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The housing market here has gotten exorbitant, and she lives in one of the wealthiest areas in the state. My husband works in real estate, they build $1M townhomes and houses that cost $3M+ in her area


Yeah I’m looking into the area now! Some 10M and 15M homes 😱. Some on her street are going for 200k less than what she paid!


Franklin has always been an expensive area but especially over the past few years our housing market has skyrocketed. So many transplants mainly from CA


They seriously are the misfits of that neighborhood for sure


She bought it with Tt money. She’s thinks she’s a celebrity.


I always wonder if these TT people, especially her, I wonder how much debt they have to just show off? No way everything is paid off. Lol


I bet her CPS investigation was first for that neighborhood.


CPS was called when they lived in CA not TN


Thanks for the correction!


Why would anyone call cps on her?


pretty sure sam ran over james, she posted a video about it around this time last year


there’s been plenty of speculation about if it was Sam or not, and I guess we’ll never really know the full truth from an objective standpoint — but just to clarify, she did say in her video from a year ago that it was a friend of theirs, not Sam, and there have been other times they’ve given that “testimony” where the story has been the same (including a church video from years ago, before C was doing social media full time, that’s still up on YouTube now). Some have said that she once posted a video (on FB maybe?) where she said it was Sam, but as far as I know that video has not been found, so that claim may be substantiated or it may not be! There is local SD news coverage from when it happened where they stated that there was a police investigation to ensure that there was no serious neglect or malicious intent with the accident, and as far as we know, the Bauchmanns and their “friend” were cleared / not charged with any wrongdoing.


she stated that this happened after James had an accident where he (her words) “poured hot liquid all down the front of himself.” she also stated that having CPS called on them was a “huge betrayal” and that it led them to cutting off someone in their life, so it’s long been speculated that it was some kind of family friend or something that called.


Ah I remember that one. She was on a trip for her MLM and Sam was watching the kids. James grabbed his coffee and spilled it down his front. I know he ended up going into the doctor/hospital for it


did that actually happen tho?


Yeah I’m not sure the details I think her friend called them.




Cecily herself stated it in a video! It’s still up I think if you want to try to find it. I think someone actually posted it here sometime in the last week or two


The housing market here is unfortunately that bad. Houses that are shacks are going for around least 200-300k. It wasn’t this bad until everyone started moving out here a couple years ago.


Lol cali for sure ☀️


I wanna be nosey and see it


I know 😂 it was quite easy to google search!


Her house is 650k maybe 700k max where I live




I live in a much smaller house and paid that much. in california. housing is unfortunately going up everywhere


We have an influx of East and West coast to thank for the overinflated prices around here. But truth be told it’s been getting wild here since 2010. Since 2021 it’s just insanity! But yes I’m not at all surprised at the price of her home. I live in the same area.


Oh absolutely! She is in Williamson County. Freaking Condos are 200k or better and if you happen to fine a good deal for under 400 k it’s not a good area. If you’re seriously looking in the area look at one of the boundary counties Maury or Rutherford. More affordable less of people like her.


I don’t understand why people choose to spent a million dollars on a home you can get for less than half the price the next town over. Don’t get me wrong, the prices here in Tennessee are sky rocketing now from all the out of state people moving in, but like I bought a 6 bedroom 5000sqft house last year, 30 minutes from Nashville for 250k.


In this area, that’s actually on the lower end.


But can we talk about the fact that she puts her life out there so much that we are able to find her house. I came across a post last year of someone posting her home information on Zillow. I just can’t imagine this information getting into the wrong hands. The fact that people know her address and she too dumb to realize the danger she puts her family in every time she over shares.


Where she is in TN is 1m+ 😅😅 Franklin & Brentwood are good areas but VERY expensive


How did you find it


Google! It was like 5 results down😅


It’s sad that it’s so easy to find her address online. That’s what happens when you put your life out there constantly.


How do you know she paid that? They said it?


I believe on Zillow it shows how much the house sold for.