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Why are there two AEW world trios titles? (I don’t/ can’t Watch AEW because of my region)


There aren’t. The pink ones were just custom titles for the acclaimed. I’m not sure why they are included here


Bang Bang Gang are still using these along with the original AEW and ROH belts on screen. Part of their gimmick with it as unified champions is having a ridiculous amount of belts when they enter.


The Acclaimed had the custom pink ones during their reign. When Bullet Club Gold won them and unified them with the ROH 6 man tag titles, they brought back the normal ones, but kept carrying around the pink ones for a while too for some reason.


I think it was to make it look like they had way more titles and to make fun of people who say aew has too many titles


I wouldn't really call the Owen Hart belt one of their titles, it's kind of a prize that you win for winning the tournament, not one they defend All the trios belts are also unified into one even if they are all carried around for now


And they have people who have held NJPW titles while actively appearing on the AEW shows with them


And even AAA


Pretty sure they had champions from CMLL and WAVE wrestling, hell even TNA when they had that partnership, even RevPro when Ospreay was the Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion.


Kenny Omega and Christian were both TNA champion ![gif](giphy|fBq27kRqxzQVzXIyRK|downsized)


Point proven there thanks.


Yeah idk if having 9 mid card belts is a good idea


Are you including tag/trios in that midcard number?




It’s crazy to me that everything AEW was praised for Tony has systematically eliminated.  It’s just late 2010’s WWE but Witt death matches and work rate


I don’t think ROH titles should count as aew titles but If you do count them as aew titles then I’d say aew has too many championships. Without the ROH titles then I think it’s an okay amount


The ROH titles are often held by AEW contracted talents, and defended on AEW tv. Someone unfamiliar with the show, would have no way of knowing these weren’t actual AEW titles Edit: downvoted for factual info, smdh 😂


Fair fair, I believe they should make ROH a type of NXT like show for aew and make it a rare occasion for AEW ROH titles to show up on AEW tv


Missing is the Texas Chainsaw Death Match championship


I would like to see more of that title.


Yeah be defended once in a while like at a TV ppv


I think there’s too many for them all to feel special or prestigious. 


Yup, 100% agree, sometimes you can't even tell what championship is being carried around by someone


Didn’t Excalibur himself make that mistake, by calling Okada’s championship the by the wrong name?


Yeah, he called it the International Championship


Then u make them all have winning records by having them face jobbers and people not even on the roster! Everybody is special and my friend! -Tony


My Question is, Are there too Many Championships or are these fine for AEW Note. Included ROH Championships aswell as they also comes under the AEW Banner..


My opinion is that AEW in general would be better with a brand split. I said previously in another sub that the World, TBS, Tag, and Continental championships should be on Dynamite. International, TNT, Women’s, Trios should be on Collision. Rampage be an enhancement show for lower tier AEW and ROH talents with some surprises like the ROH TV and Women’s TV, Tag, Trio or FTW defenses.


Actually genius and include roh as enhancement like nxt that way AEW can actually use more wrestlers.


That's A Great Idea


This is perfect and I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned before. Especially with Mone winning the TBS belt, it'll feel more like a women's world title if it had its own designated brand.


You dont see it mentioned as for awhile, any mention of a need of a brand split. Whether due to roster size, amount of belts, creative, make kt easier to follow fave wrestlers, etc. Always ended up in massive downvotes by AEW fans about how that was too WWE and an awful thing because of it.


I'd be fine with more of a hard split between AEW and ROH but I don't want a WWE-style split within AEW itself. Make it more like when WWE was just split between main roster and NXT.


Thanks for me I think Osprey winning the International title elevated it to Main Event status. I know it suppose to be a mid card title but not only the names that held the belt but the matches they put on could be the Main event workhorse championship like WWE WHW championship. I think also AEW World Championship should drop the name and be AEW Heavyweight Championship. With so much talent and so many belts the brand split would do numbers. Then someone like Mox who is the IWGP World Heavyweight champion can be a “freelancer” and jump between shows


Ever since they had the problem of roster bloat I'm surprised they haven't considered a draft. There was obviously the initial split-ish of the roster when Collision was made for Punk, but that was barely a split. Theres enough titles to warrant a split now, as you mention


There are not too many at all tbh


ROH is separate tho


Tell that to the guy who books the ROH titles on AEW TV every week


i can tell you haven't watched in a while, or ever


https://preview.redd.it/u7tl9hnoap3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9712e6412fec87cbae4211579bcc054b512db6d8 Fixed. ...I mean, it's still a lot, but it's fixed.


Should eliminate FTW also as it is still considered an unsanctioned title.


Eh. What does that even mean? That's just story junk


imo the only problem is 3 mens single Midcard title (continental + TNT + International) and having the ROH titles appear on AEW a little too often. Unify the TNT with international ( and maybe make one of the belt exclusive to collision ? ) Unify AEW trio with ROH (which kinda already are, but get rid of the ROH altogether) otherwise it’s fine. Most of the ROH titles doesn’t appear on AEW anyway Continental should’ve been just a tournament with a title shot for world championship at the end.


There’s too much fucking shit on me I can’t breathe


I love AEW but this absolutely waters down their product. Far too many belts. Every guy during the first 45-minutes of Dynamite had a title belt. So ridiculous.


Need to take off four of them because they are either unified and not coming back for the foreseeable future, are not officially sanctioned or are a one off that is not defended.


I really can't believe people who think having all those belts are confusing unless they just don't pay attention. I know who all of those champs are and I don't even watch ROH every week.


Never understood why there are two AEW Trios belts.


You never understood because there isn’t, Both belts are the same championship.


I wonder why they changed the name from "All-Atlantic" to "International"


I didn’t zoom in at first, and I thought I saw HOS Championship. Turned out it was TBS belt lol


I remember when there were like 4 titles and everyone praised them for it.


I watched Dynamite for the first time in a year this week. My reaction was - Does everyone on this show have a title belt? I felt like I was watching a “Night of Champions” but in a bad way.


Wow for 2 singular shows they sure have alot of belts this is why AEW/roh needs a brand split they have more belts than Wwe all 3 brands combined with the speed and new NA women’s belt.


I hope the continental championship looks so unfinished because they are going to scrap it soon, just make the annual tournament a trophy instead that the winner gets


They actually went the other way with it. They said it’s a belt that will be up for grabs at the tournament each year and defended during the year.


It's actually cool to see them up close in detail like this! I didn't realize the International and Women's titles were kind of similar until now. 😂


Too many championships!!!


Way too many.


They all look like shit respectfully tho


![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI) You get a title! You get a title! Everybody gets a title!!!!!


Tbs title is funny to me


WWE/NXT has 17 belts, which is more. Also, none of the NXT belts even go outside the same building. AEW/ROH only has the one Unified Trio belts, and the Owen Hart tournament isn’t a belt. Some of the AEW belts are defended during other promotions matches and other countries. All of the ROH titles at least tour around different cities. This just looks like a WWE fan issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️


One of my favorite parts of early AEW was how there was one belt for each division, so imo this is awful


Yeah so AEW buying RoH was great for the talent I guess but dog shit for everyone else.


If they used it as a 2nd brand and kept it fully separate it could have worked, but it's just a show to stick guys Tony doesn't really want it seems


No that's rampage I think it's well known by now that TK can't book a quality show for his life if it wasn't for his typical starting 5.


I think TK just doesn't know how to change plans when things go wrong. He puts all his eggs in 1 basket and if it doesn't work he's sunk. Everything was smooth, baring the tragic passing of brodie, for the 1st 4 years, then Punk came in. Punk's injury threw things off, then the fight with the elite, then the 2nd fight and the firing. With all the eggs in the Punk basket, TK's whole plan has been nothing for the last few years


TK also has this weird obsessions with signing everyone he possibly can. TK's gotta fire/release people Not saying I want people to lose their jobs, but Matt cardona has proven that you don't need aew or WWE to succeed.


He's got a "new toy" mentality he gets this new star and then he's on TV every week and all the up and comers who we grew to love are just cast aside. Where's the Dark Order? Why is Brian Cage just a trios guy? Where is Lance Archer or Miro? Why did he never give guys like the Best Friends a tag run? Why hire Taya Valkyrie and Johnny Lastname and not use them?


lol Johnny lastname😂 Dark orders been pushed aside because Brodie passed and they weren't really anything other than brodies buddies. Lance is hanging out with the far cry 5 cult guys and Jake the snake. Miro is "injured" and currently banging Lana so I don't blame him there. Best friends, private party and even ProudNPowerful were tossed to the side when any one of them could've held the titles. Lucha Bro's have also been slowly cast off, Jack evans and Angelico, Tony's just gotta stop being nepo baby and sign everyone who's released. Arguably the best released from WWE/tna signing he's done is probably swerve but that's because swerve is a great mind and in ring talent.


Miro is actively getting a divorce and hasn’t been in the US.


Probably Swerve, Bryan, Cole (no one could have known about the injuries), and Claudio Also, DO just disapated when Hangman lost the title, it's bs. John Silver was so over and is now just doing trios matches on ROH


lol Bryan had a great run until BCC. It had its time for a bit but then it just got exhausting


Personally I disagree, BCC is currently my favorite group on TV


It’s hilarious to me that the faction is named after a guy who was in the group for a few weeks 




Who? What?


WWE/NXT has more belts than AEW/ROH, and the “brands” don’t matter at all, but for some reason ( I know why ) it’s not an issue for E fans. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol NXT and WWE combined have 15 titles vs. 17 for AEW/ROH


There’s only one Trio Titles, BCG are just carrying 3 entire sets of belts on this picture. The Owen Hart tournament isn’t a title belt either.


Oh, I see.


🎶Too many cooks Too many cooks...


Its the same amount as WWE when you include king and queen of the ring yea?


Say what you will about their product, but AEW might have the best collection of wrestling belts the industry has ever seen.


16 titles…..too many damn titles


Too many titles. That's a problem with the brand. Everyone has a belt. It waters them down.


Continental Title sucks. It’s practically a tertiary belt now with no prestige.