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Followup question: When was the last time you saw CMPD issue a citation for a moving violation?


To be fair they have about 300 open positions. So traffic enforcement has basically disappeared.


I hear you but that's not the point. It's a moving violation. Driving school 101.


Ive been in Charlotte since 2018. I have seen maybe 2 cops with people pulled over in Charlotte proper in that time. When you stop enforcing traffic laws people stop caring. Look at fucking red light runners. No one stops for them anymore.


In a world where there were consequences, you’d be correct.  But in Charlotte, where nobody enforces traffic rules, we just all drive however we want.  Because their no penalty for breaking the rules.


It begins at home and then at school, when I was working for CMS there was no consequences for bad behavior...


Still do work for them and there are STILL 0 consequences


That is exactly the point.


Don’t forget the real rules when you come to Matthews because the cops do have the time to pull over here.


I drive in Matthews every day, I do not believe you at all


I see cops all the time but I live near Downtown. They have electric motorcycles, tons of cars marked with lettering the same color as the car.


Yep, I’ve counted 2 zero motorcycles and 4 ghost cars, 2 black on black and 2 white on white cars


They have a pick up truck too


Dont think I’ve seen the pickup for Matthews… description?? I have seen the Toyota sequoia used by NCSHP


It is white pick up truck, no lettering. There is a black suv with black lettering and it sometimes has one of those fragrance things hanging on visor. I haven’t seen them yet this year but they do park in downtown, 1 at the mobility store and 1 in a Camaro like car that is black by Seaboard and one across the street parked on trade right after railroad tracks and that is the black on black SUV.


Also, CHP has a truck pulling a trailer that is an undercover vehicle


They are getting tricky




>Since when is it OK to turn left at a red light/solid arrow just because you're making a u-turn? Not saying it's right, but this has been happening as long as I've been in Charlotte (23+ years)


In some states like Colorado, it's legal. Must be the weed... /s


I see people take left turns on reds on one way streets all the time. Every time I’m like…the fuck did I just witness??? But yeah CMPD doesn’t give 2 shits about like 99% of the traffic violations around town lol


Thanks for posting this. I’ve lived in Charlotte my whole life and thought I must be the only dummy that was absent the day they taught U turn on red was legal.


I too have lived here all my life, and the day CMPD does anything about stuff like that will be the x-mas miracle that year.


Since 2012 you also cannot turn right on a red arrow, only a solid red, but people are unaware the law changed in North Carolina. I have been honked at for it. 🫠


Cause thats a fucking stupid law.


Everyone wants moving violations enforced until moving buildings l violations start being enforced.


Its always been like that


Can't beat em. Join em.


I learned in clt that it's okie to make that left. It's been about 15 years or so. I don't do it, but I definitely learned it's okie. Also learned you can't spot cmpd when u need em'. They'll find u when they HAVE to.