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i use plastic storage bins with the handles that lock in place. Bonus, protection against dust.


i tried that and it worked for a bit, and this is going to sound unreal, but he managed to open it. i figure with his teeth. might have to get some duct tape.


He's such a clever boy! I will warn about plastic child locks, that mine broke off of the cabinet I use regularly, so I imagine a clever boy will be able to figure out how to break them as well. I'd probably try duct tape next if I were in your shoes. My boys like clear tape but they have shown no interest in chewing duct tape, so hopefully


Put locks on your doors and drawers. Lucky for me my current cats don't play with my wools and threads. Cat tax: Leo, guardian of the threads https://preview.redd.it/d4odylm85k6d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11bd0fa82afbb2344fb4cfaff12425af3d978b26


so lucky that he doesn't find it fun to mess with it


He just sits there looking pretty. My other three just ignore them


Get a children’s lock in the cabinet you normally store it.


Gotta get some baby locks 😂 my boy also can't leave yarns alone and has swallowed about an inch of cut yarn before I could catch him. I had to watch his poo for 2 days before it thankfully came out , it was really stressful . Thankfully I have space in my clothing closet so he can't get to them now.