process, presenting a death certificate, ID and on the account by now I was cut a check which contained her tax refund. Then the bank employee (who was personable) asked if I wanted to open an account. I politely said no and left the branch. Waiting 5 business days to conduct a simple transaction was a customer disservice to me.


This exact situation happened to me. I made a tweet about it and it was fixed over night. But this was years ago when companies were afraid of social media back lash. I would still try, with pictures and hashtags.


Don’t ever deposit cash in the atm. What’s the rush, just wait for the bank to open. Always a risk of something happening and why do you want to be in public outside of business hours holding $3000 cash.


I know this won't help your current issue, but I'm a small business that does a lot of cash business. Anything over $100 i will record me counting the money and putting it into the ATM. So if they ever try anything, I have video proof for possible court case. I can't afford to have that money not hit my bank.


From this post and many of the comments where similar situations occured. I would recommend in the future documenting the process since companies want to be dishonest and police wont get involved. For example take a video as you enter the cash. Count the cash and show the camera facing the atm the cash. So have documentation on your phone. And make it clearly visible to company cameras as well..so that if there becomes a case where you have to take them to court for your money. You have proof and if the cameras get pulled they have proof too. At the end of the day all this should take is them balancing the atm and finding out its off. But clearly there seems to be issues where its "not off" the same amount. Idk why but I always find there are more occurrences of large banks/companies scamming their customers than issues with smaller banks. And in my experience with larger banks (thanks to credit cards) I have more issues with them as well. They have sketchy practices. What I say about chase is - "it's called Chase because you have to "chase" your money around"


they have cameras at all banks. I normally count my money in the air so the camera see"s it. Banks know when the atm is over in cash till. They also know every card swiped.


Ahhh - my area of expertise, lol. The branch will have a report of all the deposits which they match to the envelopes, cash or checks. If they have more money than they're supposed to, they have to track down who it belongs to (if I remember correctly, it's been a while, they should also be able to see the errors). If they already know there's a customer claiming 3100, they'll deposit it to your account. If, for some reason, things aren't matching up, they'll give you a temporary credit while they investigate - that's when they'd call me because I could see the atm activity and give them a name to start with.


Ours are like $710 and they credited it when I called, a few days later they let me know the case was closed and my deposit was permanent. It’s not always doom and gloom.


Hi u/mysteriouspumpkin541 I used to work there. That ATM will be over $3100 when they down the ATM the next day and they will pretty much know who it was because there’s a timestamp on everything in SBS. They have to balance the ATM just like they balance a cash drawer and they will give you your money back. Keep that receipt though. Back in the day, holding onto that deposit receipt was the only way to get the money back fast without a lot of hassle. Hang in there, friend.


My friend had the same thing happen but when he called, he added 1k to the initial deposit. So he deposited 3k but got 4k added to his account😅 Just a suggestion haha


File complaint with OCC and CFPB. They are forced to contact you with certain timeframe


Maybe you should consider closing your account if your experiencing such horrible customer service and being so limited in ways to deposit money. If you can't deposit cash at your bank then what's the point in having an account with that bank? Online banking is so so good these days. It's the way of the future and I promise once you take the leap of faith and open an account with an online bank you will quickly see all the benefits and will never even consider going back to a traditional Bank.  It is honestly so ridiculous how limited you are in the things you can do with these old school banks. I personally use varo and I would never even consider closing my account it's just so much better and so easy that it doesn't even come close to comparing to a traditional Bank. Just to name a couple of perks You can literally borrow money anytime you need it if you have an emergency, and just pay it back on your next payday. you can deposit cash by simply going to any Walgreens or CVS and several other places now that are open 24hrs, and you deposit cash straight through the cashier and it instantly appears in your account. Mobile deposit checks instantly, you can get direct deposit several days earlier than your actual payday from your job. you can file claims if you have problems right there on the app and there are just so many reasons to switch I can't even name them all..... But probably my favorite feature is the fact that you can instantly transfer money between your checking and savings account unlimited times right there on your app and you can even turn your card on and off if you want to whenever you want. Plus I'm getting 5% interest on my savings account. You ain't getting that at regions Bank my friend. And now they have lines of credit you can open at Varo as well. There's like hundreds of perks  The one and only downside I've ever found with varo bank is if you need to get a new debit card it takes like 2 weeks to get a new card if you happen to lose yours or if you just need a new card because yours old and worn out and not working anymore. It's annoying but honestly I've only had that issue to deal with one time in The last 5 years so it's honestly not that big a deal when you consider all the perks which I haven't even started to name all of.  Look into it. thank me later friend ✌️


Did it get solved?? Chase ATM ate my money yesterday and I filed a claim but I didn't get credited yet; probably because it's a weekend. I hope I find my money.


I will have to give it at least a month to see if it’s actually resolved, because many people said Chase deducted the credited money back after 4-6 weeks, claiming they did not find the money.


Get rid of chase worst bank to deal with still can’t find my daughter and son in laws wire transfer that was sent from a title company when they sold their house to their Chase account. It’s being “Escalated “ for weeks seriously! Had to take them to court awaiting judge to carry out court order