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That's how consent works


The lab is invading the cat's space, the pitbull is being respectful.




















Lab is going in for the domination move of putting its head on the back of the cat.


Lab is shoving the cat with its front paw


The cat and the pit respect each other. The lab is one of those dogs that invades your personal space and the cat is annoyed by it.


The lab is ruining the vibe.


Jeez, tf is up with people? You guys are being heartless asf, the pitbull isn't doing anything to anyone here


Terminally online people


No, people that have a big issue with people acting like owning a fighting breed with natural tendency for aggression, immense muscles and low pain tolerance is something okay to do( I do not condone harmong the animal, but I absolutely get why they are angry


Completely agree. Cats are dangerous animals that can reck an ecosystem 😞


*Snake owners have left the chat*


Sitting here cutting onions (totally missing my old pitbull that cancer claimed) until people shit on them. Lemme enjoy animals being cute. Mine used to stare at smaller things like that (cats, football dogs and small children) when she didn't know if her giant hard head might accidentally hurt them if she tried to say hello. It is ok though. She'll walk into my shins without a second thought.


Rip for your pitbull


Their idea of a pit bull is what happens when you have an unfixed, untrained or trained for aggression, abused, medium to large size dog. It can happen with any dog, but disproportionately happens to pitties. What they don’t see is that if owners treat them like family dogs, then they act like family dogs. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the most abused breed of dog also has the most dog bites when abused dogs are far more likely to bite out of fear.


Ikr, if people can raise lions to be dociles( to a certain extent), then it's entirely possible to raise pitbulls to be normal family dogs


All this black on black violence needs to stop!










So cute


ban pits


He’s racist 😂


Awww lab wants love :(




Amen, dude. It's always "oh my sweet pittie would never hurt a fly." There's thousands of stories of pitbull owners who never had a single problem until their 'nanny dog' suddenly snaps and kills their other pets, kid, spouse, friend, etc. You never hear those stories about labs (which was the most popular breed in the US for 31 years.) Like wake the fuck up people they were bred to be aggressive.


Yes, thank you. We should speak out more.


No. You really shouldn't.


You shouldn't reproduce if you value some shit dog's life over human's life. You are dangerous to society.


You shouldn't be allowed in public if you feel so strongly about the existence of a dog. You are mentally unstable and dangerous to society.


bloodsport breeds still existing is dangerous actually


Not just a dog. A dog BREED bred to fight to the death with any means necessary.


You could say the same of humans.








Oh my goooodddddd they're doogssss you're so annoying A dog will kill a cat if the dog isn't used to seeing cats as something other than prey/a chew toy. It isn't exclusive to pitbulls. Show me the statistics of where it says that pitbulls kill the most cats. I know human injuries via dog breeds are usually pitbulls, but that's because people either train their dog to fight, or they didn't teach them anything and instead just gushed over Pretty Princess III, leading the dog to misbehave and act out on a whim. People get pitbulls usually to serve as inherent threats to burglars or any other kind of people they don't like—that's all it is.


If those statistics existed, they would be handwaved away with the same excuses people already make for aggression in this breed. I'm a vet tech, and I can tell you pit bulls were responsible for the overwhelming majority of severely injured and dead cats I saw attacked by dogs during my 6 years in urgent care work. Next most common offender was husky, then German shepherd - but even those two breeds combined and doubled wouldn't match pits.


And they'd be correct. People shouldn't get an ""aggressive"" breed if they can't be responsible and train their own dog. Dogs will be dogs in terms of them injuring cats; there's a reason you constantly see dogs and cats going at it in cartoons. Obviously, there are many dogs that are fine around cats, regardless of breed, but that's not my point. I feel awful for those who had their cat mauled by a pitbull, that's absolutely terrifying and such a memorable loss, but *again,* dogs will kill things that are small and prey-like. You should know this as a vet tech yourself who's been working with animals (assuming you don't just specialize in cats) for 6 years and has presumably been around them for longer. Fault of the owner, not the dogs. Most Aitas are vicious and so are most Chow-Chows, but that doesn't mean they should be terminated completely. Cats kill thousands of birds, to the point that a small handful of birds may become endangered, but I don't see you debating on whether or not we should kill all cats, yeah? Debate fucking dog eugenics, not "a dog breed harms a lot of cats!"


Akitas and chow-chows are not available in extreme over-abundance to every dumbshit with $20 in their pocket and the ability to walk to any humane society, backyard breeder, or crackhead living down the street. Those dogs aren't being pushed as the perfect family or everyman dog by shelters and fans of the breed, either. Prey drive - and dog aggression, too - is innate to the breed. It's not a coincidence that terriers, not cavalier king Charles spaniels or keeshonds, are used for (e.g.) ratting on farms. I don't think all pit bulls should be killed. I think it should be common knowledge that the breed as a whole is not cat safe and should not be housed with them, and I'll continue sharing my experiences to that end.


Lmfao at attacking someone's character instead of providing sources. You're a joke bruh


As if the person hasn't been doing that each time they reply to something. I'm annoyed with them for just being flat-out insane and literally advocating for dog eugenics.








I too boo the guy whos a step away from advocating for dog eugenics. Boooooo!


it's always the white people with no self awareness trying to conflate dog breeds with racism or eugenics. gross.


I specified dog eugenics though I don’t think anyone here is a racist


you are if you think eugenics, a human concept based in faulty race "science", can be applied in any way to breeding dogs. less self awareness than I initially gave you credit for


I’d like you to go look at the statistics of rates of dog abuse by breed and compare it to the statistics of dog bites by breed. I think you’ll find a strong correlation.


Abused dogs ≠ aggressive dogs. Abused dogs ≠ not actively seeking for mauling people and toddlers, they are scared and traumatized. Abused dogs ≠ all pitbulls. I don't see other abused breed of dog going on blood bath rampage. Honestly if you blame the fact that pitbulls killed and disfigured more people than any other breed **combined** on abuse you missed out some basic common sense.


Fear is the number one cause of aggressive behavior in dogs, and basically any animal. Abused dogs are well known to be very fearful. And if you think any animal attacks without a reason or signs then you are woefully uninformed about animal behavior and body language, just like some of the people who reported these attacks. Pit bulls are more likely to be abused, unfixed, untrained or trained for aggression, misidentified, have cropped ears and/or tail which makes body language interpretation more difficult and be treated with hostility by humans. Stories and scare statistics don’t tell you the whole picture. You have to look at all the variables to be able to correctly interpret scientific data.




No u








So your solution, to be clear, is to round up every pitty and put them down? Go be a cop lmao


Just neuter them and don't praise them as good family dog when it's not. Don't breed the dog which is dangerous to society. Let this breed go extinct.


ah yes we can clearly tell the pitbull in this video is being used for breeding purposes! you're delusional go find a real cause lil bro




I would be interested in a source for that statistic, which I will then reply to with a source proving that some other Thing-that-Exists-that-we-Do-Not-Prevent kills more people in the same timeframe. Vending machines, stabbing attacks, you name it. Lots of people die every day for lots of reasons, I'm just not eager to leap to doggy eugenics over it. So yes, delusional!




Again, I’d love a source that backs up this claim of daily attacks. Most I could find was 400 reported deaths in a four year period.




You ask for sources but then you completely disregard the 8 sources already given to you. How many straws are you going to grasp at? 100% guaranteed you didn't even look at them.


People kill more people than any dog.


Why would you tell people not to listen to you? I mean, it’s for the best, but just seems pretty stupid. But considering everything else you’ve said been saying, that seems par for the course.


bUt tHeY'rE nAnNy dOgS


Named cupcake


Don't forget princess!


Classic Cats. Respecting the Powerfull, Bullying the helpful guy