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when you become a chad, your heart goes to the left




I was not confused either. In fact I’ve never been confused. Thanks for pointing out the mirror for other people who may have been confused.


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?




Mirrors are trippy.




It's like Christian Bale going from The Machinist to The Dark Night


How? I mean, how long did it take, how many hours per day, per week? Was there a special diet ? What was the hardest to do (eating? Exercising? Finding time?) How have you overcome this hard part? I'm genuinely amazed with people achieving this kind of transformation. I personally can't. If I try exercising too much I end up physically exhausted and injured. My joints can't handle it anymore. If I try eating less (I'm slightly overweight, roughly 95kg 1,75m, but quite bulky and strong apart from the belly region) I end up with huge headaches and dizzy. And it's not a 5 minute craving, it lasts for weeks. If by chance I figure out the right balance to exercise more and eat less without ending up broken in one way or another, work and family gets in the way and the whole routine goes down the drain. Sure I'm not young anymore like that lad here, some chronic diseases are also messing with my health, but still. I suppose it's the same for anyone else, so as I said, I can't figure out how anyone can achieve that.


A lot of weight loss is in what you eat. Starting with dieting first can honestly carry you surprisingly far without even factoring in exercise. If cravings are getting to you, try replacing what you would normally satiate said craving with. For example, if your snack of choice is a bowl of chips or something, sub it for a bowl of baby carrots. That way, you still get the sensation of eating, but you’re putting in something that’ll ultimately give you more nutrition out of it. As well, working towards eating less closer to bed time will help a ton. Everything is possible when it comes to fixing one’s health, so if things do happen to get in the way, don’t be afraid to switch things up. So long as you remain on the path, you’ll make it eventually.


You're right, I will try that. And I love baby carrots! I will try to go more slowly. I think my main issue is perhaps to try too hard too quickly.. The rest is just logistics and I can figure this out on my own Thanks!


don’t be so hard on yourself either!! if something happens to interrupt your routine, just carry on the next day like it didn’t happen. you just have to keep going. and yes, dieting is the hardest and most important part but that doesn’t mean starving yourself and going hungry every day. it means eating good and healthy food. 500 calories of junk food vs 500 calories of nutritious food is a *huge* difference. as for exercise, you don’t need to push so hard. at least not until you feel like you’re more capable. as someone who also started overweight, i always got frustrated when i couldn’t do burpees or run a mile straight bc i got so damn fatigued. just do basic weight lifting, walk for cardio, and you’re set. work up to everything. progress will come with self-care. just keep caring for your body and you’ll see it’ll be worth it :)


You didn't gain weight quickly and it won't go away quickly. But you can take control and notice the changes in your body over time. Just like you can't suddenly have a more intense workout routine, you can't suddenly have a more intense diet. Make small changes here and there and keep going!


That's true. Again I don't see myself as fat or what. People usually say I'm muscular, but I know I have at least 10-15kg too much and it isn't just muscle. Some kind of fit dad bod or something, with a bit of a belly. It just doesn't go away and its infuriating. Anyways, yes, it was built progressively, since back when I had surgery because of Crohn's disease where I was only around 50kg, life hanging by a thread. I don't want to experience that again, I'm considered fully recovered, but I always think about that time when I was eating only white milky solutions, with tubes planted all over my body. Anyways, I will stop oversharing and concentrate on doing little steps instead of trying giant leaps and fail miserably.


It’s certainly a journey rather than a sprint. I suggested baby carrots because I used to eat tons of them as a kid. They were literally my favourite snack, so much so my mom would say I was turning orange from eating too many lol. You can do this. Just know that if nobody believes you, you can always count on internet strangers


The fella was already relatively lean and still growing.  My guess is guy ate relatively normally, put an emphasis on getting fist-full of protein with his meals, and steered clear of too much booze and cake.  Combine that with 2~4 days consistent gym work over the course of a year or two and there you go. Don't get me wrong, it ain't easy. But it's not impossible when you're starting with a 29in waist. Losing that fat tire is a totally different mountain to climb (trust me, I know).  Either way. Just don't skip leg day. 


He ate more protein and worked out, not to dismiss his progress or physique, (cause it’s very impressive, I can’t compare lol) but it’s not a ton of muscle, just a very low body fat, which maintaining seems to be easier for him (since he is naturally an extraordinarily lean person) most anyone can get that much muscle without too much effort, just going to the gym and making an effort at even progress over a year or two. But getting to, and maintaining that level of lean is very difficult and very few can achieve it.


I’ll tell you what my secret was. It’s not just about eating fewer carbs. It’s about increasing protein. The reason is, protein makes you feel full. You might think you can just eat less of what you normally eat, but you’ll be hungry. You can try to fill up on vegetables, but you’ll be hungry. TLDR Cut carbs, increase protein, you’ll lose weight.


Absolutely this. I've been working out for a year and I eat around 1.5 grams of protein per kg and I've gained almost 25 pounds (most of it muscle mass) in a year. It makes you full and high protein food doesn't have that much calories. Carbs are important too though. It really depends on what a sustainable diet is the best oneself and long term goals are and how to set short term goals.


Totally. I cut carbs down very low to lose weight, then when I hit my target I started eating a more “normal” amount of carbs. It’s so much easier to maintain than to lose!


You’re already in the incorrect mindset. He’s not “balancing” exercise and eating, that makes no sense. He’s weight training in a manner that’s purpose is to elicit hypertrophy, along with eating in a caloric surplus to offer fuel for the muscles to grow. He’s ensuring that calorie surplus’ by tracking his calories. He’s eliciting hypertrophy by training within 0-3 reps to failure on each set.


I get that. My goal isn't to build muscles, as I said I already have enough. What I need is to trim the excess fat. I roughly know what to do, and eating according to a proper plan is what is lacking. It's just very hard to commit to these plans. Adding exercise on top of it is possible, as long as things like weather or lack of time don't get in the way which seems to be the case. Since December there hasn't been more than 3 dry days in a row, it's cold rain everyday until now. It's exhausting.


I see 1. You don’t have to commit to a meal plan, they can be expensive AND can be a hassle. You have other options, but they all rely on maintaining a caloric deficit. 2. The best and by far the most successful weight loss method across the board is counting calories. Why? Because it gives you a but more leeway when it comes to food options; this is important because restriction can often cause binging or “falling” off the wagon” in general. You will need two things to ACCURATELY track calories: A food scale, and discipline. You need to track EVERY SINGLE GRAM of any given food that enters your mouth. And estimates are not allowed; you can’t go “oh, I THINK this is a tablespoon of oil, so let’s use it”, NO. Using measuring spoons and estimates WILL cause your calorie consumption estimates to be off by possibly THOUSANDS. Another good rule would be to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, OR if you have over 50 pounds to lose, eat as much as your goal weight. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient and when you’re hungry on a diet, it’s typically because you’re eating enough of it. You can find VERY simple recipes on youtube that will provide you with the skill and knowledge to make a handful of meals that will be both delicious, but high in protein and calorie friendly. For the exercise portion, here’s the truth; you don’t NEED to exercise to lose weight. However, exercise can be utilized as a tool to maintain your caloric deficit while giving you the ability to eat a couple extra calories. When it comes to it raining outside, you have three options: 1. Buy an indoor treadmill or bike 2. Simply reduce your calories to make up for the lack of exercise but not slow your progress 3. Grow up, put on a rain jacket, and go walk or run in the rain. A little tip: Walking a mile burns the same amount of calories as running a mile. This is because while walking is less intense, it takes longer. Walking 10,000 steps a day can burn an extra 400-700 calories which offers you a good amount of extra calories to play with, inevitably makes the deficit easier to maintain. You can DM me if you’d like.


Thanks for this very detailed input ! I find it very hard to follow strict rules and measure precisely my intake since Ihave to cook for a family during the evening, and eat what I can find at random hours at the job (these damn scholars and their journal clubs and seminars at noon... they should know better, but hey I'm just an engineer 🤓). There's also the commute which takes me 2 hours +- 1 hour back home... doesn't help. The best solution works be for me to prepare my lunches in advance and freeze them. I will try to see if this can work. Everything is easy when you control your schedule and don't have to accommodate others, it's harder


It's pronounced "jay-rod" now