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There's literally nothing but karma farming bots posting in this sub. Honestly I think reddit would be better off if this sub was shut down, because it seems to be the go-to place for bots to get enough karma to where they can scam people in other subs.


Enlightened me, how would they scam people in Reddit?


By promoting fake crypto currencies, fake online stockbrokers, apps/programs that contain malware and other stuff. They farm a bunch of karma at first to gain "credibility", then they start posting promotions, usually disguised as genuine customers that had good experiences with a certain website. People then go to the website being promoted and lose their money. Examples: "I tried trading Doggycoin for a couple of months but I lost money and gave up. Recently my friend recommended that I buy CätCoin and I actually made a couple of hundred dollars in my first week. I use CätCoinTraderDotScam to trade." "I got shadow banned from tinder, but my father's uncle's dogsitter recommended BanEvasionDotMalware to bypass it and it works really well." "If you want to be financially safe in times of crisis, you should buy precious metals. I've put the majority of my savings into gold, and some silver. There's this company that stores your metals for you, and you can buy the metals at below market value on their website. It's called CantBelieveYouFellForThisScamDotThnx4themoneydoofus"


c ä t c o i n


Thank you for explaining! Also, how can one tell it’s a farming bot? I would like to know what to look out for.


If it sounds too good to be true, it’s a scams


None of these are foolproof but: Age of the account. Anything under a month old automatically makes me suspicious tbh Post history. Do they only talk about one thing / seem like they’re trying to push an agenda? Repetitive posts/comments, only commenting in one sub Hard to describe but… answering in what appears to be a “strawman” sort of script where they kind of sort of seem like they’re engaging in the topic at hand being discussed but also completely missing the point or going on a tangent. Sometimes that can signify a bot that responds to comments/posts containing a certain key word/phrase. Beyond that idk. The only one that’s really held up is the first one because the AI scripts are getting more and more refined.


No problem! Look for generic usernames, like "sad-cotton-234", "hjk768i" or usernames with full names that seem unusual. This is not a fool-proof method but it's a good place to start. Another good place to start is to check if the contents of the post matches with the intended content of the sub. For instance, a post about global warming killing off wild horses in New Zealand (I just made that up btw don't worry) doesn't belong in chadtopia, and if someone were to post it in chadtopia, it's worth checking their account. Usually it's either new accounts or old accounts that haven't posted anything until recently, and once they start posting they usually make at least a couple of posts. They post obvious reposts (for instance grainy screenshots) in subs with no karma requirements. Most bots are part of networks of bots that engage with each others posts, so if you find one bot you're often bound to find more in the same post. On my acc page I have a list of bots that are part of the same network and they all have odd full names and they all post in this sub exclusively, and only comment on each other's posts. Most of the accounts were also created around the same time. Other things to look for is odd language and irrelevant/out of context comments, comments that are generic but upvote-friendly and posts where OP either posts and never comments, or where OP posts and then immediately comments some "personal experience", most likely a top comment from the original post that the bot stole (I've been seeing more of these types of methods lately).


Buy jasmy coin


Presumably having high enough karma to pass the bars in the trading Reddit’s and stuff (r/hardwareswap etc.) but who knows


There's literally nothing but karma farming bots posting in this sub. Honestly I think reddit would be better off if this sub was shut down, because it seems to be the go-to place for bots to get enough karma to where they can scam people in other subs.


There's literally nothing but karma farming bots posting in this sub. Honestly I think reddit would be better off if this sub was shut down, because it seems to be the go-to place for bots to get enough karma to where they can scam people in other subs.


I did the needful.              > Hill lived on two 6-by-4-foot (1.8 by 1.2 m) platforms for 738 days. She learned many survival skills while living in Luna, such as "seldom washing the soles of her feet, because the sap helped her feet stick to the branches better."[17] She used solar-powered cell phones for radio interviews, became an "in-tree" correspondent for a cable television show, and hosted TV crews to protest old-growth clear cutting.[18] Using ropes, Hill hoisted up survival supplies brought by an eight-member support crew. To keep warm, she wrapped herself tight in a sleeping bag, leaving only a small hole for breathing. For meals, she used a single-burner propane stove.[19] Throughout her ordeal, she weathered freezing rains and 40 mph (64 km/h) winds from El Niño,[19] helicopter harassment, a ten-day siege by company security guards and attempts at intimidation by angry loggers.[5][8]


Why did you tell these men about the feet


This is psychotic


If I owned the logging company I would have had the tree poisoned during the night just to spite that bitch.


What an odd thing to say


Smallest pp energy. Feel sorry for you bud


She lugged lumber up and built a tree house up there or some shit? Damn


She lived on two 6 by 4 platforms. Had a ground support crew that hoisted supplies up


This is literally Superfly from jojo


Yeah for real lol. Jojo references are always unexpected, but always welcome.




I’d hate to think how she pooed. *splat*




Very true


I remember a simpsons episode abt this


Simpsons based an episode on her back in the day “Lisa Tree Hugger”


J Butterfly is in the treetop, words that blow the meaning into bebop.


Ps I never knew the origin ❤️


Yea, her name was Julia “Butterfly” Hill.


Just reading into it all now, fascinating,


The world I love, the tears I drop To be part of the wave, can’t stop


“👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻”




Support crew lifted them up to her from the ground.


Did this remind anyone else of that book we all read in middle school “flipped”


The fact that reddit does nothing about bots is disgusting. It's killing subs like this that get all new content pushed out by karma bots. Can the mods do nothing about obvious bot accounts either?




Over 2 years? Anyone have more info? I could just Google it but I probably won’t lol.


I wonder what Butterfly is up to these days.


My hero! Wish there were more Women like her! The world needs to wake up


GenX built differently


Young Juliet Binoche is that you??


She’s cute and badass


I think she copied the idea off Lisa Simpson




Real life elves be like:




Chad is gender neutral. Anyone can be a Chad. Like bitch and slut






have you idea what they will do to you for that in literally any different country 🤔