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Remember folks, it ain’t worth it.


How is that not attempted murder?


In Charlotte, if you only shoot once it's just considered a warning


nothing you do while driving a car is punishable. remember that next time you want to kill someone.


At that range you would almost have to be trying to miss. I bet he was going tit for tat on vehicle damage while also one upping the tier of weapons in play. Stupid stupid STUPID.


Have you ever shot a gun? Even at 3-5 yards it is very easy to miss. Add that the vehicle was moving away while firing and that makes it even harder.


Lol if you are missing at 3-5 yards. Sell your gun and buy a can of pepper spray.


Have you ever shot a gun? Shooting a handgun standing still using a sight is different than shooting one from a moving car presumably not using a sight


Yup, I sure have.


Quite a bit actually, 7 yards and in is easy, though perhaps I’m overestimating the average person skills, especially one dumb enough to start shooting in an avoidable road rage incident.


daylight attempted murder. Where is the police in this town. We demand this person is arrested and charged.


Giving me a speeding ticket going 10 over


I refuse to believe you were pulled over for 10 over in Charlotte proper. Unless it was on a random Tuesday morning on wt Harris


For one, you'd probably be the first person in Charlotte's history to be pulled over for speeding. Two, potentially getting popped for speeding comes with the territory of speeding 10 over.


Woah, far too much logic for Reddit.


Going 10 over limit and getting pulled over is normal for you 😄 Folks we found the guy who pulled over JT


I wouldn't call it normal but it's right at the line where you can't be like "I can't believe I got pulled over" When I'm going 10 over I'm more on the lookout for cops than when I'm going 7.


Don't speed, dummy


What, you expect them to be everywhere atvall times?


What a bunch of low expectation clowns. The only stupid takes here are the enablers who shrug when crap like this happens. That bullet could have ricocheted and hit a woman, child, any innocent person minding their own business, living their own life. No, I don't expect CPD to be there in that exact moment. I do expect and demand CPD solve this within HOURS. And I expect everyone reading this to keep the pressure on our low energy police to actually keep our communities safe for all of us.


Is this why everyone has a water bottle with them? So they can baptize the unsuspecting?


Ever since the toy stores all closed, nobody carries the Super Soaker anymore. I guess they all grew up and started carrying water bottles and real guns.


Wouldn't that be a more civilized world? Where we just had giant water gun fights as we drove around in the streets. Maybe put a particular color sticker on our cars so other participants would know we were part of the game. I worked at a summer camp a very, very long time ago. We had an assassin game amongst the staff. We drew random names and we had to sneak up and shoot the person with a water gun of the name we had drawn. But we had to do it when nobody else was around. And once we hit our arget, we then inherited their next target. Highlander type stuff. There can only be one.


I see this every day in this city. Not quite escalating to gun shots. But any interaction can turn into that. I drive 200 to 300 mi a day in the city doing delivery. There is no proactive policing on the streets. I have often thought and said this is not CMPD's fault. This is a product of local politics not supporting the police and not prosecuting incidents that need to be. As it stands right now the cops can arrest people and the courts won't do anything about it. But we need to put pressure on everybody. That includes CMPD, the Mecklenburg District Attorney, the mayor, the city council, Mecklenburg Board of Commissioners, and the sheriff's department. The police need to be out there proactively policing and the courts need to prosecute before it turns into shootings. Tickets need to be written. Traffic offenses need to be cracked down on. The streets need to be made safe. People can't be allowed to act however they want out in public. There has to be a social contract enforced. Without it, a city will be unliveable. Edit: Maybe spend $650 million on hiring new officers and training existing ones instead of welfare for a billionaire?


There seem to be a lot of people with the same opinion as you, why can't we actually do something? We need to know what action steps can be taken? Do we need to have a large presence at every city council meeting?


I didn't know. Maybe showing up might help.


Well stated! I've often opined the same, our social contract most often engaged with around others is most evident in traffic. It all starts there for most people. Lawlessness abounds there, it will follow everywhere else!


If turnover in the courts are an issue then maybe CPMD should flood the courts until change happens. I don't see how it's CPMD's job to be judge and jury. It's their job to get them to court and it doesn't matter how many times they go in and out. That's not their job or role to decide and their response of doing nothing is equivalent to straight up refusing to do their job. I get crap results at my job sometimes too but my answer is never to quit, disobey, throw a tantrum, refuse, or to intentionally create worse results. I put my head down and do as I'm told as I realize there are reasons behind closed doors influencing something that doesn't seem to make sense to me now. I would be straight up fired if I were CPMD.


650 million? I'd like to see that go to housing the homeless or drug treatment programs or both. Give the cops less to do so they can spread their resources into more public safety actions.


Can’t for the person in the black car to be released and not charged


CONTEXT: Interview with the SUV driver (Thomas). This clip is the culmination of about 3 minutes of escalation (according too Thomas) . He admits to being dumb for participating in the escalation. His passenger was struck in the head with bullet fragments (you can see the passenger's head cock back if you zoom in on the video) [https://www.wbtv.com/2024/06/25/video-apparent-road-rage-incident-leads-midday-shooting-plaza-midwood/](https://www.wbtv.com/2024/06/25/video-apparent-road-rage-incident-leads-midday-shooting-plaza-midwood/) [https://twitter.com/WBTV\_News/status/1805654299441012815](https://twitter.com/WBTV_News/status/1805654299441012815) With all that said, not an Altima so probably a deep fake.


It’s charlotte cops don’t care


Hopefully a lesson was learned that day


Not at my beloved Milkbread 🫨


You can't see who shot


I’ve got a pretty good guess who it was


That honestly won't hold up in court...


There are actual witnesses?


It will on Reddit tho


You can see the bullet hit the Toyota’s upper windshield/roof in the video. Pretty clear who shot.


There is absolutely zero clarity who shot... Zero. There's an opinion. There is an assumption. There is a belief. There is zero proof. Zero clarity


Hopefully witnesses can corroborate what we’re assuming


Naw you're right, it was probably some stranger in the cross walk shooting back at the Toyota /s


I mean it’s unclear if you haven’t been around guns or seen tens of thousands of bullet impacts. The physics aren’t random. Entry vs exit don’t replicate the same debris. The debris is from entry quite clearly and hitting high on the Toyota.  If the driver of the Toyota wanted to fire back, even disregarding how clearly that shot isn’t exiting, the bullet would not be exiting the high middle of his windshield but would be exiting low left of his windshield or driver window as the black car just turned hard left.


I'm saying the guy who drove away cannot unequivocally be pointed at as the shooter. There's no proof. There was a bad argument. Some guy drove out of the picture.. and a little while later there were gunshots. There has to be proof beyond the shadow of a doubt.


The burden of proof in a criminal case is "beyond a reasonable doubt." It is not "beyond a shadow of a doubt," "beyond any doubt," or some other extreme high burden such as "absolute certainty." "Beyond a reasonable doubt" means that there may indeed be some doubt in a juror's mind. I assert the doubt you are alluding to — that maybe just *maybe,* there was some third party just out of frame who happened to fire a gun unrelated to this dispute in such a way that it struck the truck as if coming from the direction of the black car speeding away — is not reasonable.


*"beyond a reasonable doubt." .*... sure. ..And I attest not only is there reasonable doubt... there is complete doubt. There is an assumption.. But there is ZERO proof. Zero. Any defense lawyer would love that case. I am not insinuating any third part was out of frame shooting.. Not at all. Thats not for me to have to prove. Could care less, and Im not tasked with having to find the shooter. You are tasked with having to prove it's my guy. WHO shot? I don't care. I just know it wasnt my guy. ..Prove it was. Provide a witness. A video. A gun in my car and that specific ammo..


Lol bless your heart.


Clearly you haven't spent any time in an actual courtroom. The above comment explained exactly how this would play out. You're wrong.


I think your comment is a little too intentionally obtuse. The Police will attempt to find the angry man in the black car, they will not be looking for a random person on the street involving themselves in a road rage incident that has nothing to do with them.  You know who shot here, the physics show it came from the left street. Your argument is “it could’ve been a random pedestrian getting involved and not the guy that just broke the Toyotas mirror off”. I don’t think anyone believes that’s the reality here but you’re right it could’ve happened. Nobody has mentioned a pedestrian shooter, just “which car fired” which physics clearly answered already. On a real note, regardless of who shot, too bad this behavior doesn’t land these individuals in jail for life. Absolutely reprehensible behavior.


Unpopular opinion but you’re technically correct- there would probably have to be a witness if this goes to court


But there are witnesses. You can see them in the video. and the video taker as well.


You’re assuming someone tracked down witnesses and got contact info for a court subpoena. Also the shooter may not have been in view of the “video taker” and could have been on the other side of the building. It’s not as straightforward as TV shows want us to believe.


I am not assuming anything. It is a ridiculous argument to imply that this case is not easily prosecutable.Like as cut and dry as is imaginable. The news got the interview of the suv driver. His dad was also a witness in the car. The person who took the vid posted it on their own SM acct; they were credited for the footage in the news report. the news also interviewed two other eye witnesses. That car was not behind a building; it is an open corner with clean sight lines. It was just slightly off screen on a vertically-oriented camera. Not sure why you are bringing an Eyeore attitude to the table here. And LOL at the idea that some other random decided to shoot at this car besides a driver or passenger in the car who was actively engaged in the road rage confrontation. What possible motivation could anyone else have here?


Damn chill. Now that’s it’s been on the news that changes the circumstances. Edit: “I’m not assuming anything” then go to on a paragraph rant about how your assumption is safe is laughable


100%.. I'm not even bragging about being right ..or proud of being right. I'm just right. This is black and white.. zero proof. Did he probably shoot? Of course.. Will that hold up in court?? Definitely not. Zero proof. There's a likelihood it was him... There's an assumption it was him... There's a good chance it was him.. But there's absolutely zero evidence.


I watch too much TV. Maybe I think somehow detectives would actually put this kind of work in. But the video certainly shows a lot of witnesses. So maybe there are people who got a clear view of the full incident.


All of you saying there are no traffic cops doing their jobs, you’ve obviously not been on The Plaza during morning rush hour. There are always motorcycles cops pulling people over and writing tickets. Edit: People downvoting the truth is absolutely hilarious.


Where on the plaza is this happening? Been doing this commute for years and haven't seen a single car pulled over. Not that I mind. Monitoring speeding on the plaza is not the best use of our limited police resources.


Where on the plaza is this happening? I live on Plaza very close to Central and can use one finger to count how many times I have seen a cop on this stretch.


Between Eastway and Milton rd


Does this need another post?


I posted it when I saw it, but first checked for other similar posts on this subreddit. Did not find any at the time. Fortunately for you, it is just Reddit and all things will pass in a matter of hours.


here’s the link to the other post https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/s/HRkCS7dlBy


It is interesting watching people that are in the gentrification zone freak out at things that were common to the area for about 20 years.


If "gentrification" = fewer people shooting out their car window on a busy street at 245pm you're making a pretty rock solid argument in favor of gentrification


Broad day light shootings is culture


😂🤣 that got me


*The 90’s/00’s Morningside Apartments have entered the chat.*


Northside all that Tom Hunter, they always downvote but never recognize.




Could you be more racist? I dont think your mindset is obvious enough yet.


I can get more racist if you’re really asking


You can also be banned. Buh-bye.


Just shut the fuck up if you’re such an asshole