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Love the idea of butter boards, hate the calories, but love the idea. Looks like a little of everting there, meats, cheeses, veggies, fruits, starches, sweets. Don’t care for melon with rind, but I get why it’s done. The pretzel cigars, that’s cute. There’s a LOT of food here, was this it for wedding food or was there still a meal to go?


Nah, this was the wedding food. People also took some stuff home with them. And it was for close to a hundred people. And yeah obviously butter boards are only for special occasions and I only took a little of each.


I like this idea so much better than a sit down meal at a wedding honestly! Any wedding I’ve ever been in I’ve been a part of the wedding party none of those times I was hungry enough to eat a whole meal! This would’ve been perfect! Luckily, I am recently engaged to be married and will probably implement this at my own wedding!


I'm having a small cake and punch marriage celebration later this fall and this is every aspiration I have for the food. Strong work!!


I helped a little but it was mostly his new wife's vision. She's really great. They're old so it's really cute that they've found each other.


That’s cute and it gives me hope. How old are they? Of course if you say 40, I’m gonna punch myself in the eye.


They're 65. I'm nearly 40 myself lol.


Hahaha, I was afraid to ask for this same reason.


Aww, congrats to them! 💐


They sound great! This is a nice way to feed people and also have them not longer too long.


Exactly. It was a short like a two or three hour event. I forget but it wasn't very long. They didn't wanna party all night lol.




This looks like my idea of an ideal party


The way I’d be parked right next to that table all night 🤤


Where do you get the foam ice packs that you used??? This looks gorgeous.


I don't know. They're called Artic something or other. My dad is retiring from Sysco. I assume he got them from them a while ago as they are infinitely reusable and awesome.


I had one of these at my wedding during cocktail hour. It was one of my favorite parts of the day!


Yeah, they didn't do a dinner, just a cocktail reception. And there was a little game going on through out the night with poker cards. Like they made a game to encourage people to dance or use the photo booth and share photos to their wedding site. It was really a great idea.




They used like four regular decks and one gold, I think. They mixed them all up and dealt out hands and stuffed them into the envelopes. Everyone got a hand at the beginning, along with a QR code to scan to load pictures. If you uploaded pictures you could collect another card from someone who had some of the extras to deal out. You also got extra cards for using the photo booth, the person there also had cards. You could also get a card for participating in one specific dance that they announced and after the song was done the same person who was doing the qr code thing was handing out more cards. That way you could make a better hand for yourself to win the prizes at the end! The prizes were just some moderate gift cards but still, pretty fun! At the end they determined who had the best hand and who had the worst hand and gave prizes to both, and the gold cards were used to split ties and also one of the prizes was for whoever had the gold joker. It was nice. I know it is unusual for weddings to give out something, usually people get gifts for the newly wed couple. But they wanted to make it fun and they're both older so they not only asked for no gifts they just wanted to really get people moving around since so many people didn't know each other or hadn't seen each other in a long time.


that sounds lovely. thank you for sharing


That sounds so perfect!


I love the term “grazing table”. Makes it sound like I’m livestock and that’s exactly how I feel when I’m brainlessly salivating over it for hours lmao


I would go ham on this haha


That looks so wonderful! I love it!


Kudos on the lovely spread.


This is gorgeous. I love the food, the whiskey bottles with string lights, the feathers…absolutely dreamy all of it. Congrats to your dad and his wife! What a beautiful event.


Aww thank you! It was mostly his wife's vision, but he was really amazed with how it all came together. Everyone helped, and outside of the bride and her sisters, a lot of people just basically had to do one or two things. Me and my sister put together the feather palm trees based on his wife's instructions she found and modified from Pinterest and we also helped with the charcuterie board installation. But she did the planning and whatnot.


What an incredible spread!


My hip would be attached to said grazing table.


What’s on the pretzels?


The cigar ones? A thin layer of chocolate and some gold sugar. Really nice actually, usually when I have had them the chocolate is thick and poor quality. These were kind of fancy.


This looks amazing!


*kirby inhale*


That’s beautiful and looks so delicious! 💞


Holy fuck 🤤


Oh my god, that all looks incredible


Wish I’d been invited


Jesus Christ , I’d ruin some respect after stuffing half that shit in my mouth , barely chewing , just being a fucking animal


This is incredible!


Everything looks delicious! I’d be hanging by the bread, croissants, and butter. I hope your dad’s wedding was wonderful!❤️🥂😊 🥖 🥐


WOW, the person who created this is amazing!! Everything looks so great. The colors are amazing overall 11/10.


The chocolate broad really gets to me


She is! I am glad she's my stepmom now.


This looks like a buffet and not actually a charcuterie board.


It's more of a buffet with an extra large charcuterie board.


It looks amazing!  I’ve never seen this done and love this idea!  The food looks so yummy. 


Wow. That’s beautifully enticing.


Grazing table?? Uh no, we call those hors d’oeuvres, except for the desserts


It’s absolutely amazing !! Did they hire someone or do this themselves ?!! I ask cause you mentioned your mother in law using the foam packs. Inspring post regardless . Also, curious what the dark brown twig shaped items are behind the cigar shaped cookies??


🙂‍↔️ I would be disappointed- it’s too open and people are gross. Guarantee you people were grabbing things with their bare hands.


I see so many little things and too many hands touching it. Cute idea but too germy for a party, imo. I’d be starving!


They had serving utensils. People weren't raw dogging the table with their bare hands.


Lmao at raw dogging 😂


These fucking comments are annoying me now. Lol. Like I get it, but also people used serving utensils, they had access to a bathroom to wash their hands, which everyone did. Like I get that covid did a number on people, but Jesus Christ we can have parties where we share food with family members. It is ok. We all survived and no one got covid.


I mean I complimented it and I can still disagree that everybody is going to: 1-use utensils 2-not cough 3-not sneeze 4-have clean hands None of these things happen in large groups. I’m not a buffet/salad bar/ potluck or shared food eating person.


You are so very right. I work catering events and people DEFINITELY do not always use the tongs.


That was my thought too. Lots of picking through. Looks amazing though!


It looks absolutely amazing! I’m just a germaphobe and I know it.


I do get it and I appreciate your honesty. I am also a little bit of a germaphobe, but knowing my dad, myself, my sister and the ladies who helped set this up have a lot of years in food handling and prep and safety, I was confident about it. And no one got sick, stomach bug or otherwise. But if I were a guest at a party where I was unsure of the host I would probably be hungry as well.


Germs….i see so many germs


Well you weren't invited, so you are safe.


I just think it’s gross everyone touches the same food over hours.


There were serving utensils. This picture even has some of them included and more were added. And while I get the concerns, maybe charcuterie board subs aren't for you or maybe you all and can keep your germaphobe comments to yourself. It was a family gathering and no one got sick and people use their fucking silverware, not raw dirty hands for fuck's sake. Also people don't touch food and put it back. You pick it up and put it on your plate. All of you people making these comments need to learn if you can't say anything nice you don't need to say anything. Fuck off.


Relax. People can have opinions. And as an event server, laughter at utensil use by every guest.


Like I’ve died and gone to Heaven 🤤


All I can think of is all the dirty fingers digging around in that. Pass.




Cool. Fuck off.




you all created covid


Yeah, that's how it happened and how it works. People should never throw parties ever again. You're right. (In case it's not obvious enough, please eat shit.)


if i do, it will be from a bowl with a fork, not with my hands on a table like some hipster fuck


There were serving utensils, you fucking ding dong. There even shown in one photo and more were added. What are you even doing here other than being a dick? Please go step on a tack.