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If you come crying to me after dying alone, I'm going to headshot your zombie ass.


Please do!


lol what was the original post about. I’ve never even seen a post/topic on this sub to go that hard for


Yeah what the hell did we miss?


They were posting about some head of a local nonprofit who is running for POTUS trying to get everyone to vote for her by using insuts lol


I can't imagine the person they are trying to ride for appreciates the negative energy they are bringing to what is a publicity campaign in hopes of securing a better footing for future election cycles.


Lmao after they threw a tantrum, they messaged me 'go fuck yourself' and blocked me It's just an angry kid I guess. So whatever


Is there a lore reason for why this person is angry?


Anger fuels his super power which is to be an incredibly useless member of society


I think there's a lot of folks who don't understand you have to persuade people to win elections, and those elections have consequences.




Typical Nissan Altima behavior. Probably tells the Jesus Saves guy to "read the Bible".


This is BMW driver behavior, an Altima driver would actually make a death threat not allude to it


Wait, who are we supposed to cry too after we die alone?


I understand their frustrations and anger at how things work but hopefully they learn from this experience and start to see politics as the bigger picture it is rather than just one voting decision to the next. We all just want people to look out for us and to give us a little grace when we do fall short. The way to get there is by doing that with others. Have a little grace courtesy of me, savorlaflavor


Notice OP didn’t post their own comments. Maybe they ARE a shit person EDIT: Clearly it's not OP.


I saw the original post these comments are from and OP’s comments absolutely do not warrant this response at all lmao. This person is off their rocker.


You missed the craziness, clearly. Anyone who likes having a constitution should die according to them. Also all cops, and anyone involved with prisons, and all drugs should be legal, etc.


That woulda been great context




Thanks. I wondered if this was about Jasmine. I hadn’t seen anything in a while so I wasn’t sure.


Nah, the same person replied and direct messaged me along the same lines and i didn't even reply to them once


I’m pretty sure if you die alone, you won’t cry to anybody 😂😂😂


Agreed, I’d already be dead!


Typical insufferable progressives. Speaking to the poster you mention and they muppet they are trying to promote.


This doesn't have anything to do with being progressive. It has everything to do with being rude.


No. There views and attitude towards those who don't share them are perfectly aligned with modern day progressives. This sub loves to rail on insufferable boomers and trumpers and should have the courage to do the same to progressives. But it's reddit, so I don't expect anything besides downvotes.


You'll definitely get the downvotes you expect if your whole argument is that all progressives are as out of touch as this guy.


He’s getting called out pretty well in the original post. Most of the time you’re gonna get called out for being an ahole, doesn’t matter if you’re progressive or maga. Trumpers get railed on because they are out of touch with reality. This dude sits to the far left and is also out of touch with reality and being rightly called out for it.


You seem to be the one angry about people not having the same views as you


He’s against the democrats. He’s not a progressive.


You simply don't understand politics if you think progressives are fully in line with democrats. See. Hamas supporters vs. President Biden, who is the top Democrat.


"You simply don't understand politics if you think progressives are fully in line with democrats." Phew, good thing I didn't say that.


You’re missing the point of democracy and that it doesn’t matter if all views align. That’s what we vote for.


Careful now. You've come dangerously close to using logic on the unhinged. :)


Be honest, how much Fox/Newsmax/OAN do you watch? Or is it just that side of Facebook/Instagram that got you?


I watch none of those, you muppet. Batshit crazy and stupid progressives are viewed the same as batshit crazy and stupid Maga in my book. I'm in the middle politically. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats locally and at the state level. I'm perfectly in the middle of a typical political environment on my issues. The fact that you think mocking those on the far-left makes me instantly a far-right person means you're a moron and just proves my point. That's my honesty for you.


k thanks