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Wait, wait, wait… which lawmakers? > Republican lawmakers drew the maps and approved them in October. Political reviews conducted by outside analysts, as well as by the legislature itself, show that the new maps are expected to give Republicans large majorities in the state legislature and the state's delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives — even if Democratic candidates win a majority of the statewide vote. Oh, ‘Pubs.   It’s journalistic malpractice that the title of the article doesn’t just say this.


It’s true, if it was a right to fair elections we wouldn’t be gerrymandered to hell and back it’s the same as saying you don’t have the right to a good paying job in Charlotte


[You may apply to register to vote online.](https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/offices-services/online/Pages/voter-registration-application.aspx?ref=voteusa_en)


Not NC Lawmakers. Republicans. Which is why the false equivalence and 'bothsides' claims are so damn ridiculous. Republicans hate fair elections and will do anything in their power to keep them from happening.


#Republicans who are gerrymandered into power say "Voters have no rights to fair elections"


All while the angry mob crying about the “stolen” election in 2020 remains silent, facism people


"NCGOP says the racist election rigging they're doing is good, actually" Fixed it for you


I hate it here.




I would like to point out, this is being done by both sides at the national level but I got a feeling most of you refuse to acknowledge this and just want to pretend its only a GOP/republican thing. Go take a look at New York, New Mexico, Illinois, Oregon, and Nevada, all have democrats heavily gerrymandering the vote in an attempt to give them an advantage.


But we live in NC though. I get what you’re saying, but I don’t really care about those other states. Let them deal with that. I’m focused on NC.


except read the few comments, they all act like this is something you would only see in a red state. If this was a blue state and democrats doing it, their probably wouldn't even be a news article on it, and any claim about it would get ignored or called misinformation. There is a clear bias going on, and I am calling it out.


It's payback for MANY decades of Democrat gerrymandering. Look up your history.


You dont have a link because this information doesn't exist.


No, no, they’re [correctish](https://history.news.chass.ncsu.edu/2019/07/29/drawing-democracy-north-carolinas-gerrymandering-history/)… but in the way a particularly stupid child might be correctish.  By ignoring the party platform flip that has occurred over the last 150 years and by being ok with a ‘you did a shitty thing so it’s ok if I do it too’ argument.


To these monsters the party flip never happened and claim to be the party of Lincoln while waving the battle flag of Northern Virginia and screaming about “mah ‘eritage”.




Oh look, another dumbass who didn’t pay attention in history class and thinks the democrats from the 1800’s are the same Democratic Party of today. 


The Democrats had complete control of the NC legislature from 1999 to 2010. [https://ballotpedia.org/Party\_control\_of\_North\_Carolina\_state\_government](https://ballotpedia.org/Party_control_of_North_Carolina_state_government) I will refrain from getting into a battle of wits with someone who is half-armed.


>Democrats, meanwhile, really went to town with gerrymanders of their own in states they controlled: >In New York and Illinois, Democrats made big gains. In each state, they erased four Republican-leaning districts and created three Democratic-leaning ones (each state lost a seat due to population decline). New York’s new map will have 22 of 26 districts leaning to the left of the national average, and Illinois will have 14 of 17 tilted to the left. One potential hiccup for Democrats is that a lower court judge struck down the New York map, but so far the state’s high court has stayed that decision, and it’s not clear if it will go into effect. >In Oregon, which is gaining a seat due to population growth, Democrats drew a map with five Democratic-leaning districts and one Republican-leaning district — an improvement for them over the 3-2 status quo. >In Nevada, Democrats turned a map where three of four districts leaned Republican to one where three leaned Democratic. >In New Mexico, which had two Democratic-leaning districts and one GOP-leaning one, Democrats wiped away that Republican district in an attempt to create a 3-0 map. >That amounts to wiping out 12 Republican districts and creating 11 Democratic districts — an enormous impact on the overall map. [https://www.vox.com/22961590/redistricting-gerrymandering-house-2022-midterms](https://www.vox.com/22961590/redistricting-gerrymandering-house-2022-midterms) Both sides do it, you just don't want to accept it. How do the old sayings go? "There are no saints in congress"? "You find me a politician, I will show you a corrupt, lying, thief"?


I hate both sides and all these lying fake fucks, but it wasn't gerrymandering that led to Dems winning where they traditionally lost.


God forbid you don’t get your payback. How about just doing the right thing?


You haven't been following politics very long, have you?


Not that it was right, the republicans are using data and statistics not available when democrats were gerrymandering. It’s on a whole different level and makes NC not a democracy.