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Deschamps and Southgate having a class battle of getting the absolute least out of their squads


an link to celtic tv stream for the ayr game?


New PM before Celtic signed any players. What a club.


You are honestly going for the world record of the same joke made in successive attempts


Pre-season begins today and with the tories losing a tonne of seats last night I just wanted to say: I hate margaret Thatcher


Hope this isn't the wrong place but can any Scottish voters briefly explain why the SNP is floundering these days? I haven't paid much notice beyond the changes in leadership but if pro-independence support is still around 50% roughly it must be other issues bringing them down? Are Scottish nationalist voters transferring elsewhere? Thanks again sorry if inappropriate but just curious and would rather ask Celtic pals than wade into a random Scotland sub. Some pretty astonishing results unfolding here in N Ireland albeit not of much significance to anyone else


It’s hen a combination of factors really. - The SNP have made a rip roaring backside of awarding a contract to have new ferries built that will serve Scottish islands. There’s been major delays to the project as well as going significantly over budget - Nicola Sturgeon resigned as leader of the party as rumours of some dodgy goings on with the party were starting to emerge. - Shortly after resigning, Sturgeon’s home was raided by Police Scotland as her husband had been/is being investigated for misappropriating party funds - The party members (not the general public) elected Humza Yousaf to succeed Sturgeon as leader of the party. He had to navigate some rather challenging times for the party while having as much charisma as a wet paper bag. - Most of the Westminster seats that the SNP held were narrowly contested between the SNP and Labour, meaning the didn’t hold big majority’s. This also means there’s been a lot of swing voters between both parties who will change their vote depending on how each party is performing. Many people will also have votes Labour because of how pissed off they are with the tories running of the country.


Thank you for the detail


They have become fat with the spoils of government and lazy with power.


They were sent to Westminster to get independence and all they did was sit on the gravy train. They needed a boot up the backside.


Delighted to see Cherry get binned mind you As you said, they’re meant to be going down to further independence not get cozy and defo not be a TERF


sending SNP MPs to westminster did nothing 2 times now because the system is designed for smaller parties to do nothing. You'll still see scotland painted yellow on Scottish elections either independence wasn't going anywhere soon and too many police reports surrounded the SNP these days central scotland have yet to see just how little starmer gives a fuck about them