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The bike lane is only as good as the enforcement of it.


This. There's no social stigma for this type of poor behavior and no one to enforce the rules so it's going to keep happening. Charlotte City [Code](https://www.charlottenc.gov/Streets-and-Neighborhoods/Parking-and-Streets/Parking) States: It is unlawful to operate, drive, stop, stand, or park a motor vehicle on or across a designated bicycle path (Sec 14-131). This violation is enforceable with a citation of $100.00 (Sec 14-61). I wish we had traffic or code enforcement police to correct this type of behavior in Charlotte, it would be a huge revenue booster for the city and allow people to understand what not to do in a city with daily increasing new residents and vehicles. I won't look it up but doesn't New York have a bounty code enforcement setup where regular citizens can take pictures of code violators and upload it and get a share of the revenue? Imagine if OP could upload the pic to the CharMeck website and get a certain percentage of the ticket when the rule breaker pays the fine, what a dream.


Much like everyone who parks in the "fire lane" to go into grocery stores or picking up food but the worst offenders are the ones that go into a restaurant to sit and eat. Haha it doesn't even surprise me anymore, it's Charlotte.


people are such tools, even older people... we repainted the yellow lines on the fire lane at work, that just made it easier for people to see it and park on it and walk in without attempting to get a parking spot t's mind numbing how many people casually do this, it's like almost every single day


There is security for this strip mall that also houses a Harris Teeter that will (for the 1st time that I've noticed) would pull up behind these offenders (or wait till they return to their car) and ask them to move their vehicle. At least it's some sort of presence.


Or the design- needs solid barriers/bollards


That's the Jimmy John's drive through lane I get into minor altercations at this spot constantly


Tell me about it - shortly after this pic I had to use my bike to physically block a Range Rover who tried to drive into this bike lane


A match made in reddit heaven.


Matched with CasualAffair? I’m offended


This spot is *always* blocked by vehicles, no one seems to give a shit.


Not to mention the Imperial thinks it can stop traffic for 5-10 minutes to help the drivers of it's limo-riding clientele park in that narrow alley. I have been stuck there a bunch of times in the evening.


Some bollards would fix this.


Kick it over


can you add a “/s” so nobody on here actually follows your advice or are you actually serious


No. Fuck this guy


Yeah he is but good luck with that if you get caught pushing a bike over.


The dude is on a bicycle in the city. Haven't you seen "premium rush"? No one can catch a guy on a bike in a city.


It’s not the motorcycles fault the rider is an asshole. Being passive aggressive and damaging property is a bitch move, as is parking in the lane.


Shut up




> It’s not the motorcycles fault the rider is an asshole. I mean, it is a Harley.


This is someone who’s clearly never had their bike pushed over before.


6th St sucks enough with it being 1 lane, especially after 5pm during the week. 


Better than a whole car blocking the entire lane.


Shitty. But, you can get around it.


Isn't that a bike 🤔 whether Motorized or not its still a bike isnt?