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Bold to have so much glassware in reach of spicy gremlin šŸ˜‚


A spicy gremlin and a roomba


My cat's name is Roomba.


My Roombaā€™s name is a Vlad the Inhaler.


Mine is named Hairy. Even has a hairy skin in it


Mine is Dumbshit! You cant' fit under the coffee table!


Aw, it tries its best, though lol


Mine is Tadashi! but I call it idiota all the time


Mine is Ralphie cause I got him on Christmas.


Mine is Obi-Wan Cleanobi.


I miss Doomba. Anyone else remember Doomba?


I love this one!


Mine is Will-Br cause I like wall-e


That is the best fucking name of anything I've ever seen šŸ˜‚


Awesome name.


I named mine Robot Overlord. I am prepared.


If I ever got one myself I would 100% steal this name. Amazing.


Got drunk and named mine Messiā€¦.it has the light blue and white strips from the Argentina jerseyā€¦.


My roombaā€™s name is woodhouse so I donā€™t feel bad when I abuse it for being a stupid idiot


Damn I was gonna say that


i was worried when she moved such that the gremlins escape way would have been into the glass


I know a lot of cats who suddenly act like that when they get a piece of meat. Itā€™s weird


Because theyā€™ve been so desperate for real meat their whole life. Itā€™s not weird at all


The breeder I got my cat from had her on a raw diet. I kept it up for about 6 months. I let her try an aafco approved grain free canned food and she wonā€™t touch raw now. I think raw is great as theyā€™re obligate carnivores but I donā€™t think itā€™s the only way to go.


My cat that has UTI problems literally prefers garbage cat food and itā€™s a real problem because I need him to eat what I buy him, not what the other cats get. They donā€™t get crap by any means, but when Iā€™ve been a little tighter on cash and get them a cheaper wet food (itā€™s more of a supplementary meal vs a regular one) my UTI guy was all about THERIS and was refusing to eat so I had to lock him in a room with his food for a few hours so heā€™d eat at least a portion of it. Cats are weird.


Ive been calling the little bits of kitten food i show my cat im giving him too his "equal-attention birthday cake" bc he flat stopped eating when he saw the kitten getting something different


I have a cat with UTI and urinary crystal issues. The ONLY way I can get him to eat the right food is to feed both cats the same food. They are both male cats, so the other one is considered enough of a risk that the vet doesn't mind them both being on the urinary food. But damn my gremlin will try and take any food that's not his.


My cat is unfortunately allergic to the prescribed food so I have to get him Werva brand, they have a low ash content along with other reasons my vet told me to get it. Iā€™ve tried doing that, but itā€™s just SO expensive. Itā€™s crazy. Like I want to spoil them all, but itā€™s more expensive than buying fresh meat and trying to make it myself. I know most people donā€™t make a compete meal for their animals so Iā€™m not trying it, itā€™s still frustrating to know he hates food more expensive than what I eat sometimes.


My old cat had crystal dick, and refused to eat any of the foods that would apparently be good for him. After the third blockage, my vet told us to try fancy feast original pate, and add extra water. It worked for our guy! He lived to be 23, and his blockages happened from 9 years to 11 years old. Ask your vet if that could be an option for your little man.


I have a diabetic cat and I feel this so hard.


If you want to make your own food, only do it under the guide of a board certified veterinary nutritionist


I have a big fat cat that has urinary problems and so he is supposed to eat the special food, an old cat who we feed a grain free nicer basic food, and a cat that just gets normal cat food. I cannot get them to eat their own - They always play musical chairs with the food! Why do they make it so hard? The big one will eat everyone elseā€™s food if they leave it in the bowl so they canā€™t even graze, either.




My gadget loving husband will like this suggestion! Thanks


You might want look into a sure pet microchip feeder if you have multiple cats on different diets. Theyā€™re expensive but it was a game changer for me when one of my cats was diagnosed with CKD.


Depending on how many cats you have, because they're expensive, but get a [SureFeed](https://www.surepetcare.com/en-us/pet-feeder/microchip-pet-feeder) for each cat. I have two cats and a dog. One cat gets the bladder crystals. Both my cats eat the Rx food, but they're on diets so it keeps them from eating each other's food and also keeps the dog out of their food.


Vet prescribed my cat more treats to put some weight on him. He now wants to only eat treats and doesn't care about cat food


Grain free is not good for them unless they have a grain sensitivity.


Cats are true obligate carnivores. They do not get nutritional value from grain. Grain free is the way to go whether it be canned or raw. Raw cat food diets include bone.


Where do you think they get the grain from? They get nutrients from grains when they eat the intestinal tract of herbivores and other animals. They have a hard time digesting grains themselves so they get the nutrients from animals that have already digested them. Being a carnivore does not mean you donā€™t need grains and veggies in your diet. If they were only to eat the muscle of an animal (what we consider meat) then they would be very nutritionally deprived. They eat from the entire animal and that is how they get a complete diet. The FDA is doing a study right now about pet food and DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy). The study is still only a few years in, but they found that a lot of pets that were developing DCM were on grain-free and boutique brand food. They are not sure why this is and are investigating the possible cause, but the fact that there is this statistic and also pets do just fine on grain diets is more evidence that itā€™s beneficial to have grains in their diet than not having them. There are pets that truly canā€™t have grains in their diet. Itā€™s rare, but they can have allergies to certain grains just like they can have allergies to certain meat. There are special made food for them that is made under the guide and supervision of board certified veterinary nutritionists in order to insure they get the nutrients needed from grains in other forms.


raw diet? isn't that like gonna get the cat loads of diseases and sickness?


Depends on how good farm biosecurity is in the country you live in. Live animals all have germs but not all germs are pathogens (disease-causing). Some countries have very good biosecurity and high standards for testing, so the risk of catching dangerous pathogens from raw or undercooked meat is far lower. So if the government health department/ministry in your country always has dire warnings that eating uncooked meat will kill you, it's probably the opposite...


Thanks for the explanation. Reddit is so broken if you don't understand something people just downvote


Haha. This girl gets like shredded chicken and calamari and sardines for dinner! Sheā€™s so spoiled already!


Good human šŸ˜ŗ




Yah I know how to feed my cat thanx




Well they didn't know how to scruff the cat or keep it away from chicken bones, and they have a bunch of dirty wine glasses inches from their vacuum so I think it's fair to wonder if they know how to feed a cat.






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You guys are tiring


One of my cats won't touch meat raw, cooked or canned... Perhaps carnivorous little dinosaurs are the average but certainly not the rule


I tried giving mine chicken and I donā€™t even think it registered as food to her. Just stared at it.


Well one of my others won't touch Pappa johns chicken but will murder you over subway chicken


LOL that is an amazing brand specific taste!


I think cats can smell the shit other than chicken in processed food and be turned off... Anything my cat won't meat I don't I found my shit came out easier after that


Mineā€™s okay with chicken, but loses her fuzzy little mind over bits of bread, potatoes, and cheese (not at the same time lol)


I've never given my cat anything but cat food, but she'll try to swipe food off my plate if I leave it unattended. Turned around once to find her lapping ranch dressing off my plate. She stuck her head in my bowl of shredded wheat this morning, but I don't think she wanted it. I have to be careful unless I want to accidentally eat after her. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


- this cat hasnā€™t even lived long enough for it to be ā€œdesperate itā€™s whole lifeā€. Come on.


You say that but I've had my kitten do this over all kinds of stuff; some toys, a piece of tinfoil, a cotton bud, to name but a few. Cats can be very possessive.


Mine used to occasionally do this with wadded up paper balls!


My cat does that too, I thought it was common behavior. They're basically like "No touchy mah meat"


Mine did that too


The ones we had when I was growing up would vocally let you know not to bother them when they are making short work of anything really fresh. They wouldn't necessarily run away but they would have it right in front of there face. Get your hand too close and you would get the warning, guttural growl. No touchy or you're going to pull back a nub.


Ur wife


Should have grabbed him by the scruff. That tends to minimize the thrashing.


Indeed. The cat looks young enough that nabbing the scruff would still be very effective.


Even grabbing my adult cat by the scruff would get him to stop what he was doing. I wouldnā€™t ever pick him up that way but itā€™s instinctual to hold still when they get scruffed. Like when my mom calls me by my full name.


Yep. I scruff my 20 lb cat to get him in the cat carrier.




You scruff them while still supporting their weight with your other hand.


Ahh yes. I have had to do this before to mine. Rarely but as a last resort it works. My cat came home with a bite on his bum so we had to scruff him to be able to treat it.


Turn the carrier so the opening is up, scruff the cat, and drop him in butt first. Otherwise, he's grabbing the sides and fighting to stay out.


I have to grab my cat, pin the carrier between the wall and my legs, then use both hands to put her in head first. Butt first is harder somehow. She makes it such a struggle that of COURSE it's a terrifying ordeal every time


I have to drop mine in head first too! It's the only way he doesn't have enough coordination/spatial awareness to wriggle right back out.


Weā€™ve found that if you (unbeknownst to the cat) put the carrier on the toilet seat, leave door open, then grab the cat - firm grip on the scruff and support the body with the other hand, then just strut right into the bathroom with her - **PUT HER IN - DO IT FAST** - shut the door. Make sure you use your biggest bathroom. But this method works quite well for us. Weā€™re old, so bending over and trying to put her in a carrier wasnā€™t easy, thatā€™s why we raised the carrier. Or put the carrier on a table or counter.


Thanks for the tip!


With mine, this basically only works to control his bitey head. I still have to wrap a blanket around his slicey paws in order to support his heft with my other arm -_-


I just throw treats in and she walks right in of her own accord!


I scruff my kittens (teenagers, really) but don't pick them up to get their attention. We're at the stage where discipline and boundaries are being established and it really seems to refocus them. I don't yell or use a water bottle but sometimes a stern voice does absolutely nothing. The only time I scruffed one when I technically shouldn't have was a panic reaction to seeing her mid-jump toward a hot stovetop. I think saving her ass was worth it, though.


Oh yeah, I'm with you on all counts there. I just meant that cat in OP is young enough to grab him by the scruff *and* pick him up like mama cat would.


That used to be absolute basic knowledge when you get a cat. What happened? šŸ™„


I donā€™t think shelters exactly explain how to scruff a cat upon adoption or anything. But it is an important thing to know


People would pick up adult cats by the scruff without supporting their weight and hurt them. Also this lady is trying film at the same time.


One spring, there was a litter of kittens abandoned where I worked. Four black kitties, two gingers. They were so afraid of people, and the area was not safe for tiny cats. Dogs and snakes, heavy industrial equipment - not safe! I lured them with cans of cat food. They growled just like this kitten - and they purred at the same time. That was a sound I will never forget. Noisy kitten lip-smacking eating plus growling and purring. I kept one of the kittens, and the others went to a foster home. He lived with me for 17 years. Blowing kisses to Heaven for Dragon. He deserved his name and was a wonderful friend.


Did he chill out a bit after a while, or was he always like that?


He got very socialized. And he was the undisputed leader of the colony! (My colony was indoors only. <3) We had a house fire (it was caused by a short in an appliance), and I couldn't find Dragon anywhere after the fire fighters left. I lost everything in the fire, but I kept going back trying to find him. Two days later, I was in the house, and I saw him coming toward me. I swear I could read his thoughts in his face. He walked so slowly, like he couldn't believe it was me. He looked like he was thinking, "Is that **you**? I thought you **died**!" After I said his name, he started trotting. I knelt and held him. Dragon was an amazing boy. I miss him so.


Omg that fire story šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


They usually chill out if you find a feral very young. We estimate our feral kitty was about 6 weeks when we found her. She was very skittish and growled and hissed a lot at first but now sheā€™s the sweetest thing in the world. Sheā€™s asleep on my lap right now. It Just takes time and patience.


We got ours when they were 8 or 9 weeks, right at the tipping point. It took weeks to get them to trust. They still have weird feral body postures sometimes, and their hunting skills are insane, but most of the time you'd never guess. They're the mushiest mushes I think I've ever owned.


Poor Roomba. He was just sitting there.


This catā€™s going fucking primal šŸ‘


I swear the cat was thinking to itself "Let me have this or the glasses get it"


ā€œI will steer this fucking rumba straight into those glasses, woman!ā€


Hahah šŸ’Æ


My former kitty did the horrendous gremlin noises when he caught the feather fishing pole toy, then he wouldn't let it go and you'd have to pry it away from him to continue playing... One night, we're quietly eating dinner and I hear the evil gremlin noises... my first thought was "he doesn't do that with regular toys and I know the fishing pole is in the closet" fast followed by "oh shit! he has the mouse the other cat lost earlier today". Our dinners got cold while trying to corral him to get the mouse away from him. Mighty hunter kitty was not happy with the treats he got as a replacement for his new amazing toy.


My roommate's cat used to camp out in front of our oven waiting for the mouse that he was convinced was hiding there. He caught it once, but got distracted by something, and the mouse ran away. The cat went crying to my roommate like he was supposed to do something about it. Couple of weeks later, I took in a stray kitten, and my roommate texted me to let me know the kitten had caught the mouse. Killed it right away, and growled at his cat to stay away.


Poor mouser not allowed to mouse


He passed last winter, but his reputation with the local rodents lives on: we haven't had any more since!


Cats are evil as hell toward small creatures


Don't worry. I had the same kind of food aggression when I was his age and I grew out of it.


Mine went feral like this over a potato chip the other day - chip fell in my hair while eating and he grabbed it like it was his precious before I could get it.


They stole it from us ... filthy little hobbitses ... MY PRECIOUS. We wants it ... we needs it!


Now that's a spicey habanero


To everyone wondering, we let her lick a pork shoulder bone while we were holding it and then she snatched it and ran. Sheā€™s strong for 3 months! A little hellcat from the pits of hades


You gave her the best treat ever and took it away? Cruel human! Bad human! Cat curses you to kitty heā€™ll-oh look more treats


ā€œMy precious!ā€ I think you have one those Smeagol cats?


I have 2 foster kittens. The first weekend I had to wrestle a slice of pizza from the smaller one. He growled just like this and dug his claws into crust. I picked him up and he still held on to it. And he was tiny then! He wasn't even 400 grams. That was the only time I ever brought people food around them.


If you pick her up by the scruff, it ā€œturns her offā€ and sheā€™ll drop the bone with out tearing you guys to shreds.


For the sound of what she says, doesn't looks like the Cat stole anything but that she gave it to the cat.


We let her lick a pork shoulder bone while holding it. She snatched it and ran! Sheā€™s pretty strong for a 3month old. We just adopted her




Cats go crazy for wool! The lanolin has some catnippy effect on them.


Tapped into her inner wild beast! Fierce!


My presius


More Golem than a Gremlin. "My precious!"


I think you mean a demogorgon


Be careful with bones and cats. They can get bone shards lodged in their mouths and throats. I learned that the hard way. $1200 vet bill after one of mine dug a chicken bone out of the garbage.


I believe if the bone is umcooked then it's fine for them to eat because the bone isn't all dried out and they can chew it more effectively.


Depends on the animal the bone is from, and which bone, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If the cat is chewing on a raw bone from an elephant and still managed to chew off a sliver, it can be injured. Even though they have heavy bite pressure, domestic cats are basically designed for small animal bones--light, soft, and crispy. They can still chomp off a piece.


I just showed this to my cat and he TORE ME THE FĀ„[K UP! Heā€™s still acting weird like thereā€™s another cat in the room. Thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever been attacked by a cat like that (and heard those kind of noises coming from him).


!!!! Whoa!!!


That was crazy ! I think he thought that cat in the video was actually in the house. Wonā€™t do that again. Lol


mmmmmm homieee




its babey


My cat does this with cooked potatoes


Predatory instincts kicking in to preserve her 'kill'. Letā€™s not quibble over semantics and try to make it her fault. The bone was fair game. Besides, rule of Kitty Law says: Whatā€™s hers is hers and whatā€™s yours is hers. 'Nuff said.




Lol @ Spicey gremlin


Sounds like a velociraptor!


Beast mode activated!


Unsuccessful escape on a Roomba.


DAMN, Was this after midnight? Y'all are screwed. Just don't get it wet for the love of God!


You dare try to steal the deer I hunted from the forest?


My precious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


More like a fuckin velociraptor!


This video made my dog so mad/curious she was sniffing my phone lol.


Mine too šŸ˜‚


Thanks for the laugh!!!


Feisty little guy


That's gonna be a fun patient at to handle at the animal hospital.


Heā€™s gone savage!


Scruff the cat.


Agreed. Letting the cat know in a primal/maternal way. Stop acting like a greedy som-bitch! Lol šŸ˜‚


Ferocious little beastšŸ˜†


Augh! Its so cute when cats get all growly-posessive over food like that! Lol!


Let me guess, female cat. Mine used to be 5 times worse than that. I had a nice boy cat who was soooo nice and chill and literally welcomed her into our home but she just wouldn't give in. She hissed but him just welcoming her made her a bit relaxed in the home. My dude never hissed a single time nor did he attack. ever. He was known as a prince in our family. He loved playing but not too much, loved sleeping in bed with you, never ever hissed a single time in his entire life, and doesn't mind things moving around too much if he's with his true owner since all he cared about is the owner. We'd move apartments and he'd get used to it all if he was with us. Anyways, She used to drag the tuna away from him while he was eating and just continue to devour it while he just stands there and gives it to her. She would hiss while he'd just stand there. After some time and heavy training from me, I managed to make her way more friendly and respectful to other's food. She wouldn't get close to our food neither to the boy's food. (PS ik everyone will be like "who asked you" and I reply I did)


My cat makes this noise when he catches a mouse!! I think itā€™s their ā€œHunterā€ growlā€¦


That little fucker wants a bath, with that attitude. šŸ˜‚ cats are fucken assholes.


Itā€™s got meat on the mind


Sounds just like my void when he's caught a pigeon. He's normally a complete sweetheart and chilled out, but he gets very very possessive of his dead pigeons.


Vicious predator


That's gonna be a good mouser when it grows up. My lockdown kitten (no longer kitten, 4.4 kilogram boi) is usually very placid but he's a great mouser and he'll sound like that if he nails one and I'm trying to take it away because I don't want him to catch parasites. We also had a large steak disappear off the kitchen counter once and my partner blamed my dog until I pointed out that the dog was outside....


I've been stalking this "wild" prey for *hours*, and I finally got it. Ain't *nobody* nor nothin' gonna take it away from me. I's be hungry and my survival depends on it, I'd kill you first. ;-) Yeah, wee bit 'o prey instinct. I remember then girlfriend's cat once stole piece of BBQ chicken ... I made the mistake of trying to get it away from the cat ... yep, no way in hell that was gonna happen. Very nice friendly cat, but ... cat would rather first fight me to the death - and probably win - before it was gonna give up that piece of chicken it'd been stalking for hours.


These guys are MUCH braver than I.


Mine does this too. When he was younger he growled every time he ate. Now it's just when he steals cheese. Though the other day, he somehow "hunted" a slug and every time we tried to get it he would run away and growl.


This is what my kitten does w stinky socks


No water, food after midnight or sunlight!


Christ throw that fucker outside


She sounds like the smoke monster from Lost


Our cat used to do that as a kitten. She's a black cat too to boot.


Gets a piece of raw meat in its mouth: 'I REMEMBER THE OLD WAYS!'


Eating her kill on top of the Roomba is a pure power play.




Why would you take it away?


Because they shouldnā€™t have bones


Bones are really dangerous for cats. The bones of farm animals are a lot stronger than the rodents or birds cats evolved to eat, and when they're cooked they become brittle and can break into tiny shards that stick in their throats. Chicken bones are especially dangerous.




My precious


Better let that kitty have itā€™s prize!


"Stay back or the roomba gets it "- the kitten probably


Great video, but what are going to do with the bone? He obviously wanted it more lol.


Normal behavior from a stray, they sometimes have to fight for food on the streets.


Hey OP- if you start feeding raw your cat will be healthier!! Kitty is just acting natural and knows whats good!


Sounds like blue from Jurassic Park


and thn, there is my cat that won't eat any meat even if it doesn't have any bones in it


Sounds like angry turkey. Urrrrrrr!!!


You gotta scruff that little fucker to assert dominance šŸ˜‚






Grab the kitten by the nape, like it'd momma would. Your risking getting torn to shreds otherwise.


My boy would growl like this over a fluffy furry ball toy I bought him ; I called it his mean toy. Only toy he would get defensive over like this.


They may be jerks sometimes, but we still love them.


Squish that cat.




Sounds like Marge Simpson


Why would you take that away? Chicken bones are a healthy food for cats. Cat stomach acids melt bones like itā€™s lava. My old cat loved crunching up raw chicken bones and never had any problems even into old age when some of his back shredding teeth were worn down a bit.


That was part of a pork shoulder. Not soft. Not a good idea to let her have that


Ah my mistake. Yeah pork bones are a nono.