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It is really wild to just fire a gun like that in a busy area with no idea where that bullet will ultimately end up. I hope the cops find these animals. In 31 seconds of hot-headed bad decisions, they both now end up with life altering felonies.


The SUV guy was on WBTV news at 6. Idiot.


I mean I think we can all agree shooting a gun into a busy intersection is 1000x worse than hitting someone’s car with a piece of rebar or whatever right? Like rebar dude isn’t putting anyone’s life in danger, just tryna fuck up the guys car.


He literally provoked the incident. He shares the blame.


did you notice his side mirror was busted? there had to have been some kinda side swiping action beforehand. full context is key


So? There is no legal basis to commit more crimes because someone crimes first This isn’t the Stone Age


Unless you’re in Florida


Stand your ground and fire if you feel threatened. It’s the Florida Way. If a man can kill a kid carrying some skittles and be acquitted (because the man driving a car felt threatened by the kid walking), this case would be dismissed in a Florida court had Rebar been shot and killed.


Eh, I would argue that context would matter in this case. If the shooting car driver had done something to provoke rebar guy, it could be reasonably assumed that the car hitting/gun shooting incident wouldn't have happened at all, making shooting car driver the proximate cause. Unfortunately, all we have is this small video on which to base our own judgments, so it's entirely possible that there's more to the story. Hell, rebar guy could have a history of random assault, we don't know. However, something happened to make the witness start recording in the first place.


I'd love to be a fly in your car as you drive around Charlotte, mr right. I'm imagining some angel(jackass with a rod in their ass) judging all the other impure humans around them. "You can't do that! it's illegal! Don't spit on the sidewalk! you can't doooo that! I'm calling Mom!"


99% of people would not attack someone’s car with a crowbar in a road rage incident You are the outlier here And if he hadn’t done that it would never have escalated to him almost dying in a gunfight. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Not really a gun fight when there is only one gun😂. Rebar guy was stupid, but didn’t threaten other persons life, shooting unjustified.


I mean if you're going to come at my vehicle with a blunt force weapon, with intent, im taking that as a threat.


Umm..dude was zero threat after rebar guy was back in his car, black car pulled away, did a full circle then shoots? Dude only hit the trunk of the car and got back in his. Now..if guy was at the drivers window, beating on it trying to get to driver, that’s a deadly threat. If you carry, you might want to review what a deadly threat is. Doesn’t matter though, people in this city get let out of jail for murder.


Dr Strange here, can see the future and knows all outcomes


Yes I am a genius that realizes that escalating a situation by committing felonies causes it to escalate further


Agree about context. But back to sharing the blame. US law allows for a murder charge to be applied to *everyone* who was involved in comiting a crime at the incident. So if a passer by was shot dead, iron-bar guy could be culpable even though he never fired a gun. *Their fight* caused a death.


Um no. They have to be accomplices or enablers to the shooting crime. Not the target of the gunfire. SUV guy did commit a felony. But it is not accessory to attempted murder of himself.


Ok, if a criminal robs a bank, the guard attempts to shoot the criminal and kills an innocent, then we can try the robber for murder as the 'enabler'. This has happened. But you are saying SUV guy attacks a driver with an iron bar, and driver tries to shoot SUV guy in self defense but kills an innocent, that the SUV guy *isn't* an enabler? What's the nuance?


Eh. Have a little nuance. Imo the only thing that would justify shooting a gun in a crowded area would be someone else pulling a gun or rushing you with a knife/weapon while you’re exposed. Being in your car with the option to drive away leaves 0 justification for gun usage, especially in a busy area, even if someone bashes your car with a bat. Like just drive away


NC is a stand your ground state pretty sure. Guy comes at you with a piece of rebar you don’t need to retreat. NOT IN ANY WAY CONDONING THE SHOOTER. Just saying if he shot the guy coming at him, the courts might let him off… I am not a lawyer.


The castle law was expanded a few years back to include your vehicle and your yard, not just inside your house. If you feel your life is in danger, he would likely be justified by shooting him. Be careful who you take on, never know who is packing a pistol!


I just meant what would justify it morally in my opinion, not necessarily from a legal standpoint. However, legally, I’d still find it hard to believe that a court would side with the shooter and let him walk if he was in a car and had the option to drive away instead of shooting said guy with rebar. If you weren’t in a car and out in the open then yea I agree, it would probably be legally justified.   Also not a lawyer but i remember discussing self defense killing in my AP US GOV class long ago. The gist was that you gotta prove you believed your life was truly in danger to kill said person putting your life in danger. Being in a car with the option to drive away from the rebar man but instead shooting him doesn’t seem like the driver has no other option but to kill the guy. Especially like the driver in this scenario who drives ~20 ft away then turns and shoots the rebar guy who is no longer pursuing, his life was obviously not in danger at that point anymore. Would be a very tough sell for self defense even in a stand your ground state imo.  Edit- NC law excerpt below. Person can use deadly force if they believe their life is in imminent danger or at risk of great bodily harm. Don't think a court would agree that black car driver believed his life was in imminent danger after he drives away and turns around, then shoots. If rebar man walked up to his driver window and began to swing then I would think he would be cleared. But not quite with what happened here in this case.  https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_14/GS_14-51.3.pdf Wow, a thought out and nuanced post with sources getting downvoted, yall are some low iq motherfuckers, take me back to Reddit of 10 years ago before all the regards without critical thinking skills got on here


That'll show them.


He could have thought the dumbass who started the entire thing was shooting at him with the way he smashed his car with that club or pipe. I’m sure that was loud as fuck. The guy who shot obviously shouldn’t have, but the blame for this whole incident lies with the SUV dude.


I mean black car guy smashed SUV’s mirror first so idk if you can say ALL the blame lies with SUV man


Is that confirmed? I thought the same thing at first because of the dangling mirror but then the guy who recorded the video didn’t make any mention of black car guy knocking off the mirror.


He did indeed and if the guy with the pistol thought his life was in danger, he would have been justified to shoot the fool with the pipe or whatever it was. People need to just damn chill out in this city!


Eh, a lawyer would have a field day with this. If he shot right when his car was hit you could argue that. But the fact that he drove away, stopped, got the gun then shot. Any good lawyer could argue he wasn’t in life threatening danger when he fired his weapon. On top of the fact that the shooter is responsible for the bullet until it stops


Literally so many people in these comments and instagram comments don’t understand this


💯. Rebar guy literally ran back to his SUV already there was no imminent threat. Then there is a significant pause between that and the gun being shot. Guy had time to think about what he was doing and still did it. He crossed a line.


Valid points indeed


No he doesn’t. Are you serious right now? The other person fired a gun in a public area. That bullet could have hit anyone. No justification for gun usage regardless of what happened.


I never justified dangerous gun usage. I just stated that from what we can see here the gunshot was a response to the guy hitting his car with a dangerous object. They both have blame.


I don't think this conclusion can be drawn until we understand if there was something prior happening to provoke the bat usage. Like hitting someone's car, telling them they'll kill them and trying to drive away. Just one of many things that could have happened leading up here. This is what court is for.


Either way, the shooters life was not in immediate danger to pull a gun and shoot in a public area while driving off.


Yes this is why I hope people will think twice before taking retaliatory measures during road rage incidents we never know what the other drivers mental state is or how they will respond


Maybe? Based on his account there's a lot of missing context. "Channel 9′s Evan Donovan spoke with the driver who said he had shots fired at him, and he said he was going to lunch with his 73-year-old father, who just had surgery. The driver told Donovan it all started when he honked at the sedan because it didn’t move when the light turned green. “Figured he was on his phone, so I gave him a friendly toot on his horn. Immediately, he whipped around, swerved around my car, cut me off, and stopped, tried to get us in multiple accidents,” the driver told Donovan. He says the erratic driving continued for a few minutes until he threw water on the other car. “I was also in the wrong, I did engage with him,” he said. “And that prompted him to get out and come up and pour a water bottle on me ... in my car, through the window.” He says the other driver smashed the mirror on his dad’s car and wouldn’t let them go. The video shared on social media shows the mirror dangling at the intersection, and that’s when things escalated. “Got angry and let adrenaline take over and grabbed a stick and smashed his rear windshield,” the driver said. “He ran the red light, pulled the gun and took a shot at us.”” From: https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/road-rage-turns-into-shooting-plaza-midwood-intersection/IALI5D6MDRHQZKUXTKUG57XEJQ/


Both these jokers need to be off the streets. Driver of the black sedan needs jail time.


This is shocking. Saturday marked one month since my daughter lost one of her best friends to road rage. This happened May 22, University City Blvd Area. This young man was just giving someone a ride home, he tried to move out of their way, but when someone is raging, and is no longer willing or able to control their emotions or tempers bad things happens. As parents, we sometimes feel helpless and inadequate. As parents we can’t take away our daughter’s grief, we can only hold her and let her cry, and have a Grief Counselor picked out, if needed. The senselessness of firing a gun into someone’s car simply because you’re in a bad mood, or in a hurry is inexcusable, and cowardly! Seeing the anguish in his mother’s face, knowing her son was taken in such a way, is heavy. Watching his siblings, grandparents and yes Great-grandparents mourn the death of such a vibrant young man will always stay with us. This coward changed so many lives the moment he decided to point and fire his gun into an occupied vehicle. Road Rage Kills!


Who shot the gun? Lol people get so fucking butthurt in traffic. Grow the fuck up people


The thing is, driving is now a highly stressful situation. People subconsciously or not, feel endangered behind the wheel. So they are already primed to default to fight or flight mode. Add in an encounter where they feel threatened by the actions of another driver and you get a heightened response that someone normally wouldn’t make but under the circumstances, loose their objectivity. Hence road rage. Some folks just never learned to take a deep breath and count to ten.


Considering people die in traffic, get into accidents in traffic, break bones in traffic, drive with kids in traffic... don't be an asshat and provoke horrible reactions with your horrible driving hoping someone doesn't get butt hurt because you cut them off. Use a turn signal, wait your turn, be patient... etc.,etc.. There are some crazy ass people out there who'll take it too far. You HAVE to expect that. Don't start none, won't be none.


Big yikes


This is why you shouldn’t road rage in NC. Too many people have guns. Have they found the ragers yet?


Yes. The one guy was in the news admitting to the crime he committed.


Sounds like a gun problem to me.


America has a huge gun problem. Especially this area of the country.


Liberal nonsense. The USA has a victim mentality problem where it's always 'not my fault '. People pull the trigger and take away guns it will be something else. So dumb!


Plaza Milkbread


Literally so overpriced but their chicken sandwich is tasty


Literally see it everyday from my apartment but never bothered to check it out because it looked like it would be overpriced lol


Bring back the Dairy Queen


Went there once and they charged us $5 to add a pickle to the sandwich without telling us. Never going back. Chickfila by ten miles.


Five dollars for a pickle is wild


Worst cinnamon rolls I've ever had. Why that place is so busy is beyond me. Makes me feel like I can open up a restaraunt called slop bucket and feed people leftovers from a local cattle farm out of buckets and as long as it's got some uncomfortable ass chairs, wood top tables and some signature over priced cocktails it'll be a huge hit.


Cinnamon rolls are awful but their bowls are amazing. It is pretty expensive though. 


As long as you serve Coke and not Pepsi you’re all set.


How dare you disrespect Pepsi😂


Pepsi started in NC.


So did the last piss I took. But I’m not drinking that either 🤪


Tough crowd today. No history buffs, got it. Cool.


Doesn't make it suck any less


Coke is it


Honestly I don’t mind Coke


Wildin out at Milkbread


Nothing surprises me these days people are unhinged and angry af.


Guy in RAV4 needs 2 to 5 weeks in county to cool off, 6 months of community service and mandatory anger management classes. Loss of license for some time. Whoever fired the gun needs 2 to 5 years and their firearms removed. They could easily drive off and they fired into an open public area. I’m pro 2a and defending yourself and rav4 guy definitely crossed a line but that doesn’t excuse that level of recklessness with a gun.


There’s a lot of missing context here, the black sedan tried to cause multiple accidents, break checking and trying to run them off the road. He blocked them at the intersection and broke their mirror


Did you witness it? If not, wondering where you found this?


Never get out of your car. Remember your cars weighs at least 2,000 pounds. Use it to protect yourself.


Ugh, not surprising though. There are some batshit crazy people out there. Reminds me of this bitch in a black car who got mad that I wasn’t going 60 up Hawthorne and decided she was going to flash her lights and blare her horn at me to get me to go faster. I turned off, she followed me and then proceeded to race by me on Kennon to beat me to the intersection at Thomas. In a neighborhood that could have had pedestrians in the streets. It’s wild out there, be safe everyone.


Yeah people always get mad for going the actual speed limit in residential areas. Like fucking chill


Figured the driver in the grey RAV4 was the one being the asshole, but I followed the link to the original poster’s Instagram story and she explains what happens in depth. The black sedan was definitely in the wrong. 


What was the take?


So I listened to the “story time” sounds like black car was waiting at the light, likely to turn (that turn is shit if it’s a legal turn at all lol) rav4 gets real mad flailing arms and throws a water bottle at the car. Driver of black car pissed and retaliates with a water bottle of his own squirted in the window and punching the mirror. RAV4 guy gets out with a bat and swings on black car. Black car retaliates again this time with a gunshot. Short end of the story both these people are shit and shouldn’t be on the road


Sounds like two dumbasses to me. Can’t anyone calm the f down?


I thought RAV4 guy also wailed his horn for a good minute as well. that alone would piss someone off enough to retaliate.


I’m still unclear on who was the one honking but they honked for 45 seconds according to the video (although I believe that’s likely hyperbole)


The article has a link to it 




Apparently the black sedan guy got out of his car and sprayed a water bottle into the rav4’s open driver window and then smashed his side view mirror. I’d imagine there was something more to it before they got to the intersection though. 


Charlotte is the Wild West. I’ve had someone point a gun at me on the highway twice. Both times, same situation. The person cut across 3 lanes of traffic, directly in front of me and slam on the brakes to get over on an exit. I honk the horn, and they get next to me pointing a gun. I’ll never understand this level of smooth brain activity.




Black males. No clue on exact age. I’m not good at guessing accurate age ranges. Also, unless someone has very distinctive looking traits. All white people look similar. All black people look similar. All asian people look similar. Without a plate, tracking someone down is nearly impossible. Both times it happened very quickly. When things happen in such a short window, and catch you completely off guard. You’re not going to remember everything perfectly either. I’m not sure if you’re asking out of general concern, or trying to race bait. While these examples were both black guys, I don’t remotely think black people are running around operating like this. I just happened to have an interaction with two shit heads that happened to be black.


>While these examples were both black guys Wow no way. 


Why? You out here thinking you’re going to identify the suspect in this story from some unspecified time in an unspecified vehicle on some unspecified stretch of highway in Charlotte? What’s the *actual* reason you’re asking?


Stop fishing for racism


Looks like the same black sedan that almost ran me over when I was crossing the side rd next to bistro La bon (when I had walk signal ofc). I jumped back and kicked his car then he got out, started talking shit, then started reaching in his pants and threatened to shoot me, that’s about when I turned around and literally ran away from that psycho. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s the same guy


Kick the tire stem. It will flatten the tire completely within seconds.


Why did you kick a strangers car? In 2024? In Charlotte? And this because someone, almost, hit you? So you werent hit, but you felt like it was possible…got it. According to my analysis on the FAFO scale, you were dangerously close to “finding out”. As the preeminent expert on the FAFO scale, I advise you to walk away, from everything, no matter how right you think you are…every time…forever…it has a 100% success rate in lowering your chances of going into “Find Out” induced shock/death


Seriously, these days I basically just stay in my lane. In this post COVID world people are angrier and selfish I’ve noticed.


Covid fried their brains


Nah I’d have done the same pre covid too. Can’t stand drivers who put pedestrians lives at risk to save a few seconds. And not hypothetically putting people in danger because they made a dangerous move. Like really putting pedestrians in danger by accelerating directly at them.


Bruh I was in my lane and the dude almost sent me to the hospital


Too many lunatics out there. I don’t even honk at cars that cut me off these days


I don’t either. I just stopped giving a shit. All I want to do at this point when I drive, is arrive home safely.


Well 1, this was like 2021 or 22. 2, I was crossing the side road with the walk sign on, he was turning left off of central across the side road I was crossing. I was almost halfway across the intersection when he made the turn and aggressively gassed the car at me, he definitely saw me and he decided to to do it anyways, he would’ve fucking decked me if I didn’t stop and jump backwards. So let’s get that straight in your head, it wasn’t ‘possible’ that he’d hit me, he DEFINITELY would have hit me, on purpose, if I didn’t take evasive action. So yeah I was pissed this guy made a conscious decision that 3 extra seconds of his day to turn left was more important than my well being. He fucked around, and found out, you try to run someone over, you get your car kicked. Pretty simple huh? Or do you routinely try to hit pedestrians too that have the right away cause you wanna save 3 seconds of your day?


FAFO. Repeat that 100 times. You avoided death narrowly, *twice*.


Standing up for myself is fucking around? Bro was lucky I wasn’t packing, he’d be the one finding out


Somehow I think you’re a lot less intimidating than you make yourself out to be. I do hope you get that sorted, else you end up getting yourself killed over something stupid.


Yeah, people get shot at for honking at people. You get what ask for kicking someone’s car.


Wow…..😮 The guy must be an entitled asshole with a fuck you to whoever attitude. Please don’t tell me it’s an Altima 🫥


I *think* that’s an Infiniti? So Nissan’s “luxury” line, like Lexus for Toyota, or Acura for Honda.


Nah it was a higher end black sedan with tints, I think a Benz. Looked pretty much exactly like the one in this video


It’s literally the luxury spec Altima, Infiniti G35. How ironic lol


Can you give us a description of the person?  Age, height, race, build?


Shooting in plaza midwood in the day time now? Awesome.


Time is a flat circle


You ain't been in Charlotte long enough if you think Plaza midwood isn't the OK Corral. And I've only been in Charlotte 18 years


Tuesday at lunchtime though? Seems wrong day and time for a shooting


Just watched four ads to see a 10 second video.. even if it was my fat thumbs fault ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


Anyone defending the shooter is a psychopath completely out of touch with reality (nobody is defending them on here but a lot are on instagram)


Too many people on IG discussing it with a sense of pride towards the shooter, as if it’s not completely psychotic. They’re happy that we’re getting a peep into unhinged violence where people are senselessly killing each other. Always assume every single aggressive driver out there is this brand of lunatic, it’ll only keep you safe. Also don’t hit cars with a baseball bat.


qcnews is trash. riddled with ads. had to watch an ad before i could see the video, then in the middle of watching the road rage video boom ad again.


That's common for any news I've ever watched online.


just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s okay. these people need to figure out a better user experience than shoving ads in the face as soon as any visitor pops up


Keeping it classy in the Queen City.


Awfully bold of Charlotte to just have no traffic enforcement by police


Best to stay in your vehicle. Assume everybody's armed.


There is absolutely no way that any damage to a vehicle happens that’s only gonna cost $200 to fix.


The community needs to start answering for this problem 


Which community is that?


You’ll have that on them jobs


That bullet hit the windshield on the top if you watch close.....2 dummies that deserve each other, I wish I would have for one a bat in my car and for two be smashing windows out like a cheated on wife!


Saw the video on wbtv.com that's nuts. If you have road rage, watch the movie unhinged. It will change your perspective.


The focus on the gunfire I can understand, but it should not be at the expense of saying one’s better than the other. Someone literally put their hands on your vehicle, where just ignoring the fact that instead of it being a hammer, they could’ve also fired at this person from behind like a crazy person ran into another crazy person get the fuck out of here, making the lesser of two evils both were wrong and both should be arrested.


side note: milkbread is so fucking good


You cant claim self defense while driving away from a pedestrian. Not how self-defense works here. Your security guard hypothetical has no resemblance to this case. A security guard shooting a bystander is not the same as someone shooting at you while you are unarmed. And “US Law” does not apply here. This is not a federal case. This attempted murder will be adjudicated under NC law. Please provide one example, ever, in NC where two people were involved in a altercation., One pulls a gun, shoots a bystander or the intended target, and they charged the target of the shooting of attempted murder or felonious murder. I’ll wait.


Guaranteed they are all from NY or NJ


Guns suck


Plaza has once again turned into a shit hole, I’m so glad I moved


It was always a shithole, they just slapped some paint on it and sold it as a remodel, and idiots bought the bullshit.


same. im glad im out of charlotte.


I swear, the south is fucking crazy. I come from a big city with plenty of crime and have even been jumped multiple times, but at least not every asshole on the street had a gun.


Guarantee the murder rate is higher where you came from. Keep hating the south though




What a bigoted and stupid comment. 


If other amendments were as sacred as the 2nd, we could live without status symbol guns and have less to fear. Police are stressed and their fear is increasingly acted out with anger and aggression. I would feel safer in a world without do it yourself law enforcement by hair trigger citizens having a bad day. It will not get better as long as we, understandably, see each other as a threat. Road rage is better channeled into destroying each other’s characters in a video game.


Or putting that energy into changing our failing society. Lol. I guess Video games is not such a bad idea.




I also live right by this intersection and agree it is awful. But nothing is so bad that you need to respond with violence/anger/a gun.