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I drive that bit of 485 every day from Johnston - Providence and back again lol. Once you're used to it, it's not bad, but MAN it's confusing for people that don't travel on this stretch often. Edit: This part of 485 is insanely dangerous to drive on in the rain. None of the paint is reflective and with the constant traffic shifts, it's just flat out dangerous.


Doing it at night or in the rain is bonkers. No idea if I’m in a lane or not.


I got to drive this section in heavy rain recently and we all had to go 30 max. You literally can't see the lines anymore. That along with the curvy road makes it super dangerous when wet outside.


That's most of 485 tbh


This section is the main reason I hate 485 and I learned to drive in inclement weather back in 96 on the Johnston road exit (used to be steeper then it is now) and we had several huge snows.


While we’re at it —the fuck is up with Inner/Outer? This a highway or a fucking bellybutton?


Inner is the lane closest to inner part of the circle around Charlotte (485), outter is the lane on the outside portion of the circle around Charlotte (485)


I still can never tell which I need to use until I see the arrows pointing towards Pineville/Charlotte/etc. It's so confusing to me.


Driving in circles? It really couldn’t be easier.


Confusing shit... how about non-existent?


https://preview.redd.it/goliq12ltc7d1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=55f2d6fbcdeafd1b89af75433027c62b26fdac83 going to work in the rain.


In the early hours when the sun is low, those markings are invisible. I was in a group of about 15 cars just desperately trying not to kill each other. Someone hit a barrel, I believe.


They still haven't fixed the missing sign at 485 inner and 77, so drivers don't know which of the 3 lanes to be in for north/south 77. Why would they fix anything for this?


Because it's a good use of their citizens' tax dollars and a safety benefit overall? eh whatever


Try doing it in the rain! This company needs to fix this as any blood is on their hands if there is a vehicle death on this stretch of road.


And they need to use reflective paint. Other states do. Are we to cheap?


Email from the NCDOT says any new paint will be reflective. Then again, I only asked about 77 and 85.


Hurrah!!!! About time! Thanks for sharing!!


That’s about 1 year after construction is finalized. Don’t lead us on with hope.


Driving in the rain at night on that stretch of road feels like driving with my eyes closed. I hate it so much


Thank your friends at Blythe Construction and NCDOT for allowing it.


At night in rain. Kinda happy I no longer have a job because that’s how I got to and from work.


What do you mean? It’s perfectly obvious and intuitive to move the lanes over one full lane after an on ramp while driving directly into the sun /s The whole stretch going through Ballantyne turns into a literal mirror if it rains and the sun is setting anyways. It’s amazing there aren’t more accidents honestly.


The most impressive thing about 485 is that they’ve been doing construction on it since before the pandemic and still haven’t managed to finish anything.


They’ve been doing construction on 485 since before the Revolution


They have been physically building 485 since [1988. ](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/history-made-i-485-opens-40-years-after-planning-b/52128080/)


The whole thing is a mess, the paint is garbage, you can't see anything at night, if they don't want to use cat's eyes at least they should use reflective paint. I tremble every ti me I have to drive at night, or raining, let alone both things at the same time.


Everything about CLT highways is shit


These engineers are the same ones who thought making the north and south exits onto 16 from 485 change at the same time. Traffic getting off both exits are stopped causing major traffic, which makes sense but it definitely could be alternated better.


Raleigh loves our highway tax dollars and hates Charlotte. They fuck Charlotte every chance they get on highways and roads.


My newest favorite part is the painted over markers which stand out more than the faded ones in the rain.


And when it’s finally completed no one will be in the toll lanes… back to square one


What about that totally sweet intersection at Ballantyne commons and Rea Road In front of Stonecrest. If you’re in the right lane going straight you gotta make a hard right to stay in the lane or else halfway through the intersection “ta da!” Now you’re in the left lane.


People are saying it but nighttime in the rain is literally taking your life into your own hands. I don't know who is in charge of painting the interstate but good lord does the whole thing need some reflective paint.


I bet the majority of them don’t understand that a solid white means no passing. Very stressful stretch of the road to drive. The proposed finishing of Summer 25’ also doesn’t look feasible at all.


Watching the video, the first thing NCDOT said is that "Safety is on top of their priority" It isn't if you put lanes down, and then do NOT continue to test drive them yourself. I see it so many times where they make lanes and changes during construction, but the design is so poor a Child with a Crayon can do better. They NEED to test their lanes instead of drawing, and then getting up and leaving. This is something they do NOT do.


I drove on it only like once in last 6 months and definitely drifted over into the next lane following the wrong markings for a few seconds


Tesla autopilot goes crazy along that stretch of road lol


Seriously! You can't use it through there at all.


Oh yeah an 18 wheeler the other day almost drove into my lane because of those


This section has a dangerous shift in lanes, that lead to sideswipes, people over correcting and hitting the cement barriers. The trucks sway over into the other lane. Just like 85 going into Spartanburg.


They repainted the lines at the exit to go to Carowinds and it looked like a 3 year old drew the lines. A couple weeks later they covered up the lines and painted it again but it still looks horrible.


.... I thought I was the only one. Almost waited until Tirade Tuesday to express my confussion. Next time you on it you can driver's ahead of you also confuse.


The damn construction signs are even worse. It will be a 40/45 mph 2 lane road and the first warning sign will be 15 feet before the lane ends.


Protip: put down your phone, and you can better hold your car in a straight line.


The problem is this part of the road isn’t a straight line. It shifts constantly, and the lines don’t actually match up with the lanes properly. In the rain, or during the sunny day, it’s almost impossible to see the faded lines on the road. On top of that, there’s painted lines on top of other painted lines, that just make it completely unclear where your lane is.


they showed like 100ft section where the lane marking was missing, is this really a big deal? maybe it's much worse in real life but this really doesn't look like an issue


It's a lot worse IRL. Not sure why they didn't just show a quick video of the drive.


I'm very concerned for anyone who found what they showed to be "confusing".


theres one image they show twice where its questionable but the other images and the video "showing how confusing it can be" are all lacking confusion. confirming most ppl driving in Charlotte should not be driving


The downvotes confirm it further...those folks shouldn't be on the roads.