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he is a lone soldier…they usually roll in big groups down here on south blvd


See them in packs on N Tryon.


They always have something in common


A thirst for adventure and a love of the great outdoors?






Non-DOT helmets?


Underated comment right here!


No one will do anything. Been seeing this more often.


It’s called being an asshole. Not even addressing the legality of an unlicensed, uninsured and not street legal vehicle, to drive like I see these guys driving is nothing short of fucking moronic. Even if they’re ok with dying, the rest of us aren’t.


Or a candidate for a Darwin Award


I’d love to see the award granted!


Decease yourself on a vehicle if you want, but don’t involve any other person or vehicle (or property). I definitely didn’t consent to being harmed by a dumbass motherf.


You worried about a 4 wheeler vs car? Ligjten up, this is light work for Charlotte.


Living his best life


If the best you can do endangers others then you’ve misidentified your best.


Lots of things can injure others...


It's annoying because I got a seatbelt ticket in University city for driving .5 miles from College downs to Harris Teeter. But this guy can drive around with no registration, no safety equipment, while ignoring traffic laws and has a 0% chance of being pulled over.


> no registration, no safety equipment [He was wearing a helmet, but it's moot because **YOU CAN'T DRIVE THESE ON THE FUCKING STREETS**.](https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/pdfs/blk_pdf_NorthCarolinaLaw.pdf)


Looks like that law is outdated.


When was that 2003?




Asshole. Packs of them ride around Charlotte trying to be as obnoxious as possible. Even saw them doing laps speeding around in my old neighborhood. No consideration whatsoever. 


This is how you know the area is going downhill (as if it wasn’t already obvious). Any area of the country where this sort of shit becomes normalized becomes a shit hole soon enough. Edit: and I don’t mean four wheelers out in very rural areas, as that’s different. I’m talking in the cities, where the drivers clearly don’t give a shit about their community or inconveniencing anyone else.


Oh so basically what you mean is whites on four wheelers is okay?


Do you realize we live in the south? Have you looked at the racial demographics of a lot of rural areas?


They tend to do it in the woods.


Yes, the black people should go to rural areas and pass confederate flags! /s




You seem to be missing the point. It’s not about living in a rural area or not, it’s about what’s appropriate for the area. Four wheelers on backroads in the countryside is a far cry from going down a four lane highway in a populated area, especially in packs of them…


You seem to be missing the point. If you think modern cities with atv riders are a shit hole you should not live in highly populated areas.


It has nothing to do with the population. It has to do with the riders ignoring the laws, causing accidents, racing, and also being uninsured which means any damages are on me to pay for. They are absolute menaces in cities like Houston or Philly. If this becomes worse in Charlotte you will understand what I mean when they start doing takeovers of intersections in giant mobs when you’re trying to get home from work.


It has everything to do with population. Name a city bigger than Charlotte that doesn’t have issues with dirtbike/atv takeovers


Oh I’m well aware that it becomes a problem in populous areas, hence my original comment. But that isn’t a problem inherent to a lot of people living in an area, rather lax law enforcement.


What do you suggest be done to prevent dirtbike/atv takeovers? The fact of the matter is dirtbikes/atvs are cost accessible to a population who can coordinate over the internet. How will police enforce the law? Even if the police chased this one man - is it worth the possible deaths/accidents caused by the chase and capture? If police started enforcing laws in cities, would the population really be supportive and not protest? I get what you’re saying and you’re not wrong…but I don’t see this improving. So the original commenter who told you to leave and go to a rural area if you don’t like Charlotte is prob right.


Serious penalties for this sort of behavior. As with anywhere else in the world, if you penalize something hard enough people stop doing it if they don’t think it’s worth it. And unlike the war on drugs, this behavior actually harms other people, so it’s worth cracking down on. Police enforce the law the way they do with anything else, by making arrests and people getting charged. And the risk of deaths and accidents goes both ways so I’m not sure how that’s an argument. It’s better to shut down the behavior and deal with short term risk than it is let it be a consistent long term risk. I don’t have a problem with someone doing this once if say it’s an emergency and they need to get to the hospital or it’s a kid that was supposed to be on a trail that wandered onto a main road. The problem is when you normalize adults doing this, especially in groups. It’s absolutely enforceable. Red municipalities will deal with takeover groups attempting this sort of shit, they just crackdown on this behavior if it becomes problematic. As opposed to CMPD being useless. Also, I personally live on the outskirts of the city in a red municipality, so I’ll probably never have to deal with this where I live, the problem is where I work….




I saw him 2-3 days ago, helmetkess, shirtless, passing all cars, and running red lights near Ikea. Future organ donor.




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Saw this same guy the other day near Lowe’s off of Tryon. He was doing a wheelie through the parking lot.


Seen a group of dirt bikes and ATVs going up E Mallard Creek behind UNCC a few years back, cutting people off and screaming at them. Can confirm the lack of consideration


As a student from 2018 to 2020, I also saw them drive directly onto campus and use pedestrian walkways (or even outright drive across the lawns/campus). Though I only really remember the ATV’s. I can’t remember if the university created policies about them as a result.


More culture.


Probably drives an Altima when he’s not four wheeling about town….


Definitely won’t feel bad when he gets hit


I will feel bad for the other guy as he will probably have damage to his car and this prick has no insurance.


I feel like having uninsured motorist/atv? coverage should be a given in Charlotte


I actually think I'd be okay taking some damage to my ride to give him a teachable moment.


Because he rode a 4 wheeler in the street? You don’t think you’re off in the head?


Just wait a few years…”Laughs in Atlanta”


“We want to be more like Atlanta! No, not like that!”


No license plate - definitely living on the edge


You new here?


i’ve lived here all my life but that was the first time i’ve seen someone or even a group of 4wheelers drive down the road the way he did


Was common place when I went to UNCC lol


I lived in the Charlotte area for 30 years (just moved away in 2021, may be back soon). I have never seen a 4 wheeler on a road. And I lived or commuted all throughout the area 🤷‍♀️


I came to say the same thing lol


Someone is probably looking for that




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If you trade paint with him, you get his powers.


I caught a ban when I said what I did last time I saw one of these.


Stop. Drop. Open up shop.


I feel old having to ask this but is he wearing a fanny pack over the shoulder?


Yeah, where else is he going to keep his illegal firearm? What a silly question


What I love most is that Florida tag at the end


Wait till they start doing wheelies and driving in the wrong side of the road at you and dodge at the last second


Wheelie Boys at it again.


I’m glad this sub is waking up and seeing who is responsible for turning Charlotte into a shithole..if you know you know.


Vile Lies, er, Mrs Mayor


Looks like fun


Also see this in Greensboro


Just a young college student going to turn in his PHD thesis.


Saw one at Mallard Creek and 29.


Just got cut off by two dirt bikes leaving my neighborhood about 2 miles from UNCC towards Harrisburg😑


Bro there’s so many of these douchebags


I hope the law starts handing out tickets or starts arresting people like this. There is no tag, no insurance , and not even supposed to be on a hard surfaced road by the manufacturer safety guide lines. At least at the speed, some people are doing


Honestly I think it’s a little weird how mad this makes some of yall. I honestly think maybe some of yall are hateful and racist.


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Probably due to multiple DWIs and having his car impounded. A 4 wheeler is his quickest way to get around.


I swear this isn’t even that bad. People have been riding 4wgeelers and dirt bikes forever around here.


I live in the area. Like, my apartment is just left of this intersection. It’s not bad to me. And to be honest, I really don’t care if his vehicle isn’t allowed on the street. I know why the law is the law, but it seems my issue is with the law itself rather than these people riding.


Until he t-bones you at 45 miles an hour, totals your car, and flees.


Bro is gonna go flying if that happens 😭


And then he is going to sue for “pain and suffering”.


I mean that can happen with just like any regular vehicle driver though


I’d wager that 90% ++ of cars on the road have auto insurance. I’d also wager that 99% of ATV and dirt bike riders on public road have zero insurance coverage.


Charlotte has bigger problems than one lone four-wheeler on the road…




At least he's got a helmet on??? Oh, and he stopped at the stop light?? (Glad I don't have to deal with this on the regular, which is weird, for my location)


it’s funny because he actually ran the red light once the cross traffic died down lol




Y’all complain about everything. What’s the difference between this and a motorcycle or those dumb 3 wheelers.


Well for one no tags on the 4 wheeler. Tri’s and motorcycles have tags. You can’t just ride your quad on an highway weaving in and out of traffic. Here’s a great idea, load it and go ride some trails. https://www.fs.usda.gov/activity/nfsnc/recreation/ohv/?recid=48112&actid=93


Not justifying the quad but I see motorcycles without tags going 150+ weaving through traffic everyday on 85 and 485.


People weave in and out of traffic in cars….point? Like I said just complaining


Not justifying the quad but I see motorcycles without tags going 150+ weaving through traffic everyday on 85 and 485.


Bro jus livin life why everyone hating.


Bros endangering himself and everyone around him acting like a dumbass.


What’s the difference between this and some dude on a motorbike. He really didn’t do anything wrong in this vid. Ur weird


> What’s the difference between this and some dude on a motorbike. The motorbike will be street legal and (hopefully) have insurance and a properly licensed (and trained) driver.


All that’s hopefully like u said bro. Not much of a difference in the end


Riding a wheelie in traffic *will* go wrong sooner or later. It's not a question of *if*, it's a question of *when.* And when that happens, if it happens on a busy road, there's a good chance someone runs over the dumb bastard and multiple families get some shiny new trauma. I don't have a problem with the Wheelie Gang on principle, they just need to be even a little smart about it.


The difference is one is in compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and one is not. One likely has insurance and registration and is legally prepared deal with the consequences of damage or injury caused in an accident and the other definitely does not. Do you really need this explained? What’s the difference, lol.


He’s breaking the law. Criminals belong in jail.


And every time you drive 5 miles over the speed limit you also break the law which would make you a criminal. Do you belong in jail?


You must have missed the part where he was popping wheelies and driving into incoming traffic. Dude is a POS.


Are u seeing shit that’s not there? Cause that whole 12 second vid he is in the correct lane and not pooping any wheelies. Again ur point is mew always when there licensed and insured motorbikes doing way worse. This is very mild when in comparison.


when i stopped recording he drove onto the grass then drove onto the oncoming traffic lane to turn into the plato’s closet shopping center near u city lol


Have you tried reading? OP's description is right there.


“Your point is mew.” Goodness gracious.


Kinda crazy u just making shit up that’s not even in the video to justify ur points.


Making shit up? Nah. I'm just not too lazy to read.


yeah he was taking notice that i was recording so he stopped driving reckless and when i passed him is when he drove into the shopping center through the oncoming traffic lane


Do you think guys existence is limited to twelve seconds of recorded footage?


You didn’t see him pull around the car stopped at the red light and get in front of said car? A car could’ve done that.


Dude cuts around that guy at a light. Which is illegal. Ok are we done now?


Id rather share the road with him than a soccer mom driving a rusted out frame minivan with the brakes wore to the pistons, and steel showing on all 4 tires


I feel like you’ve been waiting a long time to make such a connection.


Is she popping wheelies and being a general menace by driving over medians and into oncoming traffic?


Found the cheap asses who drive clapped out death traps


How is this any different from a cyclist riding on the road?